Too Much Red

By: Pakkrat

Chapter 1: Night out

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Teen Titans, or other DC characters there in. I take credit for one OC called Heretic but that is it for now. Now read and enjoy, this should be interesting!

A man slammed his drink down, a red liquid swirled about as he now let out a small pant of pleasure. The bartender smiled, he knew this customer pretty well. "You normally don't drink like this. Some reason to it?"

The man drinking smirked, "Some, but not much reason." He chuckled; the bartender rolled his eyes at the wise remark. The man was in a corner, it was dark so nothing of his face shown out. The bartender was bald, had a black muscle shirt showing his huge physique, and wore denim jeans. "Come on pal, what happened?"

The man drinking, though not seeable, had a silhouette in the shadow. His hair was trimmed, slightly spiked at the front. He was young, probably 20, or 21. The drink was not alcoholic, it was just something the guy liked and taught the bartender to make. He called it "Red Xtreme" it was pretty good actually. The bartender was cleaning a glass as the man seemed to think it over, than he said "No I think I'll just keep this one to myself."

The bartender rolled his eyes, "Fine, if you must be a wise-ass."

There was commotion; the bartender looked up stunned "Holy crap!"

The man in the shadow looked up and saw an orange skinned girl dancing, "Starfire?"

Starfire of the Teen Titans was on the floor, moving her hips and tossing her head to the beat of the song. Men watched in awe at her movement, this was not a normal sight. Starfire was an orange skinned alien hero, who had long red hair falling down her back. She wore this purple mini-skirt and top which often caused the looks. Starfire looked at the people watching her with an innocent smile with her green eyes gleaming in joy with all the cheering. The shadowed figure smirked, 'She looks pretty good out there, hey maybe I should ask her to dance.'

Another figure came in dancing with Starfire. The shadow moved uneasily, Robin came in to dance with Starfire. Robin was in his hero outfit as well with the red vest with a black button for his symbol and the long black cape with an underside of yellow. Robin had spiked black hair over his facemask and green tights with matching gloves. Robin moved with Starfire in dance trying to keep up with the out of control alien girl. The shadow realized too late, he had the titans in his place! 'Crap! They didn't come to find me did they?' The shadow slowly let out a pant, how could they know he was actually Red X?

Red X looked around, trying to track the other three just incase. Sure enough Red X found two more, Beast Boy and Cyborg. Cyborg was large, muscular, and half machine. Platted with titanium alloys and other durable surfaces, the parts of his flesh free were of black. Cyborg had brown eyes; he also had a red one as part to his machinery. With him was the green haired, green eyed, green skinned boy himself, Beast Boy. Beast Boy had short spiked hair, and some teeth similar to a canine with the fangs. He wore a purple and black jumpsuit with boots. Beast Boy had a golden belt that looked similar to Robin's utility belt but more so for show than tell. Red X wondered where the other one was, Raven. It hit him; she probably was staying at home not one for the party life. Red X touched his ear and used a device of his; it amplified the teenager's voices to his own so he could hear as they now seemed to be dancing together and talking.

Robin said looking at the bar, "You think this was a good idea?" he was slightly worried with the curves of his face.

"Friend Robin, she needs this!" Starfire exclaimed in joy, "She has been inside her room for days without anyone to talk to or enjoy company of."

Robin nodded, "Well she does that a lot Starfire."

Cyborg sighed, "Problem is, she has been doing it more. After we beat that Cardiac guy again she locked herself up."

Beast Boy sighed, "Yeah, I think it brought back some bad memories of Malchior."

Red X noticed they all were freaking out at Beast Boy. He stopped dancing to turn and see the hooded figure behind him, "Raven!"

Raven gave a glare at Beast Boy. Her lavender eyes were coldly grilling him for his mentioning that name. She wore a purple cloak fitting around her sleek body tightly held in a black leotard. Raven had her arms crossed, showing the black gloves with red orbs on their backhand. Raven also was tapping her foot, the blue boots clapped on the hard dance floor with irritation. Raven wore a belt, with the red orbs connected all across her waist. Raven said in a grisly voice of monotone orient, "Was that what this was about?"

