Unwanted Beauty: Epilogue

The earth shook, the rocks screamed and the trees waved their branches in jubilation. The latest threat to their existence was gone, his energy released back into the world, feeding the parched earth-life. It had been hundreds of years since such energy was given back to the earth. Trees bloomed and flowers blossomed, great oaks jumped in size, becoming as large as some houses. A girl standing next to a tree was enveloped in it's trunk, becoming the first tree elf. Canyons closed while others split open.

Lily was the first to crawl towards Guinevere, the young woman crouched into the fetal position, tears streaming down her face. "Gwen, can you hear me?" She asked, her eyes flitting over the girls body. Blood spattered her arms and face, and her clothing soaked up that which had pooled on the floor. Spells flowed from Lily's fingertips, curing Gwen yet draining Lily, life flowed out of one body and into the next, from Lily to Gwen, to a small life growing inside of Guinevere.

"What is it? What's wrong with her?" Liam demanded as Lily swooned. Pine needle green eyes looked through him, seeing him for the very first time.

"Spell…" Lily murmured before she too slipped to the floor unconscious.

"Spell? What spell?" Liam screamed, desperation peeling off of him like a terrible sunburn.

"It must have been a mind control thing." Thoughts tumbled through the air from Thom's mouth, his heart more concerned for Lily. His hands trailed over her throat and wrists, frantically searching for the pulse that would never be found.

Healers and remaining castle staff poured into the room, crowding around their king and future queen. Later, Thom would be informed that Lily sacrificed her life for the queen's. Later he would be told that the two had been happily wed, and the queen had given birth to a babe months early. Later.

For now he was content to leave the room, leave the castle, and move into the forest, forgetting the life he had been given before. And later he would meet a pretty girl with pointed ears.

A/N: There you go faithful fans. Expect a sequel of sorts, later. Rasputins heir is on the loose, and a new breed of humans must be developed, and Thom still hasn't found true love.