Author's Note:

Hello! Hard to believe it's been four years since I've touched this story. If anyone's interested in some catching up on my life, here goes:

I've been attending college at the Dana School of Music for piano. It's amazing! I've been very stressed out, but I really like it. I recently got engaged! I'm very excited about that, but no wedding plans until after school is over. And I recently got back from Russia. I got an opportunity to go on a mission trip to Russia over Christmas break and it was absolutely amazing. We got to go to orphanages and help kids out. It was great.

Moscow is a beautiful city and I hope to go back one day. Maybe next time it'll be a summer trip, because it was absolutely freezing!

Anyhow, back to this story. I've decided to try to keep writing this. Just for fun, of course. I don't like the idea of leaving things unfinished. It has been so long that I totally forget my plot and line of thinking for this story, and I can't find any written down ideas. However, I am going to do my best to pick up and finish this! It may take awhile, but I'll do my best. Also, I've become aware of some mistakes: both editorial and material. I noticed some contradictions in the story. I will be getting around to going back and fixing everything, which means I'll probably be removing the story and reposting it with the proof-read material.

Thanks to all who have stuck with me!
