The Seduction
Chapter 1: Alone At Last
It was nearing dinner on a Sunday on the outskirts of Japan. And in a small house in the forest, the Son family were taking it easy and enjoying their reunion. Well apart from poor Chichi. She was washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen as usual. She stopped for a while as she looked at the time; she would have to start cooking dinner soon. She really wasn't in the mood for cooking. She retired to the sink once more to claim a cloth. Wiping the table down she began to think. She wondered why Goku wasn't romantic. Okay, so he was naive and he lived in the forest with his grandpa, who frankly (as far as she was concerned) didn't raise him good enough. They had been married for about six or seven years now, yet he still didn't understand the concept of romance. Sure, he was loving, caring and gentle, but he wasn't romantic. The most adoring thing he had ever said was 'you are the most beautiful woman in the world'. She smiled as she remembered him saying that. Though it was very sweet of him, the way he said it made her feel unsure of his love for her. He seemed to not know what he was saying and that he just said it to make her happy. She dumped the dishcloth into the sink and wiped her hands dry. Peering outside, she could see the two Saiyans having a fun sparring match. Sometimes she would be jealous of their fun and sometimes jealous of Gohan for having most of Goku's attention. She frowned at that thought. He did pay more attention to Gohan than her. All right, he was his son and he's being a responsible father, but that doesn't mean he can't spend more time with her. Frustrated, she stormed out of the kitchen and upstairs to have a bath. She needed to calm herself and relax, and a bath usually helped.
Goku and Gohan returned inside after a good hours sparring. The two were sweaty and a little dirty, so they took their top garments off outside and remained in their pants as they walked inside.
"Dad? Should we take a bath? Mom will go mad if we are all smelly and dirty," Gohan said, looking up at his father.
"Yes Gohan, but where is your mother?" the two looked around the kitchen and the living room, with no sign of her. Goku could sense her near and then an answer hit him.
"She's in the bath," he said out loud. Gohan looked puzzled.
"In the bath? Why? I thought she'd be making dinner now" Gohan said. Goku thought long and hard. Her being in the bath wasn't a good sign. She only took baths when she was frustrated and needed to calm down. Goku gulped.
"Hey son, how about you go and prepare a bath for yourself outside and I'll be down in a sec" Confused, little Gohan walked outside to prepare the bath. Goku quietly walked upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door.
"Honey?" Chichi sighed.
"Yes Goku?" she answered. Goku became anxious at her reply. Was there sadness in her voice? Goku became curious.
"Are you alright in there? It's not like you to take a bath in the middle of the day" he spoke, wondering if she was angry with him or something.
"I'm fine Goku. I suppose you two are hungry, huh?" she asked, still letting sadness portray her voice. Goku thought maybe he should go in and speak to her properly, because something was wrong.
"Chichi, can I come in?" he asked. Chichi jumped in shock. Did he want to join her? Did he want to have a romantic bathe with her? No, this was Goku she was talking about.
"Sure Goku" she said, a little disappointed at her thoughts. He opened the door and walked in, closing it quietly before resuming his walk towards her.
"Why are you half naked?" she asked. He looked down at his boxers.
"I guess my clothes were all dirty and sweaty from training, so I took them off outside"
"Where's Gohan?" she asked, remembering she had a son.
"He's outside warming the bath," he said in a jolly voice. 'Great' she thought, 'he's going to bath with Gohan and not me' She frowned a little.
"What?" she asked sternly.
"What's wrong? I can tell you're sad and angry for some reason. Why? Is it me?" Bingo! He had it all in one go. At least he did notice and well, he did seem a little concerned.
"Why would you care?"
"What do you mean?" he asked clueless.
"I mean, why would you care how I feel? You never do! All you seem to care about is fighting and eating!"
"That's not true Chi" he spoke sadly, hurt at her words.
"No? Then why am I always just cleaning up after you, washing your clothes and cooking for you? I'm sick of it Goku! I'm not a slave and I'm sick of you always going out and playing around, doing everything you wanna do, not caring about how I feel!" Goku was speechless.
"You never spend time with me, never. I don't feel you even love me anymore Goku" she said in a whisper, trying to stop herself from crying. Goku still remained silent. He truly was lost for words. He couldn't believe what she just said. He wanted to cry and at the same time throw his fist through the wall! His emotions were mad. But instead of letting it all out, he left the room, slamming the door behind him. Chichi's eyes were wide in shock. Did he just do that? He had never walked away like that. Did she hurt him? Was he coming back? Did he care? She blocked out any more thoughts and sunk back down into the bath. She felt a tad guilty for saying those things, but she needed to say them. She didn't feel loved anymore and he needed to know.
Goku stormed outside to where Gohan was, bathing in peace.
"Gohan!" he called, trying to restrain his temper.
"Daddy?" he asked, concerned at his father's change in attitude.
"Go and pack some clothes and stuff, you're going down your grandpas tonight" he said, picking the boy out of the bath, placing him down and wrapping a towel around his tiny waist.
"Daddy what's wrong? Is mom okay?"
"Yes, just hurry now okay" Gohan felt rejected and began to walk inside, "Gohan!"
"Yes dad" he said sadly.
"Its not that I want to get rid of you, its just, mom I need some time alone and, she's a little upset about something, so…"
"Its okay dad I understand," he said with a smile. Goku smiled at his son and gave him a hug. Gohan hugged him back and ran up the stairs into his room.
Moments later, he was back downstairs with his clothes on and a bag on his back. Goku smiled at him
"Good boy, now I've rung your grandpa so he knows you're coming" Goku said.
"Okay dad, what time shall I come home?"
