A/N The last chapter:cries: A beautiful story gone…

Sledgehammer: It was ugly.

Me:whaps sledgehammer: That was mean:hides in corner and cries: I didn't even get any reviews for the last chapter! I must be a horrible authoress... :still cries:

Sledgehammer: I guess I'll be doing the rest of the talking and disclaimer. :hears crying: But you have to do the story!

Me:muffled sob:

Sledgehammer:shrug: That was weird. Well, anyone, one more chapter- and here it is. A sequel to this (or tri-quel to Camping Trip Of Doom) is coming, but not immediately. And maybe some other fics too :cough: WayfarerRedemptionANDPhantomOfTheOperaANDRedwall :cough: Did I get it right, Shadowsong?

Me:muffled nod, then snuffling:

Disclaimer:signs sheet of reports for Shadowsong, then begins reading out loud: The takeover of the Super Smash Brothers Melee and all incorporated will begin within a week. Refreshments will be served, and free shirts and hats will be given to all members. Number of members- three. Shadowsong, Sledgehammer, and cat found in the gutter. Until then, will say that we do not own Super Smash Brothers Melee. :nods: Sounds good, good…

(Begin Chapter Ten)

"WAKE UP!" howled Fox in a loud baritone that sounded strange coming from a member of the canine family.

Young Link jerked up, and blinked at the glaring sunlight. "What the-" he spluttered before sinking into the sea.

Pikachu and Pichu, not sure of what to do, panicked and shot out a wave of thundershock, and zapped everything in the water.

"ARRGHHH!" roared DK, and furiously begin swimming towards shore, or more like it, floundering towards shore. The rest of the male Smashers attempted to go towards shore also.

"This-" started Link, but ended with swearing in three different languages.

Mewtwo, who was using his psychic energy to propel himself towards land, commented, "Link, there are minors here…"

Links swore again, and whipped out his sword, and began using it as a sort of paddle to go forward in the water.

Young Link, Kirby, and Ness banded together and began moving towards land, blinking sleep out of their eyes while carrying on a conversation.

"How did we get this far out?" demanded Ness, blowing dried salt off of his lips, "And how did we not drown?"

Kirby emitted several squeaks and "Hi!"s, which Ness translated into, "The girls must've done it."

"But they were sleeping too," argued Young Link. "The only person who wasn't sleeping-"

"Captain Falcon and Ganondorf weren't either," mused Ness. "So they are possible suspects. And now that I think about it, we stayed afloat by our body weight and lack of clothing, since we're all in trunks."

"Bowser and DK don't wear trunks," debated Young Link, "The ape wears a tie and Bowser…"

Silence spread over the three males.

"Let's go to a different subject," said Young Link. "What do we do when we get back?"

"I plan on sleeping," said Kirby, translated by Ness. "That water bed wasn't the best. I liked the sand better."

Ness yawned. "True. I plan on reading a book I found- Relaxation Found In An Hour."

Young Link shook his head. "But don't we usually try to cream the people that did this to us?"

Ness gave a "Why?" look at his friend, then regretted it because Kirby took this as an opportunity to flick seawater into his eye. "Ouch! Well, I don't want to- those girls are nasty when provoked."

Young Link recalled past memories. "Yeah. I think I'll read the book I found on the beach- Finding Your Older Self."

Kirby laughed and snorted at the same time (a strange feat for a cotton ball) and muttered something. Ness translated. "He says just look at Link."

Young Link cast a wary glance at Link, who was heading back to shore with Marth and Roy. All three were complaining.

"When I get back, I'm going to toast that marshmallow Jigglypuff and give her to Epona!" raged Link, using the flat of his blade to propel himself through water.

"I was thinking about making a smore out of her and giving her to Bowser. He'll eat anything toasted." Roy mimicked toasting something over flames and throwing it to the floundering Bowser, who was teamed up with DK.

Marth laughed, and then said, "We should tie up the little ball of fluff and throw her into the sea. See how long she floats!"

"Judging by how long we floated, it would be a while," quipped Link.

Roy gave him a curious look. "How would you know? You were sleeping!"

Link raised his left arm, and showed a watch. "It stopped about half an hour ago- it's not waterproof- so we were in the water for that long."

"They have watches in Hyrule?" asked Marth. "What kinds?"

Link sighed. "I wish they did- I had trouble with keeping time there. I got this from Wal-Mart, in the clearance section."

After all the male Smashers got to land (some later than others- Doctor Mario attempted to perform CPR on Luigi, who had inhaled about three gallons of salt water and was hacking up a storm, and Dr. Mario hoped that CPR would clear up some of it. It was rather difficult in the water) they all crawled onto the beach and slept there for another few hours.

On the other side of camp, Nana was petting Claws and humming "Barbie Girl" to herself, while Zelda, Peach, and Jigglypuff were slowly waking up.

As soon as she was conscious, Zelda snapped at Jigglypuff, "Go over to the boys and apologize!"

Peach yawned. "Why? They tortured us, they deserve it!"

Samus scraped up some sand between her fingers and let it sink back into the ground. "Did anyone notice that the gulls are still here?"

And they were, just laying there, motionless except for the rise and fall of their chests with breathing and occasional squeak of a dream being spoken out loud.

Grudgingly, the girls dragged all the gulls out in a pile on the edge of the beach towards the parking lot. "This has been one heck of a week," grumbled Samus as she tossed a particularly large gull into the pile.

"Agree," said Zelda, hefting two over her shoulder, another in her hand.

Nana, Claws on her shoulder, picked up three and rather violently tossed them into the pile. "That's all of them," she said with satisfaction.

Jigglypuff, back from apologizing to the guys, waddled over.

"Let's go," said Peach wearily- from need for sleep, exhaustion, and simply because she felt like saying it in a tired way like they do in the movies all the time.

The ride back on bus and the Great Fox wasn't very eventful- Link read his book he found on the beach (Finding Your Inner Child) while Young Link, Ness, and Kirby (who had Laying Off The Sweets- The Guide To Eating Right) read theirs.

Zelda, Peach, Samus, Nana, and Jigglypuff stuffed themselves into the back row, and tried not to catch the driver's eyes as he glared at them for no real reason.

Captain Falcon and Ganondorf, somewhat disappointed that everyone else gave up doing the car thing, muttered about going online to do their club.

Finally, the bus pulled into the stop, and after getting off (all the girls hurriedly sped off the bus, and crashed into some passengers, attempting to avoid the driver) the Smashers headed towards their mansion.

The passengers on the Great Fox were already there, and were using up all the hot water in the showers. Peach screamed when the cold water hit her, and fainted. The girls let her soak for a while, and waited for her to wake up.

The Master Hand, rather displeased that they were back, attempted to hide it by offering them cookies he baked with his own hand.

They all declined, and as Fox said, "We prefer living."

(End Story)


Sledgehammer: What a baby.

Me:sniffle: Uh… well… do you have a tissue?

Sledgehammer:sighs and hands over box of Kleenex:

Me: Well, read, review… you know the drill. I might write another Smasher fic soon, but in case it's not for a while, I have a few others, including Cakes and Confetti, Camping Trip of Doom, Get to know each other, The Tournament, and Sleep Over. Until then… :waves and disappears: Thanks for reading!