
Chapter 1: The Hospital

This is an excerpt from the story, "Momo's Secret" This is a flashback in that story, but in this, it is in current time

"Hey! This is fun!" Momo yelled over to Toji, who was standing with her two other friends, watching her on the ride.

Momo, Toji, and her other two friends had come to the amusement park together, and Momo couldn't wait until she got to go on the two-person farris wheel with Toji.

'He's so perfect, hehehe' Momo giggled.

Suddenly, a person dressed in a black mask and clothes, destroyed the controls, where the guy was watching everyone go in circles around and around.

The ride started to malfunction and the restraints, holding the people in, opened, and the people started falling out and some were hanging on to the handles so they wouldn't fall.

"Momo!" Toji and the others yelled, watching people fall and getting hurt.

"Help Me!" Momo yelled, loosing grip with one hand.

"Momo! Hold on!" Kako said.

"I am!" Momo said, as she continued to go in circles.

Gravity was getting the best of Momo, and her handling was loosing.

People were gathering around how the ride had malfunctioned. Three guys were trying to stop the ride, but the controls were broken. One ran to try and turn off the power.

"Momo!" Toji yelled, running to the other side of the ride.

"Toji!" Momo yelled, loosing her grip completely, flying off into the air.

"Ahhh!" Momo prepared to hit the ground with full-force, 'Please, let me be okay!' She thought.


"Momo" Someone said.

Momo opened her eyes to see several people looking down at her. Momo couldn't move, she had lost her strength, holding on.

"Toji…" Momo said.

Toji was pushing his way through the crowd of people, "Momo!"

Toji reached Momo and saw that she had several cuts and scraps. He fell down beside her and put her head in his hands and just watched as she spoke quietly.

"Toji…please" Momo began.

"Momo, don't talk, save your strength. The ambulance will be here soon…" Toji said, watching someone he loved so much, loosing strength.

"Toji, I…love you" Momo mumbled out, eyes almost closed.

"Momo! I love you too!" Toji said, hugging her tightly.

"I…I…" Momo started, but fell unconscious.

"MOMO!" Toji screamed, watching her hand fall and hit the ground.

Sirens were heard in the background, as their two friends tried to get through the growing crowd.

This is the End of the FlashBack, but here's what happened in the Ambulance, on the way to the hospital: Toji's POV

After Momo passed out

In the Ambulance:

"Young Mr., How old is this young girl?" The paramedic asked.

"She's 14, just turned." Toji said, clasping his hands together, and putting his elbows on his knees, looking down, a tear coming out of his eye.

Toji was 14 1/2 at the time. He had gone to Momo's birthday party. He thought back on the event.

"Do you know her parents" The paramedic asked.

"Huh? Ohh…" Toji said, "Yeah, here's their number" Toji said, pulling out his wallet, and finding Momo's number and handing it to the paramedic.

Toji just looked down at Momo. All bandaged up, with an oxygen mask on. The paramedic had put a neck cast and other casts on her.

"She looks in terrible condition" Toji mumbled.

"Sorry, what did you say?" The Paramedic asked.

"Nothing", Toji said.

The Ambulance got to the hospital and they took Momo in, and Toji was told to wait in the waiting room, while the doctors looked over her condition.

Now the Conclusion

Toji waited in the waiting room, mostly thinking how all this was his fault.

"I shouldn't have invited Momo to come, I shouldn't have let her go on there alone. Poor Momo, I want to help her" Toji said to himself.

Toji's Mind

"Toji, I…love you" Momo mumbled out, eyes almost closed.

"Momo! I love you too!" Toji said, hugging her tightly.

"I…I…" Momo started, but fell unconscious.

"MOMO!" Toji screamed, watching her hand fall and hit the ground.

Real World

'I wonder if she'll remember any of that?' Toji thought.

He chuckled to himself. Toji had liked Momo since he met her. She was always so bright and cheery. So happy, and respectful. Toji liked her because she was not only pretty, had a nice personality, but also because he had learned so much about her. It was like there was a magical light around her.

A doctor came out and said, "Anybody here for Momo Adachi?" He looked around.

Toji stood up, "That's me!" He said.

Toji walked into the room, to see Momo lying there, unconscious. He walked up to her and held her hand.

"Can I talk to her?" Toji asked.

"She won't hear you" The Doctor said.

"Ohh…" Toji said, looking at Momo.

The Doctor left and Toji sat down next to Momo, and looked at her condition. She had IV's in her arms, and Toji just closed his eyes.

