Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi owns I just write.


Archery Story

Chapter 1

The PE Credit



"In order to make up for your severe number of absences in PE you will need to participate in an extra curricular sport in order to make up the credit."

Kagome sat back in the chair and looked at the ceiling, frustrated at fate for making her do this. She rubbed her temples and tried to figure out how she was suppose to fit this new event into her already busy schedule. Not to mention she would probably be heading back to Sengoku Jidai this afternoon, so she may not even be able to try out.

"But I can't play sports!"

"I bet there is a sport out there for you. Many students are surprised at the variety that our school has. Lets go through the list shall we?"

If it weren't for the credit she would have brushed this up in a heartbeat. Unfortunately a PE credit is one of the easiest to get and it would really help her GPA which was not high at the moment.


"If I knew what that was."


"Ha! Yeah right."




"In your dreams."


"THAT would be entertaining."


"Think not."


"I do enough running for my life already, so no thanks."


"I would probably jab myself in my foot."


Kagome's eyebrow went up, "Did you just say 'archery'?"

"Yes, we have an excellent archery team. We have some extremely talented students, that will be a tough team to get on."

"I will go for that."

"I don't know, you may not make it."

"If there is one thing I know it's how to use a bow and arrow."

"In that case tryouts are in the field behind the building after school."

"Arigato." She stood, bowing respectfully before exiting the Athletic Office, "Aw man! That is when I am suppose to meet dog-boy."


At the bell the miko reluctantly gathered her things and headed to the field. Upon arriving she found a mass of people milling about. She saw a rope on the ground marking what seemed to be a starting line and targets lined up at different distances, many full of arrows.

Kagome looked over and saw a table where many were lined up. She got in the back of the line and waited to get registered. As she approached she saw a girl filling out the forms. Finally it was her turn and with out looking up the girl said, "Name."

"Kagome Higurashi."

The girl looked up, "Kagome, you are an archer?"


"Your not sick?"

"Uh, no. So what are you doing?"

"They said I needed to help out with a team, so I chose Archery. What brings you here?"

"Make-up PE credit."

"Well I can fill out your info, did you bring your bow?"


"Oh, so you're a newbie. That's ok, the school has a few extra bows around."

"Where do I get one?"

Yuka pointed with her pencil, "Down at that table is the archery coach, he can tune up a bow for you."

"Ok, arigato."

Kagome walked up to the table and looked at the man, he had a stocky build, with a body like a blacksmith, with broad shoulders and strong muscles. He smiled at her approach, his voice was deep and melodious as he asked, "You need a bow little lady?"

"Yes sir, what do I need to do?"

He pulled out a black bow and handed it to her, "First we need to go over some basics."

She lifted the bow and turned it in her hand, studying the different levers and pullies, running a finger over the drawstring.

"To start off, how much do you know?"

"I am very good with normal, plain bows, but this is very different from what I am used to."

"Ah, so you are used to the old fashioned one string."

"Yes sir."

"You don't need to call me 'sir', I am Mr. Matsu Shingikami, but you can just call me Matsu."

"Hai Matsu-sama."

"Any ways, the compound bow does share some similarities, but as you can see there are also several differences. To start it has mulitiple strings and pullies to adjust how much weight you are pulling. The more weight you pull the farther the arrow goes… with more force I might add."

"So which string do I pull?"

"You pull the string with the eye piece there." He points to the small black rubber piece on the string. "And you see that little knob about half way up? That is where you knock the arrow."

"Hai, then what?"

"Then it is like your normal bow, except you look through the eye piece and line it up with these pins on the front."

"What do the pins do?"

"You adjust them so they show you where to shoot at different distances."

"Ok, so do I pull back now?"

"Yeah, go ahead and draw, and we can adjust the pull weight."

The miko fingered the knob and easily drew back to full length, surprised as it laxed slightly as she held the string by her cheek.

"Wow, that looks like a pretty good draw length for you. That means your arrows should be about 38 inches long. But the weight of 35 pounds seems way too easy for you, let me fix that."

She handed him the bow and he pulled out a small tool from a box nearby, skillfully screwing and tightening the bolts on the pullies at the either end. He handed it back to her and she drew it, just as easily as she did before, "Wow, 45 pounds! Well lets move it up another ten and see how it goes."

So she handed it back to him and he tightened it again, upon receiving it she drew to full length and watched his eyes go wide, "Geeze, your stronger than you look!"

He took it back once more and set the weight at 65 pounds, "Even if this is too easy for you it will easily be able to go through most of the targets, so you might as well keep it here."

She drew it back and was surprised to find that it was still very easy, 'I guess all those times in Sengoku Jidai I was using adult bows. I guess I had to get used to pulling so much weight.'

She thanked him, giving a slight bow, "By the way, I'm Kagome."

"Nice to meet you Kagome. Now if you want to set up those pins you will take that bow and grab a quiver of arrows over in that rack behind you. Take them to the line and try out your new, well semi-new, bow."

She nodded and looked around, a boy came up to the table and placed his bow before the coach, "Hey Matsu, I need a tune up."

"Ok Kenzo, this will just take a sec. Hey Kenzo?"


"Can do me a favor?"

"Depends, I am not one for favors."

"Well see that girl behind you? That is Kagome, she had never used a compound bow, I was wondering if you could show her the ropes. You know, give her a hand."

"And what do I get in return?"

"What do you want in return?"

"We will talk later."

Kenzo turned and looked her up and down, openly checking her out. Kagome reeled, "What do you think you are doing?"

"If she weren't as pretty you wouldn't have your favor Matsu."

"Why you-"

"You, come on."

"Hey Kenzo I would watch out ifI were you... That girl has got a 65 pound draw on her bow, and she isn't having any trouble with it."

"Your kidding right?"

"Wish I was."

"Here let me see that."

He grabbed the bow out of her hands and tried to draw it, not even budging the string, "Damn! What kind of girl are you?"

"The kind you don't want to get mad."

"Uh huh I'm sure. Come on twiggy, I'll show you around."


She looked back regretfully at Matsu and he gave her a sympathetic look before helping the next student. She went off to follow the hot headed boy, and figure out how to use this new version of bow.


R&R! I am an archer myself, not tournaments, but I know more than some… I am gonna have fun with this…