Jackie: This is actually a couple of chapters but I'm publishing it all together since it's been a while. WARNING SOME LEMON CONTENT
Kagura was mindfully silent. She knew she wasn't trusted. What she couldn't figure out is why she just didn't leave. Without thinking her eyes found Rootousi. She quickly looked away and told herself she was with them to get some sort of revenge against Naraku.
Rootousi glanced at his lovely new interest. Perhaps, once she realized how deeply in love with him she was, she would be the mate that finally bore him the children he so desired. He smirked to himself. She would certainly be the most attractive mate he'd had, and she was full of fire. He knew that made for an interesting love life.
Kagome was still giving Inuyasha the cold shoulder. She stared into the fire as if trying to burn hotter than it. She glared at Inuyasha whenever he so much as flinched in her direction. However, beneath her outward anger she was again hit with her desperate and unrequited love for him. She had the most popular guy in school just hanging on their next date, and the devotion of a demon known as Koga. Koga was pretty darn hot too, but just not what she wanted.
She wanted the one person she couldn't have. A person whose love belonged to some one he could not have unless he followed her into the grave. It was worse than him being in love with another woman because it ultimately meant he would choose death over her.
I'd rather die than be with you… That's what he's basically saying… And yet I cannot leave him…
She made sure to give him an extra harsh glare on that thought. He promptly hid behind Miroku.
Inuyasha, between dodging the daggers that seemed to shoot from Kagome's eyes, had his own thoughts to wrestle with. Sesshomaru was right, as much as it pained Inuyasha to admit that. Kikiyo was a completely different person now, and the only way for him to even have a chance of recapturing what they had was to follow her in death. Besides that… He stole a glance at Kagome… Did he really want to die?
Sango was trying very hard not to look at Miroku. Miroku was racking his brain with ways to prove his affection. Rin and Shippo were playing, and Ah-Un was already half asleep. Jaken was still out having Miyoiki's clothes made and that left the lord and lady of the western lands.
Miyoiki was watching the crowd and trying not to look at her husba-er-mate. Why was this still bothering her? Surely she was more adaptable than this. She didn't need some silly ceremony… Did she?
Sesshomaru's eyes grazed over the crowd. He was aware of the tension, but had no experience in calming it. He had set out with single-minded determination to avoid such situations. Besides that he had no real interest in trying to fix it. His eyes kept finding their way to Miyoiki.
There was something different about her tonight. She smelled different. She was acting different. She was avoiding his gaze. He knew the immediate problem was that silly notion of the human ceremony of marriage, but something else bothered him. Her smell kept aggravating his senses as if it should be obvious. His brain did the math backwards. Tonight was Saturday. Friday and Saturday were often their most intense love-making sessions because of her heats. Two weeks ago they joined forces with Inuyasha. A week before that, they had become mates. Three uninterrupted heat cycles and… Tonight… No heat scent, no intoxicated dash away from the party while trying to find a dignified reason to be excused.
Once a week until she conceives. Sesshomaru stood up slowly. Everyone looked to the lord, including Miyoiki. Sesshomaru looked at her and said, "Stand."
Sesshomaru did not wait he reached down and pulled Miyoiki up with him. He then dipped her back in his arms and kissed her thoroughly. The whole party blushed and looked away as Miyoiki all but melted in his strong arms. He withdrew his lips and whispered, "I shall return."
He faced the party and said in no uncertain tone, "I will return in one week. You are to guard her with your life. If anything happens to her I will slaughter you all."
Before anyone could respond he disappeared into the sky. Miyoiki was left breathless and dumbfounded. She all but collapsed into a sitting position. Kagome blinked asked, "What was THAT about?"
"I have no idea," Miyoiki said between ragged breaths.
"She's pregnant," Rootousi said plainly.
"WHAT?" Miyoiki shrieked, "How can you possibly know that?"
"Your scent didn't change into musk this week," Rootousi answered, "I was wondering when stuffy there would notice. No scent, no heat, no heat means pregnancy."
"Pregnant," Miyoiki breathed.
