When The Madness Stops

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-Yasha.

Chapter 01: Confusion

"Grr!" She yelled throwing her pillow at his picture on the wall.

"How can he do this to me!" She yelled tears coming from her eyes.


"I love you" Inu-Yasha said, holding her in his arms.

She was shocked, "What?"

"I said I love you," He repeated again.

She was in shock but hugged him back, "I love you too"

"SANGO! How dare you!" Kagome yelled, "That's my boyfriend!"

"What?" Sango looked at Inu-Yasha.

"Kagome, I told you that I broke it off" Inu-Yasha said, facing Kagome.

"Apparently not…" Kagome said, handing him a piece of paper, "According to this little document, you are still my husband!"

"What?" Inu-Yasha said, looking at the paper, "This can't be true"

"Apparently it is!" Kagome said, "Your name wasn't on the paper"

"Oh Crap" Inu-Yasha said.

"See…you are still with me, so tell Sango off" Kagome said, hugging on Inu-Yasha.

"Sango.." Inu-Yasha started, as tears came out of Sango's eyes, "I'm sorry…" He said, approaching her.

"Stay Away" Sango said, backing away and putting her hands up.

"Why?" Inu-Yasha tried to take her hand.

"No!" Sango said, looking him dead in the eyes, "The last time meant nothing to you, did it?" She questioned, "To me, that was everything…" She backed up some more, "But you were married, and you didn't tell me?" Sango said.

"Sango…" Inu-Yasha tried to say more but Sango finished.

"I was in a coma and you had to go and get married! You said you would always love me, but you married her!" Sango cried, "Then don't see me anymore" She said, running away.

"Sango…" Inu-Yasha said, just watching her.

"See…" Kagome said jumping into the Inu-Yasha arms, which weren't open, "You are mine…"

Inu-Yasha just looked until Sango was gone…

End FlashBack

Sango cried, "Just because we got in that car crash, and they got out okay, and I got hurt so bad…he said he would always love me, but he got married to…to…her!" Sango said, anger flaring.


"Hey Kagome!" Sango said, looking at her friend, "Come on! Inu-Yasha and I are going to the beach, are you coming!"

"Sure!" Kagome yelled back over to her, "I get to drive though!"

"Okay. We gotta hurry up!" Sango said, watching her pack.

"Hey Sango" Kagome asked, "Can you come here for a sec?"

"Yeah?" Sango said, turning around and walking towards Kagome.

"You love Inu-Yasha huh?" Kagome asked.

"Yeah, I would always love him, why?" Sango wondered out loud.

"Ohh…nothing" Kagome answered.

"Okay, well, lets go!" Sango said, jumping up and down, "We're gonna leave in like 5 minutes!"

"Okay, I'm coming. Where are the keys?" Kagome asked.

"Right here" Sango said, throwing the keys to Kagome.

"Okay, I'm coming" Kagome said, as she caught them.

They left the house and Sango locked the doors. Kagome and Sango got in the red convertible as they drove to get Inu-Yasha. They saw him and picked him up.

In The Car

Inu-Yasha and Sango are making out in the back seat, while Kagome is driving and her temper is flaring, because she liked Inu-Yasha, more than Sango, in her opinion.

Kagome saw a ditch in the road above and instead of going around the ditch, she put on her seat-belt, and saw that neither Inu-Yasha or Sango had their seat-belts on, so she hit the ditch and the car went down on Sango's side and she flew up and out of the car.

"AHH!" Sango screamed, being thrown from the car.

"Sango!" Inu-Yasha yelled as he watched her hit a tree and fall to the ground, "Kagome! Stop the car!"

"Why?" Kagome said, chuckling in her mind.

"Fine!" Inu-Yasha said, jumping out and running back to Sango.

Kagome turned around and came to Inu-Yasha and Sango.

"Sango! Sango! Sango!" Inu-Yasha (sorta) yelled to Sango, as he picked her up in his arms, while sitting on his knees.

"Inu-" Sango began, looking up, "Yasha?"

"Sango! It'll be okay…" Inu-Yasha said, with sad eyes.

"I love you Inu-Yasha" Sango mumbled, "I will always love you…"

"I love you too, Sango" Inu-Yasha said, "and I always will"

"Wait for me…" Sango said, falling unconscious.

"Sango!" Inu-Yasha yelled.

Kagome chuckled, 'No he won't…I'm going to marry him, Sango…" Kagome thought, looking as Inu-Yasha was yelling Sango's name, 'Sleep well…" "HAHAHAHA" Kagome laughed, going around the side of the car, where Inu-Yasha couldn't here her laughing.

End FlashBack

Sango felt like killing Kagome. Somehow, she knew Kagome made the accident happen.

Sango stood up and put her shoes and jacket on and left the house, determined to find out the answers and maybe kill Kagome.

Hey, How that! I think that's a good beginning, maybe more will be revealed in a future chapter!

(A/N A reminder! Sango doesn't know what Kagome was thinking in the front seat ;) )

I'm working on several stories at once, bare with me!

Amanda :)