Note: Let me start by saying sorry, once again, for all you fans of this fanfic who have waited 3 wholes months for me to update. I should have said something before hand, but I went on a work placement in North Africa, so I never had time to finish this. But hey! I'm back, and so is the end of the fic. I'm tying it up with this last chapter, and I will carry it on with a sequel in due course.
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At the docks, the crowds were thick, even on the blustery day it was. The people jostled and pushed, shouting over the cry of the seagulls in the bitter air. The large ships stood dormant against the unpromising skies, yet looked determinedly sturdy against the choppy waves that went on till the eye was lost to the dullness in the distance.
Christine, Meg and Madame Giry were pacing at a fair speed with Master McAllen….., who was talking rapidly and excitedly to them. Madame Giry was politely listening to him rant, were as Meg and Christine hung back slightly. The two girls held each others arm, talking quietly, out of earshot of the two in front.
Christine, now showing her pregnancy, was well wrapped in a large over coat, with a significant amount of grand layers underneath. Her face had the same healthy glow it had been when she had been at the Opera, and her weight had come back, giving her a very youthful and beautiful appearance once more. She walked with a slight smile on her face, yet once that hardly masked the sadness that the young girl had haunting her eyes.
"Ah, here we are! Le Beau Mere! A fine ship to be sure." Master McAllen waved a hand dramatically up at the ship that the women would be taking to England. Meg squealed in delight, and Christine gazed up in wonder. It was not the largest ship in the dock, but it was certainly the most luxurious looking.
Christine and Meg trotted up the gang plank, and were bowed into the beautiful white shutter doors of the ship. Madame Giry and Mr. followed behind.
It wasn't long till the girls were shown to their cabins, and had sat on their basic, yet prettily decorated beds.
"Wont it be wonderful, Christine? England! We're actually going to England! We will be able to see all the latest fashions there, and oh, the dancing! I wonder if the techniques are different. I would hope not, it would be and absolute bore to learn them all again."
Christine frowned at her. "Meg, as if I can dance in this state." She patted her tummy fondly. Meg put a hand over her mouth and giggled.
"Oh yes, sorry. But Christine, you will be singing…won't you?"
At that, Christine's face had fallen slightly, and it was too late before Meg had realized what she had said. Meg looked apologetically at her, but Christine dismissed it with a pretending of ignorance.
"I think I will take a walk on deck, care to join me?" She said, almost too light heartedly. Meg smiled, but shook her head.
"If you don't mind, I'm going to look around the ship. I heard that Costella Regillio, the Italian designer is on board!"
Christine laughed at her friend's star struck expression, and bided her farewell. She retired from her room and wandered the decks until she came to a secluded area at the back of the ship, were only a couple and a lone man were hovering around the edge of the deck.
Christine leaned on the railing, and breathed in the sea air. It cleared her head and let a beautiful breeze pass through her hair. It reminded her so much of the trip she had taken all that time ago, were she and Nasih had travelled far to reach the destination, away from France and home. Now she would be doing it all over again…
Christine shook her head instinctively, trying to rid herself of that kind of memory. A painful, if not still fresh one would not help in this situation. She needed to keep positive. And keep healthy, if not only for her baby. A bond had grown over the last month, was she began to love the unborn child unconditionally, and had sworn to herself never to abuse her body as she had done so before.
She placed a gloved hand over her 6 month old bump, feeling the baby move slightly. She smiled, feeling that warm fuzzy feeling of great fondness and love. Yes, she would cherish this child, no matter what anyone said about her.
The darkness had begun to take a hold on the grey skies and the rough sea. Night time crept in prematurely, and began to cloak the ship in shadow. The couple who had been keeping warm together retired through the doors into the parlour. Christine stood alone against the railings, still gazing out to sea, with a furrowed frown.
"Evening Mademoiselle."
Christine cocked her head slightly to the left where the voice came from. The finely and heavily dressed gentleman was stood in the corner of her eye, him too resting against the rail with her. She did not answer him.
"It's a very cold night. You should be inside."
She smiled slightly, still looking out to sea. "I am fit for any condition in these clothes. I would probably find myself at home up in the deepest North dressed like this."
The fine man chuckled, pulling his cloak a little more tightly around him.
"How are you feeling then?"
She turned, a little confused. "Feeling? I suppose I'll feel a lot better when we get to England, and away…away from…"
The man placed a hand on Christine's that rested on the rail. It was gloved in black leather, matching the rest of his clothing. His voice was comforting and deep, a voice she never really waned to stop hearing.
She looked Erik fully now, and smiled slightly. His collar and top hat hid his face in shadow, yet Christine could still see those burning eyes through the dark.
"Away from everything we know?"
She nodded. "Away from the memories. Away from all things that have become a black shadow in my mind."
Erik knew he could not hold her now. She was probably being watched by the finest of the French police, ready to find Erik and capture him once and for all.
But his and Christine's plan had not been an easy one to follow.
Christine also wished to fall into his arms once more. She sensed the beautiful dark beauty he held over her, and wished to drown in it as she had done many a time before. But this time, it was not a very sensible thing to do.
That night, that dreadful night when she had almost forgotten him still sickened her mind. She had forgotten the terrifying, yet binding love that intoxicated her, and had almost rid herself of her love. Her soul was almost once again ripped from her body, and she would have condemned them both.
- --
A few months earlier
…Let you mind start a journey to a strange new world…
What was that sweet sound that entwined with the very core of her? It ran through her blood like a hot liquid, scorching her heart and limbs as it raced through her body, sending shock waves of sheer madness through her entire soul. Her small frame quivered, her eyes closed, and her senses unconsciously begging for more.