What ensued were hoots from the guys and shrieks of joy from the girls. Everyone around her congratulated her, but inside Miyoiki didn't know what to feel.
Naraku normally would have jumped at the opportunity to get at Miyoiki while her dearest Sesshomaru was away. Not this time. No, this time he wanted them all. He wanted to dismantle every bond, crush every spirit and make them beg for death together. He glared at their happiness, but relished the moment in which it would all crash down around them.
Jaken showed up the next day with Miyoiki's new clothes, and griped about her lack of interest in them. It wasn't until the situation was explained that he knew why. She might not fit in them for much longer.
Miroku left later that day for something he "had to find". He promised he would return and made Sango promise not to follow. Sango spent the rest of the day growling at the empty fire pit. Inuyasha grumped about sitting around and waiting for Sesshomaru while Kagome continued to fume at Inuyasha. Kagura was doing a little fuming herself. She did not join this group to sit around and wait.
Kagura stood and walked into the forest as she said, "This is ridiculous. I didn't become free to waste my freedom waiting."
Rootousi smirked giving her a head start before he also excused himself from the campsite. He caught up with her in no time. He found her undressing by a hot spring and decided the settle in and enjoy the view from the treetops.
Kagura stripped down and waded into the warm mineral water. She leaned back against a rock and closed her eyes. Rootousi blinked, surely she wasn't sleeping. Didn't she know how dangerous that was in the water? He was watching over her for now, but later he would have to have a talk with her.
He decided not to allow that to ruin his fun. He let his eyes drink in the sight of her naked form, shimmering beneath the pure, clear water. He watched her long black hair ripple with the lapping of the waves against her ample chest. He growled with frustration as need pulsed to that which made him male.
Below him Kagura had indeed fallen asleep. In her dreams she was enjoying her bath when a shadow emerged from the forest. Rootousi, wearing none of his usual gear, stood before her in loose pants and an open gi top. He smiled wolfishly down at her and asked, "Want some company?"
Kagura clamored for cover but he was upon her in mere moments. He pressed her firmly against the rock ravaging her lips and pressing his bare, wet chest against hers. She moaned in ecstasy.
That moan reached her lips in the real world as well and Rootousi watched with even more rapt attention. She's dreaming. She writhed and moaned with pleasure. It's a GOOD dream at that. Kagura bucked her hips slightly and gasped out, "Rootousi…"
If he wasn't turned on before, he was now. It was short lived however as she slid beneath the water. Oh crap! She'll drown!
He dove into the water and pulled her up sputtering and gasping for air. He smiled at her when she finally became aware and said, "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to fall asleep in the water?"
Kagura went stiff. She was naked, completely naked in his arms. Rootousi cast her the same wolfish grin she'd seen in her dreams and he said, "I only meant to save you, but it seems I'm having a hard time letting go."
Kagura's body was invaded by heat. She blinked wide eyes at Rootousi and stuttered, "I-I…"
"I'll leave," Rootousi said, "If you want me too, beauty. What he did to you was awful, and I would never want hurt you like that but…"
Rootousi's well practiced hand found one of her breasts. He cupped it add pinched the nipple lightly between his thumb and forefinger as he said, "I can make you feel wonderful, if you'll let me stay."
For emphasis he slid his lips gently across her wet collar bone. Her head rolled back and she whimpered with pleasure. Rootousi smiled against her flesh and carried her to the embankment. He laid her down in the plush lady's-hair ferns and began his assault on her senses. He had the capability to create quite convincing illusions and had found that as useful in bed as it was on the battlefield. He withdrew from her body and watched as his illusion took hold.
Kagura didn't know what had hit her. Her body was being groped, caressed, licked, and nibbled on by thousands of hands and mouths. Every part of her that could feel pleasure was on fire. She reached out, trying to hold on to the real Rootousi and he obliged her once he was fully disrobed. He growled against her neck. It always excited him to see a woman in the throws of pleasure. There was something about the look of surrender in their eyes that ignited the darker half of his demon side.
