Inuyasha's Short Skirt Fetish
Inuyasha sighed as he leaned against the well, brushing off some fallen leaves that the wind had stirred up. He hated autumn, the wind always blowing in his face. Stupid leaves everywhere.
"Stupid leaves…stupid girl…stupid tests…stupid future," he muttered under his breath. He was waiting for Kagome to come back from her time. She had left without telling anyone but Sango, so he was angry for being left out. Plus, she had taken the latest jewel shards that they had collected, which was all fine and good, but there could be youkai in the future that would be attracted to them. Then she would be in trouble.
The silver-haired hanyou felt a sudden rush of adrenaline, wanting to jump into the well and see if she was okay. He stood up and leaned over to stare down into the well. The black abyss stared back at him, daring him to leap inside. He took the offer.
"Kagome's gonna kill me…" He sat on the edge and sighed, his muscles tensing for the jump. Inuyasha leapt inside, the same bluish-purple light glowing about. But he had barely begun to fall when something hard rammed into his abdomen. He heard a scream and the unknown force pushed him back out of the well. It had slammed him flat on his back, leaving his legs hooked over the side of the well. An image of black, white and green hovered close to his face, while something light and warm straddled his waist.
"Inuyasha, gomen," Kagome squeaked, sitting up quickly.
"Yeah, thanks a lot for knocking me to the ground," he growled sarcastically.
"I said I was sorry!" she snapped back, her eyes flashing. Kagome pressed her hands on the ground as leverage to push herself up to stand, then rearranged her yellow knapsack on her back. Inuyasha glared at her from the ground.
"It's about time you got back," he replied. He sat up and brushed himself off, the wind blowing in his face again. She glanced down at him.
"Why? Were you waiting for me?" She grinned mischievously. "I didn't know you felt that way!"
"Feh! Yeah, sure, like I'd be waiting for you. I was waiting for the jewel shards." She pursed her lips and prepared to open her mouth and 'Sit' him, but decided against it. That never got them anywhere. Kagome turned around and began to walk away.
"Oi! Where are you going?"
"I'm going to the village. Come with me if you want some lunch." Inuyasha's furry white ears perked up and he grinned as he pushed himself up from the ground.
"Ramen! Ramen! Ramen!" he chanted happily as he bounced on all fours, staying close behind her. Kagome looked back to see him smiling and she giggled a bit. It was nice to see him so excited over such a simple food.
As they came upon the bridge, the wind suddenly picked up, blowing strongly against them. To Kagome's embarrassment, her short green skirt flew up completely and she was quick to press down the front so any passing villagers wouldn't get a peek at her underwear.
However…Inuyasha was in his own little ramen-filled world, still bouncing after her. As Kagome stopped to cover herself from the breeze, the happy hanyou opened his eyes just in time to see him bounce himself right into her flipped up skirt. They toppled over into the grass, arms and legs flailing in the air. When the dust settled, Kagome pulled her hands out from under her.
"Oww…what the-EEEEEEK!" She turned her upper body around to see Inuyasha's face buried underneath her pleated skirt. To her utter horror, she could feel his little nose pressed into her inner thigh, waaaaaaay too close to her
"KYAAAAAAA! #!&!" she shrieked, scrambling away from him and flipping herself over. His face plopped into the grass, his white ears twitching. Her face was bright neon red. He—he just—
"Inuyasha no hentai!" She felt her face burning with humiliation. Dog boy didn't see this because he was face down in the ground, completely still. Kagome kept glaring at him, waiting for him to look up so she could Sit him. After an intense moment of silence, he tilted his head slightly upwards. As his face came into view, Kagome gasped.
Blood was flowing from his nose, splattering to the ground. He brought a hand up to his face, wiping blood from his mouth. He was speechless. This meant that he really was hentai!
"Masaka…" Kagome was almost in shock. As he sat up, holding a finger under his nose to stop the flow, she pursed her lips.
"You really are a hentai," she muttered. He immediately leapt to his feet, the blood now suddenly gone.
"I am not!" he yelled, pointing a clawed finger at her, "I'm not the one wearin' that stupid outfit!"
"What!" Kagome screeched, "Excuse me, but YOU were the one that put your face in my skirt!"
"Well, if you weren't wearin' that skirt thing, it wouldn't've happened!" he countered.
"If you were watching where you were going, we wouldn't be in this situation!" she shot back.
"If you had held it down, I wouldn't've had my face in your underwear!" he argued.
