Disclaimer:Do not own Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto or Star Wars! Please do not sue! Not making any money off of this!

Warning: This is a VERY lemony scented chapter so reader beware! If you are offended by such things stop right here and read no further! In fact skip to the one of my other stories they're stillscent free...


"You make me feel like I can fly!… So high!… El-e-vation!" – U2

Aoshi resisted the urge to growl in anger as he walked towards the exit of the German embassy. Those bastards had told him he would be able to go back to Kyoto in two weeks but their regular translator got hung up in China on account of bad weather and the ambassador getting a cold!

A few days after he and Misao arrived in Tokyo the ministry had offered him a temporary position to help in the German Embassy for a couple of weeks. He had accepted the job because it was a quick way to gain the extra money they would need for the new expansion of the Aoiya. However the job had gone on for two weeks longer than originally planned and he'd been stuck in Tokyo for nearly four weeks!

Servants and low level bureaucrats jumped out of Aoshi's way as he stalked towards the exit. The only bright spot was that with the bonus he'd received they would have plenty for the Aoiya's expansion and money left for the trip to America with Kate-sensei. It didn't do anything for his mood now though! He had been without the warmth of his princess for nearly a month now and it was making him more than a bit irritable! As if that was not enough the fact that the Germans had purchased Kanryu's old estate and turned into their embassy made things that much worse! He stopped at the accountant's office to pick up his final payment.

"Thank you…" he said blandly as he accepted the large sum of cash and turned to leave.

"Mr. Shinomori, are you sure you don't want to hire an escort with that much cash…" the man stopped. Aoshi turned his head and glared at the accountant. He placed the money inside his jacket.

"That will not be necessary," he replied coldly and left without another word. The accountant's assistant was entering as Aoshi was leaving and jumped out of the way at one look from Aoshi. He continued then to stalk towards the entrance. He had hoped that he could leave early today so he could catch the last train back to Kyoto but…

'Damn, I hate this place!' he cursed inwardly again resisting the urge to growl angrily. At the last minute the ambassador's secretary had found a million little things for him to translate! He suspected it was just a ploy to get as much work out of him as possible. He resisted the urge to look at his watch he knew there was no way he would reach the train station in time.

'Damn it!' he cursed to himself again. Misao was expecting him to arrive tomorrow morning but he had hoped to leave this afternoon and surprise her by arriving tonight. He had even packed his bag and paid his bill at the inn near the embassy that he was staying at because he had thought he'd be able to get to the train station on time.

'But damn it all of course they would find a million "important" documents for me to translate at the last minute!' he cursed once more trying hard not to growl at the poor servant that was fetching him his trench coat and his bag. Resigned to travel tomorrow with the Himuras he donned his trench coat, thanked the servant and hoisted up his bag then walked out the door glad that at least he would not have to come back. He made his way towards the front gate without realizing that the closer he got to it the faster he walked! Upon arriving he realized Kenshin was standing just inside the closed gates waiting for him. He raised a hand to greet his friend and Kenshin replied in kind.

"Good afternoon Aoshi!" he greeted cheerfully once he was within conversational distance.

"Good afternoon Kenshin," Aoshi greeted a little tiredly but glad that at least he wouldn't have to trek all the way back to the Kamiya dojo alone. Not that Aoshi needed Kenshin's protection; far from it in fact it was more likely the other way around considering the state of his Hiten Mitsurugi these days. He really just didn't feel like being alone. It surprised him how once he had craved solitude now he couldn't stand it!

"We received a telegram from Mrs. Kate this morning!" Kenshin informed him cheerfully as the two walked out the front gate. A white horse waited for them outside and Aoshi looked at it in confusion. Kenshin smiled…

"Apparently a friend of Mrs. Kate will delay the departure of the last train until you arrive! And she has provided a horse for your use!" Kenshin explained cheerfully as he handed the reins of the horse to Aoshi and produced a train ticket for him from the folds of his kimono. Aoshi smirked and took the ticket from his friend…

"Thank you," he said simply and nimbly climbed on to the horse marveling for the millionth time how preternaturally well-timed Kate-sensei's interventions were! He bowed his head towards the red-headed samurai who smiled cheerfully back at him.

"I will see you all tomorrow," he added solemnly. Kenshin just smiled and nodded as his friend turned the horse and urged it at full speed towards the train station. Kenshin continued to smile as Aoshi disappeared down the road. He sighed contentedly he was really happy for Aoshi. He had finally found the place where his heart could be at peace safe from the demons of his past.