He allowed his illusion to continue while he also enjoyed her body beneath his real hands and lips. He nipped her collar bone as he slid a hand down to caress the silken folds of her womanhood. Kagura bucked against his careful, skillful ministrations. He could see in her shuttering that she was close to climax already. He finally allowed himself to slip between her thighs.
At first he rubbed himself against her, further teasing her excited core. He waited for her whimpering to border on begging before he plunged into her. She did not even quiver in shock when he broke her maiden head. Some women didn't feel it, and he was happy to see that she was one of them.
Instead she clawed, whimpered, and writhed more fiercely than before, and he again indulged her. He pounded into her harder and faster with every moan and whimper. He filled her with every last inch until he felt her constrict around him. Her body quaked in orgasm, and he was lost as well. It was not until her body emitted its final quiver that he allowed the illusion to subside.
Kagura looked drugged and Rootousi ate it up. There were two truly beautiful things in life. Once was children, and the other was seeing the woman you love thoroughly satisfied. He grinned down at her as she finally focused her eyes on him. He was surprised to hear her purr seductively at him. I'm free, and I deserve some pleasure. She thought.
She kissed him and her hands clawed up his back. I'm free, I am the master now. She growled against his lips, "Mine."
Rootousi growled in approval. Most women weren't up for round two directly after their first encounter, but Kagura continued to delightfully surprise him. He smiled against her lips and said, "All yours. Please feel free to take advantage of me at any time."
They weren't seen again until the next morning.
Miroku arrived in the middle of the night growling his frustration. He glared down at the pitiful bouquet of wildflowers that had already begun to wither. He had visited three local villages and could find no present grand enough, lavish enough to woo Sango and convince her of his intentions. A day and half of a night of searching and a handful of rotting wildflowers was they best he could do.
"Miroku," Sango said gleefully, "You're back!"
Miroku shoved the flowers behind his back and smiled brightly at her. He tossed the flowers on the side of the path and said, "Sango? What are you doing up so late?"
He prayed the darkness of night had concealed him discarding the flowers. Sango came to a halt before him and said, "It's hard to sleep around everyone when they're like this."
Sango lied. She'd been up waiting on him. He smiled because he knew. He entertained her however and asked, "What's happened since I left?"
"Well, Miyoiki has been kind of out of it," Sango answered, "Jaken and Rin have been asking a million questions a minute. The dragon snores, and Rootousi and Kagura haven't been seen since soon after you left. Inuyasha looks like he's thinking WAY too hard, and Kagome gets closer by the minute to exploding in his general direction. Shippo is the only peaceful one beside Kirara. Kirara has stayed beside me the whole time nervously glancing around."
"How horrid for you to be amongst all that tension," Miroku said cattishly, "We should just bed down at a nearby village until they all decide to cool down."
Sango noted the smirk on his face and she asked, "Just what do you mean by 'bed-down'?"
Miroku tried to look innocent and then shrugged his shoulders, "Forgive me, Sango, old habits die hard."
"So just what were you doing at those villages today?" Sango asked through gritted teeth.
"I ah…" Miroku started, trying to find a way not to sound lecherous and simultaneously hide the fact that he was out looking for a gift for her.
"I should have known," Sango sighed.
Sango turned around but Miroku grabbed her arm. He turned her to him and said, "It wasn't like that."
"What WAS it like?" Sango yelped, "Did she slap you on the first line or the second."
"There was no 'she' and no 'line'," Miroku pleaded, "Please, Sango. I can't tell you why I was there but I swear on my father's grave that I was not womanizing."
Sango blinked. Miroku had never used that oath before and he took his father very seriously. She nodded slowly and saw him relax. He smiled and asked, "Would you like to go to town with me tomorrow?"
Now she knew he was telling the truth. He would never return to a town he had swindled, or been womanizing in. Sango nodded numbly and Miroku smiled as he said, "Well, then. Tomorrow. I'm going to get some rest."
Miroku smiled devilishly to himself. He would drag her all over those towns tomorrow. She was a woman and she was sure to gawk over something pretty. He just had to take note of what she wanted and return the next day. Quite pleased with his cleverness, he settled in and went to sleep.
The next morning Kagura and Rootousi emerged from the forest looking composed and energetic. But their entrance was all but ignored.
