She lost it, she couldn't handle it. The creator of MM had to write a Winry/Ed fanfic because is full of FMA yaoi fanfics and she was sick of seeing them. So she sat, though, plots, and wrote a fanfic. Aren't you all proud of her? Yeah…no one cares. XD Anyway decide to play around with Winry/Ed just a TINY bit, because I love been evil. Bite me, First FMA fanfic, say something offensive and get your ass kicked. Reviews are nice but not flamers so um...on with the fic! (POINT OUT, English isn't my native tongue but I try my best to make the least possible amount of grammar errors as I can.)

Story: Ever wonder what would happen if Winry Rockbell and Edward Elric suddenly had a small accident and would have to stand each other literally for a week? Read and Find out!

Disclaimer: FMA doesn't belong to me, if it did; I would do such horrible things to eddo for been such a brick. XD But I still love him very much.

"Cloudy days"
By: Nyago

Morning may begin to bloom as the sun rose to shrine its way through the earth. The birds were signing and the children were busy playing outside as their parental unit watch them carefully and they continue to work their playful ways. Out of the many small houses that were around, one particular house stood perfectly silence until its owners awoken from their sleep. Yawing and stretching, one of its owners walked outside its lawn for a good morning breeze. She lids her cigar and inhales its smoke inside her mouth before take a quick minute to exit its toxics from her noise.

"What a lovely day…" She said calmly, as she watched her neighbor passed her house, she waived at each one of them like she usually did each morning. Smiling faces she recognize and sometimes even new ones. Taking one last inhale, she took a deep breath and let it out the minute after it. Tobacco always calms her even in mornings as beautiful as this. She gazes up to see the clear blue sky before waking back to her house.

It was just the beginning of spring, so it wasn't as hot at it would get during end of spring. The other owner of the house had awoken from her sleep and gaze around her messy room. Tools, piece of metals and clothing were scatter around her room. She rubs her eyes to get a better clear view of her room. "Guess I should clean up…" She said to herself. Getting off her bed, she walked toward her bathroom, washed her face and changed her pajamas into more decent clothing.

"Where do start?" she said as she pulls on her favorite bandana over her head. She began with her desk, then later organize her books, tools, among other things and finally mops the floor, everything almost looked brand new, expect for the few bruise in her desk as mark of her depression or when she felt frustrated. "All done!" She added, taking a good look around the room she headed down stairs for breakfast.

"Morning" She greeted her grandmother noticing she was currently working on a new auto mail. "Who's that from?" She asked, taking her seat and began to eat her eggs.

"Someone from the military requested one, I am actually amaze they came to find out about us from all the way from Central." Grandma Pinako answered.

Winry only mumble, not really focusing what her grandmother has said but at the place she mention. Central…that's where Elric Brothers are or were. Unless Roy send them into another mission, then they would be hard to locate. None the less, that's where they usually stayed. Not once had Ed or Al bother to visit Rockbell's anymore after their last meeting, where Winry literally knock Ed out with her wench. She smirked as she recalls what Ed did to her poor creation. He doesn't understand or appreciate how much love Winry puts into those auto mails, especially his. Edward Elric automail was special, that's only because she put all her love into it.

"Winry could you please hand me that scissor over there, there is so many wires here loose." Grandma Pinako pointed at the tool that sat in the table. Picking it up, she handed it to her grandmother and when back to eating once again. As silence took over both females as they began to in dull themselves in their own thoughts short after a small light knock on their door brought them back to reality but with puzzle looks. "Wonder who that could be at this hour…" Winry got up from her chair and headed towards her door. She took a deep breath and put up her best smile just in case it was a customer that was waiting outside.

Opening the door, she heard something familiar.

"Brother, be nice, we just came to visit because after all is her Birthday..." One with childish voice spoke. Birthday? Winry thought as she eagerly continue to hear their conversation.

"So is not like she expects us to come, not that we have in the last 4 years." Annoyed voice said. Oh Winry knew that voice too well, there is only one person that would be annoyed by such silly events such as Birthday and would happen to be 5'3 tall and state alchemist, Edward Elric.

