Glamour Lust

Author: Dimitri Aidan

Rating: Pg-13, eventual R ish.

Fandom: Harry Potter

Pairings: It's going to be Draco/Ron and Harry/Blaise, Snape/Remus, and Dean/Seamus. Ginny/Neville, Hermione/Percy, and probably some other stuff when the mood strikes.

Warnings: Language, boys in makeup, boys with boys, sex type implications, homophobic attitudes/actions, and…I have no clue where this is going, so just keep an open mind. I make it up as I go along, you know?

Notes: Just indulging my mild glam boi fetish. I swear I write 50 to indulge myself, 25 to indulge you guys, and 25 because I can.

See, when I said I wasn't updating for the rest of the week I didn't mean that as 'I'm not writing for a week', so I'm totally allowed to go writing other stuff. (Isn't it pathetic I need to find loopholes in my own statements?)

Summery: There is something about boys in nail polish that catches Ron's attention and boys in makeup that turns him on. When Draco shows up in the common room he gets plenty of both.

Chapter One
We tasted, of a world I know

There is something about pretty boys that made Ron look twice. It's not that Ron's queer or anything like that, because he was not thank you very much. It's just…something he can't particularly help so much these days. He blamed post-Voldemort trauma and even had a really long and deep explanation to explain his fascination.

Everything had been so completely…ugly at the height of things that he couldn't help but appreciate beauty and…pretty things when he sees them. That's right, appreciation of beauty. That's a good thing, cultured or something. That's what Ron was, cultured.

Not queer. Not that he had any problem with people who were as it was common knowledge (among seventh year Gryffindor boys anyway) that Seamus and Dean had come back from summer break as more than just best friends and in all honesty Ron thought that was great.

Well, except that Dean was bigger than he was and could kick his ass and maybe would kick his ass if he ever looked at Seamus funny. He was scary protective that way. Ron didn't really get it, as he'd never seen anyone messing with Seamus before now but he supposed it was one of those things you had to be in the relationship to understand.

And he wasn't. And didn't want to be. Because he didn't like guys.

At least that's what he was telling himself when he walked into the Gryffindor Commons after Quidditch practice.

Winter had come early this year, completely bypassing autumn, and Harry had turned into goddamn Oliver Wood all of a sudden and was intent on making them practice until they drop. Ron kind of thought that his friend doesn't know what to do with himself now that Voldemort was gone and had decided to pour all of his energy into being the best Quidditch captain that he could be.

And by best he meant: The most harsh and anal-retentive captain ever in the history of the game. Ron had always known Harry was dangerously close to the edge but now he was beginning to think he'd actually taken a header over the edge.

This was insane.

Those thoughts were suddenly banished when he saw Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Seamus Finnigan sitting on the floor in front of the fire with bottles of emerald green and dark purple lacquer between them. Seamus was stretched out on his stomach, shiny lips pursed in as he blew over his nails. Blaise was leaning against one of the overstuffed chairs, flipping through a book, nails glinting black in the firelight. Draco was cross-legged and carefully drawing the brush from the green bottle over his nails.

Everyone else had, apparently, already gone up to their rooms, for lack of anything to do on what seemed like a pretty boring Saturday evening.

Unless you were on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, but Ron was about done thinking about what a total slave driver Harry is. Instead he found himself looking back and forth between Seamus and Draco, not sure what exactly was bothering him the most: That Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini was in his common room, that they was apparently playing nicely with Seamus, or the nail polish.

The light, but still noxious, smell of the polish was floating through the air and it reminded Ron faintly of when Ginny did her nails only…different. He sincerely doubted he'd ever been motivated to stare at Ginny, period, let alone like he was staring at these two right now.

He knew why he was staring though. Seamus, Blaise, and Draco were all very pretty, in vaguely different ways.

Seamus was a touch of the shorter side, but not nearly as short as Harry, and skinny. His skin was lightly tanned and Ron knew that the hair on his arms and legs was still bleached white from the summer. His hair, normally a sandy blond, also had patches of white threaded throughout and was longer than Ron remembered from the year before, constantly falling into sea-colored eyes. Very nice in a 'forbidden, even if he was gay he couldn't touch him because Dean would crush him', kind of way.

Blaise was the shortest of the three, maybe even shorter than Harry, with curly dark brown hair and skin so pale it was borderline translucent. It had always seemed like a stark contrast to Ron, who only knew about contrast because his sister had started taking art courses over the summer. His eyes were wide and a strange blue-violet color, framed by thick lashes. He actually almost looked like a girl sometimes, but not all of the time.

Draco was taller and lean, muscular in a way that reminded Ron faintly of his brother Bill. His features were still sharp, but Ron found he didn't really look ferrety anymore. He was pale, as if he never actually saw sunlight which Ron knew for a fact wasn't true, and his white blond hair was, at the moment, pulled back by scrap of fabric that, knowing what a pompous git Malfoy was, had probably cost more than Ron's robe had.