"You're leaving with Sango?" Inuyasha roared, "First Rootousi and Kagura, now you two? What does everyone think is going on here? What if Naraku attacks? That leaves me and Kagome watching over Rin, Jaken, and the pregnant woman!"
"I assure you," Miroku started, "That this is of the utmost importance."
"What is 'of the utmost importance' here is protecting that woman," Inuyasha pointed, "Or have you forgotten that Naraku is after her and has a habit of attacking when we are at our-"
"We're back," Rootousi announced, "I guess they can have a turn now!"
Miroku grabbed Sango's hand and they mounted Kirara. They were specks in the sky before Inuyasha could respond. Inuyasha growled, "That wasn't my point! My point is-"
"I would rather I was left to face him alone actually," Miyoiki said softly.
"What?" Inuyasha shrieked.
"He's had control of me twice now," Miyoiki explained, "And I have witnessed what my power is capable of. If he gains control of me again and you are near… You will all be destroyed."
"We can handle ourselves," Kagome said cheerfully, waving as if the problem were a fly she was shooing away, "We've been through a lot you know."
"I don't care what you've been through," Miyoiki growled, "Don't you understand? That light that night was me."
Inuyasha and Kagome stared with shock. Miyoiki continued to stare of into space as she said, "I left a two mile crater in which EVERYTHING was reduced to ash."
Miyoiki stood and walked toward Inuyasha slowly, keeping her ominous tone, "And for three miles around that there was little more that scattered bits of rubble. Around that was a mile of broken trees split, shredded, and uprooted by flying debris from the original explosion."
She looked Inuyasha square in the eyes and said, "You won't have time to run. None of you will. If it happens again. You… WILL… DIE."
Inuyasha smiled his cocky smile and said, "Sounds like fun."
"How terrible," Kagome said softly, "I understand why you've been so distant now."
Everyone blinked and looked at Kagome. Kagome looked up at Miyoiki and said, "You're afraid of being his tool again and causing more damage."
Kagome stood and put a hand on Miyoiki's stomach, "This is in the way. That's why you haven't been happy about the baby coming, isn't it?"
Miyoiki said nothing. At first she appeared angry. Then she began to shiver, and her eyes watered. Finally she ground out, "I killed him the first time Naraku had me, and I cost him his castle, his mother's necklace, and who knows what else the second time. I cannot allow a third time to happen."
"But you will bare him an heir," Rootousi said, "Nothing you've destroyed is worth half as much as that. Besides, it wasn't your fault."
"It was not my intention," Miyoiki corrected, "But it WAS my fault. No one can deny that if I wasn't here it wouldn't have happened."
"That's just stupid!" Inuyasha blurted out, "Yeah, there are a lot of things that wouldn't have happened if you weren't here. One of them is Sesshomaru never falling in love. I don't know how you did it, but you got through, and I'm sure he would trade a thousand deaths for you."
Kagome smiled lovingly at Inuyasha. Sometimes, just sometimes, he reminded her of why she loved him so. Miyoiki only walked back over to the tree she was leaning against and look off into the distance. Inuyasha growled and sat on the opposite side of the fire. Shippo and Rin were practically hiding under a rock from all the tension. Jaken was shuffling his feet and staring at the dirt he was kicking up.
Finally Jaken lifted his head and said, "As much as it pains me to say it… Inuyasha is right. My lady, Miyoiki, if you are contemplating self-sacrifice, reconsider. As cold as my noble lord seems I believe it would destroy him if you ceased to be."
Miyoiki thought back to the scene she'd witnessed. She remembered Sesshomaru howling and clutching her broken body. She fought back the tears. What could she do? The one way to guarantee the safety of her beloved was to sacrifice herself, but in doing so she would destroy him and their baby. Either way, Sesshomaru looses.
Miyoiki had faced unimaginable horrors in her training as a priestess. However, nothing could prepare her for the terror in her heart right now. There was only one option left. They HAD to win. Any other choice was complete failure, wounded spirits, broken hearts… and death.
"You are finished then?" Sesshomaru asked.
