((Hey people! LOL!
Well here it is. The answer to your questions if you have any of the
last chapter. Pleaz read and review! Tell me how I am doing please!
As she laid in bed her thoughts went amuck. 'I don't need him. He doesn't deserve me. If all he wanted was a good lay, well he got it. Now he can leave me alone. I have other things to attend to.' Hermione thought about everything. She thought of her problems and couldn't deny one thing.
When she had problems Harry and Ron were always there to comfort her. They always told her everything was ok. She missed that. She missed them. She wanted her old life back. So she had to make a choice. Betray the Dark Lord, or go back to Dumbledore and her true friends.
Hermione sat up in her bed and walked to her window seat and sat down looking out the window. She was thinking of her choices. She didn't know what she wanted to do. But then Taylor jumped onto her lap. And soon after Tyler did as well.
They comforted her. She rubbed their heads and suddenly knew what she was to do. It was as if they had helped her figure it out. She knew what she was destined to do, "Thank you guys. I don't know how but you seemed to have helped me decide what I should do." She realized that they weren't the only thing to tell he what to do, "But, I think that inside I always knew what the right thing was for me to do."
She looked into Taylor's eyes and saw something there. She wasn't no ordinary cub, "Who or what are you?" Suddenly the cub transformed into something more.
She transformed into a…………..
She transformed into a HUMAN!
Hermione couldn't believe her eyes. Right before her was her baby tiger cub and she was transformed into a teenage girl about Hermione's age. Hermione stood up from her windowsill and looked at the girl. The girl just smiled at her. Hermione looked her up and down. She was wearing a dress from what appeared to be the 1700s. Her corset looked painful and Hermione felt sorry for her.
The girl stepped forward and finally spoke, "Why hello there Hermione. I bet your wondering what I am doing as a human right?"
Hermione's mouth was hanging open as she nodded.
The girl giggled as she saw Hermione gaping, "Ok, well my name is Katrina. I'm from 1789. I'm here to help you."
Hermione was now definitely confused, "Help me? Why?"
Katrina just smiled, "Because from what I understand you need it."
Hermione shook her head, "No, I mean why me. Why would you want to help me?"
"Well, that I do not know. All I know is that I was destined to help you. That is why you saw me in the pet shop. Originally no one sees me. The caretaker was confused when he saw that I was there. But I was destined to help you. For unknown reasons."
Hermione still didn't understand but she felt that she wasn't supposed to know. So she didn't speak anymore. But she did want to know some other things, "Why is it that you're a tiger? Why just not be something else like, I don't know. Maybe an eagle or owl or something?"
Hermione didn't know it, but she hit a soft spot. Katrina started to get tears in her eyes. She had a bad past that she didn't want anyone to know about. It was most too painful to acknowledge. Hermione noticed and quickly tried to apologize, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject for you."
Katrina quickly pushed away her apology, "No, it's alright. I just don't really like to talk about it. Let's just say it has something to do with my past." That was all she could say. If she said anything else she would break down and cry.
Hermione quickly recovered with a different question, "Are you here to help me with my decision?"
This made Katrina smile, "Yes. But now that you mention it, what is your decision?"
That was an unusual question, "Well, wouldn't you know that if you are here to help me with it?"
Katrina walked over to her and sat on the window seat. Hermione sat next to her, "Well, of course I do. But the real question is, do you?"
That was another unusual question, "Well, I'm pretty sure I do."
"What is it?" Katrina asked.
"Well, I think I should….."
((srry guys I think that I might just leave it there and make you wait until I get the next chapter up. Srry pleaz r&r)
((ok so maybe not! Here's the rest!))
"go to Voldemort and tell him that I am planning on going to Dumbledore and suggest that I could be a spy for the Dark Lord's side. I mean he needs all the help he can get after all."
Katrina smiled, "Well, I thought you were going to choose that. If you were going to say that you were going to go to Dumbledore's side, I might have had to bash you over the head with something." They both laughed at the serious tone that Katrina had just used to say that.
Hermione stopped laughing when she came to the realization that she'll have to see Draco everyday if she becomes a spy. Since she'll be a spy they'll more then likely have a meeting everyday. Katrina noticed Hermione's sudden silence. So she decided to break the ice, "So, what happened between you and Mr. Malfoy?"
At the sound of his name, Mione froze. She never would have expected her to bring it up. She didn't even know what to say about him. Aside from the fact that she was extremely hurt. So she just groaned slightly, "I thought that I loved him… wait," she thought for a minute, "scratch that. I KNOW that I loved him. But I thought that he loved ME! And then I read his journal, that said that he just wanted to get me in his bed for one time so that he could brag about the fact he screwed a Calaway, 'The most powerful family ever heard of' supposedly."
Katrina rolled her eyes thinking, 'He did love you, you idiotic girl. Why is it that you cannot see that NOW at least? He was just a typical guy until his feelings went bursting at you. Oh, I feel so sorry that she has all this pain. I can see it in her eyes that she is hurting inside.' Katrina smiled sadly after thinking that last thought. She needed to help her and fast, "Well, Mione, there is one thing that is for sure. You definitely STILL love him and there is absolutely no doubt about that. But there is also something else that is for sure as well."
Hermione looked up at her, "And that would be?"
Katrina's smile got bigger and bigger, "He definitely loves you back, sweetie."
This made Hermione laugh. Literally fall over and nearly pass out from laughing so hard, "That would be the day my dear friend. The day that Draco Malfoy actually loves someone is that day I will die."
Katrina could only smirk, "Well, then you might want to start planning your funeral. He does. I'm part tiger, remember? I can sense these kinds of things. Believe me. Besides you miss him. Why not just give him another chance so that he can show you exactly how much he does."
From the serious look on her face. Hermione had no choice but to believe her, "Fine, I believe you. But let's discuss my plan to become a spy for the Dark Lord."
At this Katrina nodded her head, "Very, well. But first we have to call Voldemort to discuss this information. Now to do that all you have to do is run your finger up and down your dark mark. As soon as you do that it will turn green and that means that he has gotten the message that you need to speak with him. And if he accepts then he will either show up here or call all death eaters to his little hide out so that you all can discuss this."
Hermione nodded her head and did as Katrina asked. After about 4 times running her fingers up and down her Dark Mark, she saw that it had in fact turned green, "Ok, he got the message how much longer do you think until he…. Ahh!" She shrieked as her mark started to burn extremely. She smiled and waved at Katrina before she Apparated to the site.
Katrina just smiled as she started to talk out loud to herself, "I wonder when it will be time for me to tell Hermione that I am here to help her and Draco win the war together? And help her after she produces an heir? All I know is that I hope that she never finds out that I was Voldemort's wife before I was killed. Only time will tell. Good luck, Miss Calaway."
((Hey hey hey all! Took me long enough to write that but I did. Srry about me having to delete all of those chapters. But I had a complete different perspective as to how the story will end so I had to change the end of it. Sorry. But I hope you enjoyed the last chapter pleaz R&R!))