Z Moon Senshi

Hey all you fanfic readers out there. This is my first fanfic so please be gentle . _* O~kay , so I don't care what some people think , but I don't like Mamoru, at all. ____________________________________________________________________________ __



That was the very cry that delivered the final blow to the youma terrorizing the couple in Tokyo park. The Inner Sailor Senshi were at various parts of the battlefield battered and bloody. Their minds were shot, nerves on end, words flying as the dust settled leaving smudges on their pale faces. The first to speak however, seemed to be the senshi in red, her eyes blazing a fire that could only be combated by the depths of hell...

Usagi's P.O.V.

"Ondango ATAMA!!-- ", began Sailor Mars, her red fuku torn in various places, skirt inches shorter, now more of a swimsuit. " Why were you late!?!", she demanded in her fury.

"I was late--", the small blonde attempted to say, but was then cut off by a very angry Sailor Venus. The girl she had called one of her best friends for so long berated her for being an airhead and flirting with Motoki in the arcade, while they were out risking their lives. No one took notice of the deep gashes on her side and arm, her blood somehow not wanting to clot. They were to busy blaming her, pointing out faults, telling her she was worthless to hear. Not even her so-called 'soul-mate' defended her. He stood there...his hand on Mars' shoulder, nodding to their every word.

She was suddenly brought out of my thoughts by hearing the normally silent Sailor Mercury speak. The voice she heard was cold, that of ice, it chilled her. The one she had depended upon to give order, to hear her side, was shooting her down. " I think it would be wise if you gave Venus your brooch... We do not need you to be a senshi any more... You put us all in grave danger tonight...".

Usagi's head snapped up at that comment. Not be a senshi? It was her sacred duty... She had to... There was no one else. They couldn't defeat the youma alone... they couldn't strip her of her duty... it was not their place... After all that they'd been through, they thought that she put them in danger? Something inside of her snapped then, liquid flame and anger resonating from her very core, filling her veins, making her blood pump faster. It hardened her eyes and heart. She stared with a loathing hatred that made Venus pull back slightly, the coldness in her Princess' eyes one that had never before been seen.

'I can stop the pain if I will it all away.'