Not Until You Turn Punk

Disclaimer: I don't own it. Somebody, bring me some ice cream! –cries from not owning anything-

Last Time:

"Does Kagome want me there?"

"I'm sure she won't care. Well?"

"I will be there, but I will have to bring my friend with me. Is that alright?"

"It doesn't matter. Thanks Sesshomaru, for coming."

"It is my pleasure."

A click was heard and Miroku sighed, snapping his phone shut. "Doesn't anybody say goodbye, anymore?"

"MIROKU!" Sango screeched, as she walked in. "Well, how'd it go?"

"He'll be here."

"Good… I only hope things will be as they should. I hate interfering."

"Sometimes, it takes a little push to get things going the way they should be."

"I hope you're right."

"I always am." He replied, as his hand ran down her back to her derriere.

"MIROKU!" She shouted, smacking him hard as she stomped from the room. A smile was on his lips as he trailed after her.

This Time:

Chapter 10


Kagome hummed, stirring the pot of caramel. For some reason, she felt superb today. Nothing could bother her. Sango was busying herself by scrubbing the kitchen floor on her hands and knees. Kagome narrowed her eyes at her best friend, who smiled sweetly up at her. She was planning something, Kagome knew. She just didn't know what. "Sango, why are you acting strange?"

"Whatever do you mean, Kagome?" Sango asked, false innocence in her eyes.

"I mean why were you smiling when you and Miroku walked back into the room last night. He even had his hand around your waist!" Kagome exclaimed, pointing the caramel covered spoon at Sango. "Did you guys start dating?"

Sango rolled her eyes, and grabbed a towel to wipe down the now gleaming floor. "Don't be ridiculous Kagome. We don't like each other that way."

"You may not like him that way, but he certainly is interested in you that way. He hasn't spoken, or even looked at another girl since he laid eyes on you, you know."

Another eye roll. "Sure, sure." The doorbell rang, and Sango stood from her floor-drying, and walked out of the room. Moments later she returned with a package, her eyebrows raised as she looked at it. "It's for you, Kagome."

"Who's it from?"

"No return address." Sango replied, handing the package to Kagome. Kagome opened the box and gasped. Inside was a black half-mask, with blue glitter lining the eye-holes, and feathers sticking up from the top. Underneath the mask was a pair of dark blue elbow length gloves, with sequins imbedded into the trim. The sequins sparkled in the light of the kitchen, and Kagome admired them for a moment. Sango whistled lowly, and smiled. "I wonder who sent that?"

"I have no idea. They are beautiful though." Kagome said, as she placed the lid on the box and stirred the caramel once more. She removed it from the burner and placed the pan in a pan of cold water. She leaned against the counter top and looked at Sango. "Is everything prepared? We've only got three more hours before the party, and everything I ordered for Sira already arrived. The whole back yard has been transformed- literally, into a fucking ballroom. I hope we're not going too extreme with everything."

Sango grinned at Kagome, who grinned back. "When have we ever done anything half-assed, Kagome?" And they both burst into laughter.

Another part of Tokyo, 5:50 pm-

Sesshomaru dried his body, wrapping a towel around his hair. He began to rub it dry, sighing softly. Jakotsou looked at him, his eyes never straying from Sesshomaru's face, even though he was completely gay. Jakotsou sighed wistfully, and glanced out the window. "Here, let me do that." He said, as Sesshomaru began to brush his hair. He had slipped boxers on before he grabbed the brush. "Do you think she received your gift?"

"She did. Sango told Miroku to tell me."

"What did she think?"

"Sango said she said they were beautiful. If she knew they were from me I doubt she would have accepted them."

"Sesshomaru, you are so negative."


"What color is your tuxedo?"

"It is ultramarine."

"And you sent gloves that matched the color?"

"I did. Miroku said Kagome had an evening gown that was the color, and I thought it to be appropriate. It will make her eyes much bluer. She has the most beautiful eyes."

"Does she?"

"They are like the sky on the very innermost of her iris, than they fade to dark blue on the outside." Sesshomaru murmured, his golden eyes looking at the blinds but not seeing them. He sighed gently, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I never knew how much I cared for her when I left."

Jakotsou rested a hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder. "You'll win her over. I'm sure you will. Hell, you flew over an ocean just to see her again. I'm sure that wins something for your efforts."

A faint smile tugged at Sesshomaru's lips as he stood and began to dress.

Kagome's backyard, 7:25 pm-

Kagome was twirled around on the dance floor by Bankotsou. He pulled her against him and danced with her slowly as the song shifted to "Before It's Too Late" by the Goo Goo Dolls. Bankotsou held her close, and sang into her ear. "I wander through fiction to look for the truth, buried beneath all the lies. And I stood at a distance to feel who you are, hiding myself in your eyes." He hummed to her. She smiled lightly, and placed her forehead against her shoulder.