"I am," the old spider demon rasped, "It is my finest creation."
"Then let's see it," Sesshomaru said, with not so much as a hint of interest.
The old demoness smiled and pushed aside a drape of spider's silk. Behind it hung a shimmering white dress. Sesshomaru stepped forward to examine it.
"I used my finest silk and the silver strands of a unicorn's locks to make the fabric," The spider explained, "The translucence of my silk, mixed with the shimmering silver give it its unnatural glow. I studied the red marriage robes of the humans in the area, but from your description of your lady, this white garment seemed more fitting. I have had in enchanted and…"
Sesshomaru let the spider prattle on. He needed no convincing. The garment was almost as lovely as Miyoiki. It was the finest fabric he'd ever seen, decorated with embroidery that was beyond any mortal's abilities. Instead of being stitched in, the swirling design the covered the whole garment was actually even to the fabric. It was art, not the clumpy uneven stitching that left visible ridges in the frocks that most humans wore. It was speckled with flakes of polished silver, and studded with blue diamonds.
"I used the description of her skin in its design," She continued, "I tried to make a garment that spoke of her unique beauty. Does it please you?"
"It does," Sesshomaru said and tossed the old spider double the pay she had asked.
Before he left, he commissioned the spider to make some maternity gowns. His next stop was for the ring.
"Yes, of course it's done," The troll sneered, "You got the payment I asked for?"
"You will have it when I have seen the ring," Sesshomaru answered coldly.
The troll held out a magnificent band of woven white gold. The largest gem was a princess cut blue diamond, surrounding that where wings of slit cut aquamarines and blue sapphires. Sesshomaru pulled out a satchel of money and held out the requested amount to the troll. The troll smiled a sickening, toothless grin and said, "It is a beautiful ring, and from your urgent request last week I assume you need it very badly?"
"Your point?" Sesshomaru didn't look it, but he was already considering slitting this disgusting troll's belly with Tokijin.
"I'm afraid that amount is no longer acceptable," The troll said in his best imitation of Sesshomaru's voice.
It is been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery… But apparently Sesshomaru never heard that. He walked away no less rich, with a ring in his pocket and blood on his sword.
"Do these look good?" Miroku asked helplessly.
"Well, I've seen fresher," Sango said, "Why are you pointing out everything we pass? You even asked if a trash basket looked good a few moments ago."
Miroku sighed. This was not going according to his plan. He was supposed to take Sango out to the three nearby villages and wait until her females genes took over. She was supposed to squeal with delight at something, and then he would get to play the hero and buy it for her. She had been completely uninterested all day, and his feet were screaming from his second day down every street in all three towns. Miroku shook his head and asked, "Well, would you like to stop for diner?"
"I am kinda hungry," Sango admitted.
"I know a good place," He said back numbly.
He led her to a small restaurant on the other side of town and sat her at a table before making his way to the counter to ask for tea. An old waitress hobbled over to Sango with a smile on her face and said, "My, my, you ARE pretty."
"Excuse me?" Sango asked.
"So what did he finally get you?" the old woman pried.
"Who, Miroku?" Sango asked, "Nothing."
"Oh, I'm sorry," The old woman said, "I just assumed you were the young lady he was scouring the town looking for a gift for."
"What?" Sango asked in shock.
"You must be his friend, maybe you came to help him today, yes?" the old woman giggled, "He was miserable by the time he got here yesterday. He had been all over the nearby towns searching for a gift for a beautiful young woman. He wouldn't stop talking about her. Nothing he'd found was good enough for her. As he left town, late at night, I saw him pick a bunch of wildflowers. No doubt out of desperation to get her something."
Sango believed for just a moment that Miroku had been in town for her. Then the old women talked about the wildflowers. He hadn't given her any such token. Her heart sank as he walked back over.
Miroku, in spite of his second day of failure, tried to make the best of the situation. He smiled cheerfully set a glass of hot tea in front of Sango as he said, "They have the best soup here. Would you like me to get you some?"
"No," Sango said sternly, shocking him, "I'd just like to drink my tea and head back to the others. We shouldn't have left Miyoiki alone in her state to go on some meaningless outing."
