For some reason, I had to start a new fic…. Mondler fans, don't hate me! Please review!


Friendship Is Best

"Thanks for letting my stay here until I can find a place…" Joey said to Phoebe and Mike's as they walked into their apartment.

He had just returned from LA where he had been living for 3 years, where he's been trying to make it big in the acting world. However he missed New York too much and when he got an offer of a part on a soap opera filmed there, he accepted straight away.

"No problem!" Phoebe grinned at him. "I'm so glad you're back!"

"Me too, I miss everyone!" He replied.

"Yeah, I know what you mean…" She sighed. "Ever since Ross and Rach moved out of the city like Mon and Chandler, we hardly get to see each other!"

"Well, we're all going to be together tonight…" Joey reminded her. "I can't wait to see everyone…and I miss Monica's cooking!"

"Do you know what they need to tell us?" Phoebe questioned.

"Nope, all Chandler told me was that it was something big."

"I bet Monica's pregnant!"

"Really?" Joey eyes' lit up. "You think so!"

"Well, yeah! I mean they've been trying forever!"

"Oh my god!" Joey exclaimed. "Maybe they'll name the baby after me!"

"I named my baby after you!" She gestured to her 9-months-old son, sleeping in his carrier.

"Yeah but you named him, Cougar Joseph…"

"What's wrong with Cougar!"

"Nothing…" Joey told her, before mumbling to himself. "But it's no Joey…"


Joey, Phoebe and Mike stood outside The Bing's house, waiting for someone to answer. Phoebe held Cougar while Joey bounced up and down excited to see his friends.

"Hey, Guys!" Monica greeted, pulling open to door. "Come on in…"

As soon as the door was closed behind then, Joey pulled into a hug.

"Hey Mon!" He swung her around. "What's for dinner!"

She laughed. "Some things never change…. we've got chicken…"

"Great!" He exclaimed, before rushing into the living room to greet the others.

"Where's Chandler?" He asked after they had all hugged and said hello to each other.

"Uh, he's on his way…" She replied just as the front door opened.

"Hello…" Chandler called out, making Joey run into the hallway to greet him.

"My best buddy!" He exclaimed, picking Chandler up.

"Hello to you, too…" Chandler replied. "Joe, you can put me down now!"

"Oh yeah, right sorry…" Joey let go of him. "How you been?"

"Uh, I've been pretty good…" He nodded slightly, glancing at Monica. "Oh, you're all here…. Sorry, I'm late.."

"No problem…" Phoebe smiled at him, giving him a small hug.

Before anyway could say anymore, Chandler felt some arms wrap around his legs.

"Hey baby…" He grinned, swinging Erica up into his arms, frowning at how hot she felt. "You still feeling ill…"

She nodded and rested her head on his shoulder, as he held her tight to him.

"You want me to stay home and look after you tomorrow?" He questioned to which she nodded again. "Okay then…"

"You sure?" Monica looked at him.

"Yeah, I told them I'd probably wouldn't be in tomorrow…" He shrugged. "And I knew you got to go into work then as well so its better I look after her."

"Okay, if you want…" She gave him a smile, which he returned.

"Right, now everyone is here, tell us what this big news is!" Rachel cut in.

"Oh, maybe its best until after dinner…" Chandler suggested and Monica nodded her agreement.

"Okay, is it good or bad?" Ross asked.

"We'll see…" Chandler replied. "I'll take Erica back to bed…"

"I'll check on dinner.." Monica added, heading to the kitchen.

"Well that was weird…" Rachel said slowly once they had left the room.


"Okay, so now do we get to know what's going on?" Rachel asked, when they were sat down after finishing dinner.

"Yeah, just tell us about the baby…" Joey added, getting hit by Phoebe. "Oops!"

"Baby?" Chandler repeated, "What baby!"

"Oh my god, are you pregnant?" Rachel gasped. "Oh that's so great…"

"You're having a baby!" Ross exclaimed as they all started to congratulate the couple.

"Guys, Guys!" Monica shouted over them. "We're not having a baby!"

"Oh…." Phoebe frowned slightly. "Oh no, you better not be moving again!"

"No, we're not…" Monica replied. "Uh, well…I'm not…"

"What?" Ross asked confused.

"Okay, the thing is…" Chandler took a deep breath. "We've decided to separate."

"What!" They all yelled.

"You can do that!" Joey told them.

"We know this must be a shock…" Chandler started.

"Why? Why would you do this?" Ross stuttered before glaring at Chandler. "Did you do something!"


"It wasn't Chandler's fault!" Monica claimed. "It wasn't anyone's fault!"

"This is just temporary, right?" Phoebe asked. "You are getting back together, right?"

Chandler and Monica exchange looks.

"Actually, no…" She said quietly.

"We uh, we've filed for divorce…" Chandler explained. "As of yesterday, we're officially single again…"


Please review!