Freddy Meets Harry

Part 2


Harry watched as Malfoy gurgled blood out of his mouth, Harry couldn't stand it anymore, he ran up to Freddy and jumped on his back, Freddy pulled back his claw and let Malfoy fall to the ground.

"Hah, Harry, what's up!" said Freddy grinning, he tried to grabbed Harry but he couldn't, but Harry didn't notice his left hand, Freddy grabbed Harry and pulled him in front of himself. Freddy looked at the crowd and back at Harry, he put his mouth up to Harry's ear and said, "They worship you Harry, they love you, they loved you ever since you were a baby."

Freddy raised his claw and through it down but right before it hit Harry it stopped for some reason, Freddy looked behind himself and saw Hegrid holding his right arm, he let go of Harry.

Hegrid was a big man, but that didn't scare Freddy, he kept a straight face, looked at his arm and then back at Hegrid.

"How long do you plan on holding my arm," said Freddy, Hegrid then through Freddy onto a table, Freddy got up and said, "it seems like you still use you're strength against people, still got the umbrella eh, wink, wink, ha! Say something funny, come on, you said something funny when they started asking you questions, you said something and then you said, 'I shouldn't of said that,' you don't plan onto do you, eesh, every time when somebody sees me it becomes a serious thing, do I look that serious."

There was a pause as everybody looked at Freddy.

"Don't answer that," said Freddy.

"I killed you all those years ago," said Hegrid.

"You thought you're umbrella was going to kill me, how dumb are you," said Freddy. Hegrid started walking toward Freddy, but Freddy jumped into the air and landed behind Hegrid, Freddy then stabbed Hegrid in the back with his claw, the claw seemed to go in deeper by every second.

"NNNNNOOOO!" yelled Harry; he was about to run up to Hegrid to help him, but then Ron, Seamus, Dean and the rest of Harry's friends held him back. The teachers knew there was nothing they could do.

Freddy looked at him confused, he rolled his eyes, he then said, "I have a question, if all of you guys love him, why aren't you trying to stop me."

Blood squirted all over Freddy's face, he pulled back his claw and started walking toward the kids, they started running away except Harry, he just stood there watching Freddy in anger. Freddy walked up to Harry, towering over him.

"You held him back?" asked Freddy, no one answered. "Well who ever it was I will kill you, you should of let him do what his heart told him to do, and when that happens, you can't hold him back, hi Harry."

Harry couldn't keep his anger anymore, Harry started to punch Freddy, Freddy looked shock by it, Harry proceeded to punch on Freddy, the punches made Freddy go back, Harry punched Freddy in the face and made him stumble back.

"Wow! That was good!" said Freddy grinning.

Harry pulled out his wand.

"Ah, if you were sleeping, do you go to sleep with you're wand, if not, how do you have it?" asked Freddy, but Harry didn't care, a green light burst out of Harry's wand and hit Freddy in the chest.

"Everybody, get out of here, I got an idea!" yelled Harry, he ran toward the crowd and got them to run out, he ran up the moveable stairs and ran to the third floor corridor on the right- hand side, he opened the door and unlock the lock on the door Fluffy was behind.

"Hello Harry," said Freddy, it seemed that Freddy chased Harry all the way up there, he started walking toward Harry, "did you really think you were going to kill me Harry, I can't D-I-E, die remember."

"Why haven't you killed me yet?" asked Harry.

"Because I want you to see you're parents but you've been doing a good job at not seeing them," said Freddy.

Harry finally found out.

"The only reason you haven't killed me yet is because you can't, you need me to put fear in every single last wizard and witch's heart for you will be unstoppable, the people you killed was to just get to me for that you can take my fear, kill me, then get the fear from everybody else, but I haven't got enough fear for you to take over, am I correct?" said Harry.

Freddy looked at Harry.

"Yep, you're parents are dead, but I'm dead too, so they can come back, only if they want," said Freddy.

"So you did that thing Sir Nearly Headless Nick-"

"No I didn't," said Freddy, getting closer to Harry.

"What did you mean by all that in the Great Hall?" Harry asked.

"You know that feeling you get when you wake up, that feeling that scares you and make you seem stronger, that belongs to me, when Voldemort gave you his power, I felt left out, so I gave you some of my power," Freddy said grinning.

