Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fan fiction. The author is not making money off of it. The Pacifier, all its characters, etc, belong to Disney.

Blue Eyes Gone Cold

Chapter 1:

"Seth, can I talk to you?" "Yeah Mom, what do you want to talk about?"

"It's about the bodyguard. I know how you feel about strangers and I know that you are worried, but you have to trust me on this one. You know that I would never intentionally put you in any danger. This is what is best for you and your brothers and sisters. I promise you that everything will okay. Can you trust me?" "Yes." "Are you sure your okay with the new bodyguard?" "Yes."

Seth let the conversation flow through his mind. He had answered yes to his mom that day, but the truth was, he didn't trust her and was extremely uncomfortable with the idea of a stranger living in their house without their mother being present. Uncomfortable didn't even begin to describe what Seth was feeling, he was terrified. What if the bodyguard turned out to be just like Graft, the Monster that still haunted his dreams? Seth felt the panic begin to rise within him and his breathing became labored. He knew that he was in the beginning stages of a panic attack, but he was powerless to stop it. He could not control the anxiety that was spreading like wildfire through his body.

Julie Plummer was worried about her oldest son. The teenager had said he was all right, but she knew that he was lying. Vigilantly, she had watched Seth everyday for any sign that he was about to have another panic attack. When they had first adopted Seth, the attacks had nearly debilitated the young child. It was why Seth had come to trust her. She had soothed and calmed him, told him that everything was going to be okay, that no one would ever hurt him in her household. Seth had unquestioningly believed her then and eventually the attacks had stopped, but he didn't trust her now and that worried her. It worried her so much, that for the millionth time that day, she again found herself walking to Seth's bedroom to prove to herself that her child was okay.

As Julie opened the door to her son's room she was shocked but not surprised at what she found. Her eldest son was sitting on the floor of his room, his back resting on the wall. His skin was pale and the labored breathing signaled that he was beginning to hyperventilate. She just hoped that this attack was not as terrifying as those that occurred years ago.

As Julie had done so many times before she sat down next to her child and gathered him in her arms to shield him from the demons that tormented him. She wished she could just erase Seth's past to stop the tears that were blossoming on her blouse because all could she do now was rub soothing circles on his back and talk to him to calm the storm brewing behind his blue eyes.

"Seth, sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I know that this is hard for you. I wish that I could just stay here with you guys so that we could move along with our lives, but this is something that I have to do. This is something that is important to more than just me. You know that I love you. I would never let anyone hurt you. That is why I am getting you guys a bodyguard. He will protect you from people like Graft. I will only be a phone call away if you need me." As Julie said this she felt Seth gradually begin to relax in her arms and his sobs resided. The demons and the fears were once again pushed down to his box and the lock was sealed. She lifted his chin so that his eyes were looking at her. "Are you going to be alright Seth? I will call off the trip if you want me to."

"No, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," he lied.

"Is there something else you want to talk about sweetheart?" Seth didn't reply to this, but he returned his gaze to the floor. There was something else bothering him, something that he should have mentioned to his mother, but neglected to because he didn't want to be the cause of any more stress or problems in her life.

"Seth, what is it. You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

"I had the dream again."


"Well you see, there is this new girl at school and she reminds me so much of Lillian that it is kind of scary and the dreams just happened to start up again, a couple of weeks ago."

"How do you know that this girl reminds you of Lillian? You barely remember her. You don't even know who Lillian is or how you know her."

"But I know that I knew Lillian. I know that she was important to me, that she is connected to my past and because of that she is still important to me. I once promised her that I would meet her again. I always keep my promises."


"Mom, please let's not argue about this today. The bodyguard is supposed to come soon and you will be leaving, I don't want you to leave on a sour note. Okay?"


"Ahhhh!" Surprised at the sudden intrusion in their conversation, Julie and Seth both jumped.

"That sounds like Lulu. I bet you the bodyguard is here."