Smile For Me

Chapter 02: Explanations…

What Happened Last Time:

"Kagome…" Inu-Yasha said, searching for anything in her eyes.

"Uhh…" Kagome mumbled.

"I've thought about the girl in the picture everyday, and after a while, I fell in love with her" Inu-Yasha said.

Inu-Yasha put his hand on Kagome's cheek, and looked at her in the eyes.

Kagome closed her eyes. Inu-Yasha knew what to do…

Now The Conclusion

"Kagome…" Inu-Yasha said, causing Kagome to open her eyes and look at him.

"Yeah…" Kagome said, looking at the black-haired boy, strangely.

"Kagome…I lied to you…" Inu-Yasha said.

"What? Lied? How?" Kagome asked, confused and letting go of her hug around Inu-Yasha.

"I had a friend, that really liked me…" Inu-Yasha said.

"A friend?" Kagome asked.

"Yes…" Inu-Yasha said, looking hard into Kagome's eyes, "She wouldn't leave me alone unless…"

"Unless what?" Kagome asked.

"Unless I became her…boyfriend…" Inu-Yasha said, looking down and feeling ashamed.

"What?" Kagome said, her feelings instantly changing from happy to sad.

"I became her boyfriend, but she wouldn't leave me alone, so I told her it was over, but…" Inu-Yasha said, looking down to the ground, way down.

"But what?" Kagome said, persist.

"She said that she wouldn't allow it to be over, because she would tell everyone a secret about me that I wanted no one to know about" Inu-Yasha said, sighing, "She basically black-mailed me into dating her…"

"So what!" Kagome said, looking very angrily, "That wouldn't make you cheating on her if you would have kissed me!" Kagome nearly yelled, her anger flaring.

"I know…" Inu-Yasha said, still looking away from Kagome.

"What is that wenches name!" Kagome asked, getting really mad.

"Her name is…" Inu-Yasha started.

"Her name is what!" Kagome demanded.

"Her name is…Kikyo…" Inu-Yasha let out a sigh when he finished his sentence.

Inu-Yasha looked over at Kagome and it looked like someone had stabbed her in the back with a butcher knife. Her face was completely blank.

"Kagome?…" Inu-Yasha started, looking at Kagome, who wouldn't even blink.

Kagome looked at Inu-Yasha, very slowly with her jaw open, but she closed it, slowly.

"Kagome?" Inu-Yasha asked again.

Kagome shook her head, in disbelief, "Inu-Yasha…" Kagome said, looking at him, with a serious face.

"What?" Inu-Yasha said, looking a little uneasy with Kagome just looking at him like that.

"How…could you…" Kagome said, closing her eyes and sighing, "That is my…"

"What is your what?" Inu-Yasha asked, very confused.

"Kikyo…" Kagome started.

"What about Kikyo?" Inu-Yasha asked, looking down to make sure that no one was listening to their conversation.

"Kikyo is my…" Kagome started.

"She's your what?" Inu-Yasha asked, unsure of what Kagome was saying.

"Kikyo is my…twin sister" Kagome said, sighing and opening her eyes.

Inu-Yasha's jaw hung open wider than a window in the summertime. He couldn't believe it, but now that she mentioned it, Kikyo did look a lot like Kagome.

"How…" Inu-Yasha said, looking blankly at Kagome.

"Well…" Kagome started, "She's my twin sister, but she lives with my dad. She goes to a completely different school than me, and she doesn't dress the same as me"

Inu-Yasha took all this in, and thought really hard on something, "How did all this happen?" Inu-Yasha asked.

"Kikyo was always like that…" Kagome said, looking out of the tree to somewhere far away.

"Like what?" Inu-Yasha asked.

"Like…when she wanted to have things, she had to do anything to have them…" Kagome said, waiting only a second, then saying, "Well, can we change the subject?" She put on a smile to Inu-Yasha.

"Uhh…sure…" Inu-Yasha said, trying to think of anything to say.

"So…" Inu-Yasha started, still trying to think of anything to talk about, but his mind kept on going back to Kikyo and Kagome being TWINS!

"I have this friend at school, well he's like my enemy…" Kagome said.

"Oh, How's that?" Inu-Yasha asked, curious now.

"Well, we use to be friends, but he betrayed me a while back, and now we can't stand each other. At least I can't stand him…" Kagome said.

"Oh…what's his name?" Inu-Yasha asked.


Somewhere in Tokyo

"AHH!" Hojo yelled, waking up in a cold sweat.

"Someone must have said my name, just now…" He told himself, 'I got to get back to sleep. I got school tomorrow, and I can bug Kagome some more' He chuckled.

Inu-Yasha and Kagome

"Hojo?" Inu-Yasha asked, 'I heard of that name somewhere else…' He thought.

"Yeah, but I'm getting tired right now, and I think I should go lay down…" Kagome said, trying to find anything to keep from talking to Inu-Yasha right now about Hojo.

"Okay, let's go back down to camp…" Inu-Yasha said, looking down the tree, and letting Kagome go first down.

At Camp 15 Minutes Later

"I'm going to go lay by the fire" Kagome said, looking at Inu-Yasha, "When are you going to go to sleep.

"I don't know…" Inu-Yasha said, sitting on a tree branch not too far from ground, "Sometime soon though"

"Oh okay" Kagome turned around and looked in the fire, as it was sizzling down, 'I hope I can sleep good tonight' She thought, yawning then closing her eyes.


Inu-Yasha looked over and saw that Kagome had yawned, and must be sleeping by now. He slowly climbed down from the tree branch that he was sitting at and walked over to Kagome, whom he saw was fast asleep.

"She's really pretty without that stuff on her face…" Inu-Yasha said, quietly while looking at Kagome.

(A/N Kagome had washed it off when they got down from the tree. Okay, back to the story!)

"I wonder why she started to act all punk. She wasn't like this before…" Inu-Yasha said, thinking on the old times, when they use to hang out, about 2 or 3 years ago, "She doesn't remember me…not at all…"

Okay people! Here are about 1000 words to read, is this good for you? I been trying to write my story updates for the past week or so, and it's been kind of hard, so please appreciate this update! I'll update as soon as I can again. Thanks

Amanda :)