Bookworm-Yeah, another chapter.

Leria-And we're almost done too.

Bookworm-Hey, don't tell them that, they might mutiny.

Leria-If they haven't yet with our atrocious updates...

Bookworm-Most of those are your fault.

Leria-Be that as it may ignores petulant glare, please enjoy everyone. Heh.

Bookworm-Let the story continue. Dun dun duuunn!

Jack had decided that the last place MacGyver should see was O'Malley's. Seeing as they had eight hours, and the airport was less than one away, he felt that they were completely justified in indulging and going out.

They'd piled into two cars this time, Mac had muttered something under his breath before throwing his arm casually around Daniel's shoulder and steering him toward the elevator. Sam, ever the team player, had opted to ride with them, leaving Teal'c with Jack.

Jack took the lead and the wagon trail of cars took the long way around. Jack had been to O'Malley's enough to know the sweet spot. When they arrived it was right after the lunch rush but well before the dinner rush. Finding a spot for the five of them to sit comfortably, they perused the menus in silence, not starting any conversations until after the waitress had taken their orders.

She looked at Jack and MacGyver, a hopeful smile crossed her face.

"Lemme guess, Twins?"

"No." Jack's answer was gruff and short, less of a word more of a grunt.


"Nada." The waitresses smile faded and she quickly changed the subject.

"No steaks this time?" Jack, Sam, and Daniel looked to each other before Daniel cleared his throat and answered for them all.

"No, we were sick last time. Starve a cold, feed a fever you know." He smiled up at her and she shrugged and walked away, her expression making it clear she thought they were all nuts.


"Couldn't tell her the truth and I don't want her thinking we eat that way on a regular basis."

"Is this about those armbands the Tokra had you try?"

"And you know this how?" The warning was clear in Jack's voice but MacGyver grinned. Teal'c was suddenly glad he had chosen to sit between them.

"Come on Colonel, I spent over a week on your base just researching what exactly goes on there. I spent a considerable amount of that time reading through your files. They are riveting."

"Jack." Daniel interrupted and, for good measure, gave him a swift kick under the table.


"Jack." Raising his eyebrows Daniel adopted his it-wasn't-me face and stared back without flinching. Sighing, Jack gave it up and focused his attention on MacGyver once more. He was, after all, on a mission.

"I believe that we should go fishing some time, get to know one another better. What's your schedule like?"

"A lot less hectic than yours Jack, remember I'm only part time. However, things have a tendency of happening that prevent me from ever actually relaxing. Maybe I should call and see if my neighbors have noticed anything?" SG-1 shared a perplexed look as Mac seemed to seriously contemplate doing just that.

"What would you do if someone did notice something?"

"Well, while the Phoenix Foundation is no SGC, they do have considerable resources and I'm high enough up that plenty of people owe me." Temporarily distracted as their meals showed up, conversation stalled briefly.

"So, what type of beer would you like on our fishing trip?" Mac looked over at Jack, chewing thoughtfully on his salad, and tried to see exactly where Jack could be going with this line of questioning, decided he might not want to and answered truthfully.

"I generally don't drink alcohol, however, I have no preference to any types of bottled water"

"Don't drink." Jack repeated slowly, not sure he was hearing this right. Carter had that notebook out again and Daniel was suddenly finding his meal very fascinating. Jack was slowly and painfully digesting the last statement. He could forgive the no meat rule, he could contemplate the "make love not war" approach to fire arms...but good God in holy Irish heaven, no alcohol?!

"No, hey, when we're all finished eating what say we play a round or two of pool." Mac said, neatly changing the subject. Carter's eyes lit up and Jack agreed if only to have more time at figuring out a way to pry information from this guy who so far, had only his appearance and love of fishing in common with him.

MacGyver, it turned out, was a decent pool player. When they asked where he learned how to play he shrugged and mentioned how he'd taught himself, something about figuring out angles and trajectories and other things that only Carter understood fully.

He's like a Daniel and Carter thrown together, only he got my face. Jack thought in irritation as Mac successfully placed yet another ball in one of the pockets. Suddenly, Jack got an idea. Grinning broadly he cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention.

"I think we should spice things up, wouldn't ya say?"


"Daniel." Daniel's eyes narrowed, just what was Jack thinking.


"Let's say we have one more round, MacGyver against Carter. And to keep things interesting, let's make a bet."

