Kel lounged on a chair, chewing on her pen as she began composing a letter to her mother.


Thanks for being at my fourth year page examinations. I know that's the second time you've attended them. I guess the first time would have worked better if I had been present as well. Still, I was excited to pass the tests, though after 8 years as a page, I should have no problem with it.

Neal has written me, explaining his absence from court. He is on his way home from the Scanran war. He is late as his group was delayed by a surprise attack. Of course, he hastened to assure me, on his arrival, he will make good on his promise from 4 years ago. I can't believe that in a few short days I will be Neal's squire! And it will be great to see him. Alanna has kept him hopping these last four years and our visits were few and far between. But all that will change now!

There Kel paused, brushing her shoulder length hair out of her face. She dipped her pen in ink and prepared to continue when a familiar voice caroled at her door.

"Oh Mother! I have come to collect you for four years of having my own personal slave to order around! Aren't you excited?"

Neal! Kel leapt up and thrust her door open. She then proceeded to wrap her arms around her best friend and give him a nice tight hug. This worked well, until she made a discovery.

"You-you-you're all wet! And muddy! Neal!"

Kel peeled herself away, trying unsuccessfully to leave the water and dirt on her friend Neal. Neal laughed as he watched her frown down at herself. Filth streaked her white shirt, and as she turned slightly he glimpsed two muddy streaks striping her back. Grinning, he glanced down at his arms before looking at Kel once more. He hadn't seen her in a long year, and he took advantage of her distraction to examine her. She had changed. And she hadn't. The level hazel eyes peered out of the same calm face; though her mask disappeared when she was around him. Her hair was longer and wavier then he remembered. She was just as tall, maybe even taller then the last time he saw her, and solid. Her shirt, though wet and muddy, was unlaced farther than he recalled her wearing it before. He caught himself trying to catch a glimpse down it, and quickly stopped. This is Kel. What am I doing? He smiled as Kel gave up on trying to clean herself up and invited him into her room.

"So, Neal, other than being the first man able to get me dirty, what have you been up to?" Kel perched cross-legged on her bed while Neal eased himself into a chair. He smiled as Jump ambled up to him, sniffing at his pockets. Kel grinned at Neal's affectionate smile. He's so sweet. And he's grown since I last saw him. He's looking… fit. She shook her head, tearing her eyes away from him.

"No, no treats. Sorry boy." Then he turned to Kel. "Well, you know same old, same old. Just fighting, dirt, boring old men. It's been thrilling…" Neal laughed good-naturedly, and then gave Kel a heart-wrenching grin. "I'm glad to be back. It's been hard enough living with my cousin for a year. Living without my best friend…" He stopped and cleared his throat. "It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too!" Kel leaped up and gave him another quick hug before giving him a hand up. "But now it's late at night, and I need a bath. And," she took a hard look at him, "you need sleep. And a bath. Hopefully not in that order. Meet me tomorrow morning in the mess ok?"

Neal threw his hand over his heart. "Do mine ears deceive me? Did my squire, my lowly servant, just presume to order me around?"

"Only because my intelligence is so much greater then your own dear sir knight. I'll see you in the morning." Kel gave him a gentle shove out the door.

It took Neal a few seconds to figure what just happened. When it finally dawned on him, he turned around with a smart response, only to find himself face to face with a hard wood door. Shaking his head and muttering about Kel's insolence, he ambled down the hall. He barely remembered dousing his body with water and falling into bed. He slept deeply and without dreams until the next morning, when he was rudely woken up by hammering on his door.

"Sir Nealan, your presence is requested by the king in 30 minutes! Recent events require immediate action, including your participation!"

Neal jumped out of bed, throwing on breeches and a shirt. Guess I won't be making it to breakfast. Damn. This can't be good. Maybe I'll be leaving the palace earlier than I anticipated…

Kel filled her spoon with one last bite of breakfast as she contemplated her missing best friend. He had obviously forgotten about their breakfast date. She wouldn't be surprised if he was still out on his bed. Or-something had happened. She glanced apprehensively around the dining hall, observing the absence of all commanders.

Finally Kel realized that she had been sitting there sucking on her spoon for quite a while, and had not had any startling revelations, or even new thoughts. Hoping her strange behavior had not attracted anyone's attention, she hastily excused herself and cleared her dishes. She then strolled down the hallway, making a beeline for the rooms of her irresponsible knight-master.

Neal stalked down the hall, running a hand through his hair. What was the king thinking? Had he gone insane? And what about Alanna and Raoul? They were supposed to be responsible adults, and advise their king, not support his madness. Was he, Nealan of Queenscove, the only sane one in Tortall's court? He scowled. He couldn't believe it. How was he supposed to tell Kel?