…leave all thoughts of the life you knew before,
What heavenly creature could produce such an unearthly sound, and be lowed to live a life on earth among creatures so unworthy than itself?
Let you soul take you were you long to be…
Christine turned in a pure trance. Erik, standing in front of her, was singing.
Singing to her as he used to, in his rich, dark voice that melted around her, sending her senses to heaven. But this time, the look on his face was different. It was not the yearning or pleading face she had once seen, but a thoughtful and sadly accepting expression.
Only then..
… can you belong with me.
At that moment, Erik voice slightly faltered. He choked back his last word, and his solemn expression slipped. His face turned to despair.
No! Not again, Christine. Not after everything.
Christine's heart, body and soul screamed at her. The man in front of her began to fade away, the lake was in between them both, and no matter how hard she tried to struggle…
Erik forcefully embraced the weeping Christine, who had flown into his chest. He curled his fingers into her hair, letting tears fall into them. Christine sobbed loudly, muffled in Erik's clothes.
"God damn me, I don't care." She wept. "I don't…I love you. I love, I cannot change it. Send me to hell, but don't…don't separate us."
- --
The boat had come into dock very early hours of the morning. The mist still clung to the air, while darkness still lecherously clung onto the sky.
Christine, Meg and Madame Giry alighted onto the land once more. They had arrived in Dover, famous for its white cliffs that could not be seen in the morning mist, until you actually left the boat. Meg and Christine had both audibly gasped at the natural wonder.
They all waited for a carriage that would take them to the capital. When one arrived, the porters loaded their suitcases on the back, while they ducked inside. Christine peered out the window to see a tall gentleman tip his hat to her as he faded away in the crowds. She watched him until she could see him no more.
"I will meet you there." He had whispered to her on the boat, before kissing her hands and retiring, leaving a smiling Christine on deck.
It took a few good hours to reach the centre of London, as always the traffic into and in the centre was horrific. Megan had hung out the window for a good hour before getting bored of watching the same old markets and narrow cobbled streets and the ladies who went about their shopping.
When they arrived at the Opera House though, she squealed loudly, causing Mr. to jump out of his skin. It was true though; the London Opera house did deserve much attention, as it was a wondrous structure. Christine secretly agreed that is was not as beautiful as her old Opera house, but it was a beauty none the less. Its masculine, Romanesque feel to it certainly sat well in the beautiful Covent Gardens.
The women followed Master McAllen, who had travelled in another coach, and met them outside. He walked them up the steps to the entrance, were they were met by a large group of people.
They were introduced to the Opera mistress, Ms. Henley, who Madame Giry had met before. There were also a few senior stagehands, the music director, art director and a few more which the women had difficulty taking in all at once.
Once they had been shown around the main foyer of the Opera, and the spectacular auditorium, the women were shown to their rooms.
Meg and Christine had rooms which led on to each other, a significant change to their draftee dorms at the Opera in Paris! Madame Giry had her own room and parlour, next to the ballet training rooms.
Meg had already set off exploring with a bunch of giggling girls who had introduced themselves on arrival. They were part of the chorus as Meg and Christine had been, and around their age. They had taken Meg and Christine to their rooms, and had been very interested to know about the new arrivals.
"Oh I would have loved to go to Paris!" A skinny dark haired girl grinned. "But Father said when I'm older. He reckons I'm too young to go places yet." She pouted.
Meg was chatting away in her eloquent English about Paris and about the tragedy, skimming over the parts of the 'accident', not being intentional.
They had made a fuss over Christine too, seeing her bump and asking a lot of questions.
"Awww, when is it due?"
"Do you have any names sorted?"
"Where is its father? Joining you later?"
Christine looked at the skinny girl a moment, who had a lot of trouble keeping her mouth shut most of the time. But she smiled sadly.
"I'm afraid…I'm afraid he past away, a few months ago."
The girls looked horrified, but let their pity be known to Christine, hugging her and explaining how she would have no problems at the Opera. For once, Christine appreciated it so much, and thanked them greatly.
So while Meg was exploring, Christine took to her own exploration. She walked leisurely around, taking in her new home, greeting people on her way past. She took to looking in all the balconies, seeing the stage from all angles. The visited the foyers and the guest rooms, and all around the dancing quarters. It wasn't till she got to the lower levels of the Opera, did she hesitate.
She crept slowly in the darkness of the backstage, and listened closely for any sounds. Her exploration had not been in leisure, rather, they had been in search.
She had expected to see him by now…where had he got too? She prayed to god that he hadn't been spotted and recognised.
She almost screamed as she felt something grab her arm.
She was silenced immediately by a finger gently pressing on her lips.
"Erik…" She smiled widely at the dark figure smiling back at her in the darkness. He had made it! She felt stupid for ever doubting him in the first place. She brought herself up to him and kissed him softly. He kissed her back slowly and tenderly, letting the moment savour.
"You like it?" She asked softly, nodding her head back to indicate the Opera House. Erik smiled and shrugged.
"It's not my Opera. But I will get used to it."
Christine let a small frown appear on her forehead.
"No trouble this time, ok? Just keep quiet, don't draw attention to yourself. This is a new life for us, we need to keep you safe."
He chuckled slightly and kissed her cheek before straightening up. He stiffened and brought out something from his pocket. A white ivory mask. He positioned it carefully on his face, and took off his cloak. Christine saw once more, the man who was doomed to the shadows, who was limited only to live a life in confinement and loneliness, the man she had seen so many times before as a child, in her dreams and almost a year ago at the performance of Don Juan.
But this time, there was something different. In his eyes, she saw not despair and hatred, but life. Life was burning like fire in his eyes, and hope and happiness. This new life was not going to be like any they had known before.
"Me? Trouble?" He whispered. "I've never heard anything more ridiculous."