Harry heard large foot- steps coming from behind the door.

"You're listening to something aren't 'cha," Freddy said.

"You're ugly face talking," said Harry, Harry didn't think he ticked Freddy off that much, Freddy's grin turned into a smirk.

"Harry Potter, Freddy Krueger, this story is screwed up but still I will win so good- night Harry Bladder… I mean Harry Potter," said Freddy raised his claw over Harry but then the door flung open, one of Fluffy's middle head burst out almost bit down on Freddy but he jumped up and landed on its head. "YEE HA!"

The walls around the door collapsed and now every body part was in the same room with Harry and Freddy.

The three heads thrashed around violently trying to get Freddy but Freddy held on like a bull rider with a large grin, he was also stabbing the heads. Fluffy rammed out of the room and down the corridor stairs, screeching, and Freddy yelling out "YEE HA!"

"Harry!" yelled Ron, Hermione and Cho, then ran up to Harry and gave him a hug. They all looked at Freddy laughing his head off.

"Look at this thing, it's a three way cross of Cujo, King Ghidorah and Ceribus!" chortled Freddy, now holding its ears.

Fluffy ran faster down the corridors, getting more vicious trying to get Freddy. Freddy was still stabbing heads.

Freddy jumped off of Fluffy and ran up to Harry.

"Hah, nice one kitties, hah!" Freddy yelled, he grabbed Harry neck with his claw and started dragging him down the stairs.

"Hah let go of him!" yelled Ron, Hermione and Cho Chang. They grabbed onto Freddy, while he was dragging Harry by his neck.

"Back off" said Freddy, still grinning, he then stabbed Hermione in the hand, she let go of Freddy.

"Hah, your lucky I didn't go for the vein," said Freddy, he then stabbed Ron in the foot, Hermione and Ron let go and back off, Ron fell to the ground, Hermione tried to withstand the pain.

Freddy stabbed Cho in the shoulder, but she wouldn't let go.

"You're a frisky one, aren't cha!" yelled Freddy, he guessed it was because of her love to Harry.

"You sick bastard," he said to Cho, "hah, I might need you."

He grabbed Cho's arm with his remaining hands and started dragging her with Harry.

Freddy dragged them outside and…

"Hah, wait!" yelled Freddy, "where's the three- headed dog?"


"Why does this only happen when the bad guys are holding the good guys?" Freddy said, he looked back and saw Fluffy looking at him with loath like eyes, Freddy started running still holding Harry and Cho, and then Fluffy started chasing them.


Freddy made outside, he through Harry and Cho onto the grass, he jerked back and stabbed Fluffy right in the chest, it didn't kill Fluffy but it ran by Freddy and into the Forbidden Forest.

"And I thought I was the only freak," said Freddy. He rose up his claw and hand and started grinning again.

"Ah, you feel that?" Freddy asked, not looking for an answer. "Those freaks' fear feels so good."

Harry got up, and helped Cho up.

"Thanks," said Cho.

"Your well come," said Harry, he looked at Freddy confused. "Why can't we kill him, he's not as powerful in the real world, he's really powerful in the dream world but why is he kicking our rear ends in the real world?"

Harry then realized it.

"You feed on our fears, doubts and dreams, that's why we haven't killed you, you are using our fears, doubts and dreams against us," Harry said.

"He finally gets it, well I was pretty sure people already knew I feed on dreams, see Harry, you're boring the reader, sorry reader. But that's why Dobby got killed so easily, his only fear was not protecting you, so it was easily to kill him. Marcus Flint was so twisted so I used that against him, no when it came to Justine Finch- Fletchley, it was totally easy, because he was half human and half wizard, and his only fear was losing his magic, Malfoy and Hegrid in my opinion was the easiest."

"Hah Freddy!" yelled Dumbledore.

"What do… you… want," said Freddy, he jerked around and saw the whole school of Hogwarts holding their wands and pointed them at Freddy.

Freddy grinned and said, "There's no need for wands."

"READY!" Dumbeldore screeched.

"Uh oh!" said Freddy.

"AIM!" Dumbledore screeched again.

Freddy ran up to Harry, and hid behind him, he grabbed Harry's neck with his claw.