Miroku sank into his chair. Now she was mad at him? Why?
"Sango, I-" Miroku started.
"Don't," Sango bit, "Just don't. Not again. I'm not ever trusting you again!"
She stood up and ran. She ran as fast as she could away from him, away from her tears.
Damn she was fast! Miroku ran after her, but she left him in her dust. It was all he could do to yell, "Sango! Please wait, SANGO!"
She didn't listen. She hopped onto Kirara and flew into the night sky. Kirara mewed nervously at her master's distress as Sango hiccupped cries into Kirara's fur, "Just… take me… back."
Miroku watched Kirara's flames disappear into the night sky. He didn't know what he had done this time, but he was going to find out. With a determined stride, he headed back on foot.
Sango landed just outside of the campsite. Her vision was so blurred by tears that she tripped on a small stone. Her face crunched on a bunch of dried leaves. When she opened her tear filled eyes she couldn't believe what she saw. Tentatively, scooped the bunch of dried wildflowers into her hands. She smiled and ran back towards the town. Kirara only mewed in confusion behind her.
Sango ran, her own tears blinding her. She ran back towards the town. Miroku ran towards camp in the opposite direction on the same path. Sooner or later, rates being relative, they would have to meet. And so, they did. Both of them skid to a stop about fifteen feet from each other, and stared for just a minute.
Miroku tried to think of what to say. Most women, in his experience, react with anger to asking them why they are angry. He could try apologizing and leave the reason for his apology blank. Sango would surely pick up on that. He could get down on his knees and beg, or…
"M-Miroku!" Sango cried and ran to him, throwing herself into his arms.
Miroku was taken aback to be sure, but then he smelt the fragrance of dead flowers. Still crushed in her right hand were the dried flowers he had picked for her. Sango mumbled, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry… I love the flowers that you got me."
Sango stepped back and opened her right hand to display what was left of them. It took Miroku a few moments to realize what he was looking at, and a few more moments to put together what had actually happened. Miroku blinked and blushed. He scratched his head as he said, "Yes, well, you should have seen them when they were fresh."
Sango smiled, and gently knuckled his upper arm. She blushed wildly and stared at her feet. Miroku had never seen anything more beautifully cute in his whole life. He outright laughed.
"HEY!" Sango yelped, "What's so funny?"
She clobbered him and left him rubbing his throbbing head on the side of the rode. As she pretended to storm off she couldn't suppress the smile on her face. Miroku gently stroked the developing lump on his head, waited for her to disappear up the path, and then laughed again.
"I love that woman," He sighed.
Inuyasha crept close to where Kagome was sleeping. He hadn't been close to her in almost a week and it was driving him nuts. In fact, getting this close recently was all that was needed to get sat. He got so close he could feel her breath on his face.
"Inuyasha," Kagome said softly, "What are you doing."
"EEeeeEEEeee," Inuyasha whimpered and jumped back from her, "I, ah, thought I saw a bug… It was nothing though… I know you hate bugs…"
Kagome sat up and gave him her best "yeah right" face, and Inuyasha cowered. He prepared himself for the 20th --or was it the 30th?—sit command today. Kagome watched him and stared at his submission rosary. Kikiyo could find the rest of the jewel, and she had seen the evidence too many times now to kid herself any more. The same argument played out in her head again.
There's no place for me here… I know that, but...
I said I would stand by him… I can't stop myself…
I can't stop thinking about him… The real reason I keep coming back is…
Inuyasha realized he hadn't been sat and looked up cautiously to see Kagome on the verge of tears. Inuyasha blinked and said sheepishly, "Kagome?"
I love him… I love Inuyasha… I can't help it… God, I'm such a fool…
Inuyasha saw tears forming in her eyes and instantly moved to her side. He gently took her into his arms and said, "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't know that I had upset you that much."
"It wasn't that," She whimpered.
"Then what's wrong?" Inuyasha asked.
Kagome bit her lip and buried her face in his chest. She didn't want to answer. She couldn't say that to him. She'd make a fool of herself… again. That's when the rosary poked at her face.