Winry was about to burst the door open and scream at Ed, but decide to keep her mouth shut because after all she herself forgot it was her own Birthday. Out of all events of her life, she had forgotten the most important one, her own birthday. Opening the door, Winry stared at the two, one completely cover in Metal armor and a short blonde hair one

"You…" Winry began as she pointed at Ed "JERK!" She yells as she threw her wench at him, leaving Edward Elric out cold in the front floor.

"Brother!" Al yelled bending down to check on him.

Winry gave one last look before closing the door behind her, so much for having self control, she though. Inside you could hear Grandma Pinako questioned Winry actions and telling her to let the poor boys in. Sadly Winry was too angry to even bother arguing back, so she ran up stairs and closed her door. Grandma Pinako sighed and walked toward the door, seeing Al as he lifted Ed body in his arms. "Sorry…" Al apologized.

"Do not concern yourself over such a small matter…" Grandma Pinako reply, allowing Al to walk in. She closed the door behind him and looked at Al as he stood there with Ed in his arms "Put Ed in the nearest Couch you see Al…." She spoke, and Al did as told. Setting Ed down and turning around to apologize once again.

"We didn't mean to upset her…We are sorry for not coming here to visit or send you letters…" Al was so worried even grandma Pinako might hate them but instead she laughed.

"At least is good enough to know you guys still remember us."

"We could never forget!" Al defended back.

"Beside is not like we have much of a choice…." Another voice spoke; it was Ed as he finally awoken from his sleep. Getting half way up, Ed rub the part where Winry wench had landed on him. "Ouch…" he can feel there was going to be a lump there soon enough. "Why does she always have to be so violent…Can't she be like any other girl and just hug us when she sees us?" Ed protested.


"I WOULD if you would stop been such a JERK!" It was Winry, she finally decide to come down stairs.

"Me? A jerk? You are the one throwing wenches at me!" Ed yelled back.

"That's because you deserve it!" Winry reply back.

"Alright!" Grandma Pinako spoke, shutting the two teenagers up. "Winry stop trying to abusing Ed! And Ed stopped arguing back at Winry, you are both acting like 12 year olds!" She took her cigar and began to smoke

There was a loud HMPH coming from Ed and Winry as Al sighed with defeat. "Winry….we brought you something" Al began only to be cut off by Winry.

"Oh yeah great!" Winry rolled her eyes. "I don't need any stupid gifts from this…midget!" Winry said loudly, she knew Ed was very over protective of his height and not even Winry could get away with calling him short.

"I AM NOT SHORT!" Ed head exploded, he got up and walked toward the stair case where Winry stood. "This was all Al idea! HE remember your Birthday NOT me, I could care less!" Edward yelled back. Ouch…that hit the spot.

"Brother!" Al yelled back but it was too late, Winry was already in tears and running to her room, locking the door behind her. "Why did you say that brother…." Al questioned.

"She was asking for it!" Ed was aggravated; it was Al turn to hit his brother across the head. "HEY!" he protested.

"You are so uncaring!" Before anyone got to say anything else, Al ran outside and closed the door behind him. Leaving Ed shocked and Grandma Pinako worried. She turns to face Ed who was currently shamed of himself. "It's my entire fault…" He whispers.

"That's not true Edward; you just let anger get the best of you."

"I am such an idiot…" His hair now cover his eyes, he was embarrasses and shamed.

"Why not talk to Al first, and I will talk to Winry?" She questioned.

"Yeah…thanks, oh and give this to Winry for us" Ed said handing a small but beautiful bagged gift. She only smiled and nods, taking the gift off his hands as she began to walking up stairs. "Tell her …never mind, I will tell her myself later. " With that Ed walked towards the door, opening it and closing it softly behind him, to the outside world to look for his younger brother.

"Winry…." Grandma Pinako knocked her door, only to hear silence. "Winry, open the door." She heard nothing until a small foot set down and walked toward the door, unlocking it in the progress. Opening the door, Grandma Pinako let herself in, seeing that for once Winry had cleaned her room. "This is from the boys…." She placed the small gift in her desk. "Maybe Ed was a bit harsh but you know how he is…"

"No I don't, obliviously" She began, tears falling. "If he wasn't such a jerk maybe I wouldn't had taken it to heart, but I know Ed means the things he says."

