:The Eternity You Desire:

Bayb-Munki: I was inspired when i watched Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien, so if you've seen the anime you might find some parts similar. And I hope you enjoy this storie.

Disclaimer: This plot belongs to the anime Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien i'm just changing some things around.

Summary: Sakura was a young, shy, and timid girl that had a crush on Syaoran. When finally they are able to be together because of her best friends Tomoyo and Eriol, an accident occurs causing her to enter a deep coma. Three years later she awakens but is it already too late?

!Extra! Moonlight Kiss, I'm not going to write until this story is finished because this one I'm more interested in sorry for all the reviewers who really wanted me to finish that story, but for sure after this one is done I'll finish Moonlight Kiss. Thank you !Extra!

Prologue Part One


A young girl with the brightest emerald eyes stood by the sidelines as she cheered on her best friend. Her short auburn hair swirled around her small face. She was wearing the Tomoeda High Uniform. It was a short sleeved blouse with purple rims. The purple skirt was eight inches above her knee. Her hair contained two pink ribbons on either side of her hair.

Her best friend had completed the race and gained a new record. She slowly stepped out of the pool as she uncapped her hair revealing long ebony hair. Her bright amethysts eyes that shined in the sunlight.

"Good job!" Sakura praised as Tomoyo dried off. Tomoyo giggled, "Only because you were here with me." A pink hue appeared at her cheeks as she noticed the guys coming and pointed towards them. "Eriol and Syaoran are coming," she said softly Tomoyo turned around and saw two boys, one with dark blue hair and night blue eyes. The other had messy chestnut brown hair and chocolate coloured eyes.

"Tomoyo! Sakura-chan!" Eriol yelled out. Sakura smiled softly as Tomoyo dragged her over towards them. "Just let me go change and then we can go." The three nodded as they watched Tomoyo run off towards the change room. "How have you been?" the guy with brown hair asked.

Sakura looked up and blushed furiously, "G-g-good." Syaoran just nodded while looking off in the distance. Sakura turned and noticed Tomoyo's milky white figure walking towards them. She was carrying a dark blue duffel bag around her neck that contained her swimming gear.

"All right we can go now!" she said happily while linking arms with Sakura. Sakura giggled as they ran down the streets with the guys following behind. Sakura suddenly stopped walking in front of a store. A memory from when she was younger entered her mind.


Sakura stretched upward reaching towards a book. Syaoran stood in the distance as he watched her struggle for the book. He walked towards her and got the book. Sakura looked up towards the figure in front of her. She froze in her spot when she saw his handsome face.

"Here you go," he said while pushing the book towards her. She opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it again and ran away. Syaoran watched her run away in confusion. He looked down towards the book in his hand, "Mayauru no Okurimono" it read. He shrugged his shoulders and placed the book down again.

End of Flashback

"Hello? Saku-chan?" Tomoyo called while waving her hand in front of her face. Sakura turned towards her friend as she blushed furiously, "I-I-

I'm fine." Syaoran laughed, "You're right Eriol, Tomoyo does look like that." Tomoyo turned when she heard her name. Her eyes followed his hand. He was pointing towards a picture with an ugly green skinned ogre. Tomoyo growled and grabbed her duffel bag, "What did you say?"

Syaoran walked behind Eriol, "Nothing, it was all Eriol." Fire burned in her purple eyes as she walked towards him. "You'll regret saying that about me!" she yelled while raising her bag above her head. Syaoran grabbed onto Eriol avoiding her wrath.

After circling around him a few times Tomoyo gave up and placed her bag around her again. "Let's go home now," she mumbled. Hearing no answer she looked around, "Where did Sakura go?" Syaoran and Eriol looked around, "I guess she left." Tomoyo turned to glare at Syaoran, "This is all your fault!" she yelled and stomped off.

