Yugi's group was finally gone. Kaiba went back upstairs to check on Mokuba, now that they were gone. And instead of going back to sleep, Mokuba was up playing with the kitten. The female cat was mostly colored black with a mixture of brown. Her tail was also black, except for an area at the top where it had a small brown circle with a black center.

Kaiba leaned against the doorway, and asked, "Enjoying your new gifts?"

Mokuba looked up immediately, concern in his eyes as he protectively held the cat. "Uh...yeah."

Kaiba looked down. "Listen, Mokuba...about the kitten..."

"I know, I know...you don't like animals, especially cats." Mokuba sadly put the kitten down, and grabbed for his dragon, while waiting for his brother to grab the kitten and take it away. And Mokuba felt absolutely miserable. He knew as soon as Joey gave him that gift that his brother wouldn't allow him to keep it, so he was expecting it. But that didn't make it any easier.

Kaiba could tell Mokuba wanted to keep the cat. He couldn't stand animals...but he really couldn't help it. It was yet another lesson that was pounded into him from Gozaburo.

"Affection for animals is just as bad a weakness as affection for anything, Seto. Keep that in mind. Anything you care for can be used against you. Mathews!"

The cat that the guard held, which Seto found near the mansion grounds, was placed down on the ground. Mathews then pulled his gun out, and without hesitation fired multiple shots. Kaiba knew better not to turn away, especially while Gozaburo was watching him. He had to stand firm and watch without emotion, as the innocent creature was maimed and killed in front of his eyes.

"Let that be a lesson to you..."

Kaiba gave a tired sigh, hoping he wouldn't regret this decision. After all...ever since that day, he taught himself to hate all animals. And something that was programmed into him for that long couldn't be so easily undone. "All right...so, what do you want to name your cat?" For Mokuba...he'd even try to undo that.

Mokuba looked over at him in surprise. "What? You mean...I can keep it?"

Kaiba shrugged. "We can see how it works out, I suppose. I'll have a room fixed up for it and an animal door installed tomorrow, so the cat can have free movement in and out of the house."

Mokuba got up ran over and hugged his brother tightly, "Thank you big brother!"

Kaiba ruffled his hair a little bit, "So what do you want to name it?"


Kaiba paled. "Please, no..."

"How about Doggy?" Mokuba mused.

Kaiba didn't even crack a smile. "That's not funny."

Mokuba giggled, "Okay. Well, how about Tipper, then?"

"Why Tipper?"

"I don't know." Mokuba said. "When I look at her color, I just think she looks like a Tipper. That and tip of her tail has a brown circle with a black center."

"Fine...whatever. Well, 'Tipper' will stay in the kitchen tonight."

"Okay, big brother."

Kaiba put some newspaper down for the kitten. He then grabbed a box he used to have files brought back and forth with, and cut it down enough to pass for a temporary bed. Then after grabbing a couple bowls from the kitchen, he filled one with water and another with milk...putting them down next to the box. Then closing the door up, he went back upstairs to wash the cat hair off of him, then go back to his office to work.

Kaiba left his office, checking on his brother every so often, giving him juice and water to keep him hydrated as Mokuba continued to recover. By 11, after his brother had his final medicine, Kaiba tucked Mokuba in bed before going to his own bedroom to sleep.


During the night, Kaiba had a dream...

"Seto! Seto, help me!"

His brother's voice echoed everywhere, and Kaiba searched frantically to find him. Somehow, though he couldn't see him, he knew he was in danger...


The image returned of the guard aiming down at the cat with his gun. The cat turned to face the guard. No...it was Mokuba!

"Affection for anything is a weakness that can be used against you, Seto. Anything you care for can be used against you...anything you care for...anything..."


The fun fired, blood splattered, the image of what was shot was not seen.


He found his brother, he was going to reach him. But reality started to twist around him, like a big whirlpool. Kaiba turned and directly behind him was what looked like a black hole, sucking him in...distorting reality around him. In the center of that black hole was a small box made of gold that seemed to be creating the distortion.

"Seto, come back!"

"Mokuba's in danger! Save your brother, Seto Kaiba...save him!" said a voice he could not recognize. "Save him!"


"It's just a dream! Seto, Seto! Seto!"

Kaiba jerked up to a sitting position, covered in sweat. His movements almost caused him to smack right into Mokuba, who moved away in time. And Kaiba didn't even notice him. He was breathing hard, and trying to calm down.


Kaiba jerked back, taken off-guard that Mokuba was right there, having trouble deciphering if that was still part of the dream, or if it really was his brother. But reality set in quickly. It was just a dream, it wasn't real. Mokuba was fine...he was right here with him, now.

Kaiba asked him, "What are you doing here?" still trying to get his bearings.