He was glad too for Ms. Misao she had found the one who was her happiness after all and most likely found that real smile that was buried deep inside him. He turned and began walking for home feeling light-hearted; cheerfully looking forward to their wedding despite the alarming number of Mibu wolves that would be present…

Aoshi reached the station in record time! A police officer at the station recognized him and waved him over. He dismounted quickly and handed the reins to the officer with a quick thank you. He rushed on to the platform and handed the ticket to the conductor who directed him to the first class car and a private cabin. This did not surprise Aoshi. No doubt this arrangement of Kate-sensei's was done so he could rest before getting to Kyoto.

'For Misao's benefit of course!' he surmised as he entered the plush single cabin. Tired and stressed as he was now he would be of no use to his princess. Kate-sensei, being the unnaturally wise old lady that she was, knew that of course! He locked the door to his cabin and by the time the whistle blew and the train began to move he had already removed his western trappings and took full advantage of the facilities in the room to divest himself of the day's toil.

He changed into his clean ninja uniform, tucked his hard earned cash securely in his bag and laid down on the cot in the room allowing him self to relax now that he was on his way to Kyoto finally. He didn't sleep but he instantly began to feel the stress of the past weeks begin to dissipate. His mind drifted to a couple of weeks ago when upon hearing that Aoshi would have to remain in Tokyo for two more weeks Misao had sneaked out of the Aoiya (very likely with Kate-sensei's help!) and boarded a train to Tokyo.

He smiled as he recalled how he'd returned to the inn that evening to find her already in his room! As he had made his way back to his room that day he caught a whiff of Misao's perfume. At first he'd thought he was imagining it but when he slid opened the door and found her sitting on his futon wearing that blue dress…he felt his brain had gone into meltdown! And what a pleasant surprise it was to find that there was nothing but her bare skin under that dress! He closed his eyes and sighed contentedly.

'Now what was it that she said? Oh yes…' he chuckled as he recalled her explaining that she had come to check up on the morale level of her favorite ninja while he was on assignment! She hadn't bothered to hide the mischievous twinkle in her eye as she said it. Oh the things he had taught her that night! And what a quick learner she was! It was with deepest reluctance that he let her go come Monday morning but that one weekend had been one of the best he'd had in ages. He had accompanied her to the train station on Monday morning and watched the train disappear…

'Focus Aoshi!' he ordered himself sternly shaking himself out of the depressing mood he was drifting into as he thought of the cold, lonely nights that followed that weekend's trysts. Misao needed him to be at his best tonight and being melancholic wouldn't help! He sat up deciding to try and meditate and that did help a little but thoughts of the welcome he was sure to receive from his princess worked much better. He let himself relax and watched as the countryside whizzed past his window thoughts of his smiling princess banishing any shadows lurking in the back of his mind…

Misao sighed tiredly as she finally reached the end of the day's chores. She smiled as she looked at the calendar. In three more days she and Aoshi would be "officially" married. He was due back from his assignment in Tokyo by tomorrow morning.

"Patience," she advised herself out loud as she headed towards the bath house. He would be back by tomorrow along with Kenshin and his family. Sasuke and Naruto graduated yesterday and moving Saya out of the Haruno's Estate into her and Naruto's new home would be finished by tomorrow since the guys were home now. Aside from that all the preparations for the party were complete. All that was left was for Aoshi to return so they could go to the city recorder's office and register as a married couple and then of course the ceremony!

Even Mr. Shuhei and the other wolves had come by already eager to party but most of them were staying at Mr. Shuhei's home in Kyoto. It hadn't taken long for Misao to find someone who would help her in acquiring the dojo. As it turned out Sakura bullied her father into buying it from the current owners at a fair market price negotiated by Sakura. The girl really had an eye for numbers and real estate and she really knew how to get her money's worth! Once she got it Mr. Shuhei was so pleased he paid her a five percent commission fee and offered her a job! Sakura had presented the money later to Saya and Naruto as a wedding present.

Sakura's father had countered the offer by giving her what she really wanted: the run of her family's factory! That was only one of the many changes that had come over her friends. Ino, Sakura's eternal rival in all things especially in the pursuit of Sasuke's affection's had gone on a miai recently with Tamesaburo Yagi and apparently they'd hit it off so well that now they were seeing each other regularly and were planning their wedding for early summer. As for Sakura she was so excited with her new career that she'd paid Sasuke little to no attention!

