Author's Note:
Wow, this has been a battle and a half to complete. The first chapter was written in 2001, and it has taken over ten years to complete.
I never hurry myself with fanfiction. I like to write things when I feel the time is right. That's why there is sometimes days or even years between chapters.
The answer came to me last night, I had an epilogue. I felt I had explored enough to complete the story.
I might write some one-shots in the future, but the main story is complete.
Thank you to EVERYONE who has been on this journey with me. I am thankful for every single review, fave and follow. I still cannot believe there are ninety-five reviews, and this story was voted in the Turtle story awards as a winner. I'm overwhelmed.
I hope this ends the way everyone was hoping. The story was entitled Survival of the Species for a reason. I've taken liberties with Turtle biology because they need to reproduce at a fairly fast rate to start to build the species into something that can survive the generations to come.
Finally, I want to thank everyone who wrote to encourage me personally.
I hope you managed to see the ending, and didn't disappear into the world without checking back every now and again. I hope you've come back and seen the finale.
Bless you all.
Big Thanks to :
AangandKatarfan, Angels have fallen, Archangel, Arista Starfyr, Ashes2
Becca T, ben, BloodIce, Bloodstained Teardrops
Ciara Rivers, Cyberfreak
DarkRubberNeck, delia cerrano
El tortuga naranja, Em, Emerald
Faith, fireandsun, Firefly
george the invisable pygmy, GOD of JUDGE, goggle head girl, Green Devil
Hamato Kameko, Helen, Holli, HorseTurtle
Invidia Psyanide
Jessiy Landroz, Joanna, Jonesy, Juniperbreezie
Karai, KissMyAft, kyabetsu
Lita Taishi
mandalorian-avenger, Mang, me, Mewfem, Mica, misaMISA, moonie016, mou, mouseygirl123
ok. so. i'm lame
Plastic, PuldohFAN, Puldoh
Ramica, Readasaur, Reija Linn, Reinbeauchaser, retta
Sabor Tooth Tiger, sarmoti, Sasami1, SeaThreePeeO, Songbird21, SoonPersephoneAgain, Spoon no Miko, spootycup, strangeseraph, Susan
Violent Rabbit