"I heard you shouting. I came in to make sure you were okay, but...you were having a nightmare. Are you okay, Seto?" Mokuba asked, a little worried.

Kaiba nodded, calming down. Damn nightmares. It was one of the few things in life he couldn't escape from. He nodded, answering, "Yeah...I'm fine. It was just a dream."

Mokuba knew his brother all too well. Kaiba was the type of person who would say 'I'm fine.' after being run over by a tractor-trailer, and bleeding from every orifice of his body...just to try and make Mokuba feel better. But he certainly didn't look fine. He was still slightly shaken from the nightmare.

So with a smile on his face, Mokuba climbed into Kaiba's bed, laid the dragon down next to his brother, then threw his arms around Kaiba's neck in a comforting hug, like his brother would always do for him when he had a nightmare. Given, he wouldn't throw himself at him, but Mokuba was a lot smaller.

"It's ok, Seto. I'm here...I'm ok. See?"

Kaiba froze at the comment Mokuba made. Did Mokuba know the nightmare was about him? "Wh-why would you think...?"

"What else would you have a nightmare about?" Mokuba muttered quietly, as he got himself comfortable in his brother's bed.

Kaiba smiled...he was right. There was no point in trying to fool his brother...that kid rotated around his world. He was all that really mattered. And having Mokuba next to him after that dream, made him feel secure knowing that his brother was safe.

"I suppose you're right." Kaiba admitted, laying back down.

Mokuba smiled. "Do you feel better now, Seto?"

"Actually I do...yes." Kaiba said. After a pause, he added. "But...you really don't have to stay on my account. I'm fine, really. It's just a stupid dream. You should probably get back to bed, where you'll be more comfortable. Do you want me to tuck you in?"

Kaiba couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, when Mokuba shook his head no. But then he said, "I'd rather stay here with you, Seto. Please let me stay...just for tonight?"

"You know we're both too old for that." Kaiba said, smiling down at his brother.

It was now Mokuba's turn to look disappointed. "Yeah, I know...I'm sorry." But as Mokuba was about to get up, Kaiba stopped him from doing so.

"But...I guess this one night wont hurt." Mokuba beamed. "Just don't get into the habit of it, okay?"

"Okay! I mean...I wont!" Mokuba said excitedly.

Kaiba then readjusted the covers, to make sure they were comfortably around them both, dragon still nuzzled in Mokuba's arms and Mokuba snuggled up against him.

"Goodnight, Seto." Mokuba said. "I love you..."

"Goodnight, Mokuba." Kaiba merely answered, saying nothing more.

Affection was a difficult thing for Kaiba, and Mokuba knew that. It didn't matter anyway for Mokuba, cuz he knew.

Kaiba closed his eyes. And after awhile, Mokuba drifted to sleep. As he did, Kaiba's eyes opened up again, as he whispered, "I love you, too..." He pecked Mokuba a kiss on the forehead, making his little brother smile in his sleep. Only then did Kaiba feel comfortable enough to drift to sleep, himself.

From outside the window, another figure watched the house in the distance, as if being right there and seeing the entire scene before her. Aiko smiled, saying, "Our paths will cross again, Seto Kaiba...I have sensed it. Oh, yes...we will see each other again, soon enough."

At that, Aiko turned and faded into nothingness, carried away by the wind.


x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x x-x-x-x

Mokuba A/N:

Well we hope you enjoyed the story. We thank you very much for all the kind reviews. Keep watch though. We have many sequels planned ahead. So, we hope you'll stick around and read, review, and enjoy the other stories to come.

Asj: if you look back over earlier chapters, you'll see Kaiba never told anyone Mokuba was his brother. Of course, some people in Mokuba's school knew, but not many people. It's explained that Kaiba never told cause he wanted to keep Mokuba safe.

Angie/Kaiba relationship: Sorry, but I'm afraid this wont be cleared up till the end of the sequel, maybe. Clarity's having too much fun with it at the moment.

Note on Death-T: Death Tournament held by Kaiba in the Japanese 1st season, and the manga books. During this season, Kaiba was a lot meaner and a bit psycho, due to his father's abuse towards him. In this Death Tournament, Kaiba basically placed Yugi and all his friends lives in terrible danger. The first episode of Yugioh is basically a very 'friendly' summation of the Japanese 1st season. We have placed some changes in this storyline, where they did not know Mokuba was Kaiba's brother, and thought he was his personal assistant. Mokuba did some rather harsh things too in that season, but it was Mokuba's cry...desperate to get his brother's attention, who's hearts was buried, consumed by darkness and hate.

Mokuba Author notes: 9/23/2005 I wanted to tell you today's my birthday so I decided to give you the last chapter.