But what had disturbed Misao was that Sakura had actually told her father he could arrange whatever husband that he saw fit for her so long as his choice would allow her to continue as the head of the factory. She had even gone so far as suggesting he get advice on appropriate suitors from Saito or Aoshi suggesting that some one with a career in politics or the police wouldn't have any designs on her factory. When Misao had questioned her about it; this is what Sakura had to say:

"Misao, my selfish infatuation of Sasuke blinded me to all else happening around me. I can't forgive myself for not noticing how much hardship Saya and Naruto suffered. I can't forgive myself for not noticing how difficult it was for you to live day after day putting up with insults like the ones my brother and Kamo were always throwing at you. I was a selfish, sad and pathetic girl who wouldn't stand up for herself because I was waiting for my knight in shining armor to come and rescue me!" the seriousness in Sakura's tone had caught Misao by surprise.

"But Sakura…my knight did come to my rescue…" Misao began but Sakura's bitter laugh cut her off.

"No Misao, it was you who rescued Aoshi! I can tell by the way he looks at you…The thing I admire about you Misao is that you were willing to sacrifice you're entire life for someone you loved putting that person ahead of your own needs and desires. That you have the courage and strength to protect the people you care about or the town you live in no matter what the odds against you is what is most amazing about you. The selfish and frightened little brat I was before couldn't understand why you would go to such lengths for your friends without asking for anything in return," she paused for a moment the sad look on her face marred her elegant beauty; the beauty Misao had once envied.

"The old Sakura couldn't understand anything about being truly selfless but the new one is starting to! My family's company has been in business for over two hundred years! We have weathered the best and worst times if I leave things to my brother our family's legacy will be destroyed. I can't allow that! My infatuation with Sasuke is a part of the past and it belongs to a girl I don't want to ever be again!"

"You know Sakura not everything about the old Sakura was selfish! If it hadn't been for you Aoshi and I would've never gotten together!" Misao had pointed out cheerfully hoping to restore her friend's spirit. It apparently worked as she realized that it had been the trip to the base that had set off a chain of events that would lead to the fulfillment of Misao's wildest dreams. The two women had hugged tightly then.

"That's what's so great about you my friend you can see the good in every one and every thing!" Sakura had enthused and thus the two young women went back to their assigned wedding preparation duties!

Misao sighed tiredly as she sat in the bath. She had told Naruto what she had talked about with Sakura and he said he would talk to Sasuke. Sasuke for his part was being more broody and intense than usual. He hardly said two words to anyone and when he did talk to her it was to ask her when Aoshi was coming back. Something was worrying Sasuke and apparently he would talk to no one about it but Aoshi. She looked up at the window in the bath house and realized that the daylight was fading fast. She knew she wouldn't be able to stay long.

"No use staying in here…" she advised herself as she finished washing and stepped back out of the tub. She dried herself off and put on her sleeping yukata. She made her way tiredly back to her new room. She had moved to a bigger room because all of Aoshi's things had been moved in with hers and her old room couldn't accommodate both despite Aoshi's penchant for sparse-ness. She smiled as she reached her room starting tomorrow they would share this room and she could have Aoshi all to herself every night!

Her smile faded quickly as she opened the door and looked at the empty room. In the meantime she would have to tolerate yet another lonely night. She sighed heavily and tried not to think about it as she set out her bedding and lit her lamp. Again she tried not to think too hard about the fact that she would be sleeping alone on the matrimonial sized futon Okon and Omasu had recently bought for her and Aoshi. She took out the little origami flower he made for her on the day they got engaged. She set it on top of the trunk sitting under the window sill and sat there with her arms wrapped around her legs just staring at it trying not to feel sorry for her self…

It was nearly dark by the time the train arrived in Kyoto but darkness never bothered a ninja! Aoshi made his way to the Aoiya at best possible speed taking every shortcut imaginable. When he arrived it was quickly obvious that the Aoiya had closed down for the night. Again not a problem for an elite ninja like Aoshi! He climbed quietly up the wall his eyes scanning quickly for Misao's room but the room looked empty. He quietly made his way across the roof searching for her. He spotted her on the other side of the house in one of the larger rooms.