None the less, both were pretty and Ron often found himself, unconsciously, looking at the two of them for no definable reason other than…just because. He knew that they were friends, after a fashion, and hung out from time to time. Seamus still spent most of his time with Dean of course while Zabini and Malfoy kept to themselves mostly.

Malfoy wasn't exactly welcome among the Slytherins after his mother had defected to the side of light and stood openly opposed to the Dark Lord and his ideals, and from what Ron understood Blaise was Malfoy's cousin and thus subject to the same treatment.

But sometimes Ron caught glimpses of them together, heads bowed as they talked and laughed over something. He'd never actually seen either in the Gryffindor tower before though.

The sound of the portrait slamming made Malfoy jump, smearing polish over his finger with a curse, before turning and glaring. Stormy gray-blue eyes locked onto Ron for a moment and confusion seeped in, before they flashed to a point over his shoulder.

"What the hell is wrong with you Granger?"

Ron turned slightly and knew immediately that his brother had fucked something up. Again. Hermione looked furious, to say the very least of the matter, and Ron was willing to bet he was going to get the brunt of that anger any minute now.

Curse those damn good Weasley looks he and Percy shared. Tall, lanky, freckles, red hair… Sometimes it was painful to be that sexy.

"Ronald Weasley, I swear your brother is the most…infuriatingly frustrating…idiotic man I have ever had the displeasure of encountering!" She stamped her foot as if adding emphasis and Ron blinked, trying to maintain a straight face. Something about Percy could make Hermione very childish. The reverse was also true. "Sometimes I want so badly to strangle the life out of him! Why is he just so…so…god! He doesn't make any sense at all."

Ron wondered why this was his fault, or at least why he had to hear about it. He'd told her not to date him, he'd told him not to date her, he'd told them they'd drive each other stark raving mad but did they listen? Nope. Just got all starry eyed and happy and mushy and he'd pretty much given up on them after that.

But he'd tried. He was only one man and they were both very stubborn people, Percy by nature of being a Weasley and Hermione…just because.

"Granger I doubt Weasley wants to hear all the details of what you do with his brother." Malfoy said. Ron glanced back towards the fire to see Draco had cleaned off his hand and was now once again carefully painting his nails. "It's probably a little uncomfortable on his end; his best friend and his brother buggering and all."

Hermione looked startled for a moment, then thoughtful, and then went bright red. "I am not buggering anyone!" She looked like she might hex Malfoy for a moment then sighed. "Sorry Ron. Malfoy's right…not about the…well. Goodnight. I should write Percy back I guess."

"Uh. Night." He waved as she turned and headed up to the girl's dorms, apparently forgetting all about why she was so upset to begin with. Or at least deciding to work it out instead of taking it out on him for a change.

Wait. Had he just been 'rescued' by Malfoy? A moment's thought determined that he had indeed been rescued by his least favorite Slytherin git.

"Thanks Malfoy."

The blond started then looked up, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "Not a problem. Don't let it go to your head Weasel, I just didn't want Granger disturbing me."

Ron decided that he really didn't believe what Malfoy was saying in the least. Not with him blushing like that anyway. Still, he nodded then walked over and flopped onto the sofa seated in front of the fire. Malfoy watched him for a moment longer then returned his attention to his nails once again. Seamus' lips quirked into a slight smirk.

"So, where're Ginny, Dean, and Harry?"

"Harry's making them run extra drills." Ron's lips curved at the thought of the poor Gryffindor beaters out in the wet freezing snow while he was in here next to the fire.

"It's freezing; has Potter lost his mind?" This came from Blaise, an unusual outburst. He didn't speak much, at least not when Ron was around.

"Completely." Ron and Seamus both said without so much as a hesitation. Seamus smirked at him again then leaned over and put is hands on Ron's knees then arching an eyebrow as if asking a silent question. Ron blinked then looked down, taking in the purple polish. Now he noted that it had small silvery flecks in it, and was really a bit more on the red-purple side of things. Like a plum or something.

He decided, after a few more moments, that he liked it. He said as much, drawing a grin from Seamus. Once again he noted that the other teen's lips were really…shiny. And kind of slick looking. As if he could read Ron's thoughts the other Gryffindor smiled again.

"Lipgloss." Ron supposed that was supposed to explain something but Seamus' tongue darted out and went over his lips and he couldn't even remember what he'd been doing a second ago. "Cherry flavored, a personal favorite of mine."

"Uh hu." Ron's brain was on temporary hiatus and he could only pray Seamus wasn't looking for intelligent response. Apparently he wasn't because he moved away from Ron and headed back to his original spot. Only now did Ron notice the wooden chest that was off to Seamus' side.

