Title: Hotel Loveless
Author: Chakura
Pairing: WxD Warning: Shounen-ai and unbeta
Notes: I'M SORRY EVERYONE!! I know its been a long time...a very very long time...like 2 ys Oo! But i got crazy busy with school never mind that I ma working now and I still had that stupid writer's block!! I tried to make this chapter longer since you guys waited forever but its still kind of short TAT...I promise I would write more a update more! Thank you for all of you guys who kept reading and reviewing!! and now on to the ficcy!
Too bad Doumeki was unable to spend any more time pondering since the entire day was spent interviewing the staff and guests. In the end it was all pretty much useless.
"God, I'm tired!" Watanuki stated as he fell upon the bed in their room.
The entire day of questioning people and nothing to show for it. Nobody noticed anything, saw anything, or was willing to say anything. They were getting nowhere. It is unbelievable how not one person would notice anything strange or even something that was slightly out of the ordinary. Doumeki has a strong suspicion that it may be related to Tatsuha, though he didn't voice it to Watanuki. There is something strange with that guy, and it is not because he was worried about Tatsuha getting too close to Watanuki…okay if he was being truthful, it does have something to do with it, but that its besides the point. The point is that Tatsuha gives him a bad feeling and that is all Doumeki needs. If only he can make Watanuki see that.
"Hn." Doumeki was tired as well but he wasn't going to show Watanuki that.
"Think Tatsuha-kun is really behind it?" Watanuki questioned.
The only little tidbit of information that they received was that the odd event started up only a couple of months ago, six to be precise. In other words the strange events began when Tatsuha showed up. Doumeki felt oddly validate by that when he first heard it.
"I mean he seem like a really nice guy and plus I didn't get sick around him."
"What about the wings incident, you didn't get sick from that either." A incident where he was too slow and Watanuki got slashed in the arm by the razor blade. Something that Doumeki made sure would never happen again.
"True, but do you think it would be him though?"
"You know you could be a bit more helpful in this!"
Watanuki then launch into a tirade, listing all the faults of Doumeki and how much better it would have been if it was Himawari.
"For someone who claims to be tired , you sure have a lot of energy," Doumeki plug his ears awaiting for another blowout from Watanuki, which indeed looks to be approaching judging by the nice shade of red Watanuki was turning.
"Why you bast…," the rest of Watanuki's words were cut off as the black puff ball hopped onto his head. It opened its eyes and a beam of light shot out from the crystal on its forehead.
"Mokona has a message"
"Yooohooo, how's everything going boys?" Yuuko exclaim out with a drunken grin.
"Nowhere." Watanuki grouse, shooting an angry glare towards Doumeki.
"Maybe its because you have not been asking the right question." Yuuko cryptically reply.
"What is that supposed to mean!"
"You know everyday you have Mokona is a deduction of your paycheck. So you better solve this quick."
"Oh yeah bring me back some of the local beer! I heard that its delish."
"I am not getting you more alcohol you devil woman!"
"One more thing. Doumeki, I figure you would be better than that. Watanuki may be rubbing off of you."
Doumeki raised an eye brow at Yuuko's statement. Was that a warning of some kind? It doesn't really sound like one, but then again nothing Yuuko says ever sounds like what it means.
"What do you mean about that?!" Watanuki exclaimed, " He should be happy that I, the great Watanuki-sama is rubbing off on him. Maybe he could actually have show some emotions and act like a human!"
"Well goodbye boys. I will be waiting for that beer when you come back." Yuuko cackle as the beam disappear and Mokona closed its eye.
"Mokona wants cake! Yummy yummy cake!" Mokona announce as it bounce off Watanuki's head and on to the bed.
"Damn that Yuuko! All she ever thinks about is drinking!"
"Well at least we learned something." Doumeki pointed out.
"That we have not been asking the right questions."
Watanuki just stare at Doumeki with utter disbelief, "You are an idiot."
Before the conversation can go any further, there was a knock at the door.
"Room Service!" A highly familiar voice called out.
"Mokona going into stuff-animal mode." The black puff froze in mid hop and fell to the bed with a small plop. If Watanuki haven't seen Mokona stuff-animal mode in action, he would have thought it actually was a stuff animal and everything was just a horrible delusion. Yeah, stuff-animal mode is a great skill.
Watanuki look up at Doumeki with a confuse expression. "Did you order room service?"
"How can I? We just got back to our room." Doumeki open the door only to come face to face with…
"Hey sweetie! I thought you were never going to open up!" Hiromi smile cutely at Doumeki as she proceeded to push the cart into their room.
"Ummm, we did not ordered anything." Watanuki explain politely.
"Oh, its okay guys. Its on the house. The big boss asked me to bring it to you guys."
"Wow, Tatsuha-kun? That was nice of him."
"Yeah, he thought you guys might be kind of tired from running all over."
Hiromi left the cart and was about to exit the room, when she stopped and waited. She look expectantly at Doumeki.
"A tip."
Doumeki reached for his wallet.
"Nope not that."
"Then what…"
"A kiss!"
Watanuki eye widened at the bluntness of the girl's response. How can anybody be so forward.
"A kiss?"
"Yup. On the cheek!" Hiromi smiled sweetly while tilting her head.
To an untrained eye Doumeki's expression did not look like changed much, or at all; but to those who knows Doumeki well enough could see how flustered he is. Watanuki saw how Doumeki's eyes just widen a fraction, how his jaw just tighten, and the slight tensing of his body. If this situation wasn't so awkward, Watanuki would have taken this opportunity to make fun of the big jerk.
Doumeki did not know what to do. As many times as he has been confessed to, he never been in a situation like this. All the girls were shy and sweet, never this bold. He took a quick glance at Watanuki and saw how hard he is trying to suppress his laughter. Looking back at Hiromi, who did not look like she was planning on leaving without the kiss. So he did not any self respecting teenage boy would do. He walked into the bathroom and locked the door.
"Darn." Hiromi frown. This was not a reaction she was expecting.
Watanuki could not believe how rude Doumeki could be!
"I'm sorry about that Hiromi. Doumeki can be a bit of jerk at times, but he is a nice guy...sometimes" Watanuki apologize.
"Its okay! I don't mind." Hiromi smile, "how about you?"
"Pardon me?"
"A kiss."
"A kiss?"
"Yeah, since Doumeki-kun didn't give me one…" Hiromi pout and even added in some glistening tears.
Well Watanuki now regret laughing at Doumeki's situation. He does not know what to do. Running to the bathroom is ruled out since Doumeki choose that route, plus he was not a rude bastard like Doumeki to run out on the poor girl.
"Are you sure you want one from me since it looks like Doumeki is the one that you like?" Watanuki reason.
"Its okay, since its you I will accept one!"
Watanuki mentally cursed. That did not work. He look down at Hiromi and sigh. Slowly leaning down to the offered cheek, he was about to kiss her when…
"Hiromi! What are you doing here? Don't you have more food to deliver."
"Ah Boss! Sorry Watanuki-kun I guess I'll take a rain check on that." She blew a kiss at Watanuki before being dragged away by Tatsuha.
"Sorry about that," Tatsuha apologize.
"Its fine."
"Have a good night's rest."
"You too! Oh yeah thank you for the food Tatsuha-kun." Watanuki wave goodnight.
"What food?" Tatsuha question, but the door has already close and Watanuki began yelling at Doumeki to get out of the bathroom.
Umm yeah does Hiromi seem kinda trampy or is that me?? lol Anyway I apologize for the wait again! I promise I will update in a more reasonable time!! Please R&R! Love all of you who do! X3 you guys help push me through! 3