"Mommy! Mommy! Look at me!" Hermione Weasley stopped writing her book review for the Daily Prophet to look at her five-year-old daughter, who currently had a large round hoola-hoop around her waist. Simone Weasley was the exact female version of her father. Hermione's mind drifted as she reflected over her daughter's appearance. She glanced over to her husband, sitting in front of their fireplace reading a newspaper. His long red hair was flowing loosely over his shoulders. There had been a time when that hair, Hermione's favorite thing about her husband, was always pulled back into a tight ponytail, but then they began dating and every time they kissed Hermione unwittingly pulled it loose. After a while Bill gave up and left it down.

"Mommy! You weren't watching." Simone dropped the hoola-hoop and walked to her father and climbed into his lap, forcing her body between the paper and his face. "Daddy, Mommy wasn't watching." Hermione quickly covered a laugh as she watched her daughter tell on her as though they were the same age and Hermione wasn't playing fairly.

"I'm sorry darling. What do you suggest I do to make her watch?" Bill folded his paper and asked Simone seriously. He then glanced over to his wife with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Stand behind me while I hoola. Then maybe she'll watch. She was looking at you, you know." Simone hopped off his lap and pulled him with her back to her spot in front of Hermione. "Now stay there." She positioned Bill directly behind her. She then turned around and started to hoola-hoop.

Once she finished, she dropped the hoola-hoop and ran to Hermione to receive her praise. "That was wonderful, honey, but now its time for bed. Go brush your teeth." Hermione stood and stretched as Simone ran to the bathroom

"So, were watching me instead of our lovely daughter? And what may I ask took your attention away from our little darling?" Bill laughed as he walked over to his wife and gave her a hug.

"Just thinking about how much she looks like you and then I started thinking about when you used to were your hair in that ponytail. Thankfully someone completely genius got you to wear it loose." Hermione had wriggled out of Bill's embrace and was walking to the stairs to check on Simone as she called back, "And you're welcome."

Bill chuckled as he walked back to the couch to resume his reading. His thoughts however were sidetracked back to the time when Hermione became more than his little brother's best friend.

A/n: Ok, tell me what you think. It's my first stab at Hermione/Bill. I've got the next Chap planned in my head (I write best when it come straight from my head to the computer) so just let me know.
