Kagome and Sangou are traveling assassins sent to kill Miroku and Inuyasha.

This is a story I thought of while I was on the can. I don't own any of these characters unless I decide I want to add some pizzazz. Enjoy!

A dark figure walked toward Sangou and Kagome. The figure was drenched head to toe from the rain outside.

"Are you Sangou and Kagome, the assassins?"the figure asked.

"Who wants to know?" Sangou inferred.

"My name is Niraku and I am in need of your assistance in the murder of two of my enemies and I have been told by many that you two are the best. I'm willing to pay you money. 10,000 to both of you for the death of each of my enemies." Niraku said.

"We'll need half upfront or else we won't do it." Kagome told him.

"That's good to hear, I like to se that you two girls get what you want. Here this is 5,000 dollars each, I trust you will get the job done." Niraku gave them each an envelope filled with money and then suddenly disappeared.

"Sangou I don't know if I trust this Niraku character something about him seems extremely suspicious." Kagome said looking at the spot that Niraku had been standing on.

I don't know Kagome but anyone who gives me 5000 dollars before I get the job done is going to get what they asked for." Sangou explained as she strapped her weapon onto her back.

"He left us some pictures of the people we are supposed to kill. One looks like a dog and the other one looks like a pervert. It says the dog boy's name is Inuyasha and the perv is Miroku. Where do you think these guys would be?" Kagome asked, looking at the picture."

"You say one looks like a pervert, I know exactly where to find him." Sangou said as a grin formed on her face. "We may have to get some disguises on our way to town."

A/N I decided to make a short chapter to see how everyone would reply so review and I'll update as soon as posible.