The rosary…
Kagome muttered the incantation Kiede (god ANOTHER hard to spell name, Kikiyo's sister) had told her for removing the rosary as soon as it became apparent that Inuyasha would not harm Kagome. She told herself she hadn't removed it because he didn't deserve it, but the real reason…
It binds him to me. It keeps him from being at her side…
Kagome lifted her hand and the rosary released from Inuyasha's neck on bead at a time. The beads flew to her fingertips and created and complete and freed rosary. Inuyasha could only sit there, stunned. Kagome pulled away from him roughly, laid down, and turned away from him to hide the tears in her eyes.
Now go to her.
Inuyasha sat there, arms open, blinking, and wondering if he was dreaming. He scowled down at Kagome and barked, "Hey, what gives, this some kinda trick or something? I bet you now a way to sit me without, huh, is that it? This is some joke between you and that old bag Kiede!"
"No," Kagome tried to say with a steady voice, "You're free. Do what whatever, Go wherever, and to whoever you please."
"What?" Inuyasha breathed.
Kagome sprang up and yelled, "Are you deaf, you stupid mutt? I said you're free. I'm sick of your ego and temper and… AND YOU! Just go!"
She flung herself back over burying her face under the blanket. She didn't want to look him in the eyes any longer. He would realize she was lying, or worse, she would see the pain in his eyes.
"Ka… Kagome," Inuyasha rasped as though his living heart had been ripped from his chest.
"Go away!" she shouted from under the covers.
Inuyasha slinked away from her like a dog with its tail between its legs. For the rest of the night he watched his own feet. His ears sagged sorrowfully and he glanced up through his bangs at her sleeping form. He was so hurt by her words that he could not smell the tears that gave her away.
Kagura and Rootousi did their best to ignore the tension the next day. Miroku and Sango were too busy staring at each other like love-struck teenagers. The kids had gotten so used to the tension that they no longer noticed it while they played. Miyoiki was thankful that no one's attention was on her.
She stroked her belly, which hadn't begun to show yet. In spite of this she could feel something stirring there. The more aware of it she became over the last week, the more she loved it. She looked to the sky for her beloved husband, and her heart filled with longing and fear. She missed him, it was that simple, and any thought of Naraku nearly brought her to tears. She was caught in an impossible situation.
She used to scoff at people who said their situation was impossible or hopeless. She'd tell them that they just weren't looking hard enough for a solution. Usually, after talking with them a while, the solution would become obvious. Some of them would thankfully take her advice while others found any excuse to continue to wallow in their misery.
So, for the thousandth time since she woke, she thought it through. Naraku would stop at nothing to possess her power. He would hurt the people around her, her husband, and her unborn child to submit her if he had to. Then, when he had her power, he would use it to destroy them all. The best way to ensure the safety of her loved ones was to get rid of the problem, and the problem was her. That meant murdering the life developing inside her, so that was impossible.
Victory with their combined strengths was the only answer. They simply had to win. Naraku had survived her ultimate power, and so victory was not something she believed they could achieve. They were going to loose, everyone would die… She stroked her belly… Everyone…
An aqua light streaked across the sky and landed in the clearing without making a sound. When it materialized Sesshomaru was standing there holding and human priest by the scruff of his neck with one arm. With his other arm, Sesshomaru held above his head a huge bundle, which he dropped on the ground. The priest, who had his eyes closed in terror, blinked and looked around nervously. Sesshomaru dropped him as well. The priest started to crawl away when Sesshomaru said, "Do not move from that spot, or I will kill you."
The priest shrieked and swallowed the lump in his throat, but he froze in place and did not move. Sesshomaru scanned the tree line, where Miyoiki was all ready to her feet and running toward him.
Miyoiki saw Sesshomaru arrive and stood shakily. She was so weary from lack of sleep, that she questioned her eyes. Her wings trembled as she watched him. It became clear all at once that he really was there. The week that she had waited for him seemed like so much longer than that. She ran to him unable to stop the tears from pouring from her eyes.
