AN: Alright… This is Suguru and Maiko's date. Hope you enjoy!

Suguru's First Date

To say that Suguru Fujisaki was nervous was an understatement. The green haired man was terrified. He had never been on a date before, and for his first date, he had to be taking out Shuichi Shindou's younger sister! Oh yes… Nervous was an understatement.

Suguru checked his outfit for the fiftieth time in the past ten minutes. He was wearing a green turtleneck and some blue jeans. He wasn't sure if Maiko would like his outfit, but it was too late now. He didn't have time to change, unless he wanted to be late to pick up Maiko.

Shuichi's warning once again played in his head. He wasn't sure if the lead singer had done this purposely or not. With him, it was hard to tell when he was being serious. All Suguru knew was that he kept picturing Taki Aizawa after Shuichi had beat him up for messing with Yuki-san.

Suguru shuddered. Pulling himself together once again, he left his small apartment to pick up Maiko.

The Shindou's house was only a block away from his own apartment, so he got to the house relatively quickly. A glance at his watch showed that he was five minutes early. Figuring that it was better to be early than to be late, Suguru knocked.

An older woman, presumably Shuichi and Maiko's mother, answered the door. "May I help you?"

Suguru bowed politely. "Hello. I'm Suguru Fujisaki and I'm here to pick up Maiko."

"Ah! Fujisaki-kun! I thought I heard your voice!"

Maiko Shindou appeared from behind the door. She wore a pair of blue jeans, a long sleeved black shirt with a white "BAD LUCK" t-shirt over it.

"I'm ready to go if you are, Fujisaki-kun," Maiko chirped.

Suguru nodded quietly, and Maiko hugged her mom. "I'll be home before 7pm, okay, Mom?"

Maiko's mom nodded, and Suguru and Maiko left.

Walking side by side, Maiko began chatting. Suguru was mesmerized by the sound of her voice, and was surprised to find that they had reached the train station so fast. Fishing around his back pockets, Suguru produced two train tickets to Kyoto.

"I'm so excited! I've never been to Kyoto on a date before!" Maiko exclaimed. "Have you?"

Suguru blushed. Deciding to answer honestly, he said, "No. I've never been on a date before."

Maiko stared at him open mouthed. "Really?" Suguru nodded. "Are you serious?" Another nod. "Wow… I would have thought for sure you dated all the time!"

Suguru's face turned a deep scarlet. He was getting uncomfortable talking about his lack of dating. Trying to change the subject, he decided to find out what she wanted to do in Kyoto.

Maiko thought about it. She'd been to Kyoto a few times, mostly on school trips, so she'd seen all of the shrines and historic places plenty of times. Remembering one particular visit, Maiko decided what she wanted to do. "If it's not too much trouble, can we see a play? There's a nice little theatre, and they do all sorts of different types of shows."

Suguru smiled. He'd been to the theatre she was talking about a year ago with Tohma and Mika. They had taken him out for his birthday to do something fun, and Suguru had wanted to see a play.

"Sure. I'd love to see a play. How about we get lunch after that?"

Maiko nodded as a loud whistle announced the arrival of their train. Grabbing Suguru's hand in her own, she pulled him towards the train. They boarded and took their seats, hands still clasped together, though neither one seemed to mind.

The train ride to Kyoto was filled with conversation. Suguru asked Maiko about school while Maiko asked Suguru about recording at the studio. Little by little, Suguru was beginning to relax. This is fun, he thought. I shouldn't have been worried…

"So, Fujisaki-kun, is my brother annoying you yet?"

Suguru contemplated this question. He knew that Maiko loved her brother. She called him twice a day, went to every concert, and they even went out to lunch together once a week. Saying something bad about Shuichi could ruin everything, so he carefully worded his answer. "He's very energetic, but he doesn't annoy me." He only annoys me on days ending in "y," Suguru thought.

Maiko looked at Fujisaki in shock. "Are you serious? Wow! You're a lot more patient than I am! Shuichi always annoys me! I don't know how Hiro puts up with him!"

Smiling, Suguru shook his head. "Nakano-san puts up with him because they are pretty much the same. Insane."

Maiko laughed. "That about sums them up, alright."

Soon, they arrived in Kyoto. They got off the train, still holding hands, and made their way to the center of town where the theatre was.

Maiko began pointing out different things that Suguru had never really paid attention to before, such as a little candy shop, or an alley that led to a small park. As they continued walking, Suguru couldn't help but feel peaceful.

There was no Shuichi around to be overly dramatic, no Hiroshi to pick on him, no K to shoot him, and no Sakano to have hysterics. It was the first peaceful day he had had in a long time.

Glancing at Maiko, he noticed how the sun glinted in her shiny black hair and made her brown eyes sparkle. Before he knew what he was doing, he stopped. Since Maiko was holding his hand, she didn't get far before she noticed.

