Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars

Author's Note: SPOILERS – you have been warned. Enjoy!

Chapter One:

All his life the only thing he ever wanted was to be accepted.

On Tatooine, he really wasn't. Kitser had been his only true friend. But that was so long ago…

While he was a Padawan learner, he only had his Master. And that was a strained relationship anyways. He did admit that Obi-Wan was like a father to him. Now there was the Emperor. But he felt that the Emperor only wanted his Jedi abilities and nothing more.

Then there was Padmé . She had always been there for him, but now she wasn't. and that was all his doing. He was the one that had killed her. He had taken out his fury towards Obi-Wan on her. Not a day goes by when he doesn't long for her. But he doubts that she would still love him like she did.

Yet there was more. At the time Padmé had been pregnant. And ever since he learned that Padmé was gone, he wondered about their child. He wondered if their child had survived.

Darth Vader starred out into the vastness of space, lost in a sea of depression.

Far away on a dreary planet, an old Jedi Master frowns. He had been closely watching the former Jedi ever since he had turned to the Dark side. And now was the time to act, but he wasn't sure how.

'He can still be saved,' a voice said.

"He can this I know. Yet how?" Yoda replied to the voice.

Before Yoda, the ghostly image of Qui-Gon Jinn appeared. "Meet with Obi-Wan about this we should. I feel that by knowing his children, that could save him."

"Hmm…possibly. Dangerous this is." Yoda said, still contemplating the idea.

"I know, but it is the only way. He needs to be reunited with his children." Qui-Gon said, sitting next to Yoda.

Yoda sighed. It had been the love for Padmé that brought about his betrayal of the Jedi, so quite possibly the love of his children could bring him back.

The dark is generous, and it is patient, and it always wins – but in the heart of its strength lies weakness: one lone candle is enough to hold it back.

Love is more than a candle.

Love can ignite the stars.

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