Guardians of Good
Written By: Jumper Prime

For Disclaimers see chapter 1

Last time on Guardians of Good: After placing a spell on her, Ivy told Pilar the story of how she learned magic. The E-mail that exposed Ethan's true paternity came to light, and was almost dismissed as a fake when it showed Theresa as the responsible party. However, some deduction on Theresa's part, along with a fleeting vision, allowed her to discern the true culprits: Rebecca and Gwen. A fortuitous collision between Matthew and Rebecca brought into Ivy's hands the disk Rebecca had stored the scan of Ivy's letter on, which had been part of the E-mail to the tabloid. Her complicity in the plot revealed, Ethan denounced Gwen before he and Theresa left. Wandering the mansion in her sorrow, Gwen was possessed by an evil spirit. Meanwhile, Ivy cast a spell designed to make Sam love her again, and another less than wholesome effect as well.

Chapter 12: Conflagration

I call on the forces of love to empower this potion, Ivy chanted To my beloved Sam, let it bring a renewal of his love for me, and to those related to him by blood and marriage, let it bring death!

As the flask in Ivy's hand glowed blood red, a bottle of spray cleaner fell from Pilar's limp fingers, bouncing off the floor.

Pilar said with a bit of shock Tell me that spell won't do what it sounds like it will do.
Magic is often quite literal, Pilar. Ivy replied obliquely You have to be careful what you say when you cast a spell.
You have to destroy that potion at once!
Why would I do that?
Because what you will do with it is wrong! You cannot force Sam to love you again! You cannot kill his family!
I can and I must. Rosier told me that drastic measures are needed, and this qualifies as drastic.
Pilar whispered to herself. The name Ivy said had rung a bell. Then she suddenly remembered from her lessons in the church as a child. That's the name of the devil that governs the sin of lasciviousness! You're consorting with devils!? You DID sell your soul! Ivy, how could-?!
Ivy barked a word in Latin and Pilar went silent in mid sentence For the last time, Pilar. I did NOT sell my soul! I sometimes contact the lower planes for advice, but I'm very careful when I do so. They get a little gem as tribute, and that's it. Solvo.
Stop doing that! Pilar practically growled at her friend when she felt her voice return Do you enjoy using magic on me, Ivy?
No Pilar, I don't. I'm sorry I did that to you, but I had to do something to get a word in edgewise.
You cannot use that potion, Ivy. It is WRONG! You cannot force Sam to love you and you cannot kill his family! Even Charity might be affected, as she is Sam's niece by his marriage to Grace.
I can and I must. Sam will never walk away from Grace or his kids, not while they're alive.
Then give up!
No! I will go through with my plan.
I'll tell Sam of your plan. Then it won't be able to work.
I invite you to try. The geas will stop you from saying anything about my use of magic, including what I plan to do with the potion I just infused, and even if the geas didn't stop you, no one would believe you. Magic isn't real, remember? I and a few others know different, but everybody else in the world thinks it's all a bunch of superstitious nonsense.
What about Ethan?
What does he have to do with this?
He is Sam's son. Related to him BY BLOOD. If he should drink that potion, he too will die. Is getting your first love back worth losing your firstborn?
I... I... I'll just have to be careful how I use it. Make sure there's no chance of Ethan drinking it.
And if something goes wrong?
Forget it, Pilar. You're not talking me out of this.
Then I will pray for the lives of those involved, including Ethan. Unless you are very careful, you could easily end up killing him. Think about that as you plan your folly.

Pilar picked up the dropped spray bottle and then wheeled the cleaning cart out of the secret room, leaving Ivy alone with her magic. Ivy stared at the dimly glowing flask in her hand for some time afterward. Meanwhile, in the underused section of the Crane mansion, the newly possessed Gwen was laughing as her eyes glowed red.

Gwen? Gwen dear? Is that you? Rebecca's voice came from around the corner and Gwen immediately stopped laughing
I'm over here, mother. Gwen called out as she closed her eyes
Ah, there you are. Rebecca smiled as she came around the corner I've been looking all over the mansion for you. What're you doing in this old section?
Reminiscing on old times. Gwen answered as she opened her eyes, which no longer glowed
Well, don't you worry. We'll figure out some way to get Ethan away from that gold digging tramp and back into your arms. Just you wait.
I'm sure an opportunity will present itself, mother. Or he'll see her for what she is.
That's the spirit, Gwen!

