Thanks again reviewers!

Okay so here is the long awaited 4th chapter, sorry it took me so long, I was really busy.



Raven had been walking on the trail for about half an hour.

"Ahhh...fresh much I missed it..." Raven said aloud, as she breathed in deeply.

Then suddenly, something or someone slimy came slamming hard against her.

It was so unexpected she fell and hit the ground.

She turned and looked, Plasma..., she hadn't seen him for about 7 years...and now he chooses to appear just when she is having such a great time, and now he is going to pay for it, she thought angrily.

She got up and started chanting as she levitated in the air, "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" a black aura shot out of her hand and hit plasma stomach, leaving a hole there, and causing him to stumble back.

But Plasma recovered instantly and just when he was about to take her down, a gas ball came out of nowhere and exploded in front of Plasma.

Raven started coughing but managed to shield herself from the gas.

When the gas started to clear, she saw the human form of Plasma, sleeping peacefully on the ground.

Then she realize that the gas ball contained sleeping gas, but only one person would carry this kind of stuff around...her eyes widened at that thought. No, it couldn't be!

She did not dare to look; afraid of who she might see.

"Are you okay, miss?" came the voice she dreaded so much.

Instead of replying she turned into the shadow of a black bird and vanished in a puff of purple smoke.

Raven! What is she doing here? Barbara thought.

Nightwing had told her never to mention his past friends, ever, to him, when they first met. He had told her everything and even about how much he loved Raven, but now he had forgotten his past and now they are going out. She wasn't stupid enough to tell him anything, for she would never let Raven take him...again...she loved him too much...

I'll pretend I don't know her, she thought.

Where have I seen that black shadow before? He thought, frustrated. Where have I seen her before? At that thought, his frustration was overcome by a feeling he had not felt for a very long time, love....Why was he feeling this way about a complete stranger and not to Barbs, who had been his girlfriend for 4 years? He frowned. Deep inside he felt a strong sense of recognition. But even deeper inside, they know she wasn't just some stranger. The memories of Raven were calling out, trying to break free of the cage that had held them in for so long, too long.

If he had thought for just about a few seconds more, the memories of Raven could have broke free but..."Richie! Snap out of it!" Barbara whined, and shaking him at the same time. His trails of thoughts vanish, sending the memories back to where it came from and sending him back into reality.

"What happened?" Barbara asked, once she got his attention.

"I don't know..." he admitted.

"You know what, let's ditch this trail and go get some ice-cream." Barbara said after a long pause, not wanting him to think about anything as she knew that somehow he recognized Raven.

"Sure..." he said. Should I have followed her? But you can't teleport....a voice in his head told him, as-a-matter-of-factly.

Oh my God! What the hell was I thinking? How could I have went on a trail? Out in the open in the morning? What if he had saw me? Raven thought worriedly, pacing, once again, on her bedroom floor.

He would have taken you down, that's what he will do, didn't you feel the hatred in him in your last encounter? A voice inside her head spoke out.

"He has hatred! If he hadn't left there wouldn't be any hatred to feel! And even if there is, it is us that he betrayed; it is us that should have that hatred!" She said aloud, angrily.

This is life, girl, accept it, what can you do? Go up to him and say "you are not allowed to feel any hatred", get a life, the voice said.

"I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll beat him up so bad and then grab him by the neck, then I'll say he isn't allowed feel any hatred." Raven retorted.

You cannot be serious, that is by far the lamest plan I have ever heard...from you...that is, I am, after all, part of cannot be serious, even if you do succeed in beating the life out of him, the world are the dumbest words on Azarath, lame, lame, lame, the voice chanted.

"Why is that lame, Miss I-know-everything-under-the-sun?" Raven said, annoyed.

Okay, chill with the temper, all I'm saying is, everyone have some hatred even the most pure of innocent. Hatred is a part and parcel of life. It's there from the moment you are born to the minute you die. Hatred is hate; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action. Hate is-

"Okay I know what hatred is, I do not need a definition." Raven cut in.

Raven sighed and sat down on the armchair.

How hard can it be to think of a bunch of words to throw at Robin, except, it wouldn't be of hatred, it would be of Love...

"Are you sure you are alright?" Barbs asked concerned, as they walked in silence towards the ice-cream stall, trying to get him to stop thinking, she doesn't want him to remember, because when he does, he'll dump her and go back to that good for nothing witch...

"Yes, I'm fine." Robin replied plainly,

"But you seem so...distracted...after your encounter with Plasma, but you won, you should be happy, you know..." Barbs said worriedly, trying to catch robin's eyes.

But he shield away.

"I need to be alone." Richard told Barbs nicely.

"Are you sure?" Barbara asked. Oh no! Now he'll have so much time to think, he'll bound to remember! She thought frantically, trying to come out with an excuse.

"Yes!" He said angrily and walked away.

He hated it when he could not figure things out and hated it even more when somebody keeps disturbing him while he is trying to think. But after a while, he felt bad about talking to Barbs that way, she is after all trying to help...

The longer he thought about 'the stranger', the nearer he was to discovering the truth.

Okay that's it for now I gotta go,

Hope you like it.

pls lps review