"Thanks for inviting me, Kagome." He murmured, squeezing the hand that was inside of hers. "I appreciate it. I hope I'm not being out of line, but you look beautiful tonight." His voice sounded soft, and the way he twirled her around the dance floor made her almost forget.


As the song rolled to an end, she curtsied and excused herself to go get a drink. She bumped into a tall man, with broad shoulders who was wearing a purple tuxedo. The mask on his face was purple as well, with sequins and glitter making it sparkle. "I'm sorry." Kagome murmured. He smiled politely.

"No problem, madam." He replied, bending low and kissing her hand. "May I have the next dance?"

"Actually, I'm going to get a drink. If you'd like to wait?"

"Sure." He replied, following after. He wore no hat to cover his shoulder length red hair. Kagome had to smile at the pink streaks that were throughout it.

"You have nice hair." She commented.

"Thank you! You're the first to say so." He said. "My name is Jakotsou by the way, what is yours?"

"Kagome." She replied off handedly.

"You have very beautiful eyes."

"Thanks. You're the first to say so."

He laughed, and put a hand in his hair. "That's a real surprise to me." He said, as Kagome ladled up some punch and handed him a glass. She sipped at hers and watched as he did the same. Finally she set down her glass and smiled. "Ready?"

"I sure am." Kagome replied, as they walked to the dance floor. The music was fast paced, and Jakotsou started doing the tango with Kagome. She twirled around him, and he extended his hand and brought her back against him. The song finished quickly in Kagome's opinion, and she heard clapping around them. Her leg was over his hip, and she was bent backwards, the top of her head almost touching the ground. His hand was firm against her back and he pulled her up, grabbing her hand as they bowed.

"I had no idea you could dance like that Kagome!" Sango said, rushing up with Miroku. Sango wore a green gown that went to her ankles, with a slit up one side, so every time she stepped, you caught a glimpse of her thigh. A silver chain hung around her neck, with matching bracelets around her wrists and two silver hoop earrings in her ears. Her brown hair was pulled into a bun at the nape of her neck, with curls dangling down the back of her neck and around her face. Her dark brown eyes were lined with black eyeliner, accented with mascara, and highlighted with bright green eye shadow. Her lips glowed with the clear lip gloss she applied.

"You look lovely this evening, Kagome." Miroku said, bowing to her as he kissed her hand lightly. "The dress brings out your eyes." And it was true. Kagome's evening gown was ultramarine, with sequins lining the strapless top, with slits that ran up to mid-thigh on both side. She wore no makeup, except for a light layer of dark blue eye shadow and a bit of mascara. The gloves Sesshomaru had given her, which she still did not know, were on her hands. The silver chain around her neck held a sapphire that dangled between her breasts. Her earrings were simple diamond studs, but her hair was curled, with half pulled up and half down. It was all curled, with daisies weaved into it with invisible string. He chuckled. "Maybe later, when we're alone, you could teach me to tango with less clothes?"

Kagome's blush spread from the roots of her hair to below the top of her dress. "Miroku!" Kagome gasped out. Sango smacked him in the back of his head. Jakotsou chuckled. Bankotsou had walked up and was looking at Miroku as though he had grown another head. A man, who towered over Sango walked up and looked down at Kagome. His face was covered in a black half-mask, his head covered with a top hat. Kagome saw that the skin on his face was pale, and she looked up to see two golden eyes boring down at her. Her heart thumped. His tuxedo was the same color as her dress, and the white shirt beneath it looked crisp.

"May I have this dance, lady?"

Kagome had no idea what she was doing, but she extended her hand to the mysterious man. She couldn't see his hair. All she knew was that his jawline was the most beautiful jawline she had ever seen, as she followed him from the group of people she was friends with and onto a new section of dance floor. He pulled her into his arms, one hand holding hers while his other rested lightly on her waist. Her free hand rested against his shoulder. She stared up at him, her blue eyes wide as he looked with his golden ones. Her breathing was slow and shallow, her excitement and nervousness giving her a tingling feeling where his hands touched her. "Do I know you?" She whispered breathlessly.

His lips quirked a bit. "Perhaps." He stated. The music filled the air, a waltz for some reason. Kagome frowned, following the man's lead. The waltz ended but he did not release her from his hold as the song "Nothing" by the Script filled the air. His hands were gentle as he released hers and rested the other against her hip, pulling her closer. Her hands rested against his chest now, and she felt his heartbeat through his clothing. Her eyebrows raised. "Have you figured out who I am yet?"

She pursed her lips, and his eyes strayed to them. "How do you know me?"

"My cousin knows you."

"Who's that?"


"Oh? How else?"

"You dated InuYasha."

"For two months, and I wouldn't exactly call it dating. I never kissed him or anything like that. Though, the other day he did yell at me over something stupid and kiss me…" She felt his hands tighten as he trailed off. "But I can never see him like that. He's just a friend to me, and that's all he'll ever be. Who else knows me that knows you?"



