Sorry, I'm not responding to my reviewers this chapter. Oh, and this is the last chapter.

"You promised, Hajiki." Katana purred seductively as he watched Hajiki put his pants on.

Hajiki looked over to his still naked lover, who was stretched out on the couch propped up on his elbow, "No I didn't and I have to go to work." Sitting up, Katana sighed at his boyfriends' stubbornness, they had been over this already, but he kept insisting. "So you're still going to tell them about us?"

Hajiki gave the older teen a sad glance, wishing he would understand. "Katana, I have to, they're my friends. And even though I'm moving in, I still want to make the money for my mom and sister to get the house in Daytown back." A mischievous look made its way to his face. "Besides, I promise I'll make it up to you tonight." Sitting down on Katana's lap, Hajiki locked their lips in a fierce kiss and started moving on top of him. Katana moaned into the kiss at the feeling, he wrapped his arms around the younger boy's waist and succeeded in making the both of them topple over and rolling on top of the boy before Hajiki broke the kiss. Gently pushing the older boy away, Hajiki crawled from under him, "Nuh-uh, you have to wait." He told Katana teasingly. Grabbing his shirt from the table, Hajiki slipped it on over his head as he went to leave. Katana buried his face in the couch, maybe he should just get some sleep, he didn't get much last night. A smile graced his features as he thought about why he didn't get much sleep and he wouldn't be getting any tonight if he could help it. Hajiki's voice floated down to him, "Hey, Katana? You need to get dressed, Sayuri's here to spend the day with you." Life just didn't want to play fair. Grabbing his pants from the floor, he hoped Hajiki got today. Unfortunately for Hajiki, his wish came true.

At Hachizuka's

Hajiki glanced around nervously as the elevator slid open, it looked like everyone but Catherine was there. Takumi seemed to be sulking and Hachizuka was engrossed in the newspaper, but both Aiko and Arashi greeted him warmly as he stepped into the office, getting ready to tell them. He licked his lips nervously, "Guys, I have an announcement."

"What is it, Hajiki?" Asked Arashi, wonder dancing in her eyes. The blue-eyed boy bit his lip, suddenly he wasn't so sure about this, maybe Katana was right and they should keep this a secret. No, he wouldn't be a coward and back down, his friends would be happy for him. Hopefully. "Katana and I are..." Should he just admit Katana was right about it being best to not tell them? "We're..." This was his last chance to stop, one more word and it would all be over. He shut his eyes tightly. "Dating." He'd done it, and the bomb went off; life as he knew it no longer existed.

"You're what!" Arashi and Takumi shouted simultaneously. Takumi looked like he was going to faint, it wasn't every day that you found out her friend was dating your enemy. He actually had to sit down before he fell, but Arashi walked up to him and started screaming in his face. "How can you be dating him? You're both guys!" Hajiki started muttering, "Yeah, I know but..." Arashi cut him off, sounding enraged. "What about us! Hajiki, don't you love me anymore?"

The brown haired boy's jaw dropped at the last statement, "Shinozuka, what are you talking about? I was never in love with you. We were always just friends." The girl's body began shaking violently as she shook her head, "Don't say that! Hajiki, how could you do this to me!" Her eyes were filled with tears threatening to fall. She slapped him as hard as she could; this had to be some cruel joke. She rushed to the elevator, sobbing, as Takumi got up and walked unsteadily towards him, still in shock. The blue-eyed boy held his breath, waiting for Takumi's reaction. "I," he stated uneasily, "am going to go home and think this out. I need to see if I can handle this before I actually talk to you, Hajiki." Aiko followed him as he left, pausing to place her hand reassuringly on Hajiki's shoulder and giving him an extraordinarily bright smile, "Congratulations." He exhaled; their response to the news was better than expected, but he couldn't believe what happened with Shinozuka. He nervously turned to his boss, who'd been silent though he entire thing. "Mr. Hachizuka, um, are you okay with Katana and me?"

He glanced up from his paper, "What? Yeah; sure, why not? So you're bi-sexual, right?" Hajiki nodded. "Yeah, you're dad was, too." Hajiki blinked, "He was? I never knew that. Wait. How do you know that?" Panic flashed on his boss's face, as he hurriedly told him not to worry about that and get on with work. Their eyes flew to the elevator as they head it come back up, Hajiki flinched, wondering if Shinozuka had come back to beat him up. He relaxed when he saw it was only Catherine, looking very confused, "Hey. I just saw Arashi run out of here in tears and then I saw Takumi and he looked like he'd seen a ghost! When I asked Aiko what happened she said something wonderful." Hajiki started fidgeting, causing her to place her hands on her hips and look suspiciously at the two men in the room. "So, is anybody going to tell me what's going on?"