"FIRE!" yelled Dumbledore, a red light burst out of the tip of everyone's wands and went through Harry and hit Freddy.

"Ouch!" said Freddy, a blue light his head and his head flung off, and his hat went flying into the air.

"HE'S DEAD!" yelled a Dean Thomas and then a the children yelled out in victory, Dumbledore walked up to Harry and said, "Are you alright?"

"I think," said Harry, he looked at the headless body of Freddy Krueger. "Is he dead?"

Before Dumbledore could answer, a roar that sounded like a lion's roar echoed through the air.

Harry looked at Freddy and saw his claw and hand grab its own head and put on, Freddy was still alive with his head on. Harry never noticed this before but when Freddy wasn't wearing his hat, he looked scarier. Freddy's eyes weren't gray anymore they were red.

"Come here my pretty, I got some gingerbread for you," said Freddy.

"NO!" yelled Dumbledore, he ran up to Freddy and through a punch but Freddy ducked before the blow.

"Albus," said Freddy he stabbed Dumbledore in the stomach, "first Flint, then Justine and Peeves and Dobby and Malfoy and Hegrid and now the greatest wizard of all, Albus Dumbledore," Freddy said, not even giving a little grin, he was ticked off.

Freddy stood up and punched Dumbledore in the face, he jumped back, and Freddy walked up to the fallen wizard and started kicking him.

"You couldn't protect them and yourself back then, you can't do it now," said Freddy.

Harry then jumped on Freddy's back, but it was short noticed, Freddy through Harry off of him.

"Don't hurt him!" yelled Hermione, Freddy grinning, he put his claw in from of his stomach and thrust his claw forward, into Hermione's chest.

"Isn't it seventh period," said Freddy grinning. Freddy pulled his claw back and sliced Hermione's neck, Freddy then through her toward the Forbidden Forest.

"NO!" screamed Ron, but before he could run toward Freddy, Freddy was standing in front of Ron and had already stabbed him in the femur (the area between your crotch and a little higher then your knee), Ron fell to the ground, Freddy started stabbing Ron in the back.

"Red seems to inkwell freckles around you," said Freddy. Ron spit out blood. Ron then stopped struggling.

Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan started running up to Freddy.

"Why does everybody run up to me, why?" Freddy asked himself, he stock out his index blade, and sliced the air, but when the blades came back to Freddy's shoulders, it cut Seamus and Dean's stomachs, they're insides poured out.

"Wow! That's what I call Meow Mix," said Freddy, he put his claw and hand to his stomach and started chortling. Then all the children and teachers jumped on Freddy, Harry heard slashing and blood squirted out of the dog pile of children and teachers.

Harry ran up to Professor Snape, pulled him onto his back, Snape's face was completely slashed, his eyes had been popped, his teeth and tong were pulled out, and Snape had died painfully.

Harry then saw Freddy's face in the pile.

"Give us kiss," Freddy chortled, he stuck out his tong at Harry.

Harry stumbled back he looked at Cho Chang was at his side, he was happy she didn't jump on Freddy.

"Harry and Cho Potter, hum, sorry to tell you two but that doesn't ring," said Freddy.

"YOU ARE NOT REAL! THIS IS ALL A DREAM! I'M IN MY BED SLEEPING! THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN BE REAL!" bellowed Harry; he saw the red in Freddy's eye turn gray.

"This is a world full of werewolves, vampires, hippogriffs, trolls, giants, giant snakes, weird looking things that kind a look like me in a black cape- Dementors, you believe in Voldemort who is also dead, witches and wizards, you believe in all of them and you don't believe in me. REALITY CAN BE A BITCH! ALONG WITH YOU!" yelled Freddy, he started walking toward him and Cho but he stopped when he looked at Cho. Harry then realized his weakness.


"Maybe, how am I supposed to know? You know what, you're Jack and shit, and Jack left town," said Freddy, but his face turned from confused to grinning to a dreaded.

Freddy grabbed Cho by the neck and pulled her away from Harry.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" yelled Harry about to stand but then Freddy put his claw up to Cho's neck.

"I'm just bringing you to my nightmare," said Freddy grinning. "Love is so sweet, I loved once, it was to my wife and daughter, but then my wife snooped around and I strangled her to death, but then my daughter blew up, then that little thing called love vanished, Harry she'll brake you're heart, look at her, she's Chinese and Chinese people have never done anything for us have they now."