"Such as?" Mac had a feeling he knew what Jack was going to bet. The real question was how to get out of it without making himself look too foolish.

"Such as, you and Carter play one more round, if she beats you, then you have to tell us your first name." Jack's smile was smug, Daniel raised his eyebrows and looked inquisitively at Mac.

"Is that information not classified?" Teal'c pondered aloud, remembering what Mac had said earlier in the briefing room.

"No, he just said that 'cause he doesn't want to tell us."


"Well, I wanna know."

"You left out a part of this bet."


"Yeah, what do I get if I win?"

"So you'll do it?"

"Let's see what you have to offer first."

"He's got a point Jack." Glaring at Daniel he tried to come up with something that Mac couldn't refuse. It would have to be something pretty big, since MacGyver was clearly adamant in his refusal to tell anyone what his name was. This of course, only led to making people like Jack very curious and determined to figure out not only what it was but why the guy clearly despised it so.

"We could offer him a week on one of the planets where we know he won't be bothered. Either by the Goa'uld or his boss." Daniel suddenly spoke up, his curiosity also peaked.

"We could." MacGyver looked amongst them, trying to find some reason why he should refuse such a generous offer. Smirking as an idea came to him, he leaned forward and spoke in a quiet tone.

"I noticed that none of you take much time off, so let's add one more condition. If I lose, I tell you my name as long as you swear never to tell anyone else."

"And if we do?"

"Jack, I have more than enough on all of you for some very productive blackmail. Plus I know exactly who to send what." Blanching slightly at the thought of what he might have, Jack nodded for him to continue. MacGyver was unused to going to these lengths with people who weren't trying to kill him or someone he cared about, but this was his first name! He had to protect it.

"If I win, you will drop the inquiry and I get to take Daniel with me on my vacation. Lord knows he could use one."

"Why Daniel?"

"Why not?"

"Let me confer. Stay there." SG-1 walked off a ways and Jack immediately focused on Carter.

"You can beat him, right Carter?"

"We're pretty evenly matched sir. It could go either way."

"Of course, even if he does win, it won't be that bad."

"You're just saying that because you think you can convince him to go to one of the planet's where there are ongoing rock studies."

"So?" Rolling his eyes he ignored the younger man.

"I think I can, sir, I've been watching him."

"Are we not supposed to arrive at the airport in less than three hours O'Neill?"

"We've got time for this. Okay, let's do it." MacGyver looked up as the approached and idly chalked up his stick and handed Carter hers.

"One round only Colonel." Jack nodded and the game began.

Carter started out in the lead, and held it. Rubbing his hands in anticipation he watched as Mac sighted his next shot. He was trailing by several points and Jack felt assured of victory.

Teal'c was watching MacGyver intently and noticed that the man was calm, not perturbed at all that he was losing. Carter looked far more nervous than he did. Catching DanielJackson's gaze he saw that the linguist had come to the same conclusion, MacGyver had something planned.

And indeed he did. Concentrating on the pool table and ignoring everything else MacGyver started pulling out some of the trick shots he knew. He'd known that there was a good chance he wouldn't win but he'd been working slowly at setting the balls up in certain patterns, trying to anticipate which one's the Major would go for and waiting for things to fall into place.

They just had.

SG-1 watched with mixtures of annoyance and admiration as Mac pocketed ball after ball. When he was done he replaced the stick and leaned casually against the table.

"I'll let you pick where we're going Daniel. We should get going, don't want to be late." Grabbing his jacket Mac left the restaurant, the still slightly shocked team followed shortly thereafter.

"He cheated."

"Sir, he didn't..."

"He cheated."

"No, no he didn't."

"He didn't? What do you know about pool?"

"Daniel's right sir. I saw what he was doing about halfway through, but I couldn't think of any way to stop him."

"I'll figure it out, this isn't the end."

"Just leave me out of it, will you Jack."


"Traitors, the both of you." O'Neill waved his arms in emphasis.

"Daniel, let's go, there's lots to talk about during the ride to the airport." Jack scowled as the science twins patted him consolingly on the back and hurried to where Mac was waiting by their car.

"This isn't over." He muttered again, consoling himself with that fact. Teal'c remained silent as he slid into the passenger seat and buckled in. As he noticed the stubborn set of O'Neill's jaw, he believed it was time to visit his family when they got back.

O'Neill would not be letting this go, not anytime soon.