While that conversation continued, another one was starting inside Gwen's mind. In her dreamscape, she was trapped inside a column of red light while staring out at a doppleganger of herself with glowing red eyes. All around were wisps of smoke.

Let me out of here! Gwen yelled as she pounded on the solid light You've taken over my body but I refuse to let you keep it!
You misunderstand. the doppleganger said in a modulated version of Gwen's voice I do not seek to dominate you. That is not my way.
Coulda fooled me.
The current situation is only temporary. My way is to join with a human, a consensual merging, as I do not have a body of my own.
And what if I don't want to merge with you? Do you just keep me like this forever?
Hardly. If you do not wish to have what I offer, then I will vacate your body, leaving you again in sole control, and find someone else who DOES want what I have to offer.
And what exactly is that? A voice in their head tormenting them?
No. What I offer, is POWER.
Power? What do you mean?
I am a creature of magic, but that power is useless to me without a body. Thus the merging. I take up residence in a human body, and as a sort of rent, my landlord' gains access to my magical powers. But, if you still wish me to leave, I will do so shortly. I'm sure your mother, or perhaps someone else in this house, will be glad to accept my power. the doppleganger turned as if to leave
Gwen called and the doppleganger turned back to her, grinning Exactly what kind of powers would I get if I agreed to merge with you?
Some rather varied ones. That gold digging tramp who took your beloved away from you? You could destroy her with a flick of your fingers. With a little work, you might even be able to make your beloved return to you. Other powers as well.
Make Ethan love me again... Even after what's happened between us? Even after what he sees as a betrayal?
We can make him forget that betrayal happened. And with all obstacles out of the way, he will be yours again.
Alright! I'll do it! Give me your power so I can destroy Theresa and make Ethan mine again!
Then, let the joining begin.

The doppleganger smirked and walked towards Gwen as the column of light faded out. Both of them spread their arms wide as they approached each other then embraced. They hugged each other closely as their forms began to melt together, throwing off bolts of energy as they did. Back in the real world, Gwen stopped in her tracks and arched her back as she felt the entity's power suffusing her body and insinuating itself into her soul. In her Sanctum, Ivy looked up from her contemplation of the flask of potion in her hand as she felt a powerful surge of magical energy from somewhere relatively close.

Gwen sighed as her eyes briefly glowed red
Gwen? Are you alright? Rebecca asked with concern in her voice
Just fine, mother. Gwen grinned as she straightened up As a matter of fact, I've never felt better.
Well, as I was saying, we need to come up with something quickly, before that tramp marries Ethan. Any ideas?
No, mother. I think a quick and dirty plan is a bad idea. We need to give Ethan time for today to fade from his memory.
Are you sure, dear?
Yes mother, I am. I'm going to go home and think.
See you later, then. I'm going to stay and spend some more time with Julian.
Please mother, even though we know now that Julian isn't really Ethan's father, it still makes me feel a little ill when I think about what the two of you do together.
Gwen rode a limo back to the Hotchkiss mansion where she walked quickly to her room, completely ignoring the servants whom she usually greeted with a smile. Gwen didn't know it, but there was a side effect of the merging that the entity had neglected to tell her about: Her already somewhat dark soul was now tainted by the same power she had craved. The basic nature of Gwen's body had changed without her even realizing it. Her night vision had become more acute. Her skin had become slightly tougher and paler. Her fingernails had lengthened, become sharper, and turned a glossy black, as though covered in indelible nail polish. Finally, her body had become sensitive to things, such as holy water, which could harm creatures of evil while leaving ordinary humans undamaged.

Gwen gazed at her hand, not surprised at all by her skin's sudden paleness or the color of her fingernails. She waggled her fingers and smiled as red electricity crackled between them.

Well, Theresa, Gwen said I think you're about to die in a freak accident. Then I'll be able to go to Phase Two: Making Ethan remember that he's supposed to love ME!

Evil laughter echoed from Gwen's room. The maid who was passing by the door couldn't help but shudder at the sound, finding it hard to believe it was really Gwen laughing in such a manner. Within minutes, storm clouds were gathering over Harmony in defiance of all weather forecasts. A short time later, Theresa was walking down the street after leaving The Book Cafe. Ethan was spending the day running down possible positions at several Harmony law firms and Whitney had stayed at The Book Cafe to spend some time with Chad, so Theresa was alone on the empty street. She stopped for a moment when she heard what sounded like the crackle of electricity, but then dismissed it as her imagination and resumed walking. A moment later, Gwen walked out from around the corner. Theresa thought something seemed different about her, but couldn't put her finger on what.

