Disclaimer: I don't own any of this. The Discworld and all its inhabitants are the property of Terry Pratchett, and while some of the characters appearing later are of my invention, they are part of the Discworld and thus remain the property of Terry Pratchett (I think).
Enjoy the story!
Religion can affect the most prominent of people.The Disc's best and brightest.
Take Leonard da Quirm, for example: rumour has linked him to Yen Buddhism, Omnianism, the Church of Offler, and the Balancing Monks. However, rumour has also linked him in a very different manner to Lord Vetinari, Prince Khufurah of Klatch, Rosie Palm of the Seamstresses Guild and Unseen University's Librarian, suggesting that not all rumour is to believed.
Lord Vetinari has also been linked to the Balancing Monks, although it is widely believed that after the balancing act needed to keep Ankh-Morpork from descending into total disarray, a gargantuan disc would present no problems.
Even gods get religion, sometimes, and while they may not be the best, and certainly aren't the brightest, they're certainly quite prominent, and you'd do good to agree unless you want to be in serious existential difficulties, i.e. a pair of shoes filled with a smoking pile of ash.
In two countries around the Circle Sea, two gods were starting to get religion. In a big way. And, as we all know, religion only ever leads to one thing. War. But gods don't war each other: not in the literal sense. That's how continents get destroyed. Instead, they send their people off to fight. And when two large nations prepare for war, the reverberations are felt all over the Disc…