Shadows of Tomorrow

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Shadow sighed. He was trapped in a capsule, once again. He resented capsules. He couldn't remember much of anything. There had been the ARK falling, then everything else was a blur. He looked around from inside the capsule. There were bottles of stuff all over the place, papers all over a desk, a lamp over looking the papers, a worn out chair, and a metal door. The metal door slid open, and a short and plump man walked in. He was wearing a gray lab coat, with black pants. He had on oval glasses, which were ten times the size of his face. His face was smashed together like a pugs. He spoke no words, but just stared at Shadow. Shadow found this rather un-nerving and started moving about the capsule.

"What the heck are you going to do with me, human?" Shadow finnaly asked.

The man just stared, blinking so rarely, that it was hard to notice. After several minutes of observing the hedgehog, he finnaly walked over, and pressed his nose against the glass.

"That my friend, is a secret," he said in an idiotic voice. It sounded like a mouse, but was rather annoying. Shadow blinked. Did this human just call me his "friend"? he thought to himself. The man now walked out of the room.

"This is place, it's so... so," Shadow said, trying to find a word that fit it, which was hard. There were probably no word to describe this place.

The room was completly silent, making it even more uneasy. A few minutes later, the man returned, with some equipment under a blanket. He flipped a light switch on, causing the whole room to become brighter. Shadow strained his eyes, desperatly trying to figure out what the man was hiding.

"It's no use, you might as well just give up. You'll never be able to see what's under this blanket. That is, until I use it," the man said wickedly.

"What kind of human are you?" Shadow yelled.

"Ah, forgive me, friend. I have not told you my name. I am Dr. Albert" he said.

"Enough with the friend crud, you're not my friend. Humans disgust me," Shadow replied in a depressed voice.

"I wish to know your name, hedgehog."

"My name is Shadow, so leave me alone," Shadow stated, in the same voice as before. He hated it here, this room made him uneasy.

Shadow continued pacing back and forth through the capsule. Dr. Albert sat down at his desk, and was scribbiling on a piece of paper, when a phone rang. This surprised Shadow, as he had not heard a phone in quite some time.

"What is that primitive machine?" Shadow asked with question.

Dr. Albert was too busy talking on the "primitive machine" to note Shadow's question, so Shadow just listened.

"Muriel, I have work to do. I can't home now," Dr. Albert said. There was a long pause, then finnaly, Dr. Albert said into the phone, "Fine, honey, I'm leaving now."

"What was that? And who the heck is Muriel?" Shadow asked, still waiting for a reply.

Dr. Albert still didn't notice, and walked out the door, locking it on the way out. The room was completly dark again. Shadow walked to the edge of the capsule, and started ramming it with his shoulder. Slowly by slowly the glass was breaking.

After several minutes of ramming, the glass shattered, causing an alram to go off.

"Holy Crud! This guy is insane!" Shadow said as he smashed a camera into the wall. He hit it so hard that it went through several walls.

"Talk about an easy escape!" Shadow said as he ran out through the hole in the wall.