Hello Theresa. Gwen said with an odd tone in her voice
Gwen. You startled me. Theresa responded
Good. I was hoping for that effect.
You were? Why?
Because I want to take as much pleasure as possible from this.
From... this?
Your death.
Gwen, that's not funny.
It's not meant to be. Your stealing Ethan from me certainly wasn't.
I didn't steal Ethan from you. He loved me, and you burned your bridges with him when you let your mother destroy his life.
He loved me first! You wormed your way into our circle with your working class trickery! You turned him against me! But tonight, I take the first step towards getting Ethan back.
You've lost your mind, Gwen. Weren't you listening earlier? He wants nothing to do with you now that he knows about your betrayal.
I'm going to make him forget that ever happened, but first, I have to get you out of the way, permanently.
You're the one who's already out of the way, permanently. You heard Ethan, he wants nothing to do with you. I don't have time to waste with you, so goodbye.

Theresa turned to leave, but stopped in her tracks as a bolt of red lightning shot from behind her to strike a lamppost and cause it to fall. She turned back around and saw red electricity crackling between Gwen's fingers.

Wh-what was that? Theresa stammered in shock
Gwen smirked and a little electricity arced between her hand and her face as she casually admired her nails Oh, that's how I'm going to kill you. I said I was going to get you out of the way, permanently.
Y-you'll never get away with it!
Get away with what? You're going to die from being struck by a bolt of lightning. Gwen threw another bolt of red electricity which blew up a newspaper dispensing machine. How could I be blamed? I cooked up a whole thunderstorm just so there would be no questions.
A-a whole thunderstorm?!? H-h-how are you doing this?
How? Simple: Magic.

Gwen extended an arm straight up and a bolt of red lightning passed between her hand and the cloud cover above, producing a rumble of thunder close to that produced by a real bolt of lightning. Theresa was frozen with fear, too scared to even think of running as red electricity crackled between Gwen's hands.

I hear electrocution is a painful way to go. Gwen said in a conversational tone I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know.

A few minutes before Theresa ran into Gwen, Miguel and Charity were in the park, each with a partially eaten pretzel in their hands.

Funny how fast things have changed. Miguel commented A few days ago, we both thought we were just ordinary teenagers-
And now we know we're the world's last line of defense against evil. Charity finished It's unbelievable, but true. What you did this morning, you didn't know your watch was a magical item that would protect you. You would have sacrificed yourself for me.
And I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I love you Charity, and nothing is more important to me than you.

The two lovebirds leaned close, about to kiss, when Charity suddenly gasped and pull back as her eyes widened. In her mind, she saw Theresa struck down by a shadowed figure with a blast of magical lightning.

Charity, what's wrong? Miguel asked in a worried tone
I just had a premonition. Charity responded It's Theresa, she's about to be killed by something evil!
Oh my God. Where? Did you see where?
Yes, but we have to hurry, we don't have much time!
Lead the way!

Charity and Miguel started running, depositing their unfinished snack in a trash can as they ran by. Charity led the way down the street, after several turns, they came up the street behind Theresa as red electricity crackled between Gwen's hands.

Gwen pursed her lips as she saw the new arrivals Witnesses. A bit of chain lightning should take care of the problem.
Not gonna happen. Miguel said bravely as he stepped in front of his sister, his watch becoming a silver buckler in a flash of light
You think you can protect her? Gwen chuckled You cannot begin to comprehend the powers I now possess.
I wouldn't be too sure of that. Miguel said evenly as his buckler started to glow with a silver light
Miguel run! She'll kill you! Theresa frantically warned her brother
I think I can handle her, sis.
Well, aren't we confident. Gwen smirked Allow me to cash your reality check for you.

Gwen's eyes glowed red as lightning shot from her fingertips towards Miguel, Theresa, and Charity. Gwen was shocked as her lightning bolt rebounded off an invisible wall in front of Miguel and struck a nearby tree, setting it on fire. Miguel grimaced as his wrist felt like someone had struck his buckler with a heavy mace.

What the Hell?! Gwen snarled as her eyes became a pair of blazing coals I don't know how you did that, but nothing's gonna stop me from killing that bitch sister of yours!

