
Chapter 02: The First Night And A New Friend

Toji walked back in the room, towards Momo, and sat down on the chair next to the bed.

"What is it?" Momo asked.

"Uhh…Momo..err..Amanda…" Toji started, feeling embarrassed a little, "Your Mother and Father want me to stay here with you for the night. I already call my Mom and Dad, and they said it was alright too" Toji said, scratching the back of his head, and looking embarrassed.

Momo took in the situation for a few minutes, while Toji just sat there, embarrassed.

"I don't know what to say" Momo said, "I just…think that its weird"

"Yeah…" Toji said, 'Man, this is going to be hard. I can't control these feelings that I have for her.' Toji thought, feeling awkward, and watching the blonde beauty look out the window at the people outside, 5 stories down.

'This is going to be hard…' Toji thought again, closing his eyes, imagining anything.

Now The Conclusion:

(A/N Well now! Sorry for not updating, but anyways. What will Toji do now? Read on to find out…)

It was two hours later and Toji was in the cafeteria getting some stuff to take up to the room.

"That'll be $5.20 sir," The lady behind the counter said.

Toji fished out some money and paid and walked upstairs slowly. He didn't want to take the elevator. It would have been easier than walking, but he would have to see her again too soon.

Toji's heart was feeling some very strange emotions. The girl he had liked for a long time. Her room was on the 5th floor, and Toji had just come to the second floor, because the cafeteria was in the basement of the hospital.

He sat down on the steps between the 2nd and 3rd floor. He looked up and saw the flights above himself and sighed. How was he going to do this? The chair was a pull out bed, but it was right next to her hospital bed. Toji knew that once she was asleep, he would stare at her, sleeping.

"Why does she think she is someone else?" Toji though out loud, as it echoed very faintly.

Toji looked down, "and why can't she remember me? Or at the FairGrounds?…" Toji pondered this thought for a minute.

Toji picked up his tray and walked up another flight of steps, the stopped and decided to eat right there, in a boring stairway.

Toji was finished and started to walk down the stairs, back to the cafeteria and put his tray in the bin and turned around.


Toji bumped into a short black haired girl. She looked about his name.

"Oh!" Toji said, "I'm so sorry…I wasn't watching where I was going, I'm sorry…"

"That's okay…" The Girl said, "I'm okay, and plus, I'm just going through here to get a drink and go back up to my room on the 5th floor.

"Oh…" Toji said, thinking of the fact that it was n the same floor.

"I'll be in here for a while" The Girl said, walking into the cafeteria and waving goodbye, "In the hospital I mean" The Girl giggled and said, "Goodbye for now"

"Bye…" Toji said, waving back and turning around to see the stairs and the elevator.

"Which one…" Toji thought for a minute, "Stairs…"

He walked slowly up the stairs. Thinking.

"What should I do?" Toji said to himself, "I mean, it's not like, anything's going to happen…She can't even remember whom she really is. Maybe I can start to like the new way she is…Her personality seemed to be the same, except a little…"

Toji tripped and fell down 15 concrete steps.

"Oww…" Toji mumbled, "I might need to go to the hospital…"

Toji sat up and laughed at himself, "I'm already in the hospital! HaHaHa"

Toji stood up and walked back up the stairs, "I need to pay more attention to what I'm physically doing, and not all mentally" Toji chuckled to himself.

He walked up to the 5th floor and slowly opened the door and looked down the hallway. There was no one around, so Toji tip-toed to Momo's (Amanda's) room.

He quietly opened the door, and saw that her eyes were closed. He shut the door quietly and silently walked up to the side of the hospital bed and looked at her.

"She's so beautiful…" Toji said, not knowing what he said, but looking at Momo.

The sound of the sentence seemed to echo in the room. The presence of the words, and the impact that they can have on someone, put tension in the air; but not like tense tension. Just like relaxed tension. You'd get a feeling like everything made sense. One of them feelings…

Toji gently sat beside her and looked at her face, closer.

"Beautiful…" Toji whispered, getting closer to Momo's face.

Toji could feel her breath. Slow and calm. He gently touched her cheek with his hand. Toji looked at her and gently kept his hand on her cheek. Her skin was as soft as a tissue.

Toji loved her when she was sleeping. Most people don't think anything about it, but when someone is sleeping, they are calm. They're not going to lash out at you, unless you wake them up.