Sesshomaru noticed the tears in her eyes and bridged what was left of the gap faster than the eyes could track. He was intent on inspecting her for injury, but she pushed his probing hands out of her way roughly and flung herself against him. Sesshomaru understood, and he rapped his arms around her. She was being a bit over-dramatic, but he had heard females were often this way when pregnant. Even the strongest female would become vulnerable and weepy when with child.
"You had to know that I would come back for you," He said to soft for anyone else to hear."
"I knew," She said back, "I just missed you."
Sesshomaru stepped back from the embrace. He had practiced this a million times in his head. His human proposal of marriage was perfect, but something caught his eyes. She was gaunt, her eyes had been crying more than just this moment, and she hadn't bathed. What was wrong?
His left had flung out, releasing his toxic whip. Twice it struck, and a third, leveling the three trees nearest to the three other males. Miroku, and Inuyasha jumped with surprise, but Rootousi just glanced over at Sesshomaru casually. Inuyasha roared, "HEY! What did you do THAT for? We kept anyone from hurting her while you were gone!"
"Did you bother to see that she wasn't eating or drinking?" Sesshomaru said back coldly.
Inuyasha and Miroku blinked and looked at each other. They had been too busy with their own problems to notice what Miyoiki was doing. Rootousi stood and said, "As I matter of fact, I tried several times to feed her, give her water, or get her to bathe. I don't think she's slept since you've been gone either. She'd only stare at me until I went away."
Sesshomaru turned his eyes back to Miyoiki who was trembling from exhaustion, though she didn't seemed to notice. She smiled deliriously at him and said, "I'm so glad your back. I'm—"
With that she fainted. Sesshomaru caught her and turned to the priest. With his usual chilling voice he commanded, "You will stay with my companions. If you attempt to escape I will hunt you, and everyone you love, down like vermin."
Sesshomaru carried Miyoiki away into the forest. The priest scurried over to the campsite and threw himself and Miroku.
"You keep company with demons?" The Priest cried, "Please, you must save me mighty monk!"
"You are in no danger," Miroku said calmly, "Just do as Sesshomaru says and you will be freed unharmed."
"Are you certain?" The priest asked.
"Well…" Miroku started, "Not really. He's kinda ruthless."
The priest sweat-dropped and Jaken croaked out, "Humph! MY honorable lord Sesshomaru has not the time to waste easily slaughtering pathetic humans such as you. Do as he says, and you will be spared your life."
"Yeah," Miroku said with a chuckle, "What he said."
"Yeah, right," Inuyasha scoffed, "He's a goner and you know it! My brother ain't into humans. He kills 'em like flies really. Yep… Yep, I'd say he's a goner."
"Inuyasha!" Kagome shrieked, "You're scaring him!"
"MY lord Sesshomaru wouldn't kill him for nothing!" Rin cried.
And so the argument began over whether the poor old man would live to see his next birthday. The old man laid against a tree, and resigned himself to his fate as he said, "Well, at least I get a good show before I go."
A sweet scent… But strangely masculine… And the sound of running water…
Miyoiki inhaled deeply. She knew this scent, the scent of her beloved husband, and the father of the child that grew within her. They were naked, and laying in the water. Sesshomaru sensed her stirring and growled, "What were you thinking? Or were you thinking at all? You need nourishment, our child needs nourishment."
"I guess I wasn't thinking about that," Miyoiki said meekly, "My mind was elsewhere."
She was being so meek, and acting so weak. It was NOT becoming, but he had heard that women often acted strangely when with child. A smile curved his lips, and suddenly she was more attractive than ever. She wasn't just with child, she was with his child. He nuzzled her hair, breathed in her scent and said, "Well, from now on your duty is to have your mind on only this."
He slid his hand to her stomach and made lazy circles on her bare skin. She nodded and curled up in his arms. She purred lightly. It was a sound that she had noticed Sesshomaru liked. She closed her eyes and again succumbed to exhaustion. Sesshomaru almost purred himself as he said, "Sleep well, my lady of the western lands."
And it was suddenly easy for him to remember why he was going to lower himself to the stature of a human for her tonight.
Jackie: SOOOO sorry, I hope this makes up for it?