Love Is Yet Unknown

Chapter 01: Closer

Disclaimer: I do not own Peach Girl, it belongs to Miwa Ueda.

"Kiley, you are so mean to people!" Sae said, walking past him, as he tripped her.

"No, I'm not!" Kiley said, whacking Sae on the back of the head.

"Oww!" Sae said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Well, just go beat up someone else!" Sae yelled at him.

Kiley pushed Sae against the lockers, and got real close to her. One of her knees were bent and the other one was a little bit bent. Kiley put his elbows on the lockers, getting up close to her face. Sae could feel his breath going down her neck. She had goose bumps down her spine in a matter of seconds. Kiley's body was touching Sae, but not putting any pressure on her.

"Hmm…you look even sexier up close", Kiley said softly in her ear, then pulling back to be 3 inches from touching her face with his.

Sae's mind was going crazy. The guy who she thought was the hottest in the school, had her up against a locker, telling her that he thought she looked good?

'I so didn't expect this' Her mind thought.

Kiley gently stroked her cheek with his hand, and looked her straight in the eyes, "One person may be in the world, but to me, one person is my world, and that's you"

Sae couldn't believe how sweet that sounded. She looked at Kiley's lips, as he was looking at hers. She slowly looked at him in the eyes, then she closed her own.

Kiley could believe that Sae had closed her eyes. He knew what he had to do. He put his arms around her shoulders, as she put her hands on his chest. Kiley got closer and closer, 'til their lips finally touched, and Kiley closed his eyes, enjoying the passion that he felt going through his entire body.

They flowed in the kiss together, Sae's arms slowly going up around his neck, connecting in the back, at her hands. Kiley's right hand went down Sae's arm, and around her side, on her back, pulling her closer to him.

The moment seemed perfect, but Kiley and Saw did know it, but two pairs of eyes where watching from around the corner…

Okay, I know this is really short and all, but I had to post something today. Let's see…I'm going to work on the second chapter here soon! ;)

Amanda :)