AN: This is it. The big one, the last chapter. The big daddy, the motherload. All right I'll stop now. Well I hope everyone loves this chapter, and it is a little sad ending it, wipes imaginary tear away...But I do plan on writing multiple more fanfics, in case anyone was wondering...Well for the 27th time I want to thank all my reviewers\readers, anyone who looks at this and gets a little chortle...I do try to make a difference...and um, enjoy!

Chapter 27

"Oh my God!" Christine screamed again, backing up against the wall, shading her eyes.
"Oh, uh Christine, this isn't what it looks like." Erik hurriedly pulled his pants up.
"At least not yet anyway." Raoul said calmly, standing up slowly. Christine let out a suppressed cry, and ran out of the room.
"Oh dammit, Christine." Erik started after her, when Raoul grabbed him by the arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.
"Well go after her"
"Why?" Raoul screamed. "You don't even like her anymore"
"I know, but I still need to explain everything to her, you know." Erik gestured helplessly towards the door, and started running out yelling after Christine.
"Oh for God's sake, this is not the step forward in our relationship that I was hoping for." Raoul groaned, chasing after Erik.

"Christine!" Erik screamed, looking every which way for Christine. "Why are you chasing after her? You can't even stand her." The voice inside his head protested wildly. "That's not the point, the point is...well I don't know, oh shut up!" Erik slapped himself in the forehead. "Oh Christine!" He cried, as he spotted Christine run into the Opera Populaire. "Oh yea, great idea Christine." He muttered to himself, running after her. "Hide from me in a place that I helped build, good plan." Erik reached the front doors, and pulled them open, and darted in the opera house.

"Erik!" Raoul ran out of his house, and started pushing past people looking for his beloved. He stopped to a sudden halt, when seeing Erik fly into the Opera Populaire. "Oh what is this, a trip down memory lane?" He muttered running at full speed towards the opera.

Christine was running without any clue as to where she was going. When she finally did stop and look around her surroundings, Christine was shocked to find herself in knee high water in Erik's lair. There was some splashing, which made her turn around to see Erik clutching his chest, and leaning against the stone wall.

"Stay away!" Christine warned, backing away.
"Christine." Erik gasped, taking a step forward. "Let me explain"
"Oh explain what? You disgusting bastard." Christine started sobbing, and she took a step forward, raised her hand to slap him, but Erik grabbed a hold of her wrist. "Please Christine, get a hold on yourself."

"Get a hold on myself? GET A HOLD ON MYSELF?" Christine screeched, flecks of spit flying from her mouth.

Meanwhile, Raoul was hopelessly lost.
"One minute they are here, the next minute they disappeared. Oh woe is me." Raoul looked around hoping for a clue. "Now the trick to figure out where Christine ran off to, is to think like Christine." Raoul closed his eyes, and imitated a Christine-like voice inside his head. "I'm Christine, a big skinny bitch who likes to over do the damsel in distress act, and- She ran down to the lair!" Raoul jumped up triumphantly, and gave himself a congratulatory high five. "Now I just have to figure out how to get back down there. And once again I can win the girl, or in this case the boy." Raoul started running, when the floor opened up beneath him, and he started falling through the air.

"Oh damnation!" He hollered, as he slammed unceremoniously onto the stone floor. "Ow, fuck." He groaned, massaging his face, rolling over to his back. The sound of two angry voices jarred him to his senses. "Ow," Raoul stood up, and staggered against a curtain hanging up, and then fell back to the floor.
"Would you at least listen to me Christine?" Raoul vaguely heard Erik's voice, as he tottered back to his feet.

"Oh I'll listen to you!" Christine screamed, and there was the sound of Christine slapping Erik. Raoul fell to his knees, and looked around his surroundings in despair.
"He's going to take her back, oh I am not impressed. I've worked too hard to let Erik slip through my fingers." A rope caught Raoul's eye, and a plan formulated in his virile young brain.