Beast Boy was sweating, "Er, not totally."

Raven sighed; grabbing her head she shook it in her hold, "You all need to leave me alone. I am fine really."

Starfire looked in concern holding her hands tightly "Friend Raven, we all are concerned for you. That is why we brought you to this place of dance and music in hopes it would uplift you!"

Raven gave a roll of her eyes, "Loud music, beeping and blinding lights," she was bumped by some dancer, "a person gyrating into me is supposed to fill the day with joy!"

Red X smirked, a chuckle as he said "She has a point." He grabbed his drink to down the last bit, "Why the hell do I keep coming here when I'm depressed?"

Raven continued, "I know you have my interests in mind." She turned leaving them, "I just don't party like you guys sorry. I like being in the dark alone."

Beast Boy rolled his eyes, "Why does she have to be so creepy?"

Raven stopped a chill on her back. Beast Boy felt the others give him a glare so he quickly morphed to a flea to escape. Cyborg walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder, "Hey, forget what he said he talks before he thinks."

"Whatever." Raven floated off trying to sound like it did not bother her "Enjoy your stay I'm going to have a drink." She went to the bar, leaving one seat between her and Red X. Red X had the seat against the wall where the bar bended to allow him to see the room. He liked having his back to the wall, nicer than worrying who was behind you. This spot also allowed him to view Raven as she slopped her arms on the counter. She let her head hang slightly as she sighed, "I never asked to be so creepy."

Red X felt a little sorry for her, not like she deserved to be treated differently for the taste. "You okay?"

She looked up; Red X paused in realizing she looked at his face. 'Oh man! She knows what I look like!' he paused again smirking, 'Hey, I'm a guy not Red X here. Not to mention I'm in the shadows, she can't see my face entirely.'

Raven gave a faint grin, so fake it made clip-on nails look real. "I'm fine, really."

Red X gave her a raised brow, a lie definitely, "Oh really?"

Raven sighed annoyed, "Really."

"Really, really?"

"Yes!" she screamed "Really!"

She noticed his smile, "What do you want?" she asked annoyed. Red X simply was holding his glass saying, "For you and me to have a drink, and talk."

Raven gave him a stern look, "I don't want to talk."

"Than you would have left the first second I talked to you." Red X gave a wink, "Am I wrong?"

Raven was staring at him angrily, but she finally accepted it and sighed, "You're right. I am upset." She waited for the bartender to come, "I don't see why you think I would talk to a stranger."

The bartender laughed, "Sweet heart, a lot of people don't know me but they tell me everything. I want to know, they want to share. Sometimes," he filled Red X's glass with his drink, "people open up to strangers more easily with the big problems than their own family."

Raven looked to her friends; all of them were dancing even Beast Boy. "I can't tell you, they would be hurt."

Red X asked while sloshing his drink for flavor, "Why can't you tell them after me? It's not like I will use it against you or something." Red X grinned, it was something he had planned but something told him maybe to not do it. Raven looked at the bartender, he looked at Red X saying "I know the guy, he ain't all bad." The bartender gave her some of the Red Xtreme, "He taught me how to make that stuff."

Raven blinked at it, "Um, what is it?"

"I call it," Red X seemed to hold himself from laughing, "Red Xtreme." He just told her his name in a way.

Raven picked it up, and drank some. "Not too bad. I think it's too much red though."

Red X frowned, "Red is my favorite color."

Raven felt the cup in her hands; she was resistant to tell anyone how she felt. Admitting to herself about feeling was hard at times. "I really shouldn't tell anyone."

Red X thought for a moment, "How about I tell you what is troubling me. Than I will listen to you for letting me get it off my chest. Is it a deal?"

Raven looked shocked, "You have a problem?" She was not normally worried but he was not acting worried, or upset. "I guess I could do that."

The bartender seemed annoyed, "I asked what was wrong, and you didn't tell me a freaking thing! What changed your mind?"