"Winry you are lett-"

"I am not…" She interrupted. "I am not…." She repeated.

Grandma Pinako sighed and walked toward the door again, "You know, Al hilted him for you as soon as you left….That poor boys feels even guiltier than his brother, so at least open the gift on his behalf." Closing the door behind her, Winry stare at her desk and turned around to face her window. It looks like is going to rain soon, so much for a beautiful day.

Winry sighed and walked toward her desk, taking the gift with her right hand and opening it carefully with her left. She unwrapped it and gasped, It was a beautiful Blue necklaces that matched Winry eyes. This was Al doing alright, she though. She touched it and looks around it carefully, only to notice a note felt from the bag. She picked it up and unfolded it.

"Dear Winry,

Happy Birthday! I hope that this day always remains special to you, we are sorry for not coming home in such a long time. Many things have happen and we have no idea where to start. Either way I hope this day is special because it only comes once a year. Happy 16 birthday Winry, I hope you like the gift.

With love,

Edward and Alphonse Elric"

Just the though that Ed wrote this, made Winry angry. How can he take the credit over something like this when it was clear that it was all Al work. "You selfish, arrogant bastard! Just wish you were in my place for once and see how it feels like to suffer as I see you be all mighty state alchemist JERK that you are! Maybe then you will realize how hard it is to be me!" Without much though, she threw the stone to the floor and ran to her bed. Too tried to care, she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

It had been nine hours since they had arrived home it has been eight hours since Winry locked herself inside her room. Al was a bit less angry than before but Ed was rather still gloomy about earlier. "How's Winry…?" Al asked.

"She is fine, probably upstairs sleeping. She hasn't been out of her room all day, oh and I gave her your gift." The old woman replied.

"I just hope she likes it…" Al got concern.

"Of course she will..." Ed replied, "She may be Winry, but she is still a girl." Ed placed his hands inside his pocket.

"If she hates it you are the one to get hit…" Al smirked.

"Al!" Ed protested, shutting his younger brother. This got Grandma Pinako even more confused. "What are you boys plotting?" She asked.

"Nothing!" Ed smiled, "Right Al?" He gave his brother the look of death, Al nodded.

"Looks like rain is coming down hard…."

"Yeah…" Al replied, staring at the window.

"You boys better get some sleep soon, already 9:00 PM, I am sure Winry will see you in the morning." With that, Grandma Pinako walked to her workshop, leaving both boys alone in the living room.

"I guess we should sleep, barely got any in the train." Ed yaws.

"Brother….do you think Winry hates us?" This caught Ed off guard.

"What?" Ed asked.

"She hasn't been out of her room all day, is not like her."

Ed sighed, Al was right, it wasn't right for Winry to lock herself in her room all day, even if she was depress Winry always looked at the bright side of things sooner or later. "I guess I should talk to her in the morning" Ed sighed, "I just hope she is in a good mood…" Ed sweat drop.

As the rain continued to fall, both boys headed toward the guest room that was located down stairs for the night. Maybe things will look better in the morning…? One can only hope.

And like all things, not everything turned out alright in the morning.

"WHAT THE HELL!" A girl voice yelled, walking up everyone in the house. Grandma Pinako and Al ran up stairs to check on Winry, since the noise had come from her room. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" Winry yelled even louder.

"Calm down Winry!" Al began.


"What?" It was Al time to sweat drop.

"AH!" Another scream, this time it came from Ed. Running down stairs Al opens the door to see Ed panicking. "What the HELL is going on? Why am I ON ED BODY?" Now Al was even more confused.

"ED!" The same body Ed yelled, as Winry Ed ran down stairs. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" Both pointed each other fingers. "I AM YOU!" Before anyone could say anything, Al had literally passed out in the floor leaving Ed and Winry screaming his name, "AL!"

It was only the beginning of Winry and Ed nightmare.

-To be Continue-

Bwhhaha How do you like? YES Winry and Ed switched BODIES! How do you like THEM APPLES?

Ed: Al quick gives me the hammer! She's gone insane!

Al: But brother!

Ed: ARGH! (hits Mary)

Mary: x.x….

Ed: Err... Please review, we promise to keep her lock in her cage next time she writes the next chapter, honest!