Disclaimer: I don't own songs, shows, or anything that I want!

Jesse McCartney- Why Don't You Kiss Her

We're the best of friends Robin went to the main room to find the alien beauty fixing breakfast for him and the team. Of course no one else was awake yet. He looked over to see what she was making and it was not Tamaranian food like he expected, it was Hashbrowns and Scrambled eggs. Both looked surprisingly well made. She smiled at him, he nearly melted at the smile. He loved her so much, but he was still so afraid to tell her, because she knew she thought of him as her best friend, and he didn't want to screw that up.

"Robin, what is the matter?" She asked in a concerned tone.

"Oh, nothing, Star, I've just been thinking about something. I just came down to see who was awake, buuut I guess no one else is, so, uh, I guess I'll go back to bed and relax for a while. Can you tell me when breakfast is ready?"

"Most certainly, you may go to your room of slumber, you must need the rest after yesterday's gruelling battle with the hive." She replied sweetly.

We're the best of friends
And we share our secrets
She knows everything that is on my mind
Lately something's changed
As I lie awake in my bed
A voice here inside my head
Softly says:

Robin went back to his room and lay awake in his bed for a while. Thinking about what he thought could never be.

'If I knew how she would react this would be way easier' he kept thinking.

'I don't know, would she laugh at me? Would she turn away? Would she feel the same? No she would never feel the same' The voices in his head were spinning, almost making him dizzy by thinking so much, eventually, he just dozed off.

Why don't you kiss her?
Why don't you tell her?
Why don't you let her see the feelings that you hide?
Cause she'll never know,
If you never show,
The way you feel inside

Oh, I'm so afraid
To make that first move
Just a touch and we could cross the line
Everytime she's near, I wanta never let her go

Confess to her what my heart knows
Hold her close.

He was dreaming about her, about holding her, kissing her. He wanted that so bad. So he decided that, finally, he would be brave enough to tell her, she may not feel the same, but it would be worth it to let her know. But it wouldn't be easy.

Why don't you kiss her?
Why don't you tell her?
Why don't you let her see the feelings that you hide?
Cause she'll never know,
If you never show,
The way you feel inside.

What would you say?
I wonder, would she just turn away?
Or would she promise me that she's here to stay
It hurts me to wait.
I keep asking myself:

He sighed, and woke up. Just as Beast Boy came in by the orders of Starfire to tell him that the breakfast was ready. He ran right out the door, spinning the little green changeling around 'til he fell flat on his butt. He ran past the hallway down the stairs and into the kitchen where she was standing, wide-eyed.

"Starfire, I don't know how you will take this but, well- I love you, I always have loved you!" He squeezed his eyes shut, but then squinted to see, and she looked ecstatic! And without warning he felt a soft warming sensation on his lips, to find that Starfire, indeed felt the same way.

Why don't you kiss her?
(Tell her you love her)
Why don't you tell her?
(Tell her you need her)
Why don't you let her see the feelings that you hide?
Cause she'll never know,
If you never show,
The way you feel inside.

Why don't you kiss her?