"Misao…" he breathed her name ever so softly. She was sitting quietly staring at the little flower he made for her. Her face was devoid of the joy she usually had in abundance. One small lamp somewhere inside was the only illumination in the room. She looked tired and lonely; her smile was nowhere to be seen…

'That's it! I don't care how much they pay me I'm not leaving her again!' he declared as he made his way quietly towards her window…

Misao's head snapped up as a familiar presence prickled her ninja senses. An instant later Aoshi clad in his ninja uniform and his trademark trench coat appeared at her window sill…

"Leader, I have returned…" he announced solemnly but the blazing look in his eyes and the tiny smirk on his lips betrayed that secret little mischievous side of him that made Misao's insides twist with delight every time it surfaced. She smiled; it was a side of himself he showed only to her and she loved it!

"Well, you should come here and give me a report then!" she declared with mock-seriousness. He smiled then and her heart skipped a beat. He was heartstopping-ly handsome every time he did that! In the blink of an eye his arms were wrapped tight around her and his mouth enveloped hers in insatiably blazing kisses! He paused for just a moment to pick her up and carry her back to their bed. Amidst more frantic blazing kisses they helped each other be rid of their clothes and get under the blankets then Aoshi paused once more…

"I missed you my husband…" Misao said softly as she smiled happily up at him. She wrapped her arms around his chest to pull him closer and again he smiled…

"I missed you my wife…" he replied supporting much of his weight on his left arm as he settled himself above her and caressed her cheek softly with his right hand. He kissed her lightly again then more heatedly as his body eagerly demonstrated just how much he had missed her! She enthusiastically received all of his affections and he marveled (not for the first time!) just how quickly his princess learned! It filled his heart with joy to know that this was knowledge that would belong only to him!

'Because she will only ever be for me!' he realized happily. He let a soft growl of ecstasy escape his throat as they partook of their marriage bed privileges with much zeal…

Quiet reigned in the kitchen of the Aoiya for a moment as a spike in Misao's ki made all the members of the Oniwaban aware of Aoshi's early return. Okina smiled a ninja after all doesn't need to make noise to make his presence known! There was no need for any of them to ask where he was or what he was doing. Okon and Omasu exchanged a conspiratorial giggle and Kuro and Shiro just shrugged and went back to their dinners.

"How long do you think we should wait before we call them down to dinner?" Okon asked. Okina chuckled slightly…

"If they want food they can come and get it themselves any time! But I doubt there's anything in this kitchen that will satisfy their hunger!" Okina laughed mischievously. Okon just shook her head and exchanged an amused glance with Omasu. He was right it was most likely that they wouldn't see either of them until morning!

"What do you suppose they'll call their first child?" Okon asked as she sat down with the others to eat. They were all very surprised when it was Kuro who answered.

"Hannya if it's a boy, Aiya if it's a girl…" he stated without looking up from his dinner. He paused in mid-bite at Omasu's indignant shriek.

"Well how come you know that and we don't?"

"And since when do you know that?" Okon shrieked equally annoyed. Kuro just shrugged sheepishly and hid behind his ramen bowl.

"I overheard her talking to Sakura about it the other day…" he explained trying to fend off a verbal assault. They huffed in annoyance but much to Kuro's relief they let it go. The girls were still having guilt trips about how they used to tune Misao out and they got upset whenever they found out something about their leader that they feel they should've known. Even worse was the fact that Sakura was always better informed then they were about Misao's thoughts!

Okina chuckled slightly at the girl's discomfiture but his smile vanished as he cast a glance back at the door from which Mrs. Kate had left. She had retired early with a mild complaint about her knees aching. It worried Okina though because he knew of many men his age whose wives had died slow painful deaths due to a bone debilitation and it usually started with aching joints. Granted, he often complained of a bad back or an aching knee but he could chalk those up to the ass-kicking Aoshi handed him just three years ago.

Kate on the other hand wasn't an old soldier like him. She was a doctor who led a hard life for sure but not a soldier with old battle scars coming to bother in old age. The aching knees weren't the only thing he noticed that seemed to cause her pain. He had seen her on a few occasions rubbing her wrists and wincing in pain after only a few minutes of writing. That was a new development! He had begun noticing it when she and Aoshi returned from the USA. He hated to think that she would die a painful and slow death. He shook his head hoping he was just overreacting.

"I just checked on her and she was asleep already she seemed fine," Okon said softly reading Okina's worried glance correctly. He smiled because Okon looked just as worried as he was.

"Maybe she should just come back with Aoshi and Misao and just stay here permanently…" Shiro suggested. Again Okina smiled and shook his head…

"I doubt that she will agree to that," Omasu put in looking just as solemn.