The blond flipped it open and put the bottle of polish in before rummaging through the surprisingly neatly ordered contents. Of course Ron didn't know what most of the stuff in there was and he wasn't about to ask or anything like that.

He liked to look, but he wasn't interested in any of the stuff really. Just the way it looked on some people.

He was distracted from Seamus by Blaise who had crawled over and held out his hands, apparently looking for Ron's opinion as well. Since Ron was the obliging sort he took the other teen's hands in his own, more or less confident Blaise wasn't dating the only seventh year bigger than him and thus he wouldn't be thrashed for touching him. (And if Blaise was dating the aforementioned seventh year Dean had a lot of explaining to do.)

Again he saw he'd been off before. It wasn't black exactly, so much as a dark metallic gray with some kind of really glossy finish, which was probably why it had seemed to glint when he'd first noticed it. It was very different from the paleness of Blaise in general but seemed to fit with all of the black the other teen wore.

"I think," He said finally. "That it suits you."

Blaise's lips quirked. "Thanks Weasley. Draco seems to think it's too much dark."

Draco snorted as he tossed his bottle to Seamus. "Mum thinks you think you're some kind punk. You know how much she hates that stuff.'

"Only because Billy Idol broke her heart." Blaise argued, standing up and stretching some. Draco paused for a moment then nodded, apparently agreeing. He too stood up then looked down at Ron.

"What about it Weasel, do I get to hear your opinion as well."

"Only if you stop calling me Weasel."

Draco's smiled faintly then shrugged and crouched in front of him, offering his hands. Ron took them, hesitating a moment to make sure Draco wasn't going to fall over or something, then looked. It was green, a dark glittering green. Ron's first thought was of Harry's eyes but he quickly dismissed that. This wasn't Potter green, this was…Slytherin green. Deep, royal, cold, and never seen in nature because it simply couldn't exist in real life. Very Slytherin.

He looked back up, prepared to tell Malfoy just that when he noticed something new. Blue-gray eyes were rimmed in black and silver and staring up him with unguarded interest. The black went around the eye, giving them an almost…exotic look, while silver dusted over the lid, catching the dancing light of the fire and glinting.

Malfoy's eyes reflected surprise, as if he hadn't expected Ron to look up just yet, and something…else. Color was rising to pale cheeks and Malfoy's tongue peeked out to run over his lips. Ron's eyes flickered down under no command of his own, and watched.

He was suddenly stricken by the very powerful urge to find out if Malfoy used the same cherry flavored stuff as Seamus. Ron kind of liked cherries. It took a second for that to process as the urge to kiss the blond and by the time he was fully aware of that he was already doing it.

Malfoy's lips were slick against his own, but firm and nice and very much kissing back. Draco's hands slipped from his own and came to rest on his knees while Ron's somehow ended on Draco's shoulders.

Something slammed behind him and Malfoy jumped back almost as fast as he did. Seamus and Blaise were standing nearby, both wearing expressions of mixed amusement and annoyance. A second later Dean, Harry, and Ginny trooped in, all looking tired and damp.

Seamus sighed then walked over to Dean and tugged him towards the fireplace. Ginny grunted what sounded faintly like goodnight and trooped up the stairs without even really acknowledging anyone. Harry just walked over to the steps and sat down.

Dean rubbed his eyes, visibly fighting back a yawn, then smiled faintly. "Right. You two ready to head back to the dungeons?"

Blaise nodded and Draco just blinked from where he was sitting on the floor, cheeks flushed and eyes a little unfocused. A little voice in Ron's head persisted in screaming, over and over, that he'd just kissed Draco Malfoy. It was annoying and Ron really wanted it to shut up.

That and he wanted to know why Dean cared if they were ready to go back to the dungeons, but he was willing to let that slide in favor of the annoying little voice no longer screeching at him. It sounded like that howler his mother had sent his second year only…worse.

Draco eventually found his way to his feet and, studiously not looking at Ron, trailed Blaise and Seamus out of the common room. Dean lingered a moment, staring at him very intently. Then, finally:

"I didn't know you wore lipgloss."

Ron was pretty sure he must have been as red as his hair as he reached up to wipe at his lips and explain…something at the same time. Dean chuckled before jogging after his boyfriend and his friends. Ron sighed, temporarily ignoring Harry, and closed his eyes.

That…had been strange. A very strange fluke that would never ever happen again because…well, it wouldn't and that was that. He wasn't gay and even if he was he certainly wouldn't have any interest in Draco Malfoy, world-class prat and all around miserable asshole.


He pushed himself up, ready to collect Harry and drag him up to the dorm room since it didn't look like Harry would be moving of his own will anytime soon, and licked his lips.

Then paused. Apples. As much as he liked cherries he liked apples that much more.