"No. I am not gay."


"I am not that young."

Kagome hesitated at her next guess, looking down her hands. "Sesshomaru?" She whispered out. When he didn't reply, she bit her lip. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you."

"You left."

"I thought it was for the best."

"You didn't care about me."

He sighed lightly and wrapped his arms around her as they swayed to the music. "Silly girl." Kagome shivered when she felt his lips brush his temple.

"It's too late Sesshomaru."

He pulled back slightly. "Too late?"

"I mean… you left. I dated InuYasha."

"He is of no consequence."

"I graduated high school earlier this month." She began. "I'll be attending college soon and I won't have time for anybody except Sira, the baby, and Souta."

"You are saying you will have no time for me?"

She bit her lower lip and stepped back when the music stopped. "Sesshomaru… I… can't do this, okay? You left me, when we weren't even together. When I was so vulnerable. I wondered what was so wrong with me that you had to leave. Did you not like that I was in love with you? Did it bother you, because I would never have told you. I never did in the first place. I just stood aside, and watched you pine for a woman who cheated on you. You know what she told me at graduation? She said that you were sending her a plane ticket to join you in Paris. I gave up on you. I lost all hope. And now you come here again? What? Is she not what you expected? Is she already used up so you no longer want her?" Kagome snapped at him, the rage blinding her, as well as her tears. She felt his hand grip her upper arm, and soon she was being pulled along, through pathways of the garden in her backyard. "Let go, damn it!"

Sesshomaru stopped, releasing her. She stumbled forward and fell against his chest. "I never sent anything to Kagura. I have not talked to her once since she cheated on me. And I have certainly not had sex with the woman either." He growled out, gripping her upper arms tightly. He shook her to emphasize his point. "Does that get through your head, lady?" He shook her once more, and her jaw snapped closed. She shut her eyes tightly.

"Let me go!" She said again.


"Sesshomaru, please!"

"You have angered me, and for that you will pay the consequences." Kagome's eyes were wide with panic at his words, and she struggled. He wrapped an arm around her, pinning her arms between them. His other arm wrapped partly around her, and he slid his hand into her hair, yanking her head back. She yelped in pain but was forced to look up at his golden eyes that were so filled with fury. When his face lowered closer to hers, she closed her eyes tightly. His lips pressed against hers gently, and she felt her body relax against him. His lips molded to the shape of hers, and he kissed her gently. He released her hair, and relaxed his other arm, letting his hands roam to her face and back down, over her neck, and her arms. They ran back up and down her shoulders to her back, over her hipbones, and repeated the action. Kagome's hands moved up from his chest, and to the back of his neck.

His kiss burned her lips, and when she felt him lick her lower lip she gasped and opened her mouth. His tongue coaxed hers to battle, and soon she felt herself being lifted against his body. His hands rested on her bottom, molding the shape of her body to his. He groaned lightly, and ground against her. Her eyes opened when he pulled away from her lips. He looked into her bright blue eyes that were stormy with emotion. His golden eyes shone with lust, and love. "Kagome, I love you."

Her breath caught and she grabbed his face between her hands and kissed him. She kissed him for all she was worth and it was she who pulled away. His eyes were still closed, and as he slowly opened them he saw the tears falling from her eyes. "What is wrong?"

"KAGOME! Where are you?" Someone shouted. Kagome bit her lip, wiped her eyes and asked Sesshomaru to set her down.

When he did, Kagome took off running to the voice. "Sorry about that." She murmured, as she adjusted her mask and ran her hands down the length of her dress to smooth away and wrinkles and sighed at Sango, who eyed her curiously. "What did you need?"

"They opened the presents. Sira was so happy to see them all and she wanted to thank you but couldn't find you. Are you okay? You look like you've been crying."

Kagome pasted a smile on her face. "Oh, yes, I'm fine." She replied with another smile, looping her arm in Sango's as they began to walk.

"Your lips are swollen."

"He kissed me."


"He said he loves me."

"Do you believe him?"


"Do you love him?"

"I don't know Sango." Kagome hesitated. "Am I allowed to love him?"

"You're allowed to do whatever you want. If you still want him, if you still love him… tell him."

"Kagome!" Sira shouted, wobbling over to her. Her belly seemed to get bigger every day. Kagome smiled and hugged the girl. Souta was always close behind and he smiled, wrapping his arms around them both. Sango grinned and joined, Miroku following suit. Bankotsou watched the friends hug.

"Miroku!" Sango shouted, turning and smacking his face. He grinned as he fell to the ground.

"Some things never change, eh, Kagome?"

Kagome's laugh was melodic. "No, Souta, I guess they don't." She gazed at the entrance to the garden, where Sesshomaru stood, staring at her. She smiled, and turned to go inside.

He followed.

Well, next chapter might be the end of it all! Tell me what you think, and if you liked it or hated it. InuYasha comes into the next chapter, so…. Yes, review!