"Why not! She spends so much time here anyway!" Kuro reasoned. Okon shook her head.

"She's got responsibilities in the USA too…" she countered.

"Still, it's worth at least asking!" Okina declared suddenly "we'll ask Misao to do it! I'm sure she would be able to convince her, maybe not right away, but I think she should at least know that there's a place for her here…" they all nodded and agreed with him. They all decided to talk to Aoshi and Misao in the morning while Mrs. Kate was off in Mibu checking on Saya whom apparently managed to get pregnant a month earlier than she should have!

Okon and Omasu complained loudly how come Misao and Aoshi hadn't thought to do the same! They wanted their little onmitsu now! Little did they know that Misao and Aoshi were in the same boat already! However, it'll be a while before any of them find out because Misao doesn't suffer of morning sickness and the only day counting she's done in all the pre-wedding excitement is: how many days until her wedding! The little one growing within Misao is a true onmitsu who will conceal her existence until the time is right!

Up in the mountains near Master Hiko's hut the sound of swords clashing could be heard! The mysterious swordsman had come again as soon as it was dark!

'Swordswoman! I should say!' Hiko thought as he barely managed to dodge her strike. This girl however was like no one he'd ever fought! She was faster than he was and he finally understood what it was that she wanted. She wanted the secret techniques of Hiten Mitsurugi! During their previous bouts every time he had been forced to use a special attack to defend himself she had stopped her assault and disappeared returning only when his injuries had healed.

'She should have them all by now! Except for the Kuzuryusen and the Amakakeru-ryu-no-hirameki! That's probably what she wants!' he reasoned rolling out of the way of a perfectly executed Ryusuitsen she almost smashed on his head. Again he was impressed by the woman's raw skill…

"What do want with the Hiten Mitsurugi sword!" Hiko demanded. The swordswoman stopped…

"I do not wish to harm you or your sword but there is a small group in desperate need of its strength and wisdom. I must have it!" she intoned in a deep sonorous voice with no trace of a foreign accent. In the gloom he saw her raise her hand and his camp fire roared to life without anyone lighting it. It took considerable effort for him not to show his surprise! At a flick of her wrist a long shiny black trench coat appeared in her hands and she stepped closer to the fire.

Hiko watched in stoic silence sword still at the ready. This was the first time he was able to look at her clearly. The first thing that surprised him was that she was quite obviously foreign. She was as tall as him with dark brown hair and golden brown skin. She looked like she was in her early thirties but her strange green and hazel eyes showed age greater than a mere thirty years. She had an athletic build to her that leaned more than a little to the voluptuous side. There was an exotic beauty to her that was almost scary!

She staked her sword to the ground while she gracefully put on her coat but it wasn't until she sheathed her sword on the scabbard at her back that he sheathed his. He stepped closer to the fire and watched her. She stared intently into the flames her beautiful face marred by a deep frown.

"I don't have much time left! I must have the final secret sword!" she began with a touch of desperation in her voice.

"Why should I give it to you? What's so important that needs the protection of my sword?" He asked sitting down at the fire looking up at her. She rolled her eyes…

"Arrogant young man! Don't get conceited!" she spat glaring at him.

"Then tell me what you want it for!" he countered evenly. She seemed reluctant at first then sighed…

"I have a friend who belongs to an old knighthood his group was brought to near oblivion until he was all that was left. He defeated the evil that nearly defeated his order and now he is attempting to restore the knighthood." She began softly still watching the fire intently.

"However, the bulk of the old knights' wisdom along with their great swords was destroyed along with all its masters and has left my friend with almost nothing with which to rebuild the order," she sighed in frustration. She closed her eyes…

"So why are you helping this order again?" he asked more than a bit curious. She seemed too ruthless to be doing this for charity or the nobility of their cause.

"I told you I'm doing this for my friend! I promised his master I would help him…" she answered reluctantly. He nodded slowly…

"Your friend…is he as good as you are?" Hiko asked starting to seriously consider teaching her the final attack. She smiled…

"He used to be! When he was young…" she replied. Hiko cocked his head to one side confused…

"I am a two hundred year old creature that cannot age or die. My friend was trained in secret and has muddled through with what little his master was able to impart before he died. There are no formal sword styles left in the order so I travel through many worlds and gather the strongest swords that I can find! He takes them and brings out their maximum potential! Every sword style I acquire brings him that much closer to restoring the glory of the old knights!" she explained her voice rose slightly as she got into the heart of her story.

