In honor of the 10th anniversary of my 16th birthday (wow I'm old!) I've update not one not two but 3 yes ladies and gents count em 3 stories one never before published and why? Cause I love my crack whores!)

Kiss! LUKE!
By GilmoreGirl1979 (the Reigning Quote Queen)

The Q: What if Nicole didn't show up to go skiing with Luke?

Friendly Disclaimer: See Chapter 1.

It was: Keg! Max!
Is now: Kiss! LUKE!


Chapter 10:
Relationship Commencement


Luke was looking for her all around the quad where the ceremony was going to take place. Sookie told him she was looking for him, and here he was in a shaded passage way off to the side of fanfare.


"geez, don't do that … with all these gargoyles n things around."

"Hey that could be your chain store, gargoyles 'n' things" She walked up to him and put her arms around his waist. "Hey there."

"Hi," Luke couldn't help but think that Lorelai looked amazing, "have I told you that you look beautiful in red."

"Uummmm no" she smiled playfully.

"You look … beautiful in red."

"Thank you." And she kissed him, despite the teachers, despite the grads, hell, despite her mother not 10 feet away.

Not that he minded the public display, Luke just didn't feel comfortable in a suit, or with this crowd, or with her mother no doubt glaring at him through the stone wall that hid them. "So is a teacher gonna put us in detention for kissing in the quad?" as he put his arm around her waist.

"Well, my mother might send me to my room if she finds us, wanna come with me?" she had to wink.

"Facing the wrath of your mother? For me?"

"Well, you're worth it." she kissed him again briefly.

"Glad to hear that," Luke smiled, "But then we'd have missed the ceremony."

"Hey, Could you get Rory for a picture; I want to have one of the three of us."

"Okay" and Luke did as she commanded.

Coming out of their hiding place together, she stared after him, he does that so well, content for the first time in a long, long time. Today had been perfect. The ceremony, the speech,


"Yeah?" she turned around still, and was surprised who had approached her. "Max? … I … Wasn't expecting to see you here." Considering they were to never see each other again.

"Expecting to find me behind a tree?"

Lorelai laughed lightly, recalling their conversation from a few weeks ago. "I thought we were … our last meeting seemed so … final," a little worried about Luke seeing this and taking it the wrong way.

"Yeah, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but you were right, it maybe unavoidable." Max now wishing she didn't look so breath taking in red. "So I see you're with Luke."

"Oh yeah." Now it was the truth, she was with Luke, Dating Luke, sleeping with Luke, Falling for Luke.

"And … He makes you happy?" that is what matters after all.

"Very happy" thinking of the few short weeks they were together.

"I figured."


"I figured that he was the reason … we never …, you know …"

"Oh Max …"

"It's alright Lorelai, I saw it then, I see it now and It's ... okay. Just make sure he treats you as well as you deserve."

"He does, don't worry." agreeing was easier than trying to explain the complications.

There was an awkward pause, before he continued "SO … this is 'us',Coexisting … Tada."

"Yeah," she had to laugh.

"MAX?" a woman called from behind him, and she came up beside Max. She was blonde and tall, and had an arm immediately around Max.

"Lorelai this is Diane."

"I've heard a lot about you." it was clear from Diane's tone that the coat room kiss was entirely Lorelai's fault … apparently.

Luke and Rory were coming to join the group, "Lorelai?" Luke was curious as to what was going on.

"Oh Great, Luke, Rory, you remember Max, and this is his girlfriend Diane."

"Fiancée actually"

"Oh okay then fiancée" Lorelai laughed,

"Oh would you guys like a picture … together I mean," Max offered to take Lorelai's her camera to Max.

"Oh , ummm Sure.." smiled and handed it over.

"you know I hate pictures," Luke whispered to Lorelai

"Well make sure there is a soft light." And she took his arm, and from the corner of her eye she saw Jackson and Sookie furiously speculating why Luke and her were so close. And she saw her mother's brow furrow to what this new development meant.


7777777777777Insert pretty bow here77777777777777777


A/N: OMG I actually finished one…. unless...

"That was all God given talent..." why thank you Luke!

R/R: PLEASE, I like to better myself. To quote The Princess Bride,
"...Remember this is for posterity, ... so be honest."
Please be specific with R/R; name one (or as many as you can think of or want to mention..…) at least specific thing you liked

Please! It makes me feel good...inside (Dirty!)

Hence the Rant option below.

Insert Rant here V
A/N: if not completely satisfied with this chapter, please return unused portion for a full refund …