Whatever Happened to that Old Thing?
This is my first fan fiction, so please read and review. I want to know if I'm any good, or if I should be thrown off the face of the earth for not doing this ever-so-wonderful comic justice.
Disclaimer: I don't own Calvin and Hobbes. Bill Watterson does, lucky dog. I don't own anything… sob
"Haha! That was great! C'mon Hobbes, we'd better get out of here before Mom comes to get us…"
A short boy with tousled blonde hair jumped out from behind a bush and ran off, closely followed by a large tiger. They ran towards a large tree with a tree house in it and a sigh labeled G.R.O.S.S. They scurried up a rope ladder into the tree house.
"This was our greatest mission yet! This meeting of Get Rid Of Slimy GirlS is now closed!" exclaimed Calvin.
"Oh no! Here comes Mom! Hide!" The boy and the tiger looked around frantically for a hiding place, but all they saw was a crate of pinecones labeled "Stuff for Throwing at Susie". With no other alternative, boy and tiger hugged each other close and sat in the middle of the clubhouse floor, waiting for their fate…
A woman's head appeared in the tree house door. "Calvin, I just got off the phone with Susie's mom. She tells me that you were throwing ROCKS at Susie! What do you have to say for yourself!"
"Uuuuh… Lies Mom! All lies! Hobbes and I have just been sitting here for the past half hour! Right, Hobbes?" Calvin turned to the stuffed tiger by his side.
"Calvin! Throwing rocks is dangerous! You could have seriously injured Susie! Come inside right now! And no dessert for a week!"
"Aww, Mom! A whole WEEK!" Calvin grabbed his stuffed animal and climbed out of the clubhouse. As soon as his mom turned her back, a real tiger was walking next to Calvin. "Oh, well. It was worth it." Calvin whispered to Hobbes.
"Yeah," snickered Hobbes. "Did you see the look on her face?"
"I sure did," Calvin giggled. He gave his tiger buddy a tight squeeze. "I'm so glad you're my best friend, Hobbes."
"Me too."
"Best Friends Forever…"
Aww… sniffs Yeah… I seriously doubt that this is going to have a happy ending, but…we'll see!