Toji sat there like that for a while, then he got up and walked over to his chair-bed, and sat down, just looking at Momo.

"I still love you…Momo" Toji said, watching her and falling eventually falling asleep.

Toji woke up to a bright sun. He sat up and noticed that Momo was still sleeping. Toji looked at her for a couple of minutes. He decided to go to the bathroom and change, before she woke up, and to go to the bathroom, then to the cafeteria.

Toji changed and got his shoes on, which were by his chair-bed. He looked over at the peacefully sleeping Momo and walked towards the door when he heard Momo say something. It was very faint, but Toji heard it, and he walked over and sat beside her, to see if she said anything else.

"Hey! This is fun!" Momo mumbled.

Toji knew this sounded familiar and he listened closely.

"He's so perfect…" Momo mumbled, "Toji…"

Toji blushed, a bright right, "No one has said my name when they were sleeping that I heard or know of…" Toji said, quietly.

"No…help me, someone…" Momo said.

"This must be where she flew off at…" Toji said, feeling saddened.

"Toji…please" Momo mumbled.

Toji remembered what had happened…

"Toji, I…love you…" Momo mumbled, a little louder.

Toji stood up, almost in tears. He went to turn around and walk to the door…

"Toji?" Momo asked, just waking up.

Toji turned around, "Yeah?" He asked.

Momo noticed Toji's eyes, "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing…" Toji said, turning back around.

"Toji…" Momo said, "I had this dream…"

Toji wiped his eyes and turned around, walking to sit next to Momo.

"It was at this Fair place. I was on this one ride. There was you and two other people watching me…" Momo started.

Toji knew what she was talking about…

"I had said some stuff there. Then someone messed it up…" Momo said.

"I was spinning in circles, and then I…" Momo said, tears in her eyes.

Toji saw this and sat on the hospital bed and held her, while she finished…

"I went flying off, and I hit the ground, real hard…" Momo said, letting the tears out, "and I was so scared…I just wanted to be near you…"

Toji was going crazy. He remembered everything, just as she had explained it…

"I said I loved you, in the dream, but I don't remember it…Why can't I remember it?" Momo asked.

"It's okay…" Toji said, holding her as tight as he could.

"Then I blacked out and woke up here…" Momo finished, pulling away a little bit from Toji.

"Momo…" Toji started, "It's okay…"

Momo knew that that was her real name, but she didn't respond to it as well as her other name.

"I'll get the nurse…" Toji said, standing up, slowly.

"Okay…" Momo said, looking out the window.

"I'll be right back though. I'm going to the cafeteria real quick," Toji said, pushing the nurse button.

"Okay…I'll be here…" Momo said, looking out the window.

"Okay, be right back…" Toji said, leaving the room.

Momo just looked out the window at the people below, in the little town, walking about and doing their own things. Momo sighed.


Toji walked down the hallway and opened the door to the stairs, when he heard someone coming up from behind him.

Toji just kept on going down the stairs, until he got to the 2nd floor and stopped for a minute.

'I wonder where that girl is…' Toji thought.

Toji went down to the first floor when someone tapped him on the shoulder. Toji turned around and saw the girl.

"Oh, hey" Toji said, looking at the girl, "What's up?"

"Nothing…" She said, "I was coming behind you down the steps, but I decided to get in the elevator and go the 1st floor instead" She said, walking down the last flight of stairs with him.

"Oh, sounds fun…" Toji said, walking into the cafeteria with the girl, and grabbing a pop and paying for it.

"Yeah…I got to be down here for a while, helping my one friend, or I would walk back up with you. Are you with someone on the 5th floor?" She asked.

"Yeah…" Toji asked, "Why?"

"Well, because I seen you go into a room up there" She said, walking him to the cafeteria doorway.

"Yeah, I'm with a friend, she got hurt real bad, and I got to go back up there now…" Toji said, looking at the girl.

"Okay, by the way, what's your name?" She asked.

"Just call me Toji" Toji said, smiling a little.

"Ohh, okay, by the way mine's Sae…"

DUM! DUM! DUM! I know that they don't meet until high school in the series, where it starts out, but I wanted them to meet a little earlier. MUBAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, but I updated! YaY! Go me! HaHaHa What's going to happen with the drama started earlier? HeHeHe Well, This is for you guys. Please review for me! Thanks all!

Amanda :)