Quiet Lovers

Summary: Max wants to do anything to help Kai, especially after the ordeal with Zeo and Cereberus, and ends up making a deal with the slate haired boy. If he kept quiet about the phoenix liking him, he would call the blonde his lover, but what do you do when you love someone, and you can't tell anyone he loves you too?

Pairings: Max/Kai, one sided Ty/Max, Rei/Kenny

The slate haired boy had run off once again, he had gotten his red phoenix back only 5 minutes ago, but he didn't even stay long enough to talk to the other members of his team. Max had known this, so he headed home himself, listening to the head phones that were placed on his head, playing the song 'Going Crazy' by Plus One. It kinda reflected on how he felt about the one person he cared about enough that he would like to stay with him the rest of his life. You guessed it, he liked Kai, but he wasn't sure how would he was going to tell him, since he was fully aware of how cold the older boy was around other people. Maybe this was chance, Tyson and the others went off to have a little celebration party with Zeo, he could talk with the Ice phoenix while they were gone. He smiled to himself, and hurried along, hoping he would get to the dojo in time to catch up to the other boy.

I gave my life away

Now it's time to play

Gotta live by the choice I've made

The young turtle was running along the street that was beside the beach, humming to the song that was playing into his ears. Suddenly, the clash of a beyblade could be heard, making him take off his headphones, as he looked over by the water to see the one setting off the beyblade on a set of innocent cans was the slate haired teen. A grin appeared on his face, since he barely saw Kai practicing, and he looked so good doing it too. He made his way down the steps, turning his music off so he wouldn't announce his presence so quickly. He stood on the side of the beach, as he watched the other male have some time to himself. He smiled softly, sitting down on the soft sand.

The slated haired male watched his blade with careful eyes as it zoomed along the beach coast line, managing to avoid the water that kept coming towards the blade, and wash it up against the sand. It was running as smoothly as ever, now that he had gotten his bit beast back from the clutches of Cereberus. He had missed having the phoenix at his side while it was gone, though only person comforted him as it happening... the only person who had their bit beast taken as well...Max. The blonde was a little mysterious to him sometimes. He was usually hyper around everyone, but when he tried to help the crimson eyed male, he seemed... really sincere, the complete opposite of how he usuallly was. He raised his hand after a couple minutes, as Dranzer flew into his hand, the cool metal pressed against his palm.

This is what I choose

If I don't want to lose

And I need to let You make my move

As he went to pocket his blade, he heard a small applause being sent his way, making him freeze where he was. He turned his head to see... none other than the young American boy. He had a chibi smile on his face, his blue eyes seeming like bright sapphires as the light from the sun reflected into them continuously. Although he was the younger one, he seemed a lot older when it came to the experience in his cherub like eyes. The phoenix gave a small sigh, and turned to face the younger male, folding his arms.

"You were really good out there, Kai," The blonde walked forward, closing his eyes as he smiled, "I don't see you practice much, since you usualy walk off by yourself, so it was worth watching you."

"...Whatever." With that, the boy headed down the coast line.

The boy followed like a puppy, "It would be nice to practice with you, Kai, your a talented blader, and I would like to learn from the best."

"If you wanna learn from the best, then follow that damn Tyson around." Came the older male's response.

The blonde stopped for a second as he heard the phoenix say that to him. It really wasn't fair to either of them, since Kai had lost to the three headed beast and so did Max, but Tyson had won, but not without a struggle. A frown appeared on the blonde's lips, as his hands curled into a fist, one pressed against his chin. He reached a hand out, as if going to grab the Russian in front of him.

Cause You know better than I

Than I could ever and I don't want to try to

Ever do without You

The slate haired boy came to a stop when he felt something cling to his shirt. He turned his head to see the person doing that was the azure eyed boy, and by the look of his grip, he didn't want to let go, and no one was going to make him. His ocean orbs seemed a little saddened, as if someone had hurt him. The red eyes softened lightly, as Max looked up at him.

"I don't really care if Tyson is the one against Zeo while you weren't, your still a strong person, Kai, just because you lost one battle doesn't make you any weaker, I lost too, you know..."

"...Your used to losing, aren't you?" Kai said, a little more harsh than he wanted to let out.

Max didn't seem hurt by the comment, but since it came from the person he had a crush on, it felt like you had gotten a stab in the heart, and someone had twisted it in your chest. He looked at the ground, his grip on Kai still strong.

"Yeah, Kai, your right, I'm used to losing... but that's what helps me stand back up everytime, cause I have something to fight for... what about you? You don't lose all the time, but when you do, you almost fall apart...like you did when I found you after Zeo beat you..." The blonde sighed.

Yeah, that's a day no one could ever forget if you were there. Kai had run off by himself, and when the blonde had found him, he was curled up by a railing near the balcony that over looked the forest, slightly shivering, one, he was cold, second, he had lost Dranzer, and he wasn't sure what he could do without her. The blonde had given him a gentle hug, and told him he could understand how he felt, since he had lost Draciel to Team Psykic.

"Yeah, I know, Max..."

"Kai... I only want to help you... I know you probably don't want me to, but I want to do my best to make you feel better... and at least give you the comfort you deserve after all these years..."

The red eyes snapped into his direction, nearly causing the younger boy to jump back at the surprise of having the older boy look at him like that. He suddenly felt the boy's hands on his face, as the orbs of blood red were staring into bottomless pools of water.

"If that's what you want, then go ahead."

Before the blonde could respond, he found something that was a lot for his brain to absorb all at once. The slate haired boy was kissing him right on the lips. No fluffing way, if this was a dream, he didn't want to wake up.

A/N: That's the first chapter to this pretty story. I hope you like it, and I hope it gives you some pretty eye candy too. Read and Review please