Okay an Author's comments page never hurt anyone

To Bryon Nightshade: Sally and Mina were chosen because their jobs outranked Amy. I could have used my own characters but then I'd have to explain what they looked like and all so. I really do not care that they don't exist in the Sega universe. I know it is a little flaw, but that is not important. What matters is the story. Not that the characters don't originate from the place I am talking about. I know my events move quickly, but I really have nothing else to say. If you want to help me write other events in the chapter, fine be my guest. I'll rewrite the chapters. But unless you have other suggestions please do not complain to me.

To Phantom86: Thank so much for the comment! It's people like you that brighten up my day! I try to write when I can, this is the family computer I'm typing on!

To sonekasoyer: Okay… well don't worry I'll continue it till the end! I'm not a quiter!

To Shadow's Dark Angel: Thank you for the comment! I'll be sure to get on it as soon as I can!

To Celestial the Hedgird: Thank you for the suggestion. I have gotten two complains already so I am going to work on it. Thank you for being so nice when you tell me about this flaw. I know I spelled Kirara wrong. It's just that people who don't watch the show might not know what I'm talking about, so the least I could do is give the sound of Kirara instead of the way it's actually spelled.

To RemedyTheThief: Thankies! I'm so happy that you liked my story! I'm not telling if this story will end up Shadamy or Sonamy. If I made it obvious who Amy picked in the beginning there would be no point in reading! I've gotten nothing but requests of Shadamy. I wonder why? Well, read up on my stories, many more chapters are to come!

To Namonaki: Thankies for the comment! The good comments encourage me to write more faster! (And vice versa) Don't worry! More stuff is coming up soon!

Well peoples; on with the story!

"Never mind…"Amy sighed. "Shadow… have you ever had your heart broken?"

"Of course… when I lost Maria." Shadow scratched his head.

"No I mean… crushed by them… the person…"

"No I've never loved anyone since… Amy, is there something you're not telling me? You seem… a little tense…"

"No! No! Nothing's wrong!"

"I have a feeling… but do not worry. I trust you, Amy. If you had something important to tell, I know you would tell me."

"Shadow I-"

"Amy. I love you with all of me heart. Don't you love me?


Why couldn't those words come out? Why couldn't she say I love you? Why? Why? Why?

"Shadow… I have to go!"

"But Amy-"

I can't explain with words Shadow. If you knew what I was thinking, you'd know exactly as I feel. I'm sorry, Shadow! Very sorry!"

Amy bounced away, as if she knew something was going to happen. She ran into her apartment as quick as she and locked the doors tightly. She collapsed on her bed sobbing.

I woke up today

Woke up wide awake

In an empty bed

Staring at an empty room

I have myself to blame

For the state I'm in today

And now dying

Doesn't seem so cruel

What should I do? I love Sonic… Don't I? I and I love Shadow too… either way I hurt someone… I can't win! I can't win! Let me see both of the two… Sonic is ever so sweet… he came back for me because he knew he was wrong… he looks so H-O-T… And Shadow… he never hurt me… he was always by my side and confesses everything… maybe not as cute but…


And oh, I don't know what to say

And I don't know anyway


"Hel-Hello?" Amy stumbled. She slowly crept to the door like a murderous monster was outside.

I hate myself for losing you

I'm seeing it all so clear

I hate myself for losing you

What do you do when you look in the mirror

And staring at you is why he's not here?

Amy opened the door. It was Shadow. Amy gasped.

You got what you deserved

Hope you're happy now

'Cause every time I think of her with you

It's killing me

Inside, and

Now I dread each day

Knowing that I can't be saved

From the loneliness

Of living without you

And, oh,

I don't know what to do

Not sure that I'll pull through

I wish you knew

"Sh-Shadow…" Amy gasped. "What are you doing here?"

But Shadow ignored her.

"Amy… I know what this is… it's me isn't it?"

"Shadow- I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Yes you do. Amy, I trusted you in telling me the truth. But now- I'm not so sure."

I hate myself for losing you

I'm seeing it all so clear

I hate myself for losing you

What do you do when you look in the mirror

And staring at you is why he's not here?

"Shadow… We both know I'm keeping things from you. But- I have a good reason. Shadow- These things- they're rumors about you. They make me uncomfortable. And sometimes… I feel like I should believe them." Amy made a big lie.