"Uh? I'll pick you up before dinner sometime okay?"
"Okay, see you later dad!" he chirped, running out of the house and taking to the air. Goku was happy now; because it was about time he gave his undivided attention to his wife. He wandered upstairs; happy she was still in the bath. He took in a deep breath and opened the door. Chichi's eyes were open in a flash, and it was her turn to remain speechless when he entered the room. He closed the door and walked over to her, kneeling down beside the bath to come face to face with her. She shook her head to let herself speak again.
"Goku, what are you…" she was interrupted by a firm kiss from him. The kiss was gentling yet passionate at the same time. She moaned quietly, kissing back. She had wanted this for quite some time. Little did she know, he had wanted this too. He pulled away from her lips to look her in the eyes. She seemed dazed and somewhat pleased with that response.
"What was that for?" she asked quietly.
"Like I need a reason to kiss you" he spoke gently. She was touched. There was a small silence between them, until Goku spoke.
"I thought about what you said"
"I didn't mean to hurt you, but that is how I feel Goku" she said, turning away from him.
"I'm sorry; I should pay more attention to you. But I do love you, I really do" he said, with a plea in his voice, and eyes that begged to be forgave.
"I know you do love me. But sometimes, I feel left out I guess"
"I suppose I should tell you and show you how much I love you more often" he whispered. She smiled, but stopped when she smelt him.
"You haven't had a bath yet have you?" she asked, wrinkling her nose for the effect.
"No" he said sheepishly, "Could I…come in with you?" he asked, getting a startled look from his wife.
"Sh…sure, of course you can…But you'll need to add some more hot water, its getting a little cold in here" she spoke quietly. Goku smiled and sat on the toilet seat, turning the hot water tap for water. She watched as he watched the water run from the tap. Why did he want to bath with her? Did he want something more, or just a bath? He did seem carefree, she guessed, but somehow, he seemed mature and serious. He turned the tap off and undone the buttons on his boxers. She sat up and let him slide in next to her, where he pulled her in for a hug. She snuggled into his chest, whilst he drew circles with his finger on her skin, just underneath her breast. His body close to hers was something she longed for, for many times. She felt that she did want him, but did he want her? Goku leant his head on hers and continued to draw circles. He had missed this. He had missed touching her and holding her and just feeling her skin close to his. She kissed his chest and stroked his right nipple. He shivered in pleasure; soon feeling his manhood come to life. She began to draw circles around it and then she squeezed in, getting a pleasing moan from his lips. She leant further forward and kissed it, suddenly biting it seconds later. Her other hand wandered down his stomach and to his thigh, where she stroked it, still letting her other hand play with his nipple. Goku had desired her for quite some time, and now, that desire was really rising up and causing his veins to boil. He was so turned on by her small movements that he was already hard!
"Chi" he moaned. She looked up at him and instantly he cupped her cheeks and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. She was a little shocked at his sudden aggression but she didn't care. He crushed her body to his, soon letting his tongue push into her mouth to play with hers. She moaned at his response, pulling him on top of her in the process. Careful not to drown her, Goku placed his body on top of hers, gradually kissing his way from her lips to her breasts. He kissed them tenderly, soon sucking them greedily. Chichi moaned in pure delight. She wanted him so much and the same with him. He moaned also as his member began to throb painfully between her legs. He couldn't hold off. Slowly he pushed his member inside of her warmth, receiving gasps of pleasure from his wife. Pulling himself out, Goku placed his lips on hers, passionately putting everything into it, using his tongue and his teeth. Then he pushed him back in, moaning at the same time. He began thrusting in and out of her, shortly creating a pace that was slow and satisfying.
Their breathing was loud and fast as they neared their climax', her pant soon rising to screams of pleasure as her orgasm hit her head on. Goku shut his eyes hard, letting his orgasm take him, before pulling his member out of her and lying beside her once more. It took a few minutes for them to recover, but soon it was time to leave the bath for the water was getting cold. Goku sat up and looked at her.
"Should we get out now?" he asked, smiling at her lovingly.
"Yeah, I guess so. Besides I have to make dinner. You and Gohan must be starving" she finished sitting up also.
"Yeah, about Gohan" he began, looking at her sheepishly, "He's kind of not here"
"What do you mean he's kind of not here?"
"Well…he's with your dad at his house" Chichi looked puzzled. Wasn't he downstairs just a minute ago?
"Why is he down my dad's?" she asked, quite happy they were alone. Goku smirked, pulling her into his lap.
"Isn't it obvious Chi? We haven't had a night together alone since Gohan was born. So, I sent him there so we can have a nice romantic evening to ourselves, with no interruptions…just you and me" he whispered his last four words, then kissing her on the forehead. Chichi giggled.
"You know, you're smarter than you look" she spoke, twiddling with his hair. Goku smiled.
"I know," he said, pulling his big goofy grin. Chichi chuckled again.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed her nose against his.
"So, what do you want to do now?" She asked seductively. Goku wondered and looked up at the ceiling, letting his wife kiss his bottom lip.
"Well, I have got an idea" he replied, giving her a kiss on the lips, "But we'll have to get out of the bath" he finished stealing another kiss. She smiled, letting him stand up and wrap a white towel around his waist. He secured it properly, soon reaching for another towel to hand to his wet wife. She took it gently, stepping out of the bath at the same time. Chichi watched as he entered their bedroom. What could he be up to? What idea did he have in mind? She was very inquisitive, but she decided to go along with it. After all, if the two were having a romantic evening in ALONE, then Goku had a good, yet sexy, idea in mind. She smirked, wondering what he was going to do to her, before following him into the bedroom.