Disclaimer: Love Hina is not mine, it was written by Ken Akamatsu, and animated by Tokyo TV. This is an out of character Keitaro, if you didn't realise!

What if Naru was actually right? Maybe Keitaro isn't just a misunderstood, clumsy and naive fool, maybe he is in actual fact a pervert.

Keitaro, the Pervert: Part 1

It was 7am in Hinata-sou, and Keitaro lay on his futon, listening to the sounds of movement from the room above.

"Now, that was her moving over to the closet..." he murmured to himself, as he mentally traced Naru's movements from the sounds. After a few seconds, he stood up, and prepared to climb up through the hole in the ceiling. He grabbed a text book from the table ready.

"OK, she should just about be ready... now!"

He pushed the cover aside, and stuck his head up through the hole.

"Naru, about this question..." he began, before his eyes settled on Naru, who was halfway though putting her pantyhose on. They stared at each other for a few seconds, as Keitaro struggled to maintain an expression of surprise and bewilderment, before Naru's instinct kicked into action.

"HENTAI!" she screamed, using a well-placed kick to send him bouncing against the far wall, ceiling, and then back down the hole into the floor below. She pulled the cover back over and sat on it.

Back down in the room below, Keitaro rubbed a lump on his head.

"Ow!" he grimaced, and then brightened up. "Still... she's still got that hot butt on her! Maybe I'll get lucky today, and get to see her in the hot springs..."

With that thought snugly resting in his mind, Keitaro tidied up, and went down to get his breakfast.

"Mmmm, thankyou, Shinobu!" said Keitaro, rubbing his fully belly contentedly, "That breakfast was superb! You'll make someone a good wife, one day..."

Shinobu turned crimson with pleasure and embarassment in roughly equal quantities.

"Auuuu!" she replied, eloquently, "I... I'm happy to cook for you!" Shinobu looked down at her feet, thinking about life as Keitaro's wife.

Keitaro saw her reaction, and although he kept it from his expression, he could tell the young girl had a major crush on him. It was so much fun to get her all hot and flustered like this! Maybe she'd have to have a bath later...

"KEITARRRRRO!" cam a loud shout from over the other side of the room. Keitaro recognise Kaolla's voice, and knew what was coming. He pushed his chair back slightly.

"What've you done to Shinobu? Pervert!" shouted Kaolla, leaping over the table to land a kick on the side of Keitaro's head. Keitaro stood up slightly, and thanks to his repositioning of the chair, he managed to fall over sideways... and land in a big crash right on top of poor Shinobu.

When the dust cleared, Keitaro was in a pile on the floor, with his head up her short skirt and his face planted right into her panties. There was a moment of shocked pause, which Keitaro used to draw in a deep breath, taking in the scent of Shinobu's underwear and shivering with excitement. Then...

"Auuuuu! Sempai!"

"Urashima! You dare to molest innocent Shinobu!"

"Hentai! She's only in junior high!"

With a punch/bokken combination, Naru and Motoko sent Keitaro off through the wall before anyone could spot the tell-tale bulge in his pants. By the time he returned, he'd managed to get it back under control.

Naru and Shinobu were arguing.

"Honestly, Shinobu-chan, I don't know why you defend that pervert!" fumed Naru.

"But, Naru-sempai... I'm sure it was only an accident!" replied Shinobu, hesitantly. "It was Kaolla-chan, really... she kicked him. Keitaro-sempai is not to blame! Poor Keitaro I felt him shaking with fear just before you hit him..."

"Keitaro seems to be involved in far too many 'accidents'," interjected Motoko, flatly. "You should know all males are perverts, and want only to despoil a maiden's purity."

Shinobu looked unhappy, but still defiant. She ran out of the room past Keitaro, only pausing to whisper "Sorry, sempai!" as she passed him. Keitaro, though, was more worried about Motoko's remark. Clearly, he'd have to tone things down for a little while. With this in mind, he quickly excused himself and returned to his room.

At the back of Keitaro's closet was a hidden secret panel. After locking the door and checking the secret passages that they thought he didn't know about, Keitaro opened the panel to reveal his collection.

Several shelves held a number of photo albums, all with labels such as "Motoko - hot spring" and "Naru - upskit". There were several rows of videotapes labelled similarly. There was also a video recorder, a compact screen, and a switched receiver for the many wireless video cameras that Keitaro has concealed around the inn.