"Amy… I-I-I- If you trust in those rumors… then you must not love me…"

"No wait Shadow! I do love you! It's just- it's just- it's just I'm confused! Okay! There! I said it!"

"You mean… you're just confused?"


"That's a relive…"

"Shadow… I need- I need- I need to be alone!"

"But Amy…"

"I'm sorry Shadow. I'm tied up in my own thoughts!" Amy pushed Shadow out of her room.

I hate myself for losing you

And oh, I don't know what to do

I wish you knew

And oh, I don't know what to say

And I don't know anyway


No, no

What if Amy's not telling me something… there has to be something I'm missing… I better leave Amy to herself, for now. If she doesn't see me anymore, that's her choice. I shouldn't do anything to stop it. It's her feelings. Not mine.

That night was a cold, brisk night. Amy's thoughts bullied her dreams.

I hate myself for losing you

(I'm seeing it all so clear)

I'm seeing it all so clear

I hate myself for losing you

What do you do when you look in the mirror

And staring at you is why he's not here?

What do you say when everything's said?

Is the reason why he left you in the end?

How do you cry when every tear you shed

Won't ever bring him back again?

I hate myself for loving you

Amy's dream:

"Amy… don't you love me?" He asked with a romantic voice.

"Of course I do, Shadow…"
"Then say it…"
"I want to hear those words… those very words…"
"Okay… I-I-I-I-I…"
"What's the matter Amy?"
"I-I-I-I!" Suddenly her voice was horse.

"YOU!" A sudden voice came crashing in like thunder. It was Sonic. And he had out a gun. "What did you do to her! Trying to steal our love, eh? Well then, Lover Boy, DIE!" He shot out the gun at Shadow.

"SHADOW!" Amy bursted into tears.

Shadow was on the floor, blood coming out. He moaned in pain. But he still got up.

When you walk away you don't hear me say,
"Please, oh baby...Don't go."
Simple and clean is the way that you're makin' me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

You're giving me too many things lately, you're all I need
You smiled at me and said,

"Don't get me wrong, I love you
But does that mean I have to meet your father?
When we are older you'll understand what I meant when I said 'No.'
I don't think life is quite that simple."

When you walk away you don't hear me say,
"Please, oh baby...Don't go."
Simple and clean is the way that you're makin' me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

The daily things that keep us all busy are confusing me
That's when you came to me and said,

"Wish I could prove I love you
But does that mean I have to walk on water?
When we are older you'll understand it's enough when I say so.
And maybe some things are that simple."

When you walk away you don't hear me say,
"Please, oh baby...Don't go."
Simple and clean is the way that you're makin' me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on
Regardless of warnings, the future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before

When you walk away you don't hear me say,
"Please, oh baby...Don't go."
Simple and clean is the way that you're makin' me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on
Regardless of warnings, the future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on
Regardless of warnings, the future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before

"You two, stop!"

But her voice was left in the shadows as the two fought, both of them collapsed to the floor.

"They're…they're both dead…" She was struck with horror.

"Death…" A clear voice said in the passage.

"Who… who is there?"

"Death… the point where life ends… I must try to understand the meaning of it. Of death." The girl floated next to Amy. She look liked Tikal except had a miserable look to her face, her clothes were rigid, and her fur was gray.

"Who are you? What are you speaking of?"
"I am Tawnie. These bodies… I got here too late… I need to say death. I need to see someone die… to understand the meaning."

The girl moved her hands. She started to float into the air like a puppet. Her eyes turned blank. All of a sudden, ropes sprang out of nowhere and grabbed Amy's throat. Amy gasped for air but no one could hear here.
"No… No…" Amy choked with her last breath.

Shadow's dream:

"Hey Amy do you know where-" Shadow gasped.

The blue hedgehog was deep kissing Amy! The spiteful son of a-

Sonic's eye caught Shadow. It sparkled straight at him. Sonic smirked. Amy wasn't with horror, she was enjoying it. But she didn't know that Shadow was there. Sonic's fingers ran up Amy's top until it got to her chest.

He wouldn't dare…

All the pain was too much for Shadow to bare.

He ran out, desperate to find whatever he was looking for, if he was looking for something. Everywhere he went he heard Sonic's voice. That evil blue hedgie. His voice was like a thousand nails on a blackboard.

"Shadow… Wait… please don't go."

But he didn't listen to her. He just kept running and running and running… not knowing wear to go next…