Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha…But I am the closest thing to him you will ever see :p

Ok well im sorry that I wasn't able to put this one up that fast but I did try my best to make it interesting. Also I think I might change the way I look. Looking like Inuyasha was not one of my better plans, a lot of people have seen the show and a lot of them were girls…so yea. I don't think that it will solve the problem though.


As I began to wake up the first thing I noticed was the wonderful scent of Kagome. Opening my eyes I turned my head towards the scent to see Kagome laying on the ground in her sleeping bag. Sitting up and ignoring the sting of pain from the almost healed wound I reached down and picked up Kagome, placing her on my lap and wrapping my arms around her. "I've missed you so much…" Looking at her face I saw a smile form and felt her snuggle closer to me. "Kagome…stop acting I know your awake," I laughed as I heard her sigh, "I don't want to get up yet, I just got comfortable." Smirking as I thought of something I looked down at her seeing that she still had her eyes closed. "If you don't get up now I'll see just how ticklish you are," Kagome's eyes shot open upon that and she looked straight up at me her eyes narrowing, "You wouldn't…" Smirking I ran a claw down her back laughing as I saw her shiver, "D d don't do that," laughing I used my other hand to start tickling her side, "Ha ha ha..sto..sto…stop it! Ha ha ha, plea..ple…please Inuyasha! Ha ha ha ha!" Suddenly one of her hands found their way to my stomach and one of her claws lightly dragged across it, "Hey watch it that tickles!" I stopped just long enough to move her hand but she took advantage of that and turned the tides, "AH HAHAHA s..s..stop! HAHAHA KAGOME! I CANT TAKE IT! HAHAHAHA!"


Aha so Inuyasha is ticklish, well then I'll just get my revenge! "Take this!" Using my claws I began to ruthlessly tickle Inuyasha's stomach and sides, all the while he tried to brush my hands away, "HAHAHAHA..I..I..I..I..HAHAHA..CAN..CAN'T..HA..TAKE HAHAHA..IT!" This is great! Laughing along with Inuyasha I finally stopped. "Hahaha, that was great," I laid there on-top of Inuyasha just as my brother decided to poke his head out, "Eww what are ya'll doing?" Looking down at Inuyasha and myself I suddenly noticed how we were positioned and how messed up our clothes was. Jumping up as fast as I could I took off after my brother, "Come here you little shrimp!"


Standing up and chasing after Kagome I ran into Souta's room just as Kagome caught him, "Got you! Now what was that comment you made earlier?" "Nothing I swear! Let me go!" "Oh no not before I get some revenge!" With an evil glint in her eyes she pinned Souta to the ground and began tickling his side, "AHAHAHAHA!" "What is all the racket down here? Kagome, Souta stop all this fooling around Inuyasha is…" "Im fine which is more than I can say for the shrimp," Laughing I watched as Kagome's mother walked in and pried Kagome off of Souta. "So Inuyasha, tell me what exactly caused Kagome to look the way she looks now?" Immediately I felt my face turn red, "Well…that is…um…we…uh…Kagome?" "I told her that we are…together," "So she knows we're mates then?" "Mates? As in the both of you have…made love?" "Um yea, you're now mad are you mom?" Kagome stood there poking her fingers together and looking at them. Standing next to her I looked at Kagome's mom, "Well, when can I expect grandchildren?" Both Kagome and I fell over from the response; Kagome being the first to recover spoke first, "Mom we haven't even thought about that yet!" Standing up I simply blinked then looked at Kagome and smiled as she argued with her mom about babies and what not.


After the whole ordeal with my mom and thoroughly talking about how I had turned into a Hanyou I finally turned towards Inuyasha and remembered the one question I had been meaning to ask him, "Inuyasha, how did you come back? I thought you were…dead and also I could have swore the well was sealed…" Closing his eyes Inuyasha took in a deep breath and let it out, "I remember…dieing after I handed you the last of the shikon no tama, and then I woke up surrounded in blackness. Clawing my way forward, or rather up I finally managed to get out of my own grave but at first I didn't even know who I was. I just remember wanting to find my mate…you Kagome. I ended up at the Sacred Tree and remembered how I died as well as your name. Suddenly without thinking I ran to the well and saw that it was full of water. I still didn't remember everything so I just did the only thing I could I jumped into the well swinging Tetsuiga down into the water and suddenly I was here." Without another thought I grabbed Inuyasha's hand and dragged him with me to the well house and looked into the well seeing that the water was indeed gone replaced by a soft red glow that looked like it was fading, "Is that what you did?" Inuyasha nodded and then looked at me, "Kagome, we can go back if you want, but I don't think there will be time to return to this time afterwards and I think this was a one shot deal thing. If you want we can stay here, or go back, wherever you want to stay I'll be fine with it." Smiling I looked back at my home and saw my mother smiling and waving towards me holding a familiar looking backpack, running over to her I hugged her tears forming in my eyes, "Im going to go back with Inuyasha, I don't think I can live a normal life here, but maybe I'll see you all in 500 years." Hugging Souta and grandpa as well I picked up the bag and walked over to the well standing right in-front of it with Inuyasha and took one last look at it before jumping into the well and traveling for the last time through the time stream back 500 years into the past, Shippo, Sango, Miroku, I cant wait to see you all again.