"Err, well, you see. I'm kinda dating Katana." Catherine just stared at him for a few minutes before she smiled, "That's wonderful! Then maybe you can make him help try and find my gad." She started dancing in a circle, not realizing that Hajiki wasn't paying any attention to her. "Boss? I need today off, okay? I still gotta tell Mom and Satsuki. You see; Katana and I only started dating yesterday, so I haven't got to tell them yet." Hachizuka looked at him over his paper, "Why didn't you tell them last night?" Hajiki's face flushed, he'd hoped Hachizuka would accept his brief explanation without question. "Uhh, well I was kinda busy last night." The look became a quizzical one as he laid his paper down on his desk, he was truly oblivious, "Oh yeah? Doin' what?" Hajiki shoved his hands on his pockets and stared at the floor, not really wanting to answer. Noticing the young boy's unease, Hachizuka finally realized what Hajiki had been busy doing. "Never mind, don't answer that!" Catherine, who'd stopped dancing around the office to listen to their conversation, came up behind the sixteen year old and wrapped her arms around him, voice gushing, "Hajiki, you have to give us details, I have to know about this!" Hachizuka jumped over his desk and quickly grabbed Hajiki away from the pale woman, pushing him towards the elevator. "He doesn't have time for that! He needs to tell his mom. Get going kid!" The blue eyed boy nodded fiercely as his boss roughly shoved him into the elevator. Turning back to Catherine, the old man yell at the top of his lungs, "Don't ever do that again!" She grinned, promising she wouldn't, but planned secretly to find some way to get Hajiki alone, she'd get the dirt one way or the other.

At the restaurant

Hajiki nervously walked into the restaurant looking for his mother, trying to summon the courage to tell her about Katana. He didn't have to worry long about finding her because shortly after he entered, his little sister grabbed his arm and began pulling him off towards the back. Locating their mother, she yelled and said Hajiki had finally showed up, causing their mother to turn from what she had been doing. Seeing Satsuki dragging Hajiki to her, she ran to them and immediately started pulling them both outside. Once they were in the front of the restaurant, his mother let lose her anger. "Just where do you think you've been! You had us worried sick when you didn't come back this morning! But I guess I shouldn't be surprised, after all, you said you'd be home early last night, but you weren't. What's your excuse for this time?"

Hajiki sighed, he'd forgot about their little fight but apparently his mother hadn't. Okay, it looked like were his family was concerned he agreed with Katana, it would be best if they didn't know, he'd wait until they'd cooled off some. "You don't have to worry about me getting home late anymore because I'm moving out."


Satsuki slumped against the wall in shock as their mother began her tirade. "No you're not young man! Where would you stay?" Hajiki opened his mouth to say something, but she didn't wait for her son to answer. "Let me guess, you're moving in with Arashi, right? It won't take long before she gets smart and kicks you out! What will you do then?" Hajiki mentally counted to ten before he answered, trying not to lose his cool at her speculation, "I'm not moving in with Shinozuka and I already have a place to stay." Leaving it at that, the blue-eyed boy turned around and started walking off.

"Hajiki, I forbid you to leave!" His mother shouted. Hajiki didn't even slow down, "Oh yeah? Try and stop me." She shook in fury at his brazen attitude, "If you leave, we'll never talk to you again, you will no longer be part of this family! Satsuki, you're not to ever talk to him again!" Satsuki, who was still slumped against the wall, broke her silence, doing exactly what her mother told her not to. "Where are you staying? Are you moving in with some secret boyfriend?" Her voice was almost void of emotion, you couldn't tell if she was mocking him, or being serious, but it hit a nerve. Stopping in his tracks, Hajiki calmly turned around, voice cold, "That's none of your business, now is it?" He left them there, clueless of what was going on in his mind.

When Hajiki got back to were Katana lived, and where he now lived, he reminded himself, Katana wasn't there. The brown haired boy threw his jacket on the table, and himself on the couch, absently wondering if he should have told anyone. Even though it had gotten him slapped, he was glad he'd done it. Maybe Takumi wouldn't mind that much; (A/N: Yeah right.) nobody at the office seemed to have a problem with it. Aiko appeared happy for him, but Shinozuka, he just wished Shinozuka had taken it better; where in the world did she ever get the idea they were more than just friends? Oh well, she'd get over it eventually. Crawling off the couch, he headed up to the roof, trying to figure out how long it would be until Katana got back. He and Sayuri wouldn't be that long, right? The door to the top of the building made an odd sound as he swung it open, he figured he could stay up here for a while. Going to the railing, Hajiki sat down on it and swung around so his legs were dangling over the edge of the building. A breeze ruffled his hair as his eyes closed, letting his thoughts wander. His family would probably never speak to him again; Arashi more than likely hated him and who knew if Takumi would ever trust him again? But...

A pair of strong arms wrapped around him as Katana nuzzled his face into his neck, giving it a soft nip "I was looking for you." Blue eyes fluttered open as Hajiki leaned back against his lover's chest, enjoying the tickling sensation his warm breath was causing on his neck, "And you found me." Katana laid delicate feather-like kisses on his neck, asking in between them, "What are you doing up here?" Hajiki sighed as he tilted his head to the side to give Katana easier access to his neck, "I was thinking about what happened today. Shinozuka didn't take the news very well, my family doesn't want to talk to me and they don't even know. But..." He paused.

Katana removed his mouth from Hajiki's neck and stepped back, withdrawing his arms from the blue-eyed boy, "but what?"

Hajiki turned around so he was facing Katana, "but it's okay because I've got you." Slipping off the railing, Hajiki wrapped his arms around Katana's neck, lightly pressing their lips together in a chaste kiss. So what if nobody liked the idea of them being together? They loved each other and that was all that mattered, and it was all Hajiki needed.