Oh Mother, KEL. How can I do this to her? It's me they want. I can easily pose as a healer. I'm the only choice we have. But Kel. I'm endangering her. Just because she's my squire, she's going to be put in more danger. Can I do that to her? Is that fair? I don't want her hurt. I lo-like her. She's my best friend. I don't want her hurt.

Neal frowned, as he mentally reviewed his orders. There were prisoners taken at the Scanran border. They were noble prisoners, important prisoners. She was Buri, the leader of the Riders. He was assigned to protect her. He was also Neal's friend. Faleron. They needed to be retrieved. King Maggur believed that their capture would be reason enough for the Tortallans to attack. It was. But it wasn't time for them to step into Maggur's trap. It was time for them to send a young knight to masquerade as a healer to search for them, and hopefully free them. Neal groaned. At least he spoke Scanran. That would make it a little easier. Kel didn't, but he would teach her once they were on their way. They left tomorrow.

He wished the king would tell Kel. But it was up to him to explain it to her. He wasn't sure how he could start though.

Neal was so deep in thought that he wasn't looking where he was going. He had a fleeting glance of long brown hair before he found himself on the floor, pinned there by another. The other being, presumably, a woman, due to the certain body parts pressed against his chest. Mmm, I haven't even touched a woman in so long. This feels good. He made no motion to move, but enjoyed the quick second. Then the woman scrambled up and offered him a hand,


"Kel!" That was Kel? Oops. Not to mention that she was just who he didn't want to see at that moment. Unfortunately he couldn't just walk away. He had important news. And now seemed like just as good a time as any.

A/N: Just clearing a few things up, if you didn't get them already. Kel was forced to repeat her 4 years as a page and is now Neal's squire. Also, Lord Wyldon is still the trainer, he did not resign from his post. And this is set in the fall. Finally, there will be no Yuki! I am not going to kill her off, or break her heart, or any of the above. She may appear later in the story, but there is nothing going on between her and Neal!

Now I have a job for all you wonderful readers. Review! Now! I want to know how awful this really is. Any advice is welcome! Kisses till next time! PrincessPeach

Rain poured down from the darkening sky as Neal and Kel finally reached the fort. Both had given up at attempting to stay dry, and were sopping wet. Kel couldn't wait to sleep in a clean building once again. They had been traveling for several weeks, and had been staying the night in cheap inns that were often infested with various pests. Now they had finally reached the Scanran border.

As they entered the gates, they met a welcoming committee. Friends like Merric, Cleon, and Owen (who was being chaperoned by his knight master Sir Raoul) were accompanied by a dark-haired man that Kel didn't know. However, he seemed to know Neal quite well, as this stranger quickly enveloped Neal in a great hug.

"Meathead!" (A/N: Guess who!)

"Dom," Neal exclaimed.

"I see you've finally decided to do some real work here with us MEN." Neal grimaced. "And," Dom continued, "now I can finally meet your squire." There he grinned at Kel, while inquiring "Sir Meathead, are you going to introduce us?"

Neal pulled a face, but led 'Dom' over to where Kel was standing. "Kel, this is Domitan, my cousin. Dom, this is Keladry of Mindelan, my squire."

Dom bowed and held Kel's hand to his lips. "I'm honored to meet the esteemed Kel at last"

"Please, it's just Kel. And the pleasure's all mine," Kel managed to get out. Oh my. He is handsome isn't he? With that floppy hair and those gorgeous blue eyes. Wow. She blushed as she realized he was still holding her hand.

Neal looked from Dom's charming smile to Kel's blush. His eyes noticed their interconnected hands. Then he scowled. Is he flirting with her? He should know better, it's such an irresponsible thing to do. Bad cousin. And why is she flirting back. She can't find him attractive! Wait… Why do I care? I'm not jealous am I? No, of course not, I can't be jealous.

Sir Raoul led them inside into the well lit corridor. Neal turned to his cousin, and saw that Dom's eyes were trained on Kel. What was up now? Neal looked at Kel and caught his breath.

The rain had soaked her clothes, and the water made them heavy. Therefore her shirt and breeches clung to every inch of her body, gracing every curve. How had he never noticed her slim stature? It was muscular, hard, but with soft, abundant curves in all the right places. Wow, she's gorgeous, amazing, spectacular. I want to touch her, feel that body. But it's not just her body. Look at her. That shy smile, that good heart, she's perfect. And I love her. Wait-did I just think that? Did I mean it? I think I did. Oh dear, I'm in love with my best friend, and squire. Great Neal, just great.

Kel was oblivious to the attention she was receiving. She absently hugged everyone good-night. She didn't notice that Dom got embraced twice. She also didn't observe Neal's frown each time she hugged his cousin. She was happy to simply fall into the last comfortable and safe bed she would sleep in for quite a while. Who knew what the next few months would bring.