Harry loved Cho more then anything in the world; if she died he would be all-alone.

"Please don't kill her, please," said Harry.

Freddy looked at Harry confused, he didn't understand how anyone could love someone like that, how was it possible, his face turned from confused to remorse. Freddy pulled her face in front of his, he looked at her a long period of time, he then made her looked at Harry.

"Now that I looked at her, she is pretty cute," said Freddy, then Harry swore he saw a tear fall down Freddy's cheek.

Freddy then looked in Harry's eyes; Freddy then sliced Cho's neck.

"NNNNNNOOOOOOO!" screamed Harry, but it was to late, Freddy was squeezing Cho's neck for the blood could come out of her sliced neck quicker and faster.

Freddy through Cho to the ground, Harry ran up to Cho's body but Freddy kicked him in the face making him jump back.

"There's nothing you can do," said Freddy. "WOW! Got ya thinkin' that was one of those emotional freaks and I was going to let her go, you need to get out more."

Harry watched helplessly as Cho struggled for air but couldn't find any, after about a minute or two Cho stopped moving.

"You have killed everyone," said Harry, he fell to his knees.

"Yes," said Freddy.

Harry then fell on his shoulder and closed his eyes.


Harry opened his eyes and saw Cho Chang, looking at him.

"Cho, you're alive," said Harry.

"Yah," said Cho confused.

Harry then started kissing her, Harry tasted her tongue, he opened his eyes and saw Freddy, and he pushed Freddy away.

"Hah, remember one thing Harry, there's no such thing as not using too much tong," said Freddy, grinning.

Harry screamed.

Harry opened his eyes and was lying down on the grass, he saw Freddy Krueger standing in front of him.

Harry ran by Freddy and into Hogwarts, Freddy wasn't far behind, Harry ran down each corridor, looking for the other way out.

"HARRY! YOU CAN'T KILL ME!" Freddy chortled. Freddy then grabbed Harry's leg, Harry fell down, Harry looked at Freddy and started punching him but it didn't seem to faze him. "This is where you die Harry Potter."

Freddy raised his claw, but then someone punched Freddy in the face, it was Dumbledore, he held onto Freddy's claw.

"GET OUT OF HERE HARRY!" yelled Dumbledore, Harry got up and started running, he ran outside and watched the fight.


Dumbledore held Freddy with all his strength.

"Let go of me bitch," Freddy said. Dumbledore punched Freddy in the face again. "You wanna play it like that okay."

Freddy stabbed Dumbledore in the hand, Freddy then stabbed him in the stomach, and Dumbledore punched Freddy in the face again.

"WHY WON"T YOU JUST DIE?" bellowed Freddy, he noticed that the walls started shaking.

"What are you doing?" asked Freddy.

"Doing what I should of done all of those years ago… kill you," Dumbledore said.

Freddy realized that the whole school was shaking.

"ENTER MY NIGHTMARE BITCH!" yelled Dumbledore; the school started shaking fiercer by the second, the walls collapsed and Hogwarts started falling on them.

"NO!" yelled Freddy.

"All those lives you took, the feelings of others you destroyed, the pain and suffering of others, its you're turn," Dumbledore said, Dumbledore through a fist but Freddy grabbed it, Freddy then sliced Dumbledore's neck, Dumbledore let go and fell to the ground.

Freddy got up and started running toward the entrance, he pushed open the doors and saw Harry pointing his wand at Freddy.

"YOU'RE IN MY NIGHTMARE NOW BITCH!" yelled Harry, a green light shot out Harry's wand and hit Freddy right in the chest, Freddy went flying back and landed right where Dumbledore was lying.

Freddy looked up and saw the ceiling fall.


Harry saw Hogwarts falling from a safe distant, he knew there was no way Freddy could survive that, Harry started to cry because everyone of his friends were dead, and his real home was destroyed.

Harry turned around and got into a little canoe and let the canoe bring him wherever it went.

When all the dust and ruble stopped going everywhere, there was only silence, dead silence.

But then a claw burst out of the ruble, and there was laughter.


By: Michael J. Gallant

Based On The Character Created By

Wes Craven and J.K. Rowling.