Red X raised a brow, "Hey, better company deserves better appreciation."

Raven looked at the Bartender, he seemed to smirk, "Oh, I see." The bartender went to the farther end so not to bother them. Raven turned to Red X; he drank some of his drink and started to talk about his problem.

"You ever play games when you were a kid?" Raven thought back and said, "Not really, I spent a lot of time meditating not playing as a child."

Red X rubbed his neck, "Oh, didn't expect that one." Red X tried a different approach. "You ever have friends?"

Raven narrowed her eyes looking at the titans, "No. I just carpool with strangers." sarcasm again made him smirk.

Red X spoke nostalgically, "I was a kid, and I had three good friends. There was Tommy, Brad, and me. That was it, the clique I hang out with. A game we played when we were younger was cops and robbers." Red X chuckled, "I was always the robber, and Tom and Brad were cops. Brad's dad was a real cop so he treated it like it was real. He made the rules, the "terms of engagement" all of that clear for the cops. I think that was why I liked being the robber, I didn't get any rules."

Raven seemed to sense a deep pride, "Well I always won, because no matter what I could outrun and think my friends. The robber had no rules, did what was needed, and won every time. I still like that being outside the rules."

Red X sweats a little, "You know, outside the rules but not the law!" He chuckled uneasily which caused some questions. Red X went ahead to finish his story, "Anyway, Brad became a cop when we got older. I lost contact with Tommy but myself and Brad were close. We usually came here to enjoy ourselves after he got off work. Today though, things are a little different."

Raven watched Red X put his glass down and seem to grip the glass a little, "Brad was killed yesterday on his job. I think another reason I disliked being a cop," Red X let go of his glass to cup his hands together; "you never know how bad the monsters are out there."

Raven lowered her head, "I know how bad the criminals can be." Red X chuckled, "No seriously." Raven looked up and he was not chuckling by what she said just how she was being consoling. Red X had trouble accepting his enemy as a person consoling his pain. Raven gave him a look, he was surprised it seemed sympathetic, "Some times the criminals are real monsters, and they take a pleasure into killing others and outdoing the good guys." Red X figured she would say something like that. "But some times, they are just people who have chosen to take another path. Maybe it was easier, maybe it appeals to them. Those people often try to just do the crime and nothing more."

Red X smirked, "You make it sound like being a criminal isn't all bad."

Raven shook her head, "Well, nothing is only black or white. There is some good for all the evil in a person's actions."

Red X seemed intrigued, "Your leader would never see it that way. He sees the good or the evil."

Raven smiled, "Well, he has a bad time dealing with the evil in his past." She was suddenly hit with something, "You act like you know Robin."

Red X turned in slight thought, he came back smiling, "Oh, he seems like that on television. You titans are not exactly low society." Raven shrugged, she did not like the attention from the news and such. She could live a happy life without the attention. Red X asked, "What about your story? You are going to tell me right?"

Raven paused, not sure if she should. "Well…" Raven felt slightly frightened. Her glass cracked, Raven sighed saying "I can't."

Red X seemed hurt, "Why is that?"

Raven looked at him sadly, "If I do, you have to promise to never tell anyone."

Red X shrugged, "Sure thing."

Raven took a deep breath, and than downed the entire glass. Red X watched in shock as the glasses were relatively large mugs, she just downed it and panted in relief. 'She must have a big problem.' He thought to himself.

Raven looked at Red X completely, "Well, this is the problem." Raven closed her eyes taking another breath; she was making it harder than she needed to Red thought. "I once met someone who made me feel good." Raven paused, that did not affect Red X. "For me that is special, all my life I have been treated strangely. As a child people from Azerath considered me "tainted with evil" from my father and so they often kept clear of me. Later on my taste towards the darker style of things caused more people to keep away. The Titans accepted me for my powers," she sighed, "though they still consider it creepy."