Before she could say anything, though, Suguru kissed her. It was a nice kiss, nothing major, just lips on lips, but when he pulled away, his entire face was scarlet. "I'm s-sorry!" he stammered.

Maiko blushed. Leaning back in, she kissed him again. It was a tentative kiss, but she deepened it, flicking her tongue against Suguru's lower lip, silently asking permission. His lips parted in a soft sigh, and Maiko hesitantly touched his tongue with hers.

Maiko pulled away after a second, finally realizing what she was doing. She was kissing the synth player of Bad Luck in the middle of the street in Kyoto. Her face was a bright shade of red, and matched Suguru's perfectly.

Silently, the two began walking again. They reached the theatre without further incident, but were disappointed to find that there wasn't a show that day.

Looking at each other, Maiko broke the silence. "What do you want to do now?"

Suguru began mentally going over the places that he knew in Kyoto, which weren't many. He never really had the chance to leave Tokyo to go to Kyoto. "There is a park not that far away. They have a lake you can row out in. We can do that and talk."

Maiko smiled. She had always wanted to do that, and now she was going to be able to. Nodding her agreement, the two started off for the park.

It didn't take long to get there, and before Maiko knew it, Suguru was paying for their boat. She looked out over the water. It was a beautiful day, and the lake was calm. She could see two other boats on the lake already. A light tug on her hand let her know that Suguru was waiting.

Following the synth player to the boats, Maiko boarded the one that they had rented. She had to let go of Suguru's hand so he could row, and she immediately missed the warmth that the contact with the young man gave her.

Suguru began to row them out to the middle of the lake, and Maiko watched Suguru row. She was a little surprised that Suguru could row them out by himself, but then, she supposed she really shouldn't. While Suguru was very thin, he also had some muscle. Maiko knew this because the last concert she attended for BAD LUCK had Suguru dressed almost as skimpily has her brother and Hiro.

Maiko began to loose herself in thoughts of Suguru's onstage costume. He had worn black leather pants, a green-netted top, and a black leather vest.


The sound of Suguru's voice snapped Maiko out of her reverie. Focusing on her surroundings, she realized they sat in the middle of the lake, water all around them. She could make out the shore, and the trees beyond that. It was a beautiful sight, and she said so to Suguru.

Suguru nodded, pleased that Maiko thought so as well. He came here every time he was in Kyoto, and it was always nice, but with Maiko, it seemed even better…

Maiko bit her bottom lip, as if trying to figure out whether to say something or not. Instead of letting Maiko continue her internal debate, Suguru began talking.

"Maiko," he began. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier…"

The young woman looked confused before realizing that Suguru was talking about their kiss. Flushing, Maiko simply replied, "I kissed you, too, Fujisaki-kun, so there's no need to apologize."

Suguru remembered the kiss that Maiko gave him. He smiled slightly. "That's true," he responded. "But I still had no right to kiss you like that. It's our first date, after all…"

Maiko laughed softly. "Don't worry! We'll keep this between you and me, okay?" Suguru nodded, relief evident on his face. Maiko spared a moment to wonder if Shuichi had said anything to him to scare him. "Since this is your first date, was that your first kiss?"

Suguru shook his head. "No. My first kiss was on a dare at a party I went to last year."

Maiko began to play with her hair as she thought about what to say next. Suguru spared her the trouble by asking her what her favorite color was.

The questions continued on like that for the rest of the hour that they had the boat. Simple questions that didn't make either of them uncomfortable but were questions that were important nonetheless.

Suguru rowed them back to shore and they went in search of a place to eat. They finally found a small deli and decided to have lunch there.

Maiko ordered a ham and cheese sandwich, while Suguru ordered turkey and cheese. When their sandwiches were ready, they sat down and ate.

They ate in silence, but it was a comfortable silence that neither felt the need to break. They were happy just being in each other's company without the need to talk. They finished their lunch and decided to finish off the day shopping.

Suguru hated shopping. He had all the clothes he needed, and if he needed groceries or luxury items, he could always order them online. Maiko, though, felt differently.

She dragged him into store after store, looking at things and trying on clothes. She never bought anything, though, and when he asked why, she just merely replied, "I don't have the money."

Suguru knew that Shuichi gave money to his family, and gave his sister spending money out of every check. He didn't want to bring that up, though, because if her remembered correctly, Maiko was saving up to go to college so her parents didn't have to pay.

Instead, he made note of items that she particularly seemed to like and what store they were at.

When they found a bookstore, Suguru excused himself, saying that he wanted to get something from a store they had visited earlier. When Maiko offered to go with him, he told her it was okay.

Leaving her in the bookstore, he ran back to one of the stores that they had already visited. It was a little odds and ends store that seemed to sell everything. Maiko had been looking at something in this store, and had seemed very reluctant to part with it.

Smiling to himself, he brought the item to the register and paid. He would give it to Maiko when he dropped her off, that way she'd have to take it.