"Christine please!" Erik covered his eyes exasperatedly.
"You know, you're not being very comforting for a cheating dingus!" Christine let out a screech, when Raoul emerged from the shadows slipped a noose around her neck. "Ack!" Christine gurgled, clawing frantically at the rope.

"Raoul, what in god's name are you doing?" Erik sighed.
"Look familiar?" Raoul said through gritted teeth. "Now, either choose me, or Christine gets it."
"Couldn't you ask this, without putting a noose over Christine's neck"
"Hey, you put a noose over my neck!" Raoul yelled, and there was a slight pause.
"Hmm, touché." Erik responded.
"Oh what are you worrying about?" Christine spat out vindictively. "He's sure to pick you, you faggot!"

"I am not a bundle of sticks! I am not a-oh, you're being derogatory." Raoul finished somewhat lamely. "Well?" He asked Erik. Amid Erik's stuttering, Christine moved her leg to kick Raoul, when she felt the knife rub against her thigh.

"Well I mean, o-obviously, I mean-" Erik was babbling, when Christine withdrew the knife from her petticoats, twisted to the side, and slashed Raoul across the arm. "Fuck!" Raoul swore, releasing the noose, and Christine took a couple of steps forward, sputtering unnecessarily for air.

"Are you ok?" Erik rushed over, a bit anxious.
"I think I need to lie down for a bit." Raoul said, and then keeled over. "I can see the light!" He twitched, and Erik kneeled down to inspect Raoul. "And there is Philippe, and he's beckoning me to come to him-ow!" Raoul shrieked, as Erik back handed him.

"Oh you're fine, get a control of yourself." Erik ripped off of a piece of his shirt, and tied it around Raoul's arm, and then helped Raoul up to his feet. "All right, let's go." He put his arm around Raoul's waist, and started help him walk across the lake.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." Raoul muttered thickly, waving off of Erik's arm, and he started to stumble toward the exit. Erik made his way to follow him, when Christine grabbed onto his arm.

"So you're going, just like that?" She asked, wiping at her puffy red eyes. "What about me? What about our relationship?" Erik paused, and grabbed onto her shoulders.
"Well Christine," he began in solemn tone. "I don't give a shit." And he swept off, leaving Christine alone. Christine started to shake with anger, and then let out an unearthing scream, and started chasing after Erik.

"I'm going to kill him." She thought furiously. "I am going to rip him to shreds, I am going to-," but what else she was going to do to Erik, we may never know, because just then, Christine slipped on Raoul's discarded roll of quarters left behind from so long ago. With a hideous scream, she flew through the air, and landed in the water, slamming her head with a sickening crack against a rock, and thought no more.

Raoul and Erik were hobbling their way through the water, when a scream echoed through the air.
"Did you hear that?" Raoul asked, looking around anxiously.
"No." Erik replied shortly. Looking at Raoul, who was twiddling his thumbs, and throwing scared looks over his shoulder, Erik walked over to Raoul, crooning softly.
"No more talk of darkness, Forget these wide-eyed fears. I'm-"
"There is no way I am going to sing Christine's part!" Raoul exclaimed angrily. "I'm the man in this relationship, the one who wears the pants, and so forth." There was a brief silence, and Erik replied,
"about that. You didn't even wear the pants when you were sordidly involved with Christine."

"Yeah, well, that song sucks anywho." Raoul retorted.
"You're the one who started singing it"
"Actually, you just started singing it." Raoul helpfully pointed out.
"Yes, I know." Erik huffed angrily. "But you were the one who started singing it on the rooftop."

"Ah yes." Raoul paused meaningfully, and then started skipping ahead. "How about a meaningful song like...keep it gay! Keep it sassy, keep it classy, keep it gay!" Raoul skipped back over to Erik, who grabbed him, and kissed him on the lips.
"Well I suppose that could work too." Raoul nodded, with a bit of a smirk on his face. Clasping hands, Erik and Raoul made their way up to the beautiful sunset.

And that's it! If anyone was offended while reading this story, then mission accomplished! Review everyone!