Hey! I'm so sorry to all those who wanted me to update sooner! But I think that all of you agree that schools a bitch! Well I'm updating this fic and the others should fellow shortly!

Disclaimer: No God damnit! I don't own them so stop bothering me about it!

Kai sighed as he led himself and the others through the forest. Ever since this morning when he said they were tracking down the final spirit the group of shamans wouldn't stop arguing with each other. Kai groaned as he heard another yelling match. He knew he was getting a migraine.

Dranzer who was flying in the sky leading Kai came down and landed on his shoulder cooing softly and nuzzling him. Kai sighed again and reached up to pet Dranzer on the head.

No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get that dream out of his head. That white-haired man from his dream who was he? And why was he so familiar?

"You shouldn't worry Master Kai." Said Dranzer snapping him out of him thoughts, "I'm sure you'll recognize the Driger wielder."

Kai blinked in surprise but then smiled, "With you by my side I don't think I'll have a problem." He said.

Dranzer let out a small chuckle and left his shoulder too continue showing him the way. Kai looked back to the others and found Tala walking with Bryan, and the group from Japan whispering amongst themselves.

Kai narrowed his eyes as he heard a river up ahead. He pushed aside the low branches that were blocking his vision and felt his eyes widen.

There before was the village in the mountains. The white tiger village!

"Oh wow its beautiful here." He heard Tala say. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Said the Shaman with light blue, 'What's his name? Horo?' Kai thought.

He watched as the ice shaman took one step forward only to be attacked by a…monkey? The others stared in shock for a while before pulling out there weapons.

"What are you doing here?" Said a voice as a small figure appeared in front of the monkey. Kai blinked in surprise. He recognized that boy; he was one of the performers from the festival.

Kai took a good look at the boy. He was wearing a monkey mask at the festival but he wasn't now. He was different. Green hair, small height, purpled eyes with amber streaks in them and a guardian ghost that was a monkey.

Kai narrowed his eyes and commanded Dranzer to his sword(1). He saw monkey boy's eyes widen, "You're all shaman?" He muttered worriedly, and then smiled, "Galman! Into the spinning top!" (A/N: I couldn't think of anything! So I chose a top!)

The top spun rapidly with a yellow aura surrounding it, "Galman! Crazy monkey attack!" He called as the top started to move faster leaving behind images. Kai growled and prepared for the attack, but before he could say one thing something happened. Blackish purple lighting struck all around them breaking the green-haired boy's spirit control.

The others watched as someone jumped down from one of the cliff and landed in front on the green-haired shaman.

"Kevin! What the hell were you doing?" Asked the black haired teen, "Ah Lee! I was just—" He stared but was caught off, "I really don't care Kevin!" He snapped turning towards the shamans, "Please forgive my companions attack. He's still young and doesn't know better." Lee said with a slight bow ignoring Kevin yelling at him in the back.

Yoh blinked then smiled, "Don't worry about it." He said stepping forward. Lee scanned their group, "So you're all shamans correct?" He asked and they nodded, which made Lee smile, "Good. Only shamans are allowed in our village." He said turning away, and making a motion for them to follow, "Come, I'll show you around."

Most of the shamans sighed in relief before following. Kai stayed back for a while till Dranzer landing on his shoulder snapped him out of his trance. He didn't know why but the village seemed familiar…


Kai, Tala, Bryan, Yoh, Ren, Horo, Ryu, and Manta all sat at the floor near a low table waiting for tea. They were surprised when Lee led them to some kind of mansion.

Lee returned with some cups and a teapot and sat down, "So tell me why did you come all this way to our small village?" He asked pouring some tea in the cups and handing them out.

"Your village has something that a man seeks." Said Kai. Lee finished handing out the last cup and poured some for himself, "I suspected that. This man is after Driger correct?" He asked.

Kai nodded his head, and Lee smiled, "You shouldn't worry any of you. The elders of this village foresaw that and made sure that the Driger wielder would be hard to capture." He said taking a sip of his tea.

Kai narrowed his eyes, "But what if they are using another sacred spirit to capture Driger?" He said.

Lee rested his elbow on the table, "That is a very good question. We know that Driger will automatically go towards the others so that might pose a problem."

Kai opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by some laughter from outsider. Everyone looked at the door that lead outside confused, while Lee smiled and stood up, and opened the door.

Everyone saw a teen with long black hair playing with a little girl. Lee shook his head, "Rei! Aren't you supposed to be training?" He called to the teen. Rei turned around and smiled at Lee as Kai felt his eyes widen, 'Its him…' He thought.

Kai watched as Rei picked up the little girl and approached Lee. He jumped over the wooden rail and was in front of him, "Yeah I know but Angel (1) wanted to play." He said shifting his grip on the giggling girl.

"Nii-san." Said the little girl, "Will we play again soon?" She asked tilting her head a little. Rei smiled, "Yes we'll play again soon." He replied.

Rei looked past Lee to see the others, "You didn't tell me you had guests Lee." He said looking back at him.

"They just arrived today Rei." He said, and blinked in confused when Rei put down Angel and walked around him to the guy with crimson eyes.

"I remember you. You were the one who followed me after the show." He said standing near the pale teen. Kai stared up at him then nodded slowly and was surprised when Dranzer appeared and landed on the golden-eyed teens shoulder.

Rei flinched in surprise and looked at Dranzer, "My what a beautiful phoenix." He muttered then looked back at Kai, "Is he yours?"

Kai nodded his head again not trusting himself to speak. Watching as Dranzer cooed and leaned into the raven-haired teens hand as he petted him.

Tala and Bryan stared in shock seeing someone other then Kai pet Dranzer and him making cooing sounds.

"Rei Kon!" Came an old but stern voice from the doorway. Rei flinched and turned to face him, "Yes elder what is it?" He asked politely. "You should be training." The elder said.

"But elder! We have guests! Maybe just this once could I skip training and help Lee tend to them?" Rei pleaded the elder.

The elder hesitated then sighed and nodded, "Just this once. Tomorrow though you'll have to do extra training." He said before leaving.

Rei smiled relieved and turned to see the guests, "I almost forgot! How rude of me not too introduce myself. I'm Rei Kon."

(1)- All of you that have read Hidden behind a Mask should know what Angel looks like!

I'm really sorry that this chapter was so short! I'll try to lenghten them if possible!

Till next time!