Syaoran shrugged his shoulders, "How come it's always my fault?" Eriol chuckled, "I don't know, I guess Tomoyo just hates you." Syaoran nodded his head, "Probably. Hey look!" he said while pointing towards a poster that was on the window. It read, 'Children Book Convention, bring in your books and have them published. Special guest Author of Mayauru no Okurimono'

Next Day

It was the end of the day and Tomoyo slowly walked towards Syaoran. "Can you meet me on the hill today?" Syaoran looked up at her and nodded his head slowly, "All right." Tomoyo smiled softly and walked out of the classroom. Once she was out of sight she quickly rushed towards the washroom panting softly. Tears threatened to fall but she held them in. A memory from two years ago entered her mind.


Sakura and Tomoyo walked along side each other. "What's up with you?" Tomoyo asked looking at her friend. Sakura started to blush, "Ano…I met this guy today…" "Who is it?" Tomoyo squealed. Sakura paused for a second before saying softly, "Syaoran Li."

Tomoyo grabbed onto her shoulders, "Who?" "Syaoran Li, that guy from your class." Tomoyo thought for a second, "Syaoran Li…oh I know him." Sakura started blushing again, "Please don't tell him," she said softly. Tomoyo giggled, "I promise."

End of Flashback

Syaoran slowly walked up the steep hill. All around him there were flowers blowing along with the wind. The sun was slowly setting leaving a yellow-orange sky. He looked around and noticed she wasn't there yet. He sat down under the cherry blossom tree that stood in the middle. The petals danced around him as they fell to the ground.

"Hey," he heard a gentle voice call out. Syaoran turned around and smiled, "Hello Saku-chan why are you here?" She looked downwards not meeting his eyes, "I found out that you like it up here." She took a pause before continuing, "I was the one who wanted to meet you here."

Syaoran stood up to look at her, "What do you need?" Sakura looked up into his chocolate eyes, "I-I-I've liked you since freshman year. I wasn't going to tell you, since Moyo said it's pretty obvious since I always blush and stutter around you. I-I-I wanted to ask you if y-y-you'd go out with me," she said so softly he barely heard.

Sakura quickly turned around scared of what he might say, "I-I-it's okay if you say no, I understand, I mean I just wanted to get it out in the open and…" she stopped as she felt his hand on her shoulders. She turned around, her eyes watery from the tears ready to fall. "I'd love to go out with you." Sakura raised her head slowly, "Honto?" Syaoran chuckled, "Yeah." A smiled appeared on her lips, and it was like at that moment she was glowing.

She jumped into his arms, making only to his shoulders. She looked up at him, her eyes shining with happiness. He slowly bent down and captured her lips in his. She quickly pulled back while blushing furiously. Syaoran chuckled and they sat down by the cherry blossom tree.

Next Day

It was around the end of the day and Eriol and a few of his friends gathered around Syaoran's desk. "Your girlfriend is waiting for you to walk home. You better hurry," Eriol teased as the other guys snickered. Syaoran glared at them, but then smiled, "All right I'm off see you guys later."

Tomoyo stood in the distance as she watched them walk home.

Sakura and Syaoran slowly walked down the pathway together. She looked longingly at his hand but quickly stopped. Afterwards Syaoran looked at her hand, ready to clasp it with his own but pulled back last minute. Soon they arrived at a curb where they had to separate, "Well bye," she said while walking off. Syaoran grabbed her hand, "Matte!" Sakura looked at him scared and ran off.

Syaoran looked at his hands confused and slowly walked back home.

Back at the pool Tomoyo did her laps as the coach yelled at her, "You're slacking off Tomoyo, the watchers are coming in three weeks. You better prepare yourself." Tomoyo nodded her head as she stepped out of the pool to dry herself off.

Next Week

Syaoran sat in his seat while the teacher droned on. It wouldn't be long until the class was over. He was surprised as he noticed a sheet of paper on his desk. He saw his name and quickly opened it up. He could tell it was Eriol's writing and turned around to see a large smirk on his face.

Syaoran shrugged his shoulders and looked down to read what it wrote, 'Take Sakura somewhere nice on Saturday –Eriol' attached to it was $30. Syaoran laughed inside as he placed the money in his pocket. Maybe he should make an official date with her, to calm things down.