Red X was listening intently; he was sort of surprised with this girl and her past. Raven continued for Red X "This person treated me good, he made me feel happy and safe. All my life I never could have someone understand me or take the time to even try." Raven felt a tear, she hid it not giving in to sadness less it cause something to explode. Red X noticed and seemed to feel angry for the girl. "When I realized he was only using me I was devastated. I felt more alone then than I ever felt my entire life. I did not know who to tell, who to go to. The others tried to help but in the end I felt like a pity case and I never was one for that or any attention." Raven shrugged, "I than decided to ignore it, pretend it did not happen. It worked for a while but eventually it was bound to resurface." Raven stood up, "Recently the Titans and I fought Cardiac, he was a villain we defeated when Malchior, he was the one that used me; tricked me into caring for him. It brought up those feelings of loneliness, and betrayal. I guess it bothered me more than I let on."

Red X watched her give him a small grin, "That was actually relaxing."

Red X pointed to the dance floor, Raven sweat a little as all the lights had exploded on the floor. Everyone looked confused as Red X was chuckling to himself, "Either way, it is better you got that crap off of your chest."

Raven sighed, "I guess." She started to leave but she realized she did not even get the man's name, "Who are you?" she turned to him and he merely took a drink, "Nobody special, just a stranger."

Raven turned saying "Thank you for listening."

"Whatever," he shrugged, "it was kind of fun to see the havoc you caused."

Raven smirked, "Yeah, I sure made a mess."

The two sort of chuckled while people were going around complaining. Raven looked at Red X realizing this was the first time she really talked to someone like this, since Malchior. Red X also realized he never let someone express themselves like that to him; he was a loner by nature except for a few exceptions. Red X looked at her and said, "You better get going your friends must be trying to find out what happened."

Raven looked sort of sad, "Yeah I better go. I'm glad you told me about your friend I am sorry for what happened." She stood there a few seconds before floating off. Red X drank his drink and smiled, "I think I might need to see her again."

Raven found the others outside, Cyborg was scanning for oddities like machinery from some mad scientist. Beast Boy pulled glass from his hair while Starfire was complimenting Robin for his dancing. Starfire saw Raven and asked, "Were you harmed? Did the glass attack you as it did us?"

Robin coughed, "Uh, I think it kind of just fell. Glass does not attack here… I think."

Starfire nodded, "However Beast Boy said "We're under attack, man your battle stations!" as we retreated!"

Beast Boy shrugged from Robin's look, "Dude I didn't mean it like that, it was a joke."

Cyborg stopped scanning, "Nothing odd except a little energy surge. Normally caused from a certain psychic here." The group turned to Raven, she shrugged saying, "Sorry about that."

Beast Boy flailed his arms, "Way to go, I was about to get this cute girls number when the lights blew!"

Raven smiled, "I'm glad I saved her from embarrassment when she realized it was you." Raven floated off to the tower. Robin asked over Beast Boys tantrum, "Raven, what caused this to happen?"

Raven turned and smiled, "I was having a good time." She disappeared off making the Titans look at each other. Raven, had a good time?

However, out of Jump City, the deep heart of Gotham City. The outskirt roads were flushing with noise as a long black vehicle streamed the roads. This was a vehicle known as the Batmobile. The driver was the one and only Batman. Batman was also known as Bruce Wayne, teacher of Robin who led the Titans. Batman stopped in front of a strange facility, he opened the top of his vehicle to get out. He read the sign arched overhead at the entrance, "Arkham Asylum." Batman cringed slightly as he hated coming to this place. Batman wore a long black cape that fell over his shoulders, with pointed ears on the top. Batman entered the facility being greeted by the current head of security.

The head of security first gave the excuse "Guards thought he was sleeping." So he ignored it. The room he was taken to was just as barren as the halls. He entered to see the dummy, a simple construct of pillow and blanket which seemed so stupid to ignore. Of course he heard the asylum was hiring new workers after a small riot, several had not survived the ordeal. Batman himself stopped the riot and now he saw how fruitful it was for one of the criminals. Arkham held the worst of the worst in criminals. Batman asked with his gruff voice, "Who was it in this room?"