"Momo…" He started, "I love you with all my heart…and I heard you say you love me, but until you get better, I won't do anything in or with a relationship with you" Toji said, looking down and closing his eyes.

Suddenly Momo's hand yanked away real fast, and he looked up at her.

"Who are you!" She fumbled out, "What, What were you doing holding my hand?" She blushed.

"Momo…" Toji started.

"Who's Momo?" She asked.

Toji was baffled, "What do mean, "Who's Momo?" You're Momo"

"What? I'm not Momo", she said, "My name is Amanda"

(A/N I know its weird, but I couldn't think of any other name for her, so I just used mine. When she speaks, it'll say Momo said, but remember, she thinks she's Amanda.)

"A-mand-a?" Toji tried to pronounce, "Why do you think you're Amand-a?"

"What?" Momo said, "I am Amanda, and why do you think I'm someone called Momo?" She finished, looking around seeing no one else.

"Momo—Amanda, you were in an accident!" Toji said, "You must have lost your memory, when you fell off the ride at the Fair" Toji said, deep in thought.

"Who are you?" Momo asked, nervous.

"I'm Toji, your friend", He said, standing up.

"Ge-Get Away from me!" Momo said, getting very nervous.

"Momo I won't hurt you…" Toji said in a soft voice, reaching a hand out to her, and looking at her softly.

"Get AWAY!" Momo screamed, "I'm Not Momo! I'm Amanda!"

"Amanda, I won't hurt you, trust me" Toji said, backing away a little.

"I can't trust you! I don't even know you" She said.

"Momo you should trust me. You know me. We are friends" Toji said.

"Are we, really?" Momo said, a little more nervous.

"Yes…" He looked at her in the eyes, with his soft eyes, "We are more than that. I love you, and you said you loved me"

"What!" Momo blushed as red as a tomato, no redder.

'This boy loves me?' She thought, 'I don't even know him!' Momo continued to think.

"Momo?" Toji started then quickly changed, "Amanda?"

"What?" She said, looking up at him.

"Do you love me?" Toji said, looking down at her.

"Uhhh…I guess?" Momo said.

Toji walked up to her and hugged her, and Momo just felt very weird.

"Amanda…I want you to" Toji started but was interrupted.

"MOMO!" Her parents yelled, rushing in the room, and saw a boy hugging on her.

"YOUNG MAN!" Her dad said, boldly, "Get Away from my daughter!"

"Dad" Momo said, "It's okay, I know him…sorta"

"Hey", Toji said, "You know them?"

"Yes, of course, they are my mother and father" She said.

"But, you lost your memory?" Toji said.

"Huh?" Momo said, "I'm Amanda, and they are my parents, and I know Kako, and everyone at school, but I don't really remember you. Not at all actually" She continued.

"What? You can remember everyone but me?" Toji said, saddened.

"I guess?" Momo said, "I got to an all-girls school, so I don't know any boys that go there" She finished.

Momo's parents were confused and her Dad went to find the Doctor, and her Mom walked up to her.

"Are you okay hunny?" She said, softly, "Are you sure you know who I am?

"Yes, mother" She said, feeling weird that everyone thought she didn't know anybody, "I know you. You're my mom. Why wouldn't I know you?"

"Umm…what's your name" Momo's mom asked towards Toji.

"I'm Toji, nice to meet you" Toji said, shaking her hand, politely.

"Come with me" she said.

Toji and Momo's Mom walked out into the hallway, while Momo(Amanda) just sat there, confused.

5 minute later

Toji walked back in the room, towards Momo, and sat down on the chair next to the bed.

"What is it?" Momo asked.

"Uhh…Momo..err..Amanda…" Toji started, feeling embarrassed a little, "Your Mother and Father want me to stay here with you for the night. I already call my Mom and Dad, and they said it was alright too" Toji said, scratching the back of his head, and looking embarrassed.

Momo took in the situation for a few minutes, while Toji just sat there, embarrassed.

"I don't know what to say" Momo said, "I just…think that its weird"

"Yeah…" Toji said, 'Man, this is going to be hard. I can't control these feelings that I have for her.' Toji thought, feeling awkward, and watching the blonde beauty look out the window at the people outside, 5 stories down.

'This is going to be hard…' Toji thought again, closing his eyes, imagining anything.

How's that people? For this story? I know its kinda long, but its good to me. Okay, some people might think that this leads to Momo's Secret, but it doesn't. Its like it goes into a different reality, where every choice, can lead two ways. This is one way it could have turned out like, from the Fair accident. This story is how Momo is trying to recover from everything.

Amanda :)