I can't believe that I lost both of my parents a second time… I sat there next to the well, Miroku and Sango had gone to Inuyasha's grave in-order to pay their respects while I hoped against all hope to see Kagome re emerge from the well with sweets and smiling. But Inuyasha is gone, and she left crying she will never smile again…and she won't come back. Suddenly a burst of light came from the well, redish this time instead of the usual blue. Is it, Kagome? Standing up I looked up as Sango and Miroku came into the clearing riding Kilala transformed, "Shippo, we have to go look for Inuyasha…" "Looking for me?" Said a smirking Inuyasha as he leapt out of the well carrying Kagome in his arms and her backpack as if nothing had ever happened. Before another word was uttered I launched myself into Kagome's arms and began crying out of sheer Joy, Sango ran over and hugged Kagome as tightly as I was after Inuyasha had set her down and cried as well. As Inuyasha simply looked at Miroku and smirked, "Didn't really think I would be done in so easily did ya?" Miroku laughed and gave Inuyasha a hug that Inuyasha awkwardly returned.


After all the tears were spilt and everyone had settled down we headed towards the village and over to Kaede's hut, upon arriving there I noticed that things were a bit different, "Hey Miroku, Sango why are all of Kaede's herbs and things gone?" I looked over at Miroku and saw him shake his head, "She died a few days ago, she went in her sleep. I wish she could have seen you two reunited." Knowing that she at least went peacefully I smiled and sat down nodding, "Well as long as she didn't suffer, she did live a good life." Miroku sat down and watched as Kagome and Sango began chatting about all that had happened and Shippo sat there in Kagome's arms asleep. "So Inuyasha, how is it that you came back to be among the living?" "I don't know, I just did…" "We'll it doesn't matter how im just glad that you have returned along with Kagome." I nodded and watched as Kagome laughed and continued her discussion with Sango. "At long last we can relax, Naraku is dead, and the Shikon no Tama is gone. But, what happened to Kikyo?" Kagome looked up upon hearing her name and a look of confusion passed over her face, "That is a good question she seemed to have disappeared right after the battle with Naraku." Just then Kikyo walked into the hut and looked at all of us, "Inuyasha…you survived the battle? How?" "I didn't I was dead, but then I came back to life." Kikyo's face lightened, "Well then I suppose you have kept your promise to me after all. Naraku is dead, which means this is goodbye," As she said that Kikyo's body began to fall into ash and dust as the rest of Kagome's soul went back to her. "Goodbye Kikyo, thanks for all the help." Smiling she disappeared with the wind. Kagome smiled towards me as I looked at her and I knew that Kikyo could finally rest in peace. "Im glad that she went in peace, Sango how is Kohaku?" "He's fine, seems he has taken quite a liking to Rin." "That's nice, wait does that mean that Sesshomaru is in this village?" Sango nodded and was about to say something but I didn't hear it as I ran out of the hut in search of him, "SESSHOMARU, WHERE ARE YOU, SHOW YOURSELF!" Just as I was about to yell again I see him walk out of the nearby trees, "So you seem to have pulled yourself out of the grave again somehow, tell me what it is that you are so desperately looking for me for." "Why did you leave me dead after the battle with Naraku? You could have brought me back with Tenseiga!" "No I couldn't Tenseiga did not choose to bring you back." "Whatever, I believe we have a fight to settle," "Indeed," smirking I drew Tetsuiga as Sesshomaru drew Tokajin and smirked. "Hey no fighting, you barely see one another again after so long and you want to fight? Inuyasha I don't want you to die again so let him go." "As if id lose to this weakling!" With that said we began or match, crossing swords, all the while smirking.


Standing back with Sango and Kagome I watched as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru fought, not to kill each other it seemed but merely for fun, smirking I leaned close to Sango's ear and whispered, forgetting that Kagome was a Hanyou, "Should we tell them that we are going to get married?" Sango blushed and looked over to Kagome who oddly had not heard it at all and then smirked, "Perhaps a little latter, I also believe that we should tell them that we are expecting," Laughing we simply watched Inuyasha and Sesshomaru spar and felt for the first time in a long time at peace.

Well there you have it, the end of the story, I may go back and edit it all a bit later, and im thinking about writing a squeal but im not too sure these days. Perhaps when all my school stuff is over and I managed to get a steady Internet going. Who knows, Im glad about the reviews and all of you that read it and I hope to hear from ya'll again when I write another story. Goodbye for now my friends and hope to see you all soon. If I do get my AMV's for Inuyasha up ill re-edit this and let ya'll know. So long and I'll miss you all. Anyone that would like to chat with me just email me or let me know in your review and ill get in touch with ya'll. Later!