This is my first Fanfiction so dont kill me...lolz
Warning:Characters will be OCC
Italic are thoughts (besides flashbacks)
Parings: Sasuke/ Sakura , Ten-ten/Neji., Shikamaru/Ino, Naruto/Hinata, Lee/Yumi (my character) and a slight lee/Sakura (I dont like this paring just useing it for now), also maybe Kiba/OC and any other charaters you your slef would like to see together.
Summary: Konoha is having a dance! and our favorite characters are all going. Surprises a wait and there might even be Karaoke. Sasuke must face the fact he has to ask a girl to the dance and we all know the only girl he would pick and thats Sakura. sasuke/sakura and other parings
Save the last dance
He couldnt believe he was doing this. But as long as he explained to her that there was nothing there and that this was just cause he was forced to ask someone so it might as well be her.
Maybe she wouldnt make a big deal of it? Its been 2 years since she had givein up on asking him out on dates. He could tell she still cared but some how she had givin up hope. 'it's all cause of this stupid dance.' he thought.
"I bet you guys are all wondering why i called you here" Kakashi said to all the boys. He continued "Well we are going to be haveing a local dance." He was cut off by Naruto " Wooo hot chicks for all." Sasuke rolled his eyes.
Kakashi contiued. " The thing is the guys have to ask a girl. This is a formal dance. Which means you have to wear something nice like a tux... YOU HEAR ME NARUTO?" Naruto looked up from the ramen he had pulled out of his back pack "muhuh mm mistening"(1) he said with his mouth full. Kakashi sweatdrops. "umm like i said all the guys must ask a girl to the dance." he said again.
"And what if we dont" Lee said. "uhhh lets just say Tsunade will handle you guys in a not so nice way" He said as he shivered at the thought of her. (AN: i no kakashi probably isnt even scared of her but just pretend in here...ok?...good.) Everyone else shuttered at the thought of a very pissed off Tsunade.
End of flashback
So here he was everyone had gotten them selves a date. Neji asked tenten. Shikamaru asked Ino. Even the stupid dolt got a date. Naruto had asked Hinata. And now Sasuke was the only one left. He didnt want to ask any of his stupid fan girls. They plainly scared him and annoyed the crap out of him. Well Sakura still annoyed him but not like when they were 12. They were now 16 and there was nomore "Sasuke-kun will you go out with me" or "I love you Sasuke-kun." no it was now "Hi Sasuke-kun" or "bye sasuke-kun". She said nothing more to him if possible inless she had to.
So why was it so hard to ask his friend? The only girl he had ever really cared 'in a non-romantic way' about to a stupid one-time dance? 'Well ill just have to ask her and get this damn thing over with'.
It was time for training and they had been practiceing on some of there NinJutsuon some stupid dummies. Sakura hadnt shown up for some odd reason till about1 hours after training had started. Her only excuse was "I slept in". Everyone was confused but everyone blew it off except Sasuke who knew from all the years of knowing her that, that was a lie.
After training as they were walking home Sasuke took his time and waited till Sakura was far ahead. Her head was down obviously upset about something. "Sakura." Sasuke yelled to her. 'Might as well get this over now.. and find out whats wrong with her at the same time' She turned around with one of the fackest smiles he ever saw. "Ya? What do you want Sasuke-kun?" she said trying to not let her smile slip. "We need to talk but umm first tell me why you were so late today and dont give me ur fake excuse.. I know you better then you think." He said very seriously. Her smile defalted and she had a sad look on her face. "Sasuke... I.. I dont expect comfort or pity from you b..but" She stoped as tears started to fall down her pale cheeck.
"But what?" he said totally confused on why she was crying. He took a step closer. 'If some idotic dumbass hurt her I will rip him to shreads...wait why am i getting all protective?...and how do i know if this is about a guy' he wondered 'Its cause shes the only person besides Kakashi and the stupid dolt you accually would risk your life to protect so of course your going to be preotective' a lil voice in his head whispered (AN: NO! he does not have voices in his head and he isnt crazy. Its like his self- councence.)
She was quite before she contiued. "Theres only 3 days till the dance and i was told by not only Ino-pig but by Ten-ten too that Lee-kun was going to ask me to the upcomeing dance. But he asked that new girl Yumi instead. And thats why i was kinda late this morning. He normally walks me to the training grounds then runs to go to his team but this morning...h.. he didnt come i waited 30 minutes. but he didnt show up." she stop to take a breath and continued. "So i walked to his house which was a pretty long walk (AN: i dont know how far Lee and Sakura live) And when i get there noone answered then his mom fianally did and told me he had left at his normal time to take Yumi to her class (Yumi is not ninja). So i walked all the way back to my house... and i cried for awhile i guess you can say for awhile then I decided it was best to get my ass here and so here I am!" She said with her arms streched out wide tears still comeing down.
'Im going to kill him for doing this to her' he thought then he stoped in his thought of burning him alive. 'Maybe that idot did indeed help me in a way.' "Sakura, I'll make you a deal since Im also in a jam but you have to hear me out first... ok?"
AN: ahhhh im done its like 1:00 and im tired as all hell. Well hope u like this. Reviews please. and ill get the next chapter asap. hahaha.
Disclaimer: I will NEVER own Naruto. i only own Yumi.