I'm not sure about the title, but oh well. I might change it later. Who knows.

Ok here is a new story. I'm in the same boat with 'rhettrocksmyworld', I have so many stories floating around in my head and I want to share them, but I promise update my other stories faithfully. I'm going to try to be more to the point with this story instead of prolonging it so as I have my other two.

Oh yeah I didn't really explain in summary, but some of ya'll might know where I'm going with this. Ok let me explain my thoughts a little bit. Scarlett agrees to Rhett's offer at the jail and she leaves with the money, but in the next couple chapters you will find out the unpredictable surprise that Scarlett …and Rhett (I didn't tell you that) lol … will be faced with. Don't worry, I will update really soon so the story will start to take off.

Disclaimer-I do not own or claim to own any GWTW characters.

Scarlett sat on the train bound for Jonesboro in a daze. She had stared out the window of the train ever since it left the station in Atlanta. She almost felt as if she was having an out of body experience.

"What she had done in Atlanta with Rhett was just utterly shameful." She thought to herself, feeling regret and embarrassment. "Why mother would roll over in her grave if she knew…what…and where." Scarlett was too mortified to even finish her thought. "But it was for Tara. It was all for Tara."

She did it for Pa, and her mother, Suellen, Carreen, Wade, Melly, everyone at Tara. "Still it was shameful, and she would simply die if anyone found out what went on in the Yankee jail in Atlanta."The thought; brought a light pink flush color to her cheeks.

"This was a sin. A mortal sin by the Catholic Church. It would disgrace her whole family line. Not to mention, she would go to Hell." Fear struck through her body and her eyes scanned about the compartment. "What would she do? She had been raised better than this, her mother, her poor mother. What would she say?" Scarlett thought; bring hot tears to her eyes.

The train came to a stop and Scarlett wiped her eyes and sniffed a couple times and took a few deep breaths to get rid of the red blotches that were now on her face. She collected her skirts and walked to the exit of the train. She waited a moment for Mammy, who had to ride on the other train car. Scarlett desperately hoped Mammy wouldn't notice she had been crying. Although, that was the first thing Mammy pointed out.

"Whatz dee mattera with ma lamb?" Mammy said, touching her large hand to Scarlett's face.

"Oh, I'm fine Mammy. Really, I am." Scarlett said, not very convincingly.

"Naw, I's know when somping is dee mattera with ya honey. Don'tcha be tellin' me no stories." Mammy snapped back.

Scarlett almost debated whether or not to tell Mammy what was troubling her, until she saw Will coming up to greet her and collect the luggage.

"Will." Scarlett waved to get his attention threw the large crowd.

"Ahh, Scarlett, there you are. I thought I might not find you in this mob." He jeered, smiling his half smile.

Scarlett smiled and forced a laugh, although she didn't seem to feel like laughing.

"Well, let me go get the bags and then we'll be on our way." With that he disappeared in the crowd.

Scarlett and Mammy walked over to the wagon and climbed in. Scarlett seated herself in the front seat with Will and Mammy sat in the back. Scarlett sat silent for a minute and then something caught her eye as soon as Will walked up to the wagon. He placed the bags gently in the back and began to get in the carriage himself.

"So, How was your trip Scarlett?" Will asked as he urged the horses on. Scarlett didn't seem to even hear his question. She was too involved in her own thoughts.

Suddenly she stood up in the wagon. "Wait Will, stop!"

Will pulled the horses to a quick stop. "What Scarlett, what is it?" Will asked, looking about trying to find what was the cause of their stopping.

Scarlett climbed out of the wagon quickly before Will could help her. "Wait right here for me Will. I will be right back." Scarlett said, dashing across the busy street to a small Catholic church.

Sometime later Scarlett returned with a large smile on her face. She glided up into the wagon and her smile stayed planted on her face. Will and Mammy were both confused, but both knew better than to question her about it. They both would much rather have her smiling then ranting and raving. So Will clicked the horses on.

Scarlett though, was basking in happiness. She had found the answer to all her problems, or so she thought. She had gone to see the priest, and asked for forgiveness. Now no one had anything on her. Not Rhett, not the nasty carpet baggers, not even God himself. Her sin was gone, and it would not be mentioned again. She would probably never see Rhett again anyway and even if she did, they had a deal. There would be no reason to mention their…err…meeting in the jail. He had given her plenty of money to keep Tara so there would be completely no reason for her to see him again.

"Oh yes, the money." She remembered.

"Will!" Scarlett said excitedly.

Will looked over to Scarlett surprised in her new found mood.

"I almost forgot to tell you! I got the money. The money to pay the taxes on Tara." She beamed proudly

"Oh Scarlett, you didn't. Are you serious?"

"Will Benteen, you know I wouldn't tease about such a thing. Of course I'm being serious. I got it, and extra. We will be set for a long time." She smiled.

"How much Scarlett?" Will asked, matching her excitement.

"Enough.' She simply stated holding up a wad of money.

"Scarlett." Will gasped. "How…how much?" He stammered

"Scarlett smiled, "Lets just say we're high in cotton." She had counted the money several times on the train and it came to an even one thousand dollars. She would have money to pay the taxes and fix Tara up close to how it was before the War and then still have extra.

"Oh Scarlett, that's wonderful.' Will smiled.

Scarlett had almost forgotten how Will had become so attached to Tara, almost as if he had been raised there himself. Almost as if it was in his blood to love it.

"Where in the world did you get all that money?" Will uttered the dreaded question Scarlett had been purposely avoiding.

"I…umm…Oh Will that doesn't matter does it? I mean we have the money and that's what really matters, right?" Scarlett said firmly.

Will looked at Scarlett a moment and then seemed satisfied with what she said and nodded in agreement. Although, Mammy seemed suspicious of the whole matter.

Scarlett smiled as she saw Tara just up ahead. Her Tara, and it would always be her Tara.

Ok tell me what you think so far. I know it might be boring right now, but I'll spice it up in the next chapter. Promise. Please review though