"So you want Hiten-Mitsurugi so it can be incorporated into the order's new lore?" he reasoned out loud. She smiled in amusement…

"Well, what do you know? The boy does have a brain in that pretty little head of his," she commented amused. That caught him by surprise! 'I've heard that somewhere before?' he wondered as he gave the woman a suspicious look.

"How will your friend receive my sword when he hears you killed me to get it?" he tested. She rolled her eyes…

"I am well aware of the danger in acquiring the final attack! It has been described to me through the wounds of those who have survived it! As I said I cannot be killed all you have to do is attack me with it and I will know how to do it! Even if you hit me full force I will be uninjured!" she explained in a rather annoyed and impatient tone.

"So Kate I take it your disguise is about to expire! That's why you have to ask?" he concluded. She smiled and finally sat at the fire…

"That's right! I don't usually tell people my secret. Most people in this world wouldn't receive it well," she explained. Hiko nodded in solemn agreement 'and I thought I was weird!' he thought amused.

"Those guys at the Aoiya wouldn't mind," Hiko countered softly. She sighed sadly…

"I know but I can't stay! The suspicions it would raise…No I can't risk it!" she replied shaking her head a worried look marring her beautiful ageless face. Hiko nodded…

"Alright I'll show you but I want something in return," he finally decided.

"Name it…" she countered seriously giving Hiko a hard look.

"You have to learn the history of Hiten-Mitsurugi and you have to find someone who will take the Hiko Seiguro name and my cape when I die," he demanded getting to his feet again.

"Those things have already been arranged. The history of Hiten-Mitsurugi has been acquired through Kenshin and Misao I suppose there are a few holes that require attending but as for an heir one has already been chosen among the knights!" she explained solemnly getting to her feet. "I will introduce him to you in due time!"

"Good but I have one more request," he said as he stepped away from the fire. She removed her jacket and set both sword and jacket aside…

"You say you can't age right?"


"The age of swords is over in my world and my time will end soon too, would you protect the Hiten Mitsurugi in its pure form and bring it back to this world someday?" He watched her for a moment a hard look in his eyes. She smiled and nodded…

"If you're world survives the turbulent times of change it's rushing towards… I will bring the Mitsurugi teachings back to this world. You're not the only master I've made such a promise to at any rate!" she explained as she placidly waited for Hiko to begin. Hiko smirked.

"Who else did you promise?" he asked curious but not at all surprised that other sword masters hadn't jumped at this opportunity.

"Remind me some time to tell you about a young man named Diego de la Vega or Zorro as the people in California used to call him!" she laughed. Hiko took his stance and flipped his sword to the blunt edge. She nodded signaling she was ready…

"We'll start with the Kuzuryusen once you see it the form for the Amakakeru will become apparent to you," he explained. She smiled again in anticipation this time…

"I am ready!" she whispered fervently. Her one passion was swords and yes she wanted to bring this sword to her friend but the task of collecting sword styles was something she would've done regardless of whether the Jedi would use them or not! For an instant she wished his sword really could kill her but alas her time was far from over! The curse of being what she was would make her continue on indefinitely. Hiko unsheathed his sword and instructed her not to move. She complied. Hiko was able to demonstrate the attack without landing a single hit. She smiled…

"A good teaching technique…I will pass it along as well," she complimented. The technique required to stop that kind of attack did come to her right away. It would require awesome speed but nothing outside the range of her friends. Nothing she couldn't do either! She sighed again she was tempted to stop wandering to remain and learn more. There were so many stories yet to gather on this world! Kenshin's pain was something she could very well understand but Kenshin at least could stop wandering now. For her on the other hand that would never be the case lest this world pay the price the place she'd called "Home" had…

"I will return for the rest after the wedding," she said as she extended her hand to summon her jacket and sword.

"Very well, but I thought you were taking the Shinomoris to America?" he questioned as he too put on his cape and sheathed his sword. She turned her head and smiled patiently at him then simply disappeared in a swirl of white light.

"Ah, I see!" mused Hiko out loud and laughed then walked back into his hut. His muscles were sore and he wanted to leave for Kyoto early tomorrow so he decided to turn in. His stupid apprentice would be arriving with his family tomorrow for the celebrations but the prospect of seeing Kenshin didn't bother him anymore. To know that there was someone out there that could carry the sword of Mitsurugi for centuries to come was comforting. To know that his sword was safe from oblivion was the greatest legacy he could leave!