"I can't help it if the wind blew it up! And I certainly can't help it if you're such a HENTAI!" Inuyasha opened his mouth again, but quickly shut it. There wasn't much left to argue about, at least about anything that could benefit him. Maybe she was right, maybe he was a hentai. He turned around sharply and stomped off to the village.
"Whatever…" he muttered. Kagome sighed heavily and followed him. It would be best to just drop it. While she walked, she smoothed down her school skirt over and over.
"Um…Inuyasha, you've got blood on your face," Miroku pointed out, right after they arrived underneath the tree just inside the town.
"Shut up monk, I know!" Inuyasha rubbed his nose with the back of his hand, making sure that any trace of red was gone.
"Inuyasha! Don't make me say you-know-what!" Kagome chastised. The hanyou spun around and whined, wanting to keep his body off the ground for once. Once she saw that he was calm, she took off her backpack and opened the zipper. Inuyasha's ears twitched again, his nose sniffing for his favorite instant noodles. His mouth began to water when he caught a whiff of the ramen from her knapsack and he bent over her shoulder impatiently.
"Just wait a minute," she told him, pulling out an aluminum bag. She tossed the potato chips to Shippo, who caught them in mid-air.
"Thanks Kagome," the fox-demon said happily, tearing open the bag in delight. Inuyasha glared in jealousy, his stomach rumbling from hunger. He sat down, crossing his ankles, waiting his turn. Sometimes that girl was so annoying…making him wait while he was starving…
"Mn…" he groaned. By this time, she had handed out food to Miroku, Sango, and Kirara. His eyes began to meander to her thick black hair, always kept in perfect shape. It came halfway down her back, curling to a few ebony tips. Her white shirt was always clean and unwrinkled, staying smoothly in place. Inuyasha looked further down her back, seeing his most recent problem yet. That skirt…
"Here you are, Inuyasha."
It was a soft grass green color, with smooth, even pleats…
"Inuyasha, take it."
It fit snugly around her slender waist, the flowing material ending at the middle of her thighs…
"Do you want it or not?"
He wondered if all the girls in the future wore such revealing outfits…
"Are you hungry or not? Take it already!"
"Nng…" Inuyasha moaned softly, looking at the way Kagome was crouched down by her backpack. Her knees were hugged up to her chest, while her she sat on her haunches, balancing herself with one small hand. His amber eyes wandered down to where her legs where slightly parted at the calves and he saw a flash of pink…
At that moment, several things happened at once. The first thing to happen was a screeching yell in his sensitive, pointed ears and then his face met the ground, smashing his nose into the grass. He then heard Sango gasp, saying something in an annoyed manner. Miroku replied to her in an amusing voice, which was followed by a large smacking sound. The spell started to wear off and he lifted his head, but then Kagome began screaming again.
"OWOWOWOWOW!" Miroku and Sango watched in surprise as Kagome unleashed her fiercest 'sit' attack yet. The hanyou strained to unbury himself as soon as possible, wanting to know what he had done wrong. The second the spell wore off, he stood up and glared at the miko.
"What did I do!" he demanded.
"You know what you did!" she shrieked, her eyes full of rage and embarrassment.
"But I didn't do anything!" Kagome practically had fire in her eyes and Inuyasha cowered a bit, backing up against a tree. He shouldn't have said anything…she was REALLY mad. She stomped up to him, staring him in the face, ignoring the loud gulp he made from his throat.
"You-are-a-hentai!" she bit out, emphasizing each word by poking him hard in the chest with one finger. He winced and then grit his teeth.
"Prove it." Kagome's eyes narrowed and, quick as lightning, she wiped a finger over his mouth and held it up to him. Crimson blood covered her finger.
"N-no!" he protested, whipping to the side and bringing his sleeve up to his face, wiping his face again. What in the hell was going on? Kagome huffed and threw the ramen cup at him, walking back to Miroku and Sango.
"I don't know what's wrong with him…" he heard her mutter as she walked away. He stared down at his bloody sleeve, then stuck out his lower lip in a pout. He leaped up onto the lowest branch of his favorite tree, watching the others from his peripheral vision. Fine…so he was a hentai. Let her be mad at him.
"Feh…" he mumbled, crossing his arms and closing his eyes.
Time had passed and the area around the tree became quiet. Inuyasha shifted against the tree, then sat up and looked down. He was surprised to see only Miroku down by the trunk, sitting peacefully in the grass. He seemed to be meditating. The silver-haired boy jumped down to join the monk, landing silently beside him. Miroku had his eyes closed.