He turned around again and saw Tomoyo with a large smile on her face and giving him the thumbs up. Syaoran nodded in acknowledgment.

Once again Sakura stood by the entrance waiting for him to walk home together, but this time Tomoyo and Eriol decided to follow them seeing what they do. Sakura beamed brightly as she noticed Syaoran approaching her. They started to walk together as Syaoran started the conversation, "What are you doing on Saturday?"

Sakura looked up at him her eyes glowing, "I got invited to the movies with my little sister Miaka, but I'll probably reject." Syaoran looked at her questionably, "Why?" Sakura giggled softly, "Because all she ever wants to watch are horror movies. And well personally I'm more a fan of romance and comedy." Syaoran chuckled lightly, "Than why do you bother going?" He watched as she stopped to look up towards the sky, "This may sound stupid but every time she invites me she always tells me it's a comedy but than when we arrive it turns out to be horror."

Syaoran watched her curiously, "Why don't you just not watch it?" Sakura sighed, "Because she's my little sister and I would never ditch her like that." Syaoran nodded at her answer, Sakura gazed at him questionably, "Why did you want to know? Because I probably won't be going."

Syaoran just shrugged his shoulders, "I was curious." Sakura sighed and turend around, scared he might notice the tears welling up in her eyes, "I better get going now." Before Syaoran had a chance to answer she was already off to a distance running home.

He felt a large impact on his head and quickly turned around, "What was that for?" he demanded. "For you being a baka! She obviously wanted a date!" Tomoyo yelled. "But she was busy!" Syaoran argued back. "But she also said she was probably wasn't going to go!" Tomoyo argued back. Syaoran shrugged his shoulders, "Too late now."

Tomoyo glared at him as she watched him walk off. Eriol touched her shoulder gently, "Don't worry he'll come around." Tomoyo just nodded her head.

That night Sakura sat on her bed gazing at the dark blue sky, tears trailing down her delicate cheeks. She shut her eyes tightly, maybe she should just give up. While at the same time Syaoran listened to his phone messages, 'Syao this is your mother, your father and I decided to stay in Italy call if you need anything'

He sighed and plopped down on the bed as he felt the money in his hand, maybe he could give it a try?

Next Day

It was the end of the day and Eriol touched his shoulder lightly, "You really messed up big time," he pointed out the window, "she didn't even wait for you." Syaoran looked out the window, and sure enough Sakura wasn't standing out there waiting for him like she had done for the past week.

He quickly packed his stuff and ran towards her classroom. He noticed two girls standing by the doorway, "Do you know where Kinomoto Sakura is?" The girl with golden orange hair and brown eyes looked up at him, "She already left to go home."

Syaoran took a deep breath and slowly walked home.

That night Syaoran stared at the phone wondering if he should call or not. Taking a deep breath he quickly dialed the number. "Moshi, moshi?" he heard her soft voice. "It's Syaoran," he said softly. "S-S-Syao-kun," she stuttered out, "What do you need?" he heard her ask unsure. "Can we meet before school starts at the hill tomorrow?" He noticed her hesitation before answer softly, "H-h-hai!"

Next Day

That morning Sakura sat down beside the cherry blossom tree waiting for Syaoran to arrive. It was early in the morning and the sun hadn't fully risen yet. Syaoran slowly walked up as he noticed how the sunlight reflected on her soft skin.

"Saku-chan!" he called out. He watched as she turned around with a sad smile, "Syao-kun," she mumbled. "We need to talk, about us," he started softly. Sakura turned around with tear-filled eyes. She covered her ears with her hands while shaking her head furiously, "Oh please don't say it. I can accept the fact that you don't wand to go out with me, but please don't tell me you don't like me. God I like you so much. Please just let me go I really understand if you don't want us to go out."

Syaoran chuckled lightly while slowly removing her hand, "You got me all wrong, I do like you. I thought that maybe you'd want to go on a date with me on Saturday? Wand to go to the beach?" Sakura's eyes lit up once those words escaped his lips. She jumped into his arms as the tears fell. She nodded her head, "I'd love to."