The guard answered, "Heretic, you knew him didn't ya?"

Batman thought for a moment, Heretic was an Ex-Historian. Heretic was called Martin Velbers. Martin had a long historical career and mastered magical folklore. Heretic did not arise until he studied the villains of ancient history. He considered evil to be the search of power and he considered that his goal. He brandished the name Heretic as his ideas were so out of the norm he saw it as heresy to the civilized world. His obsession with Batman was in how he was so close on the line to evil and good. To Heretic, Batman was not a hero, but a way that things were in balance. Batman was the dark hero, the hero who would commit murder if needed to get the job done. Even if Batman uses that as a last resort it still made him not perfect, and in essence capable of evil. Heretic was a madman, obsessed on spreading the essence of evil in his wake.

"Were there any clues?" Batman asked to the guard with his back to him.

The guard nodded, "Yeah, a weird letter." He gave it to Batman. Batman read aloud, "In the city of the hare's second greatest feat. Chaos has been quelled by youth. Balance is needed, chaos must be forged. So the heresy will be dealt."

Batman thought for a moment, "Jump City."

The guard was puzzled, "We thought Luck city, you know like Las Vegas with the lucky rabbit feat thing."

Batman shook his head, "No he means Jump City." He looked at the guard. "The second foot means two feat from a rabbit used to jump or hop. If one foot, that would be the reference to lucky rabbit's foot. The youths that quelled chaos is the Titans, they recently imprisoned all the criminals in the town and Heretic sees that as heresy, to him no evil is equal to blasphemy."

The security guard nodded, "Oh, I see. What do you want us to do?"

"Your jobs," Batman left adding with slight annoyance, "If you can by the looks of things."

Raven was getting ready to go to bed; she heard some talk outside her room and listened. Starfire was talking, "She seems less displeased did we do something to help?"

Beast Boy was heard laughing, "I don't think so but at least that is over with."

Cyborg was heard slapping the changeling, "Not yet it isn't. She may still have some kind of problems."

Raven rolled her eyes leaving the room they looked shocked. Raven sat them down and talked about her feelings after the Malchior event. They sat stunned, Robin asked, "Why did you tell us?"

"Because you kept worrying." Raven gave them a look, "You don't have to worry I can take care of myself."

Cyborg and Beast Boy shrug, leaving to play games. Starfire looked nervously, "Was this night pleasurable, is that why you talked to us about your feelings?"

Raven shrugged, "I did meet a guy." Starfire smiled with sparkled eyes, "He wanted to just talk so I did about Malchior. It helped, he had his problems too."

Robin nodded, "I'm just glad the team is able to function. When you are off your game it puts us all in danger." Starfire nudged him, he frowned adding, "That and we worry about you as a friend." He gave an 'I forgot' stare to a smiling Starfire. Raven floated off leaving her friends be. She went to her room to remove her hood and lay down. Raven yawned; tired after everything she wondered why she held in her emotions, duh, the lights all exploded. She knew an outburst of power would cause damage, but nothing else seemed to happen. Raven smiled, it was really nice to get all of that pain out and in the open. She wished she learned that man's name, he was so helpful.

During the night raven dreamt of her shadowy hero from the bar. There she was with him talking again like before. But this time the one seat did not separate them, he was right there next to her. Some where along the line he stopped talking and grabbed her hand, he moved into her and she instantly did the same. Raven was so amazed at his strength when he grabbed her by the waist for the kiss, that when an alarm went off in the bar she ignored it until the bartender who was a robot started screaming, "Danger! Danger Miss Ravenson!"

Raven awoke and rolled about to see the red lights flashing, "Damn it!" she screamed. She was sort of startled she was so interested in that dream. Raven called over her hood and wrapped it on. Raven floated out to see what was going on, "What is it?" she snarled at the others. Beast Boy whimpered as she had flames in her eyes, "Some robbery at a jewelry store. They tripped the silent alarm."

Raven growled, "Figures."