"Where'd the others go to?" he asked him quietly. Miroku, being in deep thought, didn't answer right away. Inuyasha was forced to sit and wait for him to come back to reality. However, the hanyou's patience was very short.
"Hey, I'm talking to you monk!" he yelled in his ear. Miroku grimaced, then slowly opened his eyes.
"What is it?" he asked in a strained voice. He didn't like being interrupted.
"I asked where everyone went."
"Ah, of course. Sango and Kagome went for a walk, while Kirara and Shippo went to play with the children in the village. I stayed behind here to find my spiritual center." Inuyasha raised an eyebrow.
"Well, while you're finding your 'center', maybe you can find out why Kagome is mad at me." Miroku chuckled and sighed in a wistful way.
"What's so funny?" The monk smiled and faced him.
"It seems that you and I have more in common than I thought. I was starting to believe you were celibate."
"Nothing. Now about Kagome."
"Yeah. I was just waiting for her to give me some food from her bag, then she just turned around and yelled Sit a million times. I didn't even say anything!"
"Now now, calm down. You know she doesn't Sit you unless she has a valid reason. Try and think, what could you have possibly done to make her angry?" Inuyasha looked up at Miroku and leaned forward, his eyes narrow and suspicious. Miroku had that look, like he already knew what had made Kagome mad. Was this some sort of philosophical question, like admitting that he did something bad? Well, if that was the case, there was no way that monk was going to get it out of him.
"What did I do to make her angry? Nothing."
"Nothing, you say. Then let me rephrase my inquiry. The moment before Kagome made you Sit, what were you doing?"
"Nothing! I was waiting for my food. And unless you count watching her, then its still nothing!" he declared. Miroku took a deep breath, then stood up.
"You were watching her," he repeated.
"Yeah, that's usually what you do when you wait on someone, you watch them," he replied sarcastically.
"Perhaps…" the monk began, "You were not watching her, as much as you were looking at her. Tell me, was there something about her that caught you eye?" Inuyasha gulped, getting to his feet to stand. He couldn't possibly know about…?
"No," he choked out. Miroku watched him amusedly as he squirmed for an explanation. This would prove interesting.
"Well then. I'll leave you alone for now. Just forget it." He turned around to leave.
"Okay…" But then, Miroku looked over his shoulder, a sly grin on his face.
"One more question, if I may."
"What do you think Kagome's favorite color is?" Without even thinking, with no hesitation, he answered.
"Pink." A moment's pause.
"Ah, just as I thought." Miroku walked away, leaving Inuyasha standing in confusion.
"Hey, wait! Why'd you ask me that?"
"Don't worry about it!" the dark-haired man called back, waving a hand. Inuyasha shrugged, then climbed up the tree behind him again. He settled down on a high limb, letting his legs dangle over both sides.
"It's a good thing he doesn't know that I was staring at her skirt," he muttered to himself after a while. "Otherwise, I'd be in real trouble." He sighed and leaned back. But then…why did he ask about her favorite color just now?
"Ah, shit! Pink!" he yelled in frustration and realization. Knowing that lecher, he probably knew the color of every woman's underwear in a 10-mile radius, which meant—
"Damnit Miroku!" He knows! Inuyasha leapt into the air, bouncing from tree to tree. If that monk tells Kagome that he'd been staring underneath her skirt, it'd be all over for him. She'd go back home, making the remaining jewel shards a lot more difficult to find. There wouldn't be anyone to use the sacred arrows to help with his sword attacks. She'd hate him forever, all for being a hentai.
No more instant ramen!
The red-clad hanyou whimpered at the very thought.
A/N: Yeah, yeah…I'm here. Look, don't ask why I'm writing this. I'm a dirty nasty lecherous hentai and you should all know that by now! That stupid other fanfic I'm writing is giving me a headache…so much angst and drama and "Oh Naraku, don't rape me even though I'm horny as hell!" But I'm working on it, so don't freak out yet.
If you have any suggestions on this fic and any others, that would be greeeeeat….yeaaahhh…. In fact, I'll give YOU a suggestion first! Don't send me reviews like this: i luv ur fic, plz updaet!1
I mean...come on! You guys can give me more than that. You have so much potential as a reviewer! And don't hold back. Bring on the fiery flames of hell! They can't be that bad, how could you possibly flame a story like this? Heh, I'm just asking for it, aren't I? No, don't send flames, that's mean. Well, I'll see you next chapter. I won't promise...but look out for a shower of limeade.