Gwen's shadow altered as she called more electricity into her hands. Her outline went from that of an ordinary woman, to something more monstrous and sinister with wings. Gwen threw another blast of red lightning, more powerful than her previous attack. It was again deflected by the shield projected by Miguel's buckler, but this time, the perceived blow was enough to cause him to stagger back several steps, holding his wrist.

Gwen grinned as she saw the effect her attack had had this time Looks to me like you're not going to be able to take many more like that last one.
He won't have to! Charity declared

While Miguel had been blocking Gwen's magical lightning, Charity's hand had been glowing with white light. Charity wasn't sure how effective pure light would be on evil wearing a human form. *I need a weapon that'll stop her.* she thought and was amazed as a javelin made out of white light appeared in her hand. It had weight and seemed perfectly balanced.

Charity took a step sideways to come out from behind Miguel and Theresa. She instinctively knew how to handle the javelin she had just created, and raised it to throw just as an expert javelin thrower would. With a single fluid motion, Charity sent her weapon flying through the air to strike Gwen in the stomach. The possessed woman cried out in pain as she dropped to one knee. Charity was momentarily horrified as she saw that she had impaled a woman, but the feeling immediately dissipated as the javelin faded and vanished, revealing that Gwen's clothes were undamaged. No blood had been spilled by the holy weapon.

Gwen groaned as she shakily stood up, her shadow once again normal. She held one hand against her stomach, still in pain, and raised her other hand to throw more lightning, but only a few weak sparks came from her fingers My power... Your lucky day, bitch. But Ethan WILL be mine!

Gwen made a gesture with her hand and vanished in a flash of red light. Miguel let out a sigh of relief as he dismissed the magical shield and mentally commanded his buckler to again become a watch, which it did.

Amazing how easy it is to control this thing. he commented to himself
How..? What...? When...? Theresa said in a daze
She's in shock. Easy Theresa, calm down.
But she... You... That...
Charity said softly as she placed a glowing hand to Theresa's forehead Be calm.

Theresa immediately closed her eyes and stopped babbling, her breathing becoming slow and steady as Charity's hand stopped glowing and she removed it from Theresa's forehead. Theresa then opened her eyes and spoke calmly.

How did you do that? she asked
It's a long story sis. Miguel answered
After seeing Gwen throw lightning from her bare hands, you deflecting it somehow, and what Charity did, I'll listen as long as necessary.
OK, I'll start with the obvious: Magic is real. Charity has magical powers. You remember Papa's watch? Miguel showed his watch to Theresa and it changed into a buckler once again Well, it's really a magical artifact that can create a protective shield.
I believe you. Did papa know it was magic or did he think it was just an ordinary watch, like we did?
I think he knew. Papa knew some stuff about magic. He taught Sheridan a whole bunch, both before and after... he died.
Papa's really... dead? And are you talking about Sheridan Crane?
Yes... to both. Alistair Crane used magic to kill him, then erased Sheridan's memory of all the lessons papa taught her. Things get a little complicated after that.
Does mama know?
Not yet. I just found out today and I think Luis found out last night.
We... we need to tell mama. Maybe we don't have to tell her about the magic stuff, though. She'd never believe it.
I'm not sure how we could tell her without telling her how we know.
We can get together with Luis and then we all can think of a way to break it to mama.

Miguel and Charity shared a kiss before parting ways, Charity headed home while Miguel and Theresa went in search of their brother. Meanwhile, in the Hotchkiss mansion, Gwen's room was filled with red light right before Gwen herself appeared and collapsed onto her bed.

she muttered I barely had enough strength left to teleport back here. I knew Theresa would be defenseless against me, so I didn't bother to put up any sort of shielding magic. I wasn't expecting her brother's bimbo girlfriend to have magical powers that could shut me down like that. And how the Hell did Miguel block my lightning the way he did!? ARG!
Miss Gwen? a voice called from the other side of Gwen's door Is everything alright in there?
Ugh, I'm fine Annie. Go away!
Are you sure? I saw a strange light coming from under the door.
Of course I'm... Gwen suddenly stopped and smirked as she got an idea Actually, I could use some help in here.

The door opened and a maid walked in. When she saw Gwen sprawled on the bed, she hurried over to it. As Annie reached her bedside, Gwen suddenly sat up and grabbed the maid's head with both hands. The maid suddenly found herself unable to move as Gwen's blood red eyes stared into her brown ones. Blue energy flowed from Annie's eyes into Gwen's. After about a minute, Gwen released the maid, whose eyes were now solid black, and stood up.