The titans ran to the T-Car, Cyborg drove them to the jewelry store to see what had happened. It was daylight, so the robbery seemed so out of place. They exited to see nothing out of the normal. They were wrong, in a moment Cyborg who was the first one started to spasm, "Geeb! Geeb!" Cyborg screamed, he than began dancing with his fingers shaking, "I like ta singa, about the junea, and the moona, and the springa!" before falling back first on the ground. The others looked at his chest, a large red X was on it. Robin twitches slightly, "It figures, Red X."

Beast Boy went to grab it but this was not the one that was affecting Cyborg. This one Beast Boy grabbed exploded wrapping him and Cyborg in red goop. Beast Boy's eye twitches, "I hate it when he does that."

Starfire flew overhead; she was hoping to scout the villain. "I do not see him!"

Robin looked around, where is he? "Keep looking! It's day light so he can't hide forever."

Sure enough when Robin moved Red X was leaning on a lamp post behind the boy wonder, "Looking for me?"

Robin turned to Red X, he launched forward to attack but is dodged by the agile Red X. Robin looked at the outfit baring a giant Red X on the chest like designed. Red X's chest firmly fit into the outfit, a tone for not only strength but needed speed and agility for the profession. Red was a thief, and that takes some skill in getting away with the crime. The hands had gray gloves, slightly spectral like as they seemed to be spooky, yet fitting with X marks on the back and palm. His shoes had buckles, skull buckles, matching the skull upper face mask on his head, which had a Red X slightly in the center but tipping over the right eye. The cape he was allowing to drape over him, the fiendish mysticism of a vampire would pale to this fellow and his style of sleek movement. The undertone of the cape was gray and the torn edges only added to his dark form Red X saluted as he passed Robin, "Miss me kid?"

Robin snapped out, "Like a cold!" Robin began launching punches as Red X dodged them easily. Red finally grabbed Robin's outstretched fist and pulled him through to slam him into the pavement. While there Red X flung open his cape and grabbed from his belt. A normal gray belt with gray cloth pouches, it was a poor rip-off of a utility belt holding several ingenious inventions of his own. Red X flung an X that shot out its ends over Robin than creating an energy net that shocked Robin if he moved. "I was feeling charged meeting with you again."

Robin seemed angry, "Starfire, Raven get him!"

Starfire started flinging bolts, Red X dodged to see the large signs from the road being flung in black energy. Red X rolled out of their way than he saw Raven. With a small gleam he pulled out another X he tossed at her. Raven grabbed it with her energy making it explode in light; it was a solar flare of some sort. Raven had been blinded so when Red tossed another it stuck to her mouth. Raven felt the sticky X and seemed infuriated. Red X saw Starfire flying at him with her bolts coming. He slid between them and let her try to punch him. Red X chuckled as he held his hand to her face squeezing to cause a cloud shaped like an X in her face, Starfire inhaled than fainted. Red X turned to Raven; she was on the ground trying to rip off the X mark. Red X strolled over and chuckled, "Not so talkative now."

Raven gave him a glare, "I have something for you." Red X pulled from his belt and Raven readied into a stance, she was stunned as he held something over her head and laid it onto her neck. She looked, and saw a necklace? It was a pure silver chain with a silver raven, its head pitched on the left with is wings open wide flowing with the tail at its bottom. Raven was speechless… well for more reasons than a bandage over her mouth. The Raven had a wired like build, leaving blue stones to fill in where the silver did not. She was blushing at the mere beauty it held.

Red X chuckled, "Thought you might like it." Raven looked more stunned, as so did the titans. "You just keep it as a gift." Raven gave a glare; Red X rolled his eyes "I didn't steal it I paid for it." The titans all now looked totally shocked, "Check the receipt!" he handed a paper to Raven, she mumbled something and Red X chuckled "Hey, you were worth it." He saluted her as he was running away. "Tah-tah!" he stopped and said, "Oops, forgot." He tossed something to Raven and she grabbed it, it was a small spray bottle. Raven watched Red X disappear than she sprayed her mouth. The bandage fell off without a hitch.

