She couldn't believe he had just said that.

"Seeing you today has made it worse."

Those words ripped through her heart like a thousand swords. Tears began to well up in her eyes and she fought to keep them at bay. She couldn't let him see her cry, couldn't let him know that he had hurt her.

Since the divorce, she had learned to build up a wall against her pain, against the hurt that she felt from not being able to hold him. Living without Tony these last six months had been like living in hell. She couldn't decide if living with him and his drinking or living without him was worse. She couldn't escape from the thought of Tony. Everyday at work there was always something that brought back memories of him. Nights were worse. She had not slept through the night since the night she had left. Every time her hand moved to the other side of the bed and felt the cold emptiness she broke into tears.

And now after working so hard to forget he was here, three feet from her. She could tell he hadn't shaved in awhile and had put on some weight, probably from the alcohol. Yet listening to his husky voice brought back memories of that voice saying, "I love you" or "I'll never let anyone hurt you." Was it possible what Audrey said really true. Could this man she saw in front of her be the same man she still loved so deeply. She stopped herself, she couldn't think like that. Clearly he hated her for leaving him. She knew she would never have him hold her again.

He couldn't believe he had said those words. As soon as they had left his mouth he regretted it. He could tell they had hurt Michelle and that was the last thing he wanted to do. He didn't even mean what he said, at least not how it sounded. The last six months had been hell. Life without Michelle wasn't worth living. He couldn't even remember why he had turned to alcohol in the beginning, but now it was all he had left.

But seeing her today hurt him so much, not because she brought back bad memories, but because seeing her reminded him of everything he didn't have anymore. But that wasn't what came out. Instead he had said something hurtful and he could tell he had struck a nerve and hated himself for it. Since he had seen her walk into CTU almost an hour ago all he could think of was her. How he missed her touch, her kisses, her kind words.

She looked harder, more guarded since the last time he had seen her. He knew it was all a front, he could see the pain that was in her eyes and he knew it was because of him. There was not a bone in his body that did not ache with love for Michelle and he wanted so much to tell her he was sorry. He wanted her to fall asleep in his arms and just take in her beauty. But he knew this could never happen, he knew she hated him for pushing her away and shutting her out. As he walked out of her office one single tear rolled down his cheek because he knew he had lost forever.

As he walked out of her office a single tear rolled down her face. She shook it off and sat down at her desk. She knew she had to stop thinking about Tony to get through the day. Almost immediately her phone rang.


It was Secretary Heller speaking rapidly with fear in his voice. "Michelle, we just heard from Paul, the commandos from Mclennon-Forrester took Jack and the information he had."

This was bad. Jack was the only one who could get a lead on Marwan. "I'll be down in a second." As she shuffled down the stairs thoughts of Tony had left her, at least temporarily.

"What can you tell me?" she asked Curtis, Edgar, and Tony.

"Paul said that Conclon one of the head men came into the ammunition building they were hiding in, overtook, Jack with an electric tazer and dragged him out of the building." Curtis answered.

"Is there anyway we can locate Jack?" Michelle asked.

"Well we're in luck, before the EMP was released Jack set off the GPS on his phone and somehow we still have the signal." Answered Tony.

Hearing him speak with such authority stirred feelings in Michelle that she hadn't felt for a long time. Gathering her thoughts she spoke, "So we can just send one of our agents in and get him."

"There is one problem with that. McClennon-Forester designed the latest computer for CTU and they have every employee's photo, retinal scans, and fingerprints. None of our people will be able to get near that place." Said Edgar.

"What about me?" answered Tony. "I wasn't an employee here during that time, I haven't even worked for the government in over a year and a half, they're not gonna have a record on me."

"You also haven't been in the field for over a year and a half, you've been on the couch watching television and drinking beer." She couldn't believe she said that and regretted it immediately. "Tony…I ah didn't mean…"

"Let's face it Michelle, I may not be the best for this just I'm the only one you've got."

Michelle could tell Tony had been hurt by her words and his voice sounded angry. She knew he was right but couldn't stand to think of him being in the field. However, she recognized Tony was Jack's only hope. "Okay, I'll call tech and get you set up with what you need, while we're waiting I need to see you in my office."