He looked at his watch and realized that they had thirty minutes before their train boarded. Making his way back to the bookstore, he found Maiko in the horror section.

"Maiko-chan, we have half an hour before the train boards. We should start making our way back."

Nodding in agreement, Maiko took Suguru's free hand in hers, and they started walking to the train station.

"What did you get, Fujisaki-kun?"

Suguru smiled at her. "Nothing really. Just a gift for someone special."

Maiko was intrigued. She knew Suguru wasn't dating. Besides the fact he'd told her that himself, she'd talked to K-san to see if he was seeing someone. Maybe it was for a family member? "Who?"

"I'll tell you later."

Maiko decided that if he told her he was going to tell her, he would. So she decided not to press him.

They got to the train station with five minutes to spare. They boarded the train, still hand in hand, and sat in their seats.

The train began to pull away from the station a few minutes later, and Maiko rested her head on Suguru's shoulder. She wasn't really tired, she just wanted to.

Suguru was surprised when Maiko rested her head on his shoulder. "Are you tired?" She shook her head against his shoulder, and Suguru was confused. If she wasn't tired, then why was her head on his shoulder? Deciding not to worry about it, he let go of her hand.

Maiko felt Suguru let go of her hand, and disappointment filled her. She was about to lift her head from his shoulder when his arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer. He leaned his cheek against the top of her head, and she smiled.

They stayed that way for the entire train ride back to Tokyo.
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

They arrived at the Shindou residence at 6:45pm, fifteen minutes before Maiko had to be home.

Maiko sat on the step that led to the door, motioning for Suguru to do the same.

Still clutching the bag that held Maiko's gift in it, he sat next to her. A slight pressure on his shoulder told him Maiko was resting her head on his shoulder again. Smiling, he pulled her closer to him.

"I had fun today, Fujisaki-kun," Maiko whispered.

"So did I, Maiko-chan."

A few minutes of comfortable silence passed before either spoke again. Suguru lifted the bag onto his lap, and broke the silence.

"I told you I'd tell you who the present is for, didn't I?"

Maiko nodded, lifting her head from his shoulder to look at him. When he pulled out a box from within the bag, Maiko thought he was going to show her the gift and then tell her who it was to.

"It's for you." At Maiko's shocked expression, Suguru hurriedly continued. "I saw you looking at it in one of the stores, and I wanted to get something for you, so I got you this." He opened the box.

Inside was a porcelain doll. The doll was a young child in a nightgown. She was wearing pink fuzzy slippers and holding a toy cat in one hand. The other hand rubbed her eyes sleepily and the blonde hair was in curls.

Maiko stared at the doll in shock. Feeling her eyes begin to fill with tears, Maiko quickly blinked them away. "You didn't have to get me this," she said softly.

A hand guided her face away from the doll so that she was staring at Suguru. Leaning in, he kissed her gently. "I wanted to," he whispered.

Placing the box containing the porcelain doll to the side very gently, she hugged Suguru. "Thank you!" she squealed with a smile.

Suguru was very happy that he had made her happy. He hugged her tighter to him and they sat like that, wrapped in each other's arms, until 7pm.

Slowly disentangling themselves from each other, Maiko picked up her present, and Suguru walked her to the door.

"Thank you for a wonderful day," Maiko said.

"You're welcome. Maybe we can do it again?" he added hopefully.

Maiko smiled. "Of course."

Suguru breathed a sigh of relief. "How's tomorrow? We can go see a movie?"

"Perfect. I'll be ready at 2pm, if that's okay with you?"

"That's fine."

Maiko opened the door and stepped inside. Before closing the door, she turned and smiled again at Suguru. "See you tomorrow, Fujisaki-kun!"

Suguru smiled in return. "See you tomorrow, Maiko-chan."

The door closed, and Suguru made his way back home, completely relaxed and happy. He had another date with Maiko, she had liked his gift, and they had had fun. His day couldn't have been anymore perfect.

Letting himself into his apartment, Suguru checked his messages. He had one.

"You have 1 new message. First new message," the machine intoned. There was a pause, then a familiar voice came over the machine. "Hi Fujisaki! It's Shuichi! I was just calling to see how your date went with my sister and to tell you that if I find out you so much as laid one finger on my pure sweet innocent little sister, I will hurt you very badly! But I know you wouldn't do that, so it's kind of pointless to mention it! Anyway, if you don't call me tomorrow, I'll get all of the details from Maiko! Bye!" Another pause. "You have no more messages."

All of the blood drained from Suguru's face as the message ended. Would Maiko-chan tell Shindou-san that we kissed? he thought frantically. No, she wouldn't. At least, I hope she won't…

Suguru collapsed on his couch. Monday was going to be a long day…
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

AN: That's it! No more for this story! I hope you all liked it… Poor Fujisaki… But he had such a great day, I had to torture him. Just a little… LOL Anyways, review please!