Raven concentrated on the X device on Robin to crush it, Starfire had awoken but her legs were slightly paralyzed. Beast Boy was still stuck and Cyborg slightly out of it. Robin took out a devise to solidify the goo as he asked "What was that all about?" his tone was accusing not worried, he looked at Raven. Raven gave him a stare, "I don't know."

Starfire marveled at the necklace, "Friend Raven, it is absolutely stunning. You must keep it!"

Robin snapped out, "She can't it's stolen!"

Raven looked at the receipt, "Actually it seems he paid for it."

Beast Boy broke from the goo enough to scream "Paid for in stolen money!"

Starfire thought for a moment, "That is possible, but we can not be certain."

Robin turned over Cyborg after chiseling the goo, he found an X on his back, "It's Red X of course we can be certain." He removed the X and Cyborg slowly woke up rubbing his head, "Red X is a criminal and no matter what he did this for a criminal reason."

Cyborg blinked, "Red X did what?" a glare caught his attention as he looked onto Raven, "Whoa! Where did you get the shiny from?" he started to drool at the fine metal crafting. Raven paused before realizing he meant the necklace, "Red X gave it to me."

Beast Boy snapped, "So? We have to give it back to the owner of the store!"

Robin agreed, "Stolen or not it has to be returned. We can't accept the present of a thief."

Raven gave Robin a look, but did agree it was probably best she did return it. They entered the jewelry store where the clerk was behind the counter. The clerk turned having slick hair, glasses, and a scarf of pink see thru material he smiled saying "Oh, I love the tights big boy!" The clerk grinned at Robin irregularly. Robin wrapped his cape around himself tightly.

"Here!" Raven said grumpily, she liked the necklace. "Take this back."

The clerk shook his head, "Sorry doll but I can't." he points to a sign, "No refunds."

"Well we tried!" Raven turned about but Robin taps his feet making her go back lousily, "Please take it back."

The clerk looked at the necklace, he remembers the man that bought it. He pinned him by the neck saying, "If she tries to bring this back, which I know Robin will make her. You make sure she does not have a choice or else," He dropped the clerk cracking his knuckles, "Neither will you."

The clerk smiles with a twitch, "Sorry honey but that is marked merchandise. I can't sell it and I sure as hell won't send it back to the vendor. You should just keep it."

Raven seemed to grin but Robin said, "We can't except it. It was bought with stolen money!"

The clerk raises a brow. "You have a buck on you?"

Robin blinks, "What?" the clerk motions to Robin who pulls out a dollar. The clerk speaks out, "You see that dollar, and the 500 dollars that guy spent on that piece of jewelry. It's all the same color to me and passed as many dirty hands from here to there."

The titans gawk, "500 dollars!"

Raven blushed, "Yeah, it said so on the receipt."

Robin looks at the clerk, and snarls, "We'll keep it but only because you made us."

The clerk seemed relieved, the one guy before seemed pretty buffed out. "Great, if you want why don't you look around a little?"

The Teen Titans left, Raven seemed to flip the raven in her hand admiring it in the car. Beast Boy looked at it and shrugged, "It is nice but not that nice."

Cyborg looked in his mirror, "Are you kidding, that thing is cool!"

Starfire slapped her hands together saying, "Yes dear Raven it was very beautiful. I am glad you can keep it!"

Robin shifted in the front seat, "I still feel it is wrong. Why did he give you anything?" Robin grabbed his chin in debate, "It has to be some kind of plan."

Raven did not care, she simply held it in her hands remembering the last gift she received so beautiful. That was a paper rose. However, this gift seemed much more nicer than it did. Raven seemed happy, and Red X who watched them leave seemed happier knowing she had it.

Note: Just a story I got while writing Teen Titans: Fairytale of Souls and Swords. Red X was hitting on Starfire so much in that one I thought, what if he had a thing for Raven? The idea appealed to me, so I played with the idea, what could be done to spice it up, (Really bad villain called Heretic!) things like that. So here is what I got so far. Tell me what you think! Either way read and enjoy, and if you can leave a review.