Thanks for the recharge, Annie! Gwen cackled as the unfortunate maid stood completely still. Gwen's eyes glowed with red light while her monstrous shadow flexed its wings Now, what to do about Theresa's buddinski brother? You got any ideas, Annie? Annie remained silent No, I suppose you wouldn't. The hired help is only good for following orders, anyway. The merger isn't quite complete, yet. It'll still be a little while before I have access to my full powers. In the meantime, I should see if I can get rid of macho Miguel so he won't be around to mess up my next shot at Theresa. Ah! Gwen grinned as she caught sight of a small statuette on a shelf This should do nicely!

Gwen retrieved the statuette and gazed at it. It was a marble bookend in the shape of a fearsome gargoyle. She put it down in the middle of the floor and stepped back. Gwen raised her hands above her head and red energy flowed between them to the statue as she chanted.

Little statue of fearsome brand, of a creature feared across the land, I bid you now to come alive, to do my bidding you will strive!

The statuette quickly grew into a snarling, seven-feet tall grey-skinned gargoyle, complete with wings, horns, and claws. Gwen lowered her hands as her spell finished and her creation came fully to life.

she smiled OK big fella, you obey only me, understand? the gargoyle nodded Good boy! Now, here's your mission: I want you to go kill Theresa's brother. He's caused me some trouble and I want him outta the way. You can kill him any way you want, but I want him dead. After you're done with him, come back here and I'll give you a new assignment. The gargoyle grunted in understanding Well? What're you waiting for?! GET GOING! The gargoyle disappeared into thin air and Gwen turned back to Annie, who hadn't moved a muscle since Gwen had used her as an energy source. Hmm. You're not much use to me like that. I guess I'll have to give you back a little of your chi so you can move around on your own.

A marble-sized ball of red energy formed in Gwen's hand and she tossed it underhand at Annie. The energy marble hit Annie and the energy washed over her body. The maid closed her eyes and then opened them again, showing that they were back to brown, but also bloodshot.

What... happened? Annie wondered as she blinked her eyes as though awakening from a dream
Nothing happened. Gwen lied Now, I think it's time you got on with your duties.
Yeah... You're right. But I feel so tired... Annie said as she sluggishly walked out of Gwen's room.
Be thankful you feel anything at all. Gwen muttered after Annie was gone I think I'll wait a little while to see how that seed I mixed in with that Chi grows. Different results for every person, but if it works on you... Gwen chuckled darkly I'll have another weapon to use on Theresa, and anyone else who gets in my way.

While Gwen laughed madly, Luis was walking out of his home after changing into some elegant clothes. Sheridan was already at her cottage, cooking dinner for the both of them. Knowing Sheridan's habit of completely ruining any food she cooked, Luis had also eaten a small snack. As he walked towards his car, Luis suddenly heard a loud growling noise and a gargoyle landed on the pavement between him and his car. It was the same gargoyle brought to life by Gwen Hotchkiss, who had neglected to specify which of Theresa's brothers to kill. The gargoyle took a swipe at Luis with his claws and he jumped back to avoid getting eviscerated.

Luis pulled his gun from inside his jacket and fired several rounds at his attacker, but the bullets just bounced off the gargoyle's rocky skin, barely chipping it. The gargoyle roared in anger and knocked Luis's gun out of his hand, followed by a swing of its tail that sent Luis to the ground. The animated statue raised its foot in the air, ready to bring it down on Luis's head and crush it.

End of chapter 12

Chi- Eastern folklore name for life energy

Another chapter, another cliffhanger. Harmony sure is a dangerous place to live, huh? Will Luis escape, or will the gargoyle kill him? Find out next time. Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter done. I've been busy, plus had a bit of a creative dry spell for a little while.

On a sadder note, we all bid a fond farewell to Josh Ryan Evans, who died on Monday, August 5, the very night of the death of his much beloved character, Timmy. He died of a congenital heart condition at the age of 20. Yeah, if I hadn't read a biography about him, I wouldn't have believed that the actor that played Timmy wasn't really a child, he pulled it off so well. So long Tim-Tim, you filled our lives with so much joy, you've left a void that can never be filled.

I'm sure that I'm not the only fanfic author who plans to keep Timmy alive in their little universe. Consider it a kind of immortality for Timmy. We just can't bear to see him leave, so we do our best to keep him in our lives.

R.I.P. Josh Ryan Evans
You'll live forever in our hearts, Timmy