These days, you could get a tiny wireless video camera smaller than a matchbox for next to nothing. Naturally, it took a bit of time to conceal them in good locations the locker rooms, hot springs, and of course the girls' bedrooms not to mention the regular maintenance of replacing batteries and so on, but they had already paid for themselves. Being the apartment manager, he had the perfect excuse for working at all times and places, and he had more than enough opportunity to plant them and make sure they were correctly angled and focussed.

Originally, after he'd first arrived, he'd tried drilling peepholes and using a digital camera. This was fine with some of the girls, but Motoko had an uncanny knack of being able to locate him whenever he drew near. Far better to use the wireless cameras electronics doesn't have a ki aura.

Scanning through some of the cameras, he spotted Naru just walking into the hot springs. Keitaro cursed under his breath he'd missed the chance to record her undressing in the locker room again. His hot-spring-cameras were not working either probably the damp had shorted the batteries again. He'd fix them today when he cleaned the springs. Anyway, he had other tasks for today.

Keitaro wandered into the videogame arcade. After a short while, he managed to locate Haitani and Shirai, shom he'd been looking for, and signalled to them to meet him out the back.

"So, K-man, got anything new for us, then?" asked Haitani, excitedly.

"Maybe I do," replied Keitaro casually, pulling out a brown envelope and opening it. He slid out a large photograph, briefly revealing to the other boys a picture of Motoko in the hot springs locker room , bending over to pick up a towel. Haitani quickly grabbed at his nose to forestall a nosebleed, as Keitaro swiftly returned the picture to its envelope.

"Hey, I didn't see!" whined Shirai, but he was ignored by the other two.

"Same price as always?" smirked Haitani, holding out a Y1000 note with a gleam in his eye.

"I... don't think so." Keitaro replied. He fixed them with a cold glare. "This one's better than usual... and they're getting suspicious. The price is going up to Y2500 from now on."

"What! We can't afford that! You know..."

Keitaro tuned out the whining complaints. He knew they'd eventually agree to the price it was still cheap even at the new price, and he had a VCD of the whole video footage. They'd pay because it was the only way the losers would ever get to see Motoko naked and live to tell.

Eventually, they agreed, as Keitaro knew they would. Haitani handed over the money.

"You're a lucky bastard, Keitaro," he commented, as Keitaro quickly put the cash into his pocket. "You've got everyone's dream job! At least you share it with your friends... but I still wish you'd give us a discount? No? Oh well call us when you've got something new. I'd like something of Naru, maybe, and Shirai still has the hots for your aunt."

"I'll see what I can do," Keitaro replied. He could manage the pictures of Naru, but he wasn't so foolish as to try for pictures of Haruka. If Naru or Motoko found out his secret, he might live or at least have a swift death. If it were Haruka... well, it just didn't bear thinking about.

Back in his room again, Keitaro finally had a few moments to himself. He knew Naru was out for the rest of the day, so after checking the door was locked, he opened the secret cupboard in his closet and pulled out the album labelled 'Shinobu'.

Keitaro flipped through the pages as he sat on his futon, and remembered the fortunate events at breakfast. Even after everything, Shinobu still defended him, and thought him completely innocent! He knew she had a crush on him... maybe, she actually enjoyed those intimate 'accidents'? Had her scent been just that little bit more musky?

Maybe he should seduce her... but no. That would mark the end of everything here, and Keitaro was far too sensible to risk his dream job for a few moments of pleasure. Besides, he could 'have her' in his fantasies, later that evening.

Keitaro moved to return the book to the shelf, but the urgency he was feeling in his groin was far too distracting. No... not later. Now.

Keitaro sat back down on the futon, opened the book in front of him, and reached for the box of tissues.

Authors Notes:

Ewwww. Keitaro really is a hentai. Poor Shinobu is the unwitting victim this time, but who will be the target later? And, how long can he keep his activities secret from the girls? Does his future hold comeuppance, or just come? (ewww)

I got this idea after reading a number of articles about the number of Japanese men who enjoy taking up-skirt photos of unwitting young ladies. This sort of thing is seen as the worst sort of behaviour in the west, but a disturbingly high number of Japanese men seem to engage in it. Why do they feel the need to do this, when the country is already filled with miniskirted beauties? Can't they be happy with what they've already got, and act with a bit more moral fibre?

Finally a warning for not just girls but guys as well this Keitaro is fictional, but there really are perverts like